How to be a green teenager

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Money As a Teenager
Video: How to Make Money As a Teenager


We're talking about buying hybrid cars, changing sources of electricity, and global warming. But if a teenager is unable to control such things? It's even worse if your parents have things they worry about more than the silly old problem of global warming. However, there are some things you can do.

You think that as a teenager you cannot do anything, but you are greatly mistaken ...


  1. 1 Take a look at every item you use. Buying and consuming determines "value" in the environment.This item was made with resources, has some value in manufacturing for the environment, was delivered to you, sold and after you use it, it must be scrapped.
  2. 2 Try to buy things that can be recycled. For example, buy pens that can be replaced with ink, rather than ones that are thrown away as soon as they run out. If you have paper, bottles, or something similar, do not throw it away. Instead, send this to a recycling company in your area.
  3. 3 Reduce the number of items you use and try to use items you already have rather than buying new ones. It's a great idea to buy second-hand clothes (a lot of clothes are thrown away / given away that haven't been worn in a year or haven't worn at all) and restore old clothes instead of buying new ones.
  4. 4 Try to buy from companies that support sustainable production, fair trade, and organic production. If you don't know how something is produced, take a look!
  5. 5 Turn off the lights upstairs (or downstairs if your parents are upstairs) before going to bed at night. If you leave your phone or iPod charger connected to a power source, it will still use electricity even if it is not connected to the phone or iPod.
  6. 6 Talk to your parents about pollution and global warming if you're really interested in it. Do not pressure or irritate them; they will not object to some of the proposals now and then. Some adults are used to living in grand style. They can drive SUVs, live in mansions and just waste things. Try to explain to your younger brothers and sisters as simply as possible what is happening to them in the world. Let them make their own decision, but you will find that they will be more open than adults.
  7. 7 Do not leave the TV in the background.Even if you are watching, but not particularly interested in the program, try to find an activity that will be more enjoyable for you, and will not waste so much electricity. For example, play outside. Think back to your childhood hobbies, lego games or board games can still be a lot of fun as a teenager.
  8. 8 Don't have any birthday gift ideas? Think about a green theme. Energy saving light bulbs, recycled laptop or desktop computer, sponsored green charity in your name, solar charger. There are many things you can buy that will be useful and enjoyable. Plus, a warm feeling will be added to your birthday.
  9. 9 You may have heard of the news about the site on google - but in black, There is a theory that some older computers (non-flat panel monitors) use less power when they show a black background instead of a white one. If you have such a monitor, replace the white background with a black one. On all computers, by lowering brightness and contrast, you reduce the amount of power consumed.
  10. 10 If you're sitting at your computer just to talk to friends, you don't have to keep printers, scanners, and speakers on.
  11. 11 Try to include only what you need. Remember that appliances on standby are still using energy. When you turn something off - really turn it off!
  12. 12 Save paper at school. Think twice before throwing away your old piece of paper or scrapbook. Consider if you can still take advantage of this.
  13. 13 Take a shower, not a bath. When you shower, try to use it for no more than 10 minutes. Do not run hot water all the way. Make it a game of sorts, trying to beat your previous record every time you shower.


  • Remember that you cannot change the world alone, but whatever you do will be beneficial. Don't be discouraged when people are not as enthusiastic as you and you are the one who can do so much.
  • Ask your science teachers what you can do. Learn as much about the environment as you can, as it will make you stronger in the challenge.
  • Use makeup remover wipes up to 3 times, do not throw them away after the first use (if the material can still be used).
  • Bring fabric bags from the store and use them in place of plastic or paper.
  • Join and be active in an organization that promotes green and helps preserve the environment.
  • Buy used books instead of new ones. Today there are a lot of supported book stores. This is a great way to save paper.
  • Read and watch the news. There may be announcements about current name collections or upcoming demos. You can collect names yourself and send them to politicians, but it's easier to do this through an organization.


  • It is also better to lead by example than to lecture others. People will be more likely to ask and join you when they see how much you are doing, rather than how much you are talking about!
  • Be careful when turning the appliances on and off from the mains.
  • People can get annoyed by the constant lectures. Understand that not everyone feels the way you do. It's good to convince people, but you don't have to nag them when you see that this is a hopeless case.