How to clean wooden blinds

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Housecleaning Tips : What Is the Easiest Way to Clean Wooden Blinds?
Video: Housecleaning Tips : What Is the Easiest Way to Clean Wooden Blinds?


Wooden blinds need special care. There are a number of methods for keeping them clean — some are quick; others need more time. The information below will provide tips on how to clean wood blinds and keep them looking their best.


  1. 1 Examine the blinds. By doing this, you will be able to determine the best method for cleaning them.
  2. 2 Place an old sheet or blanket on the floor underneath. Debris that may fall from the wooden blinds will crumble there.
  3. 3 Choose one of the following methods for quick cleaning:
    • Run a wool or microfiber brush over each bar. This will remove dust from the blinds. To clean the front side of the wooden blinds, turn the blinds up.
    • Use a vacuum cleaner. Use the extended brush attachment and gently vacuum each bar from bottom to top. Vacuuming the blinds regularly will prevent excessive dust build-up.
    • Blot a soft cloth with wood cleaner. Wipe the blinds from top to bottom with a soft cloth. Make sure the cleaners are not wax-based. Also, avoid using cleaners made for the kitchen, bathroom or floor.
    • Take fabric softener. Put on cotton mittens or gloves and rub the conditioner between them. This will reduce static electricity (magnetization) when cleaning wooden blinds. Gently run your hands along each slat of the wooden blinds until they are clean.
  4. 4 Choose one of the following methods if your blinds are very dirty:
    • Dampen a soft bristled brush with fabric softener. Wipe off the brush with a dry cloth to remove excess. Wipe with a damp brush all over the wood blinds to collect dust. Clean the brush when it gets dirty. Continue these steps until the blinds are clean.
    • Apply a small amount of liquid mil to the blinds. Wipe down the wood blinds until they are clean.
    • Disassemble the blinds. Place them on old sheets or bedspread. This gives you more opportunity to work on the blinds. Clean the blinds with a soft cloth and wood cleaner.


  • When the wood blinds are dry, apply some liquid mil on them to give them their best look.
  • Dust build-up is prevented by reducing static electricity (magnetization). You can do this by rubbing fabric softener into each bar after cleaning.
  • To ensure 100% clean wood blinds, close them and wipe the entire area after the initial cleaning of each slat.


  • Never use water to clean wooden blinds - it can alter them or even lead to mold.
  • Do not use wax-based furniture polish. The wax just seals the dirt.
  • Avoid using feather dust brushes because they simply scatter the dust instead of collecting it.

What do you need

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Soft gloves or mittens
  • Wool or microfiber cloth
  • Soft bristled brush
  • Fabric softener
  • Liquid soap
  • Old sheet, bedspread.