How to fool around with your boyfriend

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Childhood is sometimes necessary not only for children, but also for adults. In fact, a little childishness can make a relationship happier and stronger. To fool around with your boyfriend, don't be afraid to be sincere and funny. Start throwing food or start a tickling war. Play the fool by taking crazy selfies, playfully teasing and coming up with funny nicknames for each other.


Method 1 of 3: Tune in to being childish

  1. 1 Accept your unique personality. To fool around with your boyfriend, stop worrying about what he thinks. Decide to be yourself instead of trying to fit in with the guy. If he doesn't value your true personality, he is definitely not worth your time.
    • Make a list of all your strengths and read it daily to boost your confidence.
    • When you feel indecisive, stop for a moment and think back to a time when you felt very confident. Try to recall the sights, sounds, and smells of that moment. By mentally returning to a period of high self-esteem, you can feel more confident in the present.
    • Listen to self-esteem music! You can even create a “confidence playlist” so you can tune in psychologically.
  2. 2 Live in the present. Part of being childish is being totally immersed in the present moment. Instead of worrying about being funny or saying the right thing, focus on having a great time with your boyfriend.
    • When you feel signs of anxiety, concentrate on your breathing. Then pay attention to what you see, feel, and hear around you.
    • Notice your boyfriend's smile, the feel of his hands in yours, and the sound of his laugh.
  3. 3 Be spontaneous. If you just need to do something stupid, do it now. In the end, childishness is about letting things go. The longer you wait, the more likely you will hold back. Wake up your funny inner child who doesn't care what others think.
    • If you are sitting by the lake, start splashing!
    • Offer an impromptu hide-and-seek or catch-up game.
  4. 4 Don't take everything too seriously. Of course, there are times when you need to be serious, but sometimes you can laugh and fool around. Not every conversation with a guy needs to be deep and emotional.Silly and lighthearted interactions are also important for strong relationships.
    • Also, don't take yourself too seriously. It's okay to act stupid sometimes. In fact, it can actually be quite fun!

Method 2 of 3: Play games

  1. 1 Have a wrestling competition. Challenge your boyfriend or surprise him from behind! Have fun but keep the fight in check. You don't want to really hurt each other.
    • Pretend to be fighting a specific fighting style such as boxing, martial arts or sumo. Declare battle in turn.
    • If your boyfriend is much stronger than you, establish some rules to even out the odds. For example, he can “fight” with one hand behind his back.
  2. 2 Plan a surprise pillow fight. The next time you're lounging on a bed or couch with your boyfriend, grab a pillow and punch him. Before you look back, the full-scale pillow battle begins.
    • Choose a great weapon! The best pillows for combat are soft and filled with down, polyester, cotton or wool.
    • Play King of the Ring: The first person to fall out of bed or couch loses.
    • Play pillow ninja. Hold one pillow in each hand and hit each other. The one who drops one of the pillows loses!
  3. 3 Throw a dance party. Play your favorite songs and rock it! You can start a childish pair dance or have a dance duel. Don't be afraid to show the class with all your hilarious dance moves.
    • Try playing a dance video game together, such as Dance Dance Revolution or Just Dance.
    • Watch videos of professional dancers and try to copy their crazy moves. Put your own spin on Dancing With the Stars and let the fun begin!
  4. 4 Play with your food. When baking cookies in the kitchen with your boyfriend, blow some flour up his nose. After he blows the flour back, toss a couple of chocolate chips at him. And let the food battle begin!
    • Play catching food: you toss a guy some gummies or grapes, and he has to catch them in his mouth.
  5. 5 Start a tickle war. Suddenly provoke a guy in the middle of the movie and start a tickling war! In a few seconds, both of you will be bent over with laughter.
    • Find his most vulnerable spots. Try the ribs, abdomen, underarms, and even feet.

Method 3 of 3: Play the Fool

  1. 1 Give it a funny nickname. The options are endless. You can choose a nickname that reflects his funny habit, or something that does not match him at all.
    • If your boyfriend is just obsessed with Star Wars, call him Chewbacca.
    • If your boyfriend is very tall, call him Tiny.
  2. 2 Tease him a little. Playful banter is flirtatious and fun. Laugh at one of his quirks, parody him kindly, or give him an ambiguous compliment. Tease is casual and fun. His insecurity should not be the subject of your jokes. Stop immediately if he looks upset or asks you to stop. To hurt feelings is definitely not funny.
    • Say something like, "Wow, for someone who lives on instant noodles, you cook well."
    • If he laughs insanely, parody him.
  3. 3 Take silly selfies. Make the weirdest grimaces and take many selfies. Try to recreate famous photos or paintings, or use Snapchat filters to make your photos look even weirder. Then review them together and evaluate your stupidity.
    • Send your boyfriend one of these funny pictures in a few weeks with the caption, "We're so attractive, aren't we?"
  4. 4 Act out a scene from your favorite movie. Turn on the scene, turn down the volume and create your own version of the dialogue. Don't be afraid to be funny, the dumber the better.
    • For fun contrast, come up with silly dialogue for a very intense romantic scene.
    • Use foreign accents to add spice to the scene.
  5. 5 Steal some of his belongings and have him chase you. Take off his hat, pull off his shoe, or steal a cookie from his plate. Give him a playful smile and dash away. Use furniture for cover when maneuvering.


  • These tips work best with lighthearted guys. Keep in mind that your boyfriend may not be one of them.


  • Some of these things can be off-putting to guys. Make sure he likes what you are doing before going too far.
  • Don't be annoying or annoying. It becomes funny and fun when and only when both are tuned in to the same wavelength.
  • Many of these silly jokes and games are worth doing in private to avoid embarrassment.