How to make a man feel loved

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Him Feel Loved | What 99.9% of Men Want You To Know!
Video: How To Make Him Feel Loved | What 99.9% of Men Want You To Know!


For a healthy relationship with a loved one, it is vital to be able to make them feel their importance in your life. While all men are different, there are a number of universal gestures, words, and actions that you should learn to use if you really want your man to feel loved.


Part 1 of 3: Through Caring Activities

  1. 1 Make him dinner. You don't need to be a great cook, you don't even need to cook something delicious. The time and effort involved in preparing any dish demonstrates a certain level of care if the food is prepared for another person. This alone will say more eloquently about your love than any words.
    • For special occasions, find out what his favorite dishes are and try to cook it. Of course, it is worth cooking other dishes from time to time, but honing your skills in cooking his favorite dishes, you thereby show that you are putting these efforts for his sake.
  2. 2 Offer to pay the bill. Any relationship is associated with a certain financial burden. Men often take on most of this burden. Even if he is happy about it, you can still show attention to his needs and his situation by offering to pay bills from time to time. He may or may not accept your offer, but the knowledge that you are just as willing to pay for him as he is for you will once again convince him that you enjoy being with him for the sake of himself, not just because he spoils you.
    • Learn to stop in time. Some guys like the role of a financial security provider, and if it works out well for your relationship, you don't need to force him to agree to your offer to pay. Express the idea, and if he politely rejects it, leave it as it is.
  3. 3 Do what he likes. Chances are, there is at least one activity that your boyfriend likes, but does not fascinate you at all. Find out what his hobbies are and tell him that you would like to do it together. When the time comes, get involved with him without expressing your displeasure. Your willingness to put his needs ahead of yours will become a clear manifestation of your love for him.
    • For example, offer to go to a concert of his favorite band together, even if you hate the music, or ask him to take you to a game of his favorite hockey team, even if you find the sport extremely boring.
  4. 4 Use your phone. When you are in different places, call him. This is important even if you live together and only part ways for the duration of your work. A quick phone call, just to let him know what you think of us, will give him the feeling that you are “near” even when physically you are at a distance.
    • Of course, know when to stop. One call during the working day can be pleasant, but calling every hour can be annoying and frustrating.
  5. 5 Write him a note. If you live separately, a love letter is a good idea, but if you live together and see each other every day, try putting a note in his pants pocket or bag. When he bumps into her a little later, perhaps it will make him smile.
  6. 6 Buy him his favorite treat. If your man has a favorite treat or food, buy it for him, especially if you know he has had a hard day and a lot of stress. This is a very simple act, but there is a lot of concern in it, and this concern will demonstrate your love for a man.
    • If you are a good cook, prepare the treat yourself.
    • A favorite treat can be something sweet, some kind of delicacy, for example, an ice cream briquette. Or maybe something more serious, like pizza or a dish from your favorite restaurant.
  7. 7 Give unexpected kisses. The longer two people are together, the more they risk getting caught up in a routine.A kiss or similar display of affectionate affection can be especially dramatic if you present it at an unexpected moment.
    • Kiss him on the lips or cheek as you walk by, or gently squeeze his hand under certain circumstances.
    • Try snuggling your foot against him in a restaurant, or grabbing his hand as you walk down the street.
  8. 8 Give him a massage. You don't need to be a specialist to get a good massage. Read what to do and then surprise your man after a long day at work with a massage that will make him forget about all the hardships. In itself, such a gesture is more eloquent than any words, and since massage is also an intimate physical act, your man will feel that you love his body as well.

