How to drive girls crazy

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 7 January 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Make A Girl Crazy For You (Do This TODAY!)
Video: Make A Girl Crazy For You (Do This TODAY!)


Of course, you can like a girl or make her laugh, but how do you make her go crazy for you? Achieving this is a big challenge, because you will need to intrigue her and make her think that you are different from everyone in a natural way, without putting absolutely any effort into it. All you need to do this is a little planning, dexterity, and confidence. If you want to make a girl go crazy for you, don't be too smart and do everything with a cool head. Before you even have time to blink an eye, it will be completely in your power. If you want to know all the secrets of this process, go to the first step.


Part 1 of 2: Become the impossible guy to resist

  1. 1 Let her see you are having a good time. A girl wants nothing as much as a guy who enjoys life and is completely happy himself. Laugh a lot and tell stories when you are with your friends. On your way to class, think of something good that will put a smile on your face. When you see her, show her that you are in a good mood and that you are not a bore. You don't have to pretend, of course, but you have to show her that you are a person enjoying life, and that should push her to want to be closer to you.
    • If she sees that you are having a great time, she will want to be a part of it. If she thinks that you need a girl to spend time at the highest level, she will think that you are not very happy on your own.
  2. 2 Be a gentleman. Gentlemen are rare these days and if you are one of them, girls will notice. You don't, of course, need to wear a hot suit or be too formal to show women that you are courteous. Be a gentleman, treat women with respect by opening doors for them, asking about their well-being, and don't be vulgar or rude in their presence. Every girl wants to be treated like a lady, and let your gentleness happen naturally and at ease.
    • Many guys you know may not have good manners or be polite. Stand out from the crowd with your good manners and courtesy, both to girls and to people in general.
  3. 3 Amaze her with your confidence. Girls like guys who are confident and naturally attracted to them. If you want a girl to really lose her head on you, then you have to make her see how much you love your own nature. Be happy that you are here and now, enjoy the time with your friends, and just let her see that you are happy and calm that you are who you are and that you do not care what others think. ... Many men are insecure and girls don't like it; they don't really want to take the time to guide you through life. If you are satisfied with everything in your personality and you are happy with it, then the chances that the girl will want to be with you becomes greater.
    • This does not mean that you should like absolutely everything about yourself. This means that you must know your weaknesses, trying to change the ones that you can, and accept the ones that cannot be changed.
    • You don't need to show off or be macho to show that you are a confident man. In fact, it would rather alienate the girl than attract.
  4. 4 Be independent. Even though girls need guys who have time for them, they don't need guys who have nothing else to do. If you want a girl to go crazy for you, you need to surprise her with how cool and independent you are. You should be happy doing your favorite activities, playing the guitar or running in the park, for example. If you love doing what everyone else, because you yourself are not able to come up with anything for yourself, she will not be impressed. Instead, surprise her with your ability to think for herself and feel good about herself.
    • While girls like guys who have a great time around, they still don't want guys who are bored when they're alone.
  5. 5 Be a little mysterious. Don't tell her all the smallest details of what you are thinking at once. When you get to know the girl, of course, you will reveal a few of these details about yourself, but at first you should not reveal to her how much you love your dog or talk about your fight with your best friend. Make her want to get to know you, over time and step by step. If she thinks that you can study you in an hour, she will not be interested in you. You don't have to either lie to her or come up with excuses to seem mysterious, and spread everything to her at once.
    • If you have to go, don't say you're in a hurry to meet your mom. Walk away so that she wonders what your plans are.
  6. 6 Be a master at something. Nothing makes girls go crazy more than a guy who plays the guitar well, who sings well, or who plays basketball like a god. In short, talent turns on. If you want to surprise and discourage a girl, your skills and talents will help you perfectly. This does not mean that you have to brag about it at every corner or show off in front of her. This means that you have to work to learn how to do something really well and for her to know about it.
    • Of course, you shouldn't do something just to surprise a girl, but do it because you care.Being a pro at something will also boost your self-esteem, which is also a great way to impress a girl.
  7. 7 Don't be an upstart. Stop thinking that the only way to get a girl crazy about you is by constantly bragging and talking about how awesome you are at various activities. If you are really good at something, she will notice it; if you still want to tell her, it means that you are insecure and feel that you have to convince people that you are irresistible. You can talk about things that you like to do, but don't say anything like, “I can perfectly…” or “I ate a dog on this…” otherwise the girl will just get bored with you and she will stop listening to you.
    • If you constantly exhibit and talk about your irresistibility, girls will see you as poisonous in any conversation. No one wants to be in the company of guys who only do what they say about themselves to their beloved.
  8. 8 Watch your appearance. This is not to say that you should spend all of your free time in the gym exercising on machines. It just means that you have to put in some effort to look good. Before leaving the house, make sure you shower, smell good, wear the right clothes, and are not tousled (unless it's part of your image). If you look like you've just got out of bed, it will make her wonder if she wants to take the time to be partial to you if you don't take care of yourself. You don't have to look like a model to show a girl that you've put in some effort to look decent.
    • If you are hanging out with girls, your dignified appearance is a manifestation of politeness. Otherwise, she will take your careless appearance for an insult.
  9. 9 Treat others with respect. If you want a girl to go crazy for you, you need a reputation as a nice person. This does not mean that you should let people wipe their feet on you or be nice to people who are unfriendly to you, but it does mean that you should treat everyone around you, from the most unpopular kids in your school to the teachers or the salesperson at your local store. , with a decent level of respect. Do not show respect exclusively to popular people by treating others with contempt; treat everyone around you as equals and the girls will be impressed with what a good person you are with a good heart.
    • Contrary to what you might think, humiliating people and gossiping won't help you win girls over. If you always speak negatively about other people or communicate in an inappropriate way, girls will think that they cannot really trust you.
  10. 10 Don't be too serious. Girls like guys who can make them laugh and who can make fun of themselves. This does not mean that you have to be insecure and overly self-critical, but if you find an opportunity to laugh at yourself and make the girl laugh in the process, do not miss her. She will find it tempting that you are not obsessed with the idea of ​​impressing her or making her think that you are perfect, and she will begin to open up to you and want to be there.
    • If you are easily offended or angry when someone makes fun of you, you will appear insecure and resentful. Learn to accept jokes and the girls will be yours.

