How to achieve beautiful hair

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
😱Hair Damaging Habits You’re Doing EVERY DAY! • Simple Tips No One Tells You
Video: 😱Hair Damaging Habits You’re Doing EVERY DAY! • Simple Tips No One Tells You


How wonderful it would be if your hair looked amazing every day! And not just good, but great! Rest assured, getting beautiful and healthy hair is easier than you think.To keep your curls well-groomed, all you need to do is follow some simple hair care routines combined with the right products to suit your hair type.


Part 1 of 4: Choosing Products for a Specific Hair Type

  1. 1 Determine your hair type. Hair type is determined by many factors, including the degree of waviness, texture, porosity, thickness, thickness and length of the hair. All of these factors create unique hair types that dictate which products and treatments are best for them.
    • Knowing the type of hair (straight, curly, dry, thin, dyed, and so on), it will be easy to find products for caring for them in the store. Just use the products that are specifically designed for your hair type. Almost every brand of hair products has a variety of product options for consumers with different hair types. It is best to determine the type of hair when its condition is as close to its natural condition as possible.
    • If you do not know your hair type, or they can be characterized by several types at once, then you can always consult with a hairdresser when you next go to cut or dye your hair.
    • If you have colored hair, look for products specifically made for colored hair. They usually have special moisturizing properties because they are dyed with harsh chemicals that often dry out the hair. They also help preserve the color and shine of colored hair.
  2. 2 Use products designed for your natural hair type. You need to use the products that are specifically designed for your hair type. This allows you to easily control your hair and style it exactly the way it looks best on your hair type. For example, if you have fatty hair, you need to give up moisturizing shampoos and pay attention to balancing or cleansing shampoos.
    • Curly and rude hair is better suited for anti-frizz, making it more manageable. And, depending on how you want to style your hair, you can look for products to show or soften curls.
    • Rare and thin for hair, means to increase the volume are suitable, but at the same time they are sufficiently gentle to cleanse the hair. As the oily content is more noticeable on thin and thin hair, such hair may require more frequent shampooing.
    • For painted or otherwise chemically treated hair, try to use products designed specifically for this type of hair. This is necessary for two reasons: firstly, such products contain amino acids and caring substances that help to strengthen damaged hair; secondly, these products have a softer effect, so they retain their color or the effect of chemical treatment (be it curling or straightening) longer. Color-dyed hair can fade for many reasons (sunburn, exposure to chemicals in hair products, chlorine in water, and so on), but shampooing is usually the main cause, as people wash their hair regularly.
  3. 3 Ask your hairdresser for recommendations. The hairdresser is accustomed to working with a wide variety of hair types on a daily basis, so he can give you helpful advice on which products to use for your hair type (especially if you are a regular customer and this person already knows your hair very well). You can be offered a variety of brands of products, ranging from professional salon products to those products that you can easily find in a regular store.

Part 2 of 4: Washing your hair properly

  1. 1 Try to wash your hair less often. Many people wash their hair daily when they shower, but in reality, daily shampooing can do more harm than good. Hair is impregnated with sebum (sebum), which provides it with natural moisture.With daily use of the shampoo, the sebum is washed out, which causes the scalp to produce more oil to compensate for the lack of it. Therefore, it is best to wash your hair only 2-4 times a week.
    • Instead of shampooing your hair, you can try simply rinsing your hair with water to freshen up its appearance, or apply dry shampoo in between uses of classic shampoo to prevent hair from becoming greasy.
  2. 2 Use shampoo correctly. Many people simply shampoo their entire hair, but the key to hair beauty is also scalp care. Massage your skin while lathering your hair. Massage helps relieve stress, improve blood circulation, stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair roots.
  3. 3 Use the correct dosage of shampoo. Very often people use more shampoo than needed. For those with medium to long hair, a drop of shampoo with a diameter of a five-ruble coin is enough. For people with short or medium hair, a drop with a diameter of a ruble is enough.
  4. 4 Avoid using hot water to wash your hair. It is best to wash your hair with lukewarm or cool water, as hot water draws moisture from your hair and makes it dry. The cooler the water, the softer it acts on the hair and even helps to give it shine by sealing the moisture inside.
  5. 5 Squeeze excess moisture out of your hair. After shampooing your hair, wring out excess water from your hair. Your curls should not be very wet when you apply the conditioner, as excess moisture can prevent it from penetrating into your hair and moisturizing it properly.
  6. 6 Apply conditioner to the ends of your hair starting from the middle of your hair. Again, the amount of conditioner used depends on the length of the hair, but more often a drop of a ruble is enough. The ends of the hair are farthest from the scalp that nourishes the hair. Therefore, they tend to be drier and most need conditioner.
    • Leave the conditioner on your hair for 2-5 minutes. This will be enough to saturate your hair.
    • This time can be used to wash or shave.

