How to achieve something in life

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)
Video: How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)


To achieve anything in life, you need to define important life goals, develop a plan of action, and perhaps even consider questions of self-determination. Achieving a goal requires setting a clear goal, persisting determination, and developing a reward system that will keep you on track. More importantly, you need a goal that will keep you inspired.


Part 1 of 3: Set goals for yourself

  1. 1 Clarify your life goals. You may be very enthusiastic about pursuing a degree, starting a family, developing a successful business, or writing a book. Start visualizing your goals and talk to competent people about how you can make your aspirations a reality. Ask yourself what really makes you happy and try to follow your destiny.
  2. 2 Identify your strengths. Following a life trajectory simply because someone tells you to do it is not a good idea. However, other people can recognize your strengths without prejudice, because from the outside it is more visible. Hear what they say about your strengths and weaknesses. Try to tailor your goals to suit your strengths.
    • For example, if you are good at drawing, consider a career in graphic design. If you are successful in writing, try to use it in your own career. This does not mean that you should devote yourself to the profession of a novelist or an artist, because it is difficult to build a career of this kind. But think about other professions where you can apply your skills, such as advertising, architecture, interior design, or law.
  3. 3 Identify obstacles that might prevent you from reaching your goal. For example, you may have developed an innovative business idea, but you lack the capital to get off the ground. It will be impractical to start a sports career after a certain age. Talk to people who have walked the path you have chosen and determine how appropriate it is for you to do it.

Part 2 of 3: Develop a plan

  1. 1 Talk to a successful person. To get an idea of ​​what needs to be done in order to achieve a goal, talk to someone who has already achieved it. Ask what steps he had to take to get what he wanted. Try to get an idea of ​​the “price” he paid, that is, how many hours a day he devoted to work. Create a plan to follow suit.
    • An important part of the plan will be drawing up a daily routine. If the person has been working 3 hours a day, ask how you can do the same. Will you need to exclude watching TV from your routine or strictly limit it to a certain time of the day? You can find out this only if you carry out elementary mathematical calculations.
  2. 2 Develop an action plan to achieve the goal. Your goals will become more achievable if you develop a plan to achieve them. Set a timeline for each goal and identify the steps required to complete each. Make a plan in writing and be as specific as possible about dates, small steps, and objective benchmarks for success.
    • Determine the steps you need to take to achieve each life goal. For example, to enter a prestigious law university, you must first pass your final exams with a high GPA. Then you need to get a high score in the entrance exams. So you can make a list of reputable law universities and try your hand.
    • Break each big goal into smaller steps. For example, to apply to a prestigious law university, you need to prepare letters of recommendation, write a personal statement, and mention any experience you have gained in the field of jurisprudence. By identifying these intermediate steps early, you can be more active in developing relationships with teachers, who could write testimonials or letters of recommendation for you before graduation. Likewise, you can plan to find a freelance position in a law office for the summer before graduation.
    • Create a plan to remove obstacles and tackle challenges. For example, if your goal is to get married and have a family but can't find a partner because you're shy, ask friends to introduce you to someone, encourage yourself to attend social events, and consult a relationship specialist.
  3. 3 Stay motivated. Once you have a plan of action, you should reward yourself every time you achieve your goal. If it's a small goal, go out to dinner or somewhere to drink, maybe take yourself a day off. If the goal was big, take a long vacation. The reward will fuel your motivation, although you should make sure you set clear performance targets, such as a specific percentage of sales growth or a specific exam score. Otherwise, you won't force yourself to live up to very high standards.
    • Reflect on your personal needs. In addition to your physical needs - food, shelter, and health - think about your spiritual, emotional, and mental needs as you work towards achieving something in life. The need for respect, intellectual stimulation, challenging tasks to solve, and love are important factors in maintaining motivation. Continuously monitor the results of your work.
    • Make sure your goals fuel your motivation. For example, your chances of building a loving family will be significantly higher if you choose a partner with whom you have love and respect, who inspires you to pursue your goals.
  4. 4 Rate your progress. Constantly evaluate whether you are achieving your goals. If not, determine if you are fully committed to your goal, and if not, take more time in your schedule to work on it. If you are working hard and still not getting what you want, consider choosing a different strategy or even a new goal.

Part 3 of 3: Look at the situation from a different angle

  1. 1 Learn to postpone rewards. One of the clearest signs of how successful a person is is their ability to postpone reward for greater reward in the future.Take a bad habit that is time consuming or bad for your health - like junk food or watching TV - and try to put it off for as long as possible.
    • This is proven in an experiment with marshmallows, which have already become a classic, where children were promised two marshmallows if they could hold on for fifteen minutes and not eat one. Those who managed to postpone grants in the future received higher final exam scores, had better health, and were at a lower risk of illicit substance abuse. Further research has shown that if children are guaranteed to receive a reward after saving it, then they are better at doing it.
  2. 2 Develop persistence and willpower. Likewise, cultivating persistence is important. Stop thinking of life as a short-distance competition, but rather imagine it as a marathon. One should not expect that it will be possible to achieve the goal with intense efforts in a short period of time. Stay active and work on your goals as consistently as possible at all times.
    • The famous American comedian Jerry Seinfield, for example, claims that the key to his success has become the habit of sitting down to write jokes every day. That is, it was not about periods of intense and purposeful activity, but rather about diligence and constant habit.
    • Some recommend completing the most important or difficult task at the very beginning of the day. In this case, then you will continue to work by inertia and difficult tasks will not scare you, forcing you to put it off for later.
  3. 3 Work on your communication skills. According to research, the most successful people today are those who manage to combine professional ability and social skills. In today's world, communication skills are becoming more and more important. They need to be developed through constant practice.
    • Communicate with people, even if it is a simple greeting in public or words of gratitude. Observe how popular people behave to determine how they attract others. Also, pay attention to how people react to you to understand what works and what doesn't.
  4. 4 Be confident in yourself. Research shows that the confidence you exude is just as important as your actual ability. Think about your accomplishments. Practice facial expressions and gestures that exude confidence. Once you have the confidence to behave and be successful, your confidence will naturally grow into achievement.
    • To exude confidence, stand up straight with your shoulders back and chest out. Make your voice radiate power. When talking to someone, look the person in the eye. Practice looking and feeling like a strong person.
  5. 5 Accept the changes. For many people, change seems like a threat to their identity. However, the most successful people do not see themselves as immutable, but rather prefer to grow, change, improve their skills, and adapt to the world around them. Model yourself as successful people and follow their lead.
    • Although identity is a strong quality, you should not be held back by the inability to change. Instead, embrace the evolution of your personality - the idea that your true identity is who you are becoming, not who you were.