How to lunges

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Bowflex® How-To | Lunges for Beginners
Video: Bowflex® How-To | Lunges for Beginners


Exercises where your body weight is important in order to make your legs, arms, and stomach strong are very effective. Exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats and lunges can be used in both cardio and strength training if you do multiple sets at a time. Learning to do the right lunges can help you get your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and thighs in shape.


Method 1 of 3: Forward Lunges

  1. 1 Wear athletic shoes. In such shoes, it will be convenient for you to lunges.
    • Don't lunges on the mat. These exercises are best done on a firm, level surface.
  2. 2 Stand sideways to the mirror. The mirror will help you stay level so you don't get hurt during the exercise.
  3. 3 Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your hips. Pull in your stomach.
    • Relax your head, chin down, stand even straighter and relax your shoulders as much as possible. It is very important that you stand in the correct position during the lunge.
  4. 4 Step forward with your right foot 0.6 - 0.9 m. The higher you are, the further you can lunge. Keep your back straight as you move forward.
  5. 5 Raise your left foot slightly so that your toes are on the floor and your heel is off the floor.
  6. 6 Bend both knees at the same time. The point here is for both knees to be bent at a 90 degree angle. Make sure your right knee does not protrude beyond the toe.
    • Check if you are doing the exercise correctly by looking in the mirror. You may need to correct your position, especially if this is your first time lunging. Maybe your right leg is very far away, or very close. Correct the situation, if necessary, then try again.
  7. 7 Hold this position for 1 to 5 seconds. Stopping your momentum will give you more strength to climb back out of the lunge.
  8. 8 Push off with your right heel to get up. Return your right leg to its original position.
  9. 9 Repeat with your left foot. Check yourself again in the mirror and fix whatever needs to be done. Repeat this 10 times on each side, or do 2 or 3 sets of 10 lunges.
    • To get the most out of your cardio or strength training, you need to do lunges until your muscles get tired and your heart starts to beat faster. Stop the exercise if you can no longer hold the desired position.
    • Increase the difficulty of your lunges with weights. Start with 1kg dumbbells in each hand. Place your arms at your sides. Do lunges with these weights. Increase the weight as you get stronger.

Method 2 of 3: Walking lunges

  1. 1 Find a level spot. A sports track is very suitable.
  2. 2 Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge with your right foot forward following the instructions described earlier.
  3. 3 Linger at the bottom.
  4. 4 Push off with your right foot. Move forward with your left leg. When lifting, your feet are shoulder-width apart.
  5. 5 Hold and lunge forward with your left foot. Repeat the advance step for the entire length of the track. Relax for a couple of minutes and repeat.
    • Add complexity by picking up weights during forward lunges.

Method 3 of 3: Side Lunges

  1. 1 Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Look in the mirror if this is your first time lunging.
  2. 2 Turn your feet slightly so that your heels are closer than your toes. Do not try to twist your leg too much, as you can injure your knees.
  3. 3 Keep your back straight and suck in your stomach throughout the exercise. Place your hands on your hips.
  4. 4 Step to the side 0.3 - 0.6 m. Your left leg remains in the same position.
  5. 5 Lower your right knee to the ground. Make sure the knee does not protrude beyond the tips of your toes.
    • Because your toes are turned a little, your knee will also have a slight turn. It should be a continuation of the line of your second toe.
  6. 6 Linger at the bottom. Check your position in the mirror and fix whatever is needed.
    • Test yourself by trying to lift your right toes. Your body weight should be on the heel, so you won't be able to push forward much.
  7. 7 Push off with your right heel and return to the starting position.
  8. 8 Repeat the same on the left side. Do 10 lunges on each side. You can do 10 lunges per leg, or change legs.


  • Once you have worked these lunges, you can move on to more difficult lunges. For example, a "explosive lunge" is based on a forward lunge, but you will need to jump out of a side lunge to the right, switch legs and land in a side lunge to the left.

What do you need

  • Sport shoes
  • Mirror
  • Dumbbells
  • Sports track / Surface