How to be a popular girl

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO BECOME POPULAR AT SCHOOL! || Awkward School Situations by Amigos Forever
Video: HOW TO BECOME POPULAR AT SCHOOL! || Awkward School Situations by Amigos Forever


If you have a lot of friends, then most likely you feel the support you need. Plus, a good friend can cheer you up and can help you cope with stress. If you want to be a popular girl, do your best to become an attractive person who is pleasant to deal with. You can also gain recognition from many by joining circles and clubs where you can engage in various activities. If you put in the effort and lead an active social life, you will become a popular girl.


Part 1 of 4: Get Involved in School Life

  1. 1 Become a member of a club or circle. If you want to be a popular girl, you have to be in the public eye. If you become a member of the club, you can increase your status. Plus, you can meet new people. Perhaps one of them will become your friend. This will help you establish yourself in the school community.
    • By becoming a member of the club, you will meet people who share your interests. If, for example, you are attracted to journalism, then become a member of the school journalism club.
    • If you are only interested in popularity, then watch which clubs popular boys and girls are in. If the most popular girls in the school are members of a discussion club, this can be a great meeting place for popular kids.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. In many schools, popular girls play sports. You can meet popular students if you join a sports team. If you succeed in sports, you too will become a popular person.
    • If you are not strong in your chosen sport, training can help you. If you, for example, want to join a basketball team, you can train in a local park, throw the ball into the hoop.
    • To become a member of a sports club, you most likely need to be in good shape. Go to your goal gradually, do not overdo it. Start with small workouts and gradually increase the load.
    • Don't be discouraged if you were not accepted on your high school sports team. You can try it next year.
  3. 3 Take part in school elections. Does your school or class elect a president or headman? If yes, then you can take part in such elections. At the beginning of the year when elections are held, do your best to get the position you want.
    • Study the school board rules. You may need to obtain a certain number of signatures. In addition, you will most likely be required to submit your application by a certain date.
    • Come up with a slogan for your campaign, and draw posters that you can hang around the school.
    • Write a campaign speech that will tell others what you intend to do as school president or class leader.
  4. 4 Take part in school activities. If you want to be popular, you must attend school events as this is a great opportunity to connect with people. Attend school events with popular young people. Don't miss discos, sports events and parties.
    • If you are shy by nature, invite your friends to attend the school event with you. However, don't limit yourself to just chatting with your friends. Meet new people, expand your social circle. This will help you gain popularity.
    • Do not be shy. You might even be intimidated by the thought of meeting new people, but at events like this, it’s much easier to start a conversation. This is especially true for sporting events, where you may be united by the fact that you are a fan of the same team.

Part 2 of 4: Make New Friends

  1. 1 Set a goal for yourself. It may sound strange, but setting a goal can help you make new friends. This advice is especially useful if you are naturally shy. Set small goals that will allow you to gradually "get out of your shell" and increase your popularity.
    • Above all, set small goals for yourself. For example, you might make it a goal to have a little conversation with a boy or girl before class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
    • Once you start to feel more comfortable with other people, you can set yourself a bigger goal. For example, you might set a goal to attend a birthday party you are invited to and try to talk to at least three new people.
    • If you can achieve your goals, over time you will feel more at ease with people. Thanks to this, you will be able to meet new people who can become your friends.
  2. 2 Invite your new friend or acquaintance to do something together. If you want to have a lot of friends, your communication should not be limited to just outside the classroom. Once you meet someone at school, you can invite your new friend to spend time with you. For example, you can go to the movies or have coffee together. You can also have fun with new friends, such as shopping together.
    • Suggest that the girl who is popular in the class spend time together if you already have a close enough relationship. If you have a good relationship with one of your classmates, then most likely you can invite that person to spend time together.
  3. 3 Don't take rejection personally. Many people are in no hurry to make friends because they are afraid of being rejected. Nevertheless, everyone can be refused. However, if a person refused to go to the cinema with you on Friday, this does not mean at all that he is not interested in your friendship.
    • Each person has many responsibilities.If a popular girl declines your invitation, for example to have a cup of coffee together, she may be busy. It is not worth it because of the refusal to hide again in your shell.
    • Remember that you may not know a lot about a person. He may actually have many responsibilities or serious problems. If you are turned down, then the person may be very busy or shy.
    • Treat it like a small setback. You can try again to invite the person in a few weeks, if the first time he refused you.
  4. 4 Take an active part in social media. It will help you become popular, especially if you are a high school student. Many teens are registered on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Thanks to this, they can communicate with their friends and invite them to joint events.
    • Find out which social networks your school's students are on. If popular girls use the Snapchat mobile messaging app, you can create your account too. Talk to your parents before registering on a particular social network. Find out their opinion on this.
    • Focus on online communication. People tend to respond better to private messages than vague status updates. Congratulate a popular girl in your school for winning a competition or other important event.
    • Remember, virtual friends cannot replace real friends. While chatting online can strengthen existing relationships, avoid chatting with strangers. Not only will this not affect your popularity, it can also be unsafe.
  5. 5 Treat your friends the way you want them to treat you. If you want to have more friends, then you must follow this rule. Remember the golden rule when trying to build new friendships. We are more attracted to kind and polite people. Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