Part 3 of 4: Using Healthy Hair Styling Practices

  1. 1 Comb your hair gently. Not every hair type can handle frequent brushing well, but it is still important to brush your hair several times a day to avoid tangling. This will help them look silky all day long.
    • After the shower, it is best to detangle your hair with a flat comb rather than a brush. Brushing on wet hair can lead to breakage, as it becomes less durable when wet than when dry. Flat combs are more gentle on the hair and at the same time allow you to effectively detangle it.
    • It is important to keep your combs clean by regularly freeing them from accumulated hair. To clean the brush, simply lift off the hair and remove any remaining hair care products trapped between the bristles. Then wash the brush with either baking soda and water or water and shampoo.
  2. 2 Use thermal styling appliances as little as possible. Excessive enthusiasm for thermal styling of hair (with the help of hair dryers, irons, curling irons, hot curlers and the like) can lead to hair damage, fragility and dryness. Try to use thermo appliances only every other day, not every day.
  3. 3 Protect hair from heat. Apply heat protectant spray to hair before using heat styling tools. The protectant will additionally hydrate the hair and help it retain moisture by acting as a barrier to harmful heat. Be sure to pay special attention to the ends of the hair, which are often the most exposed to direct heat.
  4. 4 Let your hair dry naturally by blotting it. Towel-blotting your hair can save you time and energy that might have gone into blow-drying your completely wet curls. Plus, letting your hair dry naturally before blow-drying will help protect it from unnecessary and unnecessary heat exposure.
  5. 5 Avoid using the maximum temperature setting on hair styling appliances. Again, exposure to high temperatures causes significant damage to hair, so use medium to low temperature settings when heat-drying and styling your hair. When you blow dry your hair, the temperature of the air jet should be comfortable for the back of your hand and should not be unpleasant.
  6. 6 Always keep the nozzle of your hair dryer away from your hair. When straightening your hair with a hairdryer, keep the nozzle 5–7.5 cm away from them. This will reduce the direct thermal effects and prevent scalp and hair from scalding. Also try to direct the airflow from the hair dryer from top to bottom, instead of blowing directly into the hair from the side. This will reduce frizzy frizzy hair.

Part 4 of 4: Maintaining Hair Beauty

  1. 1 Get a haircut every 6-8 weeks. In this case, we are not talking about giving a general shape to the hairstyle, but about cutting the ends. Therefore, when visiting a hairdressing salon, it is not necessary to cut your hair to a large extent, especially if your hair does not split. By regularly trimming the ends, the hair looks better and generally stays healthier.
  2. 2 Use hair ties less often. Hair ties help keep hair tucked away during sports, tame unruly curls and quickly pull hair together, but they are not gentle on hair. The elastic can pull the hair tightly (especially in a very tight ponytail), and the effect can cause hair to break off. Instead of tying tight ponytails and tufts around your hair with regular elastic bands, try headbands, textile elastic bands, and bobby pins to help keep your hair pulled together with minimal harm.
  3. 3 Treat your hair with a deep penetrating conditioner. Do this once a week or at least a couple of times a month to keep your hair hydrated and smooth. There are many ready-made conditioners on the market, but you can also make home remedies similar to them. If you want to moisturize and soften your hair, you need to pay attention to deep penetration conditioners with cetyl, stearyl and cetiaryl in the composition. If you need to strengthen your hair, look for products with ingredients such as keratin, amino acids, hydrolyzed proteins, and henna. When using a deep penetrating conditioner, keep it on your hair for 5-30 minutes. This allows the hair to be well saturated with the nourishing and moisturizing components of the conditioner.