Part 2 of 2: Conquering Her

  1. 1 Really listen to her. One of the most common mistakes guys make is that they spend so much time talking or worrying about themselves that they often forget to stop and realize that they have a girlfriend in front of them. You can also make the innocent mistake of thinking hard enough to say something to surprise the girl that you don't have time to hear what she is saying.Instead, take the time to hear her, date her to finish talking without interrupting her, and make an effort to really understand what she has to say instead of turning the arrows back to herself.
    • It is really difficult for girls to find someone who would listen to them. Listening well can help you differentiate yourself from others.
  2. 2 Flirt with her. A little flirting can make a difference. If you want to attract a girl, you should know how to flirt without going overboard. Be cheerful, light and playful, sprinkle with harmless jokes and tease the girls a little, set the conversation in a good-natured, cheerful tone. Don't make too sexual comments or offend the girl if you are just trying to tease her; instead, give cute compliments and laugh at yourself a little so that she knows you like her and don't take all this flirting too seriously.
    • Naturally, if you want to conquer one special girl, you should give her all your flirting energy, only occasionally flirting with others to make it more interesting; you don’t want her to think that you’re a womanizer who flirts with everyone and you don’t give a damn about her.
  3. 3 Make her friends think you are the ultimate. If you want a girl to go crazy for you, it will help you a lot if her friends think that you are upper class. If you are friendly only with the girl you like, and you behave like a pig with her friends, she will find out about it and will think that you treat people obscenely. But, if you charm her friends without flirting with them or giving any hints, they will tell her what a great guy you are and, no doubt, she will like you even more.
    • When a girl hears other girls talking about how wonderful this guy is, she becomes jealous and this makes the guy even more attractive in her eyes.
  4. 4 Make her feel like she is special. If you want a girl to go crazy for you, you need to make her think she is special by taking the time to understand how unique she is. Tell her, "You are not like other girls ..." or "You are so different from your friends ..." and make her think that she is truly unique to you. You can give her a special compliment about her personality, or mention something she said in a previous conversation to show that you are listening to her and that you care about her. Don't do this to other girls, or she will find out about it and it will look like you are just playing with her. Girls want to feel unique and if they find a guy who makes them feel it, they will be yours without a trace.
    • Take the time to really notice the things that set this girl apart from others, like her self-confidence, her laugh, or her dancing talent. Let her know why she is special.
  5. 5 Be a tough nut to crack. Although you want to win the girl, you should keep a little competitive spirit. Let her not think that you are already in her pocket, let her also conquer you. It should be mutual. Let her know that you care about her, but don't overwhelm her with compliments from head to toe. Go out with her, but don't cancel plans with your friends either. Let her not think that you are free any minute she wants to. If she calls you, don't pick up the pipe the first second; you have other things to do, right? This will spur her to want more.
    • This does not mean that you should play elaborate girl conquest games. This means maintaining an interest so that she doesn't feel bored when meeting you. If you disappoint her, then the chances that she will go crazy over a guy as alluring and gorgeous as you will be significantly less.
  6. 6 Don't bother her. You don’t want to become that possessive maniac that all girls are afraid of, as well as Mr. If you are already in a relationship with a girl or just starting out with her, texting her every minute, asking how her day is going, how she wrote a math test or played a game of football, will show that your thoughts about her even then, when not together. This will make her think that you are the guy to look at. Just make sure that you are not obsessive, otherwise she will simply have nothing to breathe with you.
    • Don't text her hello more than once a day. You don't want her to think that you have nothing else to do but keep in touch with her.
  7. 7 Don't think too hard. The best way to win a girl is to take your time and enjoy every moment, instead of coming up with 50 different ways to make you sound like a cool guy. As silly as it sounds, after all, you want the girl to like you, not a pathetic parody of you. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the girl recognizes you as real and that you recognize her real in the process.
    • If all you do is try to impress a girl, pretend to be hard to touch, or just behave in an unnatural way, she will quickly see you through. Instead, relax, charm the girl and let her go crazy over you.


  • Be confident in yourself
  • Do not call or write to her constantly.


  • Think before you speak, but don't be too tense.