Part 3 of 4: Have the Right Attitude

  1. 1 Create a new image. Of course, looks aren't the only thing that can make you popular. Confidence is essential if you want to be popular. Get a new hairstyle and makeup, change your wardrobe. This will make you feel more confident. You will be able to show your best side, which will help you find new friends and become more popular.
    • Wear the clothes you like. If you wear clothes that don't make you feel good, you are unlikely to feel confident in them. In addition, you will not have the desire to interact with other people. If you don’t like to wear leggings, you should not do it just because it’s fashionable. If the girls who are popular are wearing boots and you are in awe of your black lace-up boots too, you can follow the fashion.
    • You might want to do a new hairstyle and makeup. You can visit your local beauty salon and ask the stylist to choose your hair and makeup. This will make you feel more confident and can become popular.
  2. 2 Smile. Despite the fact that a smile will slightly change your image, you will still look more positive and approachable. If you smile, you can win more friends and become more popular. Practice smiling in front of the mirror to find the smile that looks best for you. As you walk down the school corridor, smile at the passing students.
    • When you are chatting with a person, remember to smile during the conversation.
    • Smile when making eye contact with other people along the way.
    • When meeting new people, smile while shaking hands.
  3. 3 Be friendly. If you are a friendly person, people will be attracted to you. Thanks to this, you will have many friends and become popular.Work to be friendlier and you are bound to gain popularity in your school.
    • Show the person that you are happy to see him. When meeting in a public place, hug or pat your friend on the shoulder.
    • Show genuine interest in talking to other people. Smile and laugh as you talk.
    • Be open when chatting with new people. Start conversations during recess. Try seating at different tables in the dining room during lunch. Introduce yourself when you meet a new person. Do this in a friendly manner. Perhaps he will become your friend.
  4. 4 Take an interest in the interlocutor. People are drawn to those who take an interest in their lives. When talking with other people, ask questions. Give people the opportunity to talk about themselves and their interests.
    • Ask questions to get to know the person better. You can ask the person about their interests and hobbies. Ask him, "What's your earliest memory?" or "What do you like to do on the weekend?"
    • Meet people at parties. You will have ample time for conversation. Ask questions and listen carefully. People love to talk about themselves. By asking questions, you get to know the person better.
  5. 5 Listen. If you are a good listener, you will become popular. Listen to others sincerely. If you don't understand something, ask the other person a question that will show him that you are following the conversation. By showing genuine interest in the person you are talking to, you can become a popular girl.
    • Give the opportunity to your interlocutor to finish his thought. When your interlocutor finishes a phrase, wait 5-10 seconds so that he can complete his thought.
    • Listen twice as much as you speak.
  6. 6 Be prepared to help. If you want to be popular, help others. Hear when your friend needs it. If anyone needs help with their homework, be prepared to help. People are drawn to those who can help them and support them in difficult times. If you want to be popular, help others.
    • However, don't let others take advantage of you. Of course, helping others is very important, but keep reasonable limits. If someone is constantly asking you for a favor, consider setting boundaries with that person.
    • If you need help from friends, will they be ready to give it to you? If they are not ready to do this, believe me, they are not true friends.
  7. 7 Be yourself. This will help you win friends. Many people think that they need to change in order to become popular, however, in fact, people are drawn to those who remain themselves. Don't be afraid to share your interests and dreams if the opportunity presents itself. The interlocutor should see your unique qualities and sense of humor during the conversation with you.

