How to do hand reflexology

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Do Hand Reflexology on Yourself | Reflexology
Video: How to Do Hand Reflexology on Yourself | Reflexology


Just like on the legs and ears, there is a "map" of the human body on our hands. Each part of the body, including internal organs, has a corresponding reflex point on the hands. By pressing on the reflex points on your hands, you will stimulate nerve impulses that go to the corresponding parts of the body. These impulses trigger a relaxation response. When the muscles relax and the blood vessels open up, blood circulation increases, which means that the amount of oxygen and nutrients entering the cells of this part of the body increases.


  1. 1 Use hand reflexology on your own to relieve symptoms such as headache, constipation, or shoulder pain. Hand reflexology requires you to apply a little more pressure than your legs because the reflex points on your hands are much deeper.
  2. 2 Sit in a comfortable chair in a quiet, dark room.
  3. 3 Relax with your favorite lotion. Oils and lotions are not commonly used in professional reflexology sessions, but there will be no harm if you apply them during an informal session.
  4. 4 Massage the lotion onto your hands for a few minutes or until it is completely absorbed. This will relax your arms and increase their flexibility, preparing them for reflexology. Do not use oily lotion or oil that will make your hands and fingers slippery.
  5. 5 Close your eyes and focus on the part of your body where you feel discomfort or pain. Sometimes you may just feel as if a part of your body needs adjustment.
  6. 6 Study the hand reflexology chart to determine which reflex points on the hands correspond to the parts of the body that you want to work with. For example, if you have pain in the left shoulder, then looking at the diagram, you will see that the reflex points of the left shoulder are on the little finger of the left hand.
  7. 7 Press firmly on the reflex point. You can gradually increase the pressure, it is important to make sure that you "start" the reflex, but if you feel pain, then release the pressure.
  8. 8 Maintain pressure for 30 seconds and then release.
  9. 9 Wait a few seconds and try again. You can either press for another 30 seconds, or press and release the reflex point, pulsating for 30 seconds.
  10. 10 Use your index or thumb to apply gentle pressure if the hard pressure technique is not suitable for you. Make circular motions over the reflex point for 5 seconds in one direction and then in the opposite direction for another 5 seconds. Repeat several times for each reflex point.
  11. 11 Do reflexology on all areas on both arms, but pay more attention to the problem areas.
  12. 12 After finishing your reflexology session, sit quietly for at least 10 minutes. If possible, then lie down and rest for half an hour.
  13. 13 Drink several glasses of water within a few hours after reflexology. The water will help flush out the toxins that were released from your organs and muscles during the session.


  • Always work with reflex points on both hands to keep your body in balance.
  • The method of hand reflexology is that when something in the body does not work correctly, unusual sensations will appear when pressure is applied to the corresponding reflex point on the hand. Perhaps when you press on the point, the sensations will be harder, softer, more tender, or you may even feel a crunch. If you come across a sore spot, refer to the hand reflexology chart to see which area of ​​the body this point corresponds to.
  • Reflexology on the arm will give you the same results as on any other part of the body, but it will take a little longer to get these results.
  • A darkened, quiet room ideal for a session, you can do hand reflexology while sitting on the plane or at your desk.
  • If you suffer from arthritis and the use of your index and thumb is painful, you can use other objects to help you apply pressure to your reflex points. You can get reflexology special instruments, but they are expensive. You can get the same result if you use household items to put pressure on your reflex points. Try squeezing or rolling a golf ball or any small, round object, such as hair curlers, in your hand. If it is too painful for you to squeeze an object, then place it on a flat surface and, covering with your hand, press on it as hard as you can.
  • When conducting a hand reflexology session with a friend, sit him at the table opposite you and place him under his hands and wrists on a towel, so that his hands are relaxed.


  • Do not do hand reflexology if you have injuries on your hands. Instead, use another form of reflexology, such as foot or ear reflexology, until your hand heals.
  • Reflexology is a complementary treatment. Do not try to diagnose and treat yourself for any serious illness or condition. Consult a licensed physician in addition to self-administered reflexology.

What do you need

  • Lotion (optional)
  • Reflexology tools (optional)
  • Hand reflexology schemes