How to be mysterious

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Mysterious
Video: How To Be Mysterious


Riddles are, by definition, difficult to solve. If you want to bring a little mystery into your life, while maintaining magnetism and charm, you can learn to hide some of your personality traits, and emphasize some on the contrary, in order to create an image of a mysterious person in your performances, in your behavior and personality.


Part 1 of 3: Speak in Riddles

  1. 1 Only speak when you have something to say. If you want to emphasize your mystical and mysterious presence, you should leave some things unsaid. Learn not to voice your opinion all the time - not because you are shy and meek, but because you are confident enough. Speak when you know it's important, but don't feel obligated to speak whenever you get the chance.
    • We often mistake fast speakers for smart, but pauses in conversation are especially powerful. In dialogue, provide an opportunity for reflection and silence, allowing what is said to be understood. This will give weight to your words and emphasize the importance of your presence. Often times, people remember not what you say, but how you do it.
  2. 2 Play the role of the devil's advocate. Mysterious people are often unpredictable, suddenly expressing opinions that run counter to those of others. Don't follow the crowd. Instead, look for new ways of seeing and try to think creatively.Ask questions instead of agreeing to avoid conflict.
    • If three people in the meeting have already agreed on the same solution to the problem, play the devil's advocate, even if you think they are probably right, or keep quiet. It makes no sense to become another voice in the crowd repeating the same thing.
    • Ask lots of questions to make sure the solutions are the best. Clarify, label and solicit all ideas to get to the heart of the matter.
  3. 3 Direct conversations in a serious direction. Small talk is inherently commonplace. We're talking about the weather, troubles at work, childcare, traffic jams, cost of living. Mysterious people are more likely to prefer more meaningful face-to-face conversation. Learn to use creativity in your speech and stay on track for meaningful discussion.
    • If at a party you are faced with a lot of empty conversations about yourself, try to find someone who will support a different kind of conversation. Start by asking an unusual question or feeling the ground. If someone, by the way, notes that he likes the film, then instead of agreeing, ask why?
  4. 4 Use unusual expressions. Be creative and say what will make people sit down and reflect, not what will disappear into the background of the conversation. If someone asks: “How are you?” And you answer “Slowly!”, They will immediately forget about it. Or you could say, "I feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs." If someone asks about how baseball ended, they say the game was terrible, or they say it was "Like a sip of hot lead." People will pay attention.
  5. 5 Build a powerful vocabulary. Learn a few new words every day and use them in your conversations. Clear and correct diction in your everyday conversations will help you stand out from the crowd.

Part 2 of 3: Maintain Some Distance

  1. 1 Talk less about yourself. Social media has changed the way we communicate with each other, removing the aura of mystery around us. Sometimes it’s difficult to change people's perceptions of you because they’ve heard too much about who you are now. Do not limit yourself when talking online or one-on-one. Instead, for that matter, be prudent about disclosing information about yourself to strangers and strangers, and be more open with those closer to you.
    • There is no need to constantly inform the environment about your location or describe interests and tastes at the slightest pretext. If someone asks where you are going, just dodge the answer. "I'll come back later."
    • Remove location information and updates from your social media accounts like Twitter and Facebook. Stop calling yourself a citizen of a particular nation on the networks. Remove personal information from accounts as much as possible.
  2. 2 Choose your friends wisely. Some people are open and gullible, making others love almost instantly. Mysterious people, on the other hand, behave very carefully before confiding in anyone. Trust and respect come with time and experience. People should try to get close to you.
    • Spend time with people alone, rather than in large groups. It is difficult to be mysterious in large groups. Get to know people for who they are, not what they pretend to be in crowded places.
    • If you want to be mysterious, you also need to know when to get people close enough to you. Mysterious people are not hermits. Even with mysterious people, there are people you can trust and lean on. This may just be the lesser of what we consider a cultural ideal.
  3. 3 Stay calm under pressure. Mysterious people can control their emotions and passions so that they appear collected, calm and calm before the outside world.This does not mean that you should lack passion or emotions, but you should be able to manage those emotions. Be cool when you feel good or bad.
    • Mysterious people are not supposed to be martyrs. If you are in constant pain, whether physical or emotional, see your doctor. Be healthy, then you don't have to worry about disguise. Watch your body and health to stay strong in any situation.
  4. 4 Live in the present. Where did the mysterious man come from? Unknown. Where is the mysterious man going? Anywhere. Don't dwell on the past or dreams of the future. Instead, focus on living the moment and be in the here and now. Be spontaneous, be ready to adapt to the situation, and you will be as mysterious as the world around you.
    • If you are upset about a divorce, loss to your family, or some kind of failure, talk privately with a close friend, then move on. This is not something to talk about at work.