Part 4 of 4: Avoid Peer Pressure

  1. 1 Trust your instincts. It is good to be popular, however, never embarrass yourself just to please others. If you're uncomfortable, trust your instincts. This may help you recognize a dangerous situation.
    • If you feel uncomfortable, find a way to leave. If you want to leave a party or other event, you may be worried about it. However, try to find a compelling reason for leaving.
    • If you don't want to get into a conflict, try leaving by mentioning your reason for leaving. For example, you might say, "Sorry, but I have to go. I have a bad headache."
  2. 2 Do not engage in illegal activities. If you are at a party where boys and girls use drugs or alcohol, then leave the party as soon as possible. Why risk your safety for popularity? The use of alcohol and drugs by minors can have legal consequences. If you are forced to do something illegal, leave as soon as possible.
    • If you are going to a party and you know there will be alcohol or drugs, think ahead about what you will do if you are forced to take drugs or alcohol. A friend can help you to call if the situation gets out of hand.
  3. 3 Don't bully other children. Peer pressure can encourage you to bully other children. This is a common problem in the middle classes. Remember that bullying can have serious emotional consequences for a person. Don't gossip about others or be aggressive or violent.
    • Resisting negative peer pressure is not easy, but be aware of the benefits you will receive. You will feel better, and your behavior can influence your classmates who gossip and behave violently.
  4. 4 Focus on the positive impact of your classmates. The pressure may not always be negative. Sometimes your friends may be pushing you to take justifiable risks. For example, they might encourage you to submit your poetry to a competition or invite a guy you like out on a date. In addition, friends may advise you to do something new and interesting, for example, they may suggest that you become a member of a music group or start writing poetry. Without succumbing to negative peer pressure, focus on the positive. Thanks to your friends, you can learn something new. You can have a good time while growing as a person.


  • Avoid being sarcastic. You won't be popular if you bully other girls. In fact, you will become the object of gossip and ridicule. Even if you don't like someone, you shouldn't gossip about them.
  • If someone doesn't like you, don't worry, it's impossible to please everyone. Be kind to such people. This will help them understand who you really are.
  • Adapting and changing yourself are two different things. If you try to be who you are not, your friends will very soon convict you of deception. Therefore, be who you are. Anyone can become popular, you should not try to change yourself.
  • Be prepared for it to take time to become a popular girl. You may have to wait a month or more. It won't happen overnight. Set a goal for yourself and do your best to achieve it.
  • Don't stay at home on weekends. Have fun on your own or with friends. The more often you interact with people, the better they will treat you. According to research, familiar faces evoke more pleasant emotions. Therefore, you are unlikely to become popular if you just sit at home.
  • Watch popular TV shows. This will give you interesting topics for conversation with your girlfriends.
  • Don't be overconfident. Of course, being self-confident is very important, but avoid being overconfident. Don't act like you are the coolest girl in school. In addition, when you are talking to the other person, you should not pretend that you are very bored. Few people enjoy interacting with cocky and self-righteous people.
  • You can be eyeing popular girls, but don't aim to be like them.


  • If you've made friends with other popular people, don't abandon your old friends! Introduce your old friends to new ones, and you can communicate with one big company!
  • Golden Rule: Do not be a person whose attitude towards people depends on their position in society, and also avoid stinginess. Films often portray popular girls who are rude, arrogant, and brag about their wealth. In reality, no one wants to communicate with a rude person for whom only money and position in society are important. You can become popular even without expensive designer clothes or a lot of money.Popular girls are cute girls who are liked by others and have many friends.

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