How to deal with depression

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to deal with depression?
Video: How to deal with depression?


Everything is so terrible that you no longer have the strength to endure this feeling, it seems to you that you are alone in the whole world, and no one is able to understand you. But you are not alone! Depression is a fairly common disease, which, according to experts, affects about 10% of the population of our country !. Depression is a serious medical condition. If you do not start treatment in time, then all areas of your life may suffer! Don't let despair get the best of you. So are you ready to fight depression? Then get started now !.

If you have thoughts of suicide, urgently seek help! Call emergency services or the psychological hotline at 8-800-100-01-91.


Method 1 of 3: Recognizing Depression

  1. 1 Differences between melancholy and depression. Yes, there are a number of reasons why a person may feel sadness and longing: for example, dismissal, loss of a loved one, crises in relationships, trauma, etc. At some point, each of us felt lonely and unhappy. It's okay to be sad sometimes. The problem appears when you realize that sadness and apathy have not only begun to appear more often, but have become your usual state. This condition, which has been going on for a long time, is called depression. To overcome depression, you need to learn more about this disease.
  2. 2 Accept that depression is a physiological illness, like the common cold. Depression isn't just bad thoughts. Research shows that depression is associated with a variety of bodily illnesses and therefore requires medical attention. Here's what's going on:
    • Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that transmit information (that is, impulse) between brain cells. Abnormalities in these neurotransmitters, scientists believe, are the cause of depression.
    • Changes in hormonal balance can also lead to depression. Such changes include thyroid problems, menopause, pregnancy.
    • Numerous physical changes have been found in the brains of depressed people. Their significance is unknown, but someday observing such changes will definitely help determine the cause of depression.
    • Depression tendencies are often inherited. This suggests that there are certain genes, the activity of which leads to the onset of a depressive state. Researchers are actively working to find them.
      • Perhaps knowing that depression is an inherited tendency may make you feel guilty. But remember that you are not able to change your genotype (that is, the set of genetic information). This is not your fault. Instead of making unfair accusations on yourself, think about what else you can change. Be a good role model in dealing with depression and help others in this endeavor.

Method 2 of 3: Seeing a Doctor

  1. 1 Make an appointment with your doctor. Depression can lead to mental and even physical problems! It is important to understand exactly how you are feeling. A doctor will help you with this. The doctor will help rule out the physical causes of your condition.
    • Your doctor may recommend a psychiatrist to prescribe treatment and help you fight depression.
  2. 2 Prepare for your doctor's appointment. The examination is usually quick. Here are some tips to help you meet tight deadlines and get the most out of your timeline:
    • Write down your symptoms.
    • Write down key personal information as well as important recent events in your life.
    • Write down all the medications you take, including various nutritional supplements and vitamins.
    • Think and write down all the questions you want your doctor to answer. For example: :
      • Is depression the most likely explanation for my symptoms?
      • What treatments and medications would you recommend for me?
      • What tests do I need to pass?
      • Given my other illnesses, how can I cope with depression?
      • Are there any alternative treatments besides the ones you recommended to me?
      • Can you recommend literature or a site for more information?
      • Is there any local support group you could recommend?
    • Most likely, the doctor will ask you several questions. Be prepared to answer the following questions:
      • Have any of your relatives suffered from depression?
      • When did you first notice the symptoms?
      • Are you constantly feeling depressed or is your mood changing?
      • Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?
      • Do you have any sleep complaints?
      • Has your daily routine changed?
      • Do you use drugs or alcohol?
      • Have you suffered from any mental illness before?
  3. 3 Ask someone to go to the doctor with you. Ask a good friend or family member to accompany you. They will not only support you morally, but also help you provide your doctor with the necessary information in case you forget something.
  4. 4 Follow the course of treatment. Get ready for a medical examination. Including measurement of weight, height, blood pressure, blood test, thyroid check.

Method 3 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

  1. 1 Take the medication your doctor has prescribed for you. Observe dosage and frequency of use. Do not stop taking this medicine without talking to your doctor.
    • If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, it is important to tell your doctor. Some antidepressants can pose a significant risk to your health and that of your baby. Talk to your doctor about your situation so that he can prescribe the most appropriate treatment for you.
  2. 2 Take a course in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy courses are counseling and identification of psychological problems, as well as finding solutions to them. This is one of the key methods of dealing with depression .. Psychotherapy can help you gain a sense of harmony and control over your life, as well as ease the symptoms of depression. You can also gain experience to deal with stress easily in the future.
    • During psychotherapy, you will need to explore your thoughts, behavior, and experiences. It will help you better understand the causes of depression, as well as learn new ways to deal with life's problems. ... All of this will ultimately lead to recovery, a sense of harmony and happiness.
    • Take seriously the courses of psychotherapy, even if at first you do not feel any changes, do not give up. Regular visits are very important for good results.
  3. 3 Organize a support group. Admit to yourself that being depressed is difficult. Especially if you have no one to share your experiences with. Look for trusted friends, family members, or people in the same situation. You need allies in this fight. Tell them about your situation and ask for support. Your allies will help you fight depression.
    • Talking about your depression can help more than just you! Too many have suffered from this condition alone, and you can end the suffering of hundreds of others by sharing as much of your depression as possible.
  4. 4 Think of something good every day. Clinically, this is called cognitive behavioral therapy. It is one of the best treatments for depression. ... It takes an effort to discover negative thoughts and beliefs and then try to replace them with positive ones. After all, you can't always change a situation, but you can always change your attitude towards it.
    • To succeed in this endeavor, seek the help of a counselor or therapist who can help you identify negative experiences in your life and replace them with positive ones.
  5. 5 Exercise. Physical activity significantly reduces the symptoms of depression. so move as much as possible. Find an activity that you enjoy and do regularly:
    • Walk
    • Run
    • Team sports (volleyball, football, basketball, etc.)
    • Gardening
    • Swimming
    • Fitness
  6. 6 Control your emotions. Try meditation, yoga, tai chi. ... Try to find harmony. If you do not have enough time, give up any tasks that can wait. Take time for yourself.
  7. 7 Get enough sleep. Healthy sleep has a profound effect on your physical and mental health. ... Talk to your doctor if you have trouble sleeping.
  8. 8 Get out into the street. When you are depressed, there is no desire to go out at all, but being alone is not an option either. ... Make an effort to get out and do something. Stay connected with friends and family.
  9. 9 Keep a diary. It is very important to write down and be aware of your thoughts. Positive thoughts affect mood and can help relieve depression. So, consider keeping a journal in which you write down your thoughts.
    • Be prepared to share some of your journal's thoughts with your therapist.
    • As you write down your thoughts in a journal, try to give them a positive meaning.
  10. 10 Stay away from any drugs. Alcohol, nicotine, and drug abuse are factors that increase the likelihood of depression. ... While these substances can temporarily mask the symptoms of depression, in the long term they can only make the situation worse.
  11. 11 Eat well. Eat healthy foods and take vitamins. In a healthy body healthy mind! Take care of your health.
  12. 12 Work on your body and mind. Many experts believe that harmony between body and mind is the key to good health and a happy life. ... Techniques to help strengthen the connection between body and mind:
    • Acupuncture
    • Yoga
    • Meditation
    • Imagination and imagery control
    • Massage


  • If you have suicidal thoughts, call someone immediately. Call the free psychological help service: 8-800-100-01-91.