Part 3 of 3: Be a Strong Person

  1. 1 Train your brain. By challenging yourself intellectually, you will stay involved in life and be interesting and mysterious to others. Don't waste time playing video games for hours; spend time reading books. Don't chat, write poetry. Dedicate yourself to intellectual discovery and amaze the world with your intelligence.
  2. 2 Be kind and life-affirming. Mysterious people may appear mystical, but not passive or meaningless. In fact, your presence should be reassuring when people know that you are not gossiping or leaving your friends in a difficult situation.
    • Listen when people talk. Learn to listen by focusing on someone as they speak. Too often we wait our turn to say something. Instead, fully engage in conversations. You will be surprised how unusual this can be for some people.
    • Memorize people's names and try to remember what other people are saying. Mysterious people can seem aloof, so you will greatly surprise your surroundings by remembering your friend's birthday or a certain story told once.
  3. 3 Get carried away with something unusual. Show your inner strangeness in the form of an unusual interest or unusual hobby that will definitely pique the curiosity of others. Find something that truly delights you in its unique qualities, not because it is popular.
    • Start collecting rare coins or go out into the forest for mushrooms every weekend. Take pictures. Learn Latin. Find a passion and follow it.
  4. 4 Be savvy. WikiHow is the right place to uncover secrets. The more esoteric knowledge you have, the more erudite and interesting you are to those around you. Surprise people with your capabilities.
    • Learn a card trick and don't do it for just anyone, only do it if you are at a party and someone brings up the topic. You will surprise everyone if you suddenly perform a mind-blowing card trick.
    • If you are young, try to get a part-time job. The job will help you gain serious skills and real-world experience that can help you stand out from your peers.
  5. 5 Build credibility. Mysterious people are intelligent thinkers and are known for their level-headed temperaments and carefully calculated ideas. This sometimes conflicts with dominant ways of thinking. The mystery people are Rosa Parks and Batman. They don't ask permission to do what they want, they rely on their own abilities and find their own way. Think of characters like Sherlock Holmes, Clint Eastwood, and Julia Child.
    • Look for riddles around you. Bob Dylan and Miles Davis may be mysteries on Wikipedia, but so can librarians, gravediggers, baristas, and street musicians in your city.Look at the quiet leaders around you, not just what comes from television and newspapers. Find other types of role models.


  • If dating is one of the reasons you want to be mysterious, you have to be a little more than a mystery. Work on your charm, caring for others, and stay fit.
  • The exception will be Russell Brand, he manages to act excited and enthusiastic, but at the same time he remains an intelligent and mysterious person.
  • Don't confuse mysteriousness to others with mysteriousness to yourself. Self-knowledge is vital to a good life, and it is something that you need to work towards throughout your life. Don't neglect this part of taking care of yourself - read a lot, write down your thoughts, be open to new experiences, fight your fears and misunderstandings, and always strive for knowledge.


  • Don't be who you are not. Never forget who you really are.
  • Always communicate and act without aggression. Violence is a sign of loss of control, which mysterious people never admit.
  • Don't break the law. You know the consequences. This is not recommended in principle.