Part 2 of 3: Through meaningful words

  1. 1 Tell him how important he is to you. One of the easiest ways to make a man feel loved is to tell him directly, "I love you." Direct expression of love and affection loses its meaning if not confirmed by actions, but, nevertheless, it is important to express feelings in words too. It is the words that clothe your actions dictated by love with one obvious meaning.
    • Use different expressions. Saying “I love you” is important, but there are other words that express love just as deeply. Try saying something like “I'm so grateful to have you in my life”, “I'm so in love with you” or “You are incredibly important to me”.
  2. 2 Compliment him on how he looks and moves. Be that as it may, women are more likely to receive compliments for their appearance from men. Men are much less likely to hear such things about themselves, but as visual beings, they tend to want to know that you enjoy looking at them as much as they enjoy looking at you.
    • For example, if he plays a lot of sports and you go to root for him, tell him something like “I love watching you play basketball” or “I love the way your body looks when you play”.
    • If he is not particularly active physically and is more in the category of intellectuals or creative people, you can compliment his body by saying something like, "I like watching your hands when you play the piano."
    • Even simple compliments like “I love to look into your eyes” or “I wish I could admire your smile all day” can work wonders.
  3. 3 Let him know how much you want him. Tell him that he turns you on. In a strong romantic relationship, emotional and physical love go hand in hand. You need to learn how to express your love both emotionally and physically. Tell him how you like his body and how important it is for you to feel his touch.
    • Of course, more often than not, you convey these feelings with gestures and behavior. However, as with the emotional expression of love, direct text can sometimes play a very important role here.
  4. 4 Show it off to others. When the two of you are in public, sing songs of praise to him. Talk about how great he is at work, how passionate he is about his hobby, how amazing he is to make you feel loved. These are all amazing words to face, and speaking to other people in his presence will make you feel even more proud of him.
  5. 5 Thank him. Express your gratitude sincerely and often. “Thank you” should be part of your daily communication. Tell him how much you appreciate all his little cares. If he does something for you on a regular basis that you usually don’t thank him for, find a way to tell him that it’s valuable to you, even if you don’t express it that often.
  6. 6 Ask for forgiveness. Conflicts happen between all couples. If you have an argument, take the first step towards reconciliation and ask for forgiveness, even if you are not at fault. You don't always have to apologize first, but it's important to take this step from time to time.Apologizing will let him know that your relationship is more important to you than your own ego, and that you are ready to fight for it.
    • This does not mean that you need to let him step over you. If you feel like he will never ask for forgiveness unless you apologize first, or worse, does not ask for forgiveness even if you said “I'm sorry, I'm sorry”, there may be a deep problem in your relationship that needs to be identified and solve.
  7. 7 Remind him that you are on his side. When stress builds up in life, just tell him “I'm near”. He may be wary of showing weakness in front of you, so saying that you love him, even if he feels weak, can be very encouraging.
  8. 8 Never shame him. What you don't say can have the same meaning as what you say. If there are serious problems in the relationship, they need to be addressed, but avoid humiliating, scolding, and shaming him.
    • Utterances designed to induce shame are critical but not constructive. For example, “You are so cold; do you ever have any feelings? “Is a statement intended to induce feelings of shame. On the other hand, “It hurts me when you leave without explaining what exactly is wrong” is a statement that reflects real problem behavior and opens up an opportunity for further dialogue.

Part 3 of 3: Through Extra Attention

  1. 1 Make it your priority. No matter how busy you are, let him know that you always have time for him and that you will do anything to find time for him in your schedule. Don't make him feel like he has to ask for your attention. Make it absolutely obvious to him that he is one of the most important parts of your life.
  2. 2 Show affection and affection. Kiss him in the morning, goodbye, before bed. Snuggle up to him when you are sitting next to him. Linger in his arms when he hugs you. Physical attraction is a manifestation of physical love, and the physical dimension of love in a romantic relationship is no less important for a guy than the emotional one.
  3. 3 Strive to get to know him better. This is important no matter how much time the two of you have spent together, but especially important if you just fell in love with each other. Find out what he likes and what not. Ask him about the past and plans for the future. Striving to get to know him deeper is a sign that you are serious about this relationship.
    • In part, this process involves being willing to listen to your guy when he talks about something he is interested in, even if it is not of interest to you. However, your dialogue should not always be only in his interests. If you want a healthy relationship, you need to make sure that both of you have the opportunity to talk about what is important to each of you.
  4. 4 Chat with his friends and family. If you've never met them, ask him to introduce you to other people who are important to him. And after getting to know each other, do everything to establish contact with them. By inviting these people into your life, you demonstrate a desire for your lives to be connected in the future.
    • At the same time, you should make sure that you give him time to spend with these people without you, especially his friends. Sometimes your man may be sorely lacking in “friendly gatherings”, so you should give him that time.
  5. 5 Retire with him. Sometimes your man may need to retire from the whole world for a while. If he invites you with him, retire with him. Perhaps he will not have a special desire to talk about what is wrong, and he may behave somewhat indifferently towards you, but if you can just be there at such a moment when he closes off from the whole world, in his mind your the image will be associated with safety and comfort.
  6. 6 Dress up for him. If your relationship has been going on for some time, you may have already reached the point where everyone is relaxed enough in the presence of the other and does not feel the need to dress up for each date. However, from time to time you should surprise him with some exciting dress or nice makeup. Greet him, and in response to his compliment, let him know that you made this extra effort only for his sake.
  7. 7 Meet his physical needs. If your relationship has already entered the stage of physical intimacy, try to meet his needs as often as he meets yours. This does not mean that you should let him “take his own”, no matter how you feel. However, this means that you should spend this time with him, even if you do not feel the same need equally.
    • Note that this step should only be considered if you are already in an intimate physical relationship and both feel comfortable about it. Do not give in to the pressure to enter this stage of the relationship unless you feel ready for it.