How to deal with global warming

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
100 solutions to reverse global warming | Chad Frischmann
Video: 100 solutions to reverse global warming | Chad Frischmann


Global warming is largely due to carbon dioxide emissions. Unfortunately, today's global economy relies heavily on carbon-based fuels. For this reason, fighting global warming can seem like a waste of time. However, there are many ways to reduce its influence. Reconsider your consumption habits and take a step towards saving energy and partnering with others to do your bit in the fight against global warming. As a result, you will not only help save the planet, but also enjoy the educational work and change the situation for the better.


Method 1 of 3: Redefining Consumption Habits

  1. 1 Reduce your consumption of animal products. Because cooking and transporting animal meat and animal products consume a lot of energy, water and other resources, limiting their consumption can help reduce your carbon footprint. Instead of consuming animal products, go for a vegetarian or vegan diet. To do this, add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.
    • Even if you are not advised to completely cut out animal protein, you can still cut back on meat. Avoid meat for, say, 1-2 days a week. Also try to buy meat from local farmers.
  2. 2 Buy locally made products. By limiting the consumption of foods that are brought to you from afar, you will not only help the local economy, but also reduce your total carbon footprint. Look for locally sourced produce.
    • Go to the market or farm shops for locally grown produce and other goods.
    • Buy items like furniture from local craftsmen.
  3. 3 Recycle and reuse whatever you can. Since it takes a lot of energy to create certain materials from scratch, recycling and reuse can reduce the energy required to produce new goods. If your city has separate waste collection, sort the waste and dispose of it in appropriate containers. If not, look for private collection points in your city, and collect plastic, aluminum and paper waste and take it there.
    • Don't throw away items you don't need, but donate them to charity.
    • Use cloth towels, reusable plates, and cutlery instead of paper towels, disposable plates, and cutlery.
    • Buy used items instead of new ones, such as at a thrift store or online ads.

Method 2 of 3: Saving Energy

  1. 1 Limit the number of car trips. Since car exhaust is one of the most significant contributors to global warming, the less you drive, the more you will benefit. This can be achieved in several ways:
    • Have you and your coworkers take turns driving each other to work.
    • Use public transport. Take the bus, subway, or train.
    • Plan weekly or monthly shopping trips so you don't have to go there whenever you need something.
  2. 2 Get on your bike. Buy a new or used bike, or get a broken one repaired. While you don't need to cycle all the time, use it for city trips, sports, and visiting friends. This will not only save energy, but also get yourself in shape.
  3. 3 Maintain your vehicle in good condition. If you can't imagine life without a car, try to at least minimize its impact on the environment. Regular car maintenance will save you money on gasoline and garage calls.
    • Make sure the tires on the car are properly inflated. Not only can flat tires increase fuel consumption by 9%, they are also prone to increased wear and tear. Check them every month.
    • Change the air filter. Check your car's air filter once a month. Air filter cleaning improves mileage and reduces pollution by optimizing the vehicle's intake of air and maintaining the correct fuel-to-air ratio.
  4. 4 Insulate your home and large appliances. Insulate any technique that uses energy to maintain a temperature different from the environment. Various types of insulation are available at hardware stores.
    • Insulate the water heater to save on emissions of up to 235 m³ of carbon dioxide per year. Do not use appliances with the igniter always on in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 105 m³ per year.
    • Re-insulate your entire home to reduce heating and air conditioning costs. If the insulation is old or ineffective, replace it. Examine the attic, basement, walls, and ceiling. If you have tight spaces, you should know that a professional contractor can install cellulose or fiberglass insulation.
    • Insulate your home from the weather. Seal doors, windows and heating system. This can reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by up to 400 m³.
  5. 5 Use compact fluorescent or LED bulbs. Walk around the house and count the number of incandescent bulbs installed. Then go to the store and buy replacement compact fluorescent or LED bulbs. Replacing old light bulbs will save you a lot of energy.
    • A standard compact fluorescent lamp will help reduce emissions by 170 m³ over its lifetime (compared to an incandescent lamp).
    • LED bulbs are more efficient and can save a lot more energy, but they also cost more.
    • Install as many energy saving lamps as possible and present them to your family and friends. Donate some lamps to a local charity so they can install them in their office.

Method 3 of 3: Participating in Community Action

  1. 1 Contact government officials and involve them in the fight against global warming. Since political leaders have so much more power to influence the system, one of the most effective ways to slow global warming is to get them to act. First, find out who represents you at the local, state and national levels. Then contact these people and share your concerns about global warming with them. Ask those in power to:
    • provided assistance to projects for the development of public transport;
    • helped with financing alternative energy projects;
    • supported laws to limit carbon dioxide emissions. For example, let them know that you support a carbon tax;
    • signed an agreement with foreign countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (similar to the Kyoto Protocol).
  2. 2 Inform people about the dangers of global warming. Take the initiative and share your concerns about global warming with the people around you. Just talking or mentioning can be enough to get people thinking about how this might affect their life or the lives of their children or grandchildren.
    • Tell people about the steps you have taken yourself, such as switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet, and why.
    • Let people know what they can do to reduce their carbon footprint. For example, insulate the house or drive less.
    • Don't be overly persistent. If a person doesn't want to talk about global warming, that's okay. Don't judge people who don't share your point of view.
  3. 3 Join a group of activists. Find organizations and groups in your city that share your concerns. Chances are, you will find many groups that highlight this issue to the public and make a real contribution to the fight against global warming. Here is a list of some of the international organizations that are taking action to combat global warming:
    • "Greenpeace";
    • Citizens Climate Lobby;
    • Global Nest;
    • World Wildlife Fund;
    • Global Environment Facility.