How to be passionate

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
STOP searching for your passion and do this instead | Mel Robbins
Video: STOP searching for your passion and do this instead | Mel Robbins


Fervor means dedication, hard work, concentration, and a willingness to make mistakes over and over again. If you make the necessary efforts, then ardor and awareness of your desires will bring emotional revival, joy and purposefulness. To become an ardent person, you need to understand your aspirations and prepare yourself for hard work, which can require a lot of sacrifices and compromises from you.


Part 1 of 3: Take Action

  1. 1 Examine your ardor thoroughly. If you want to become a really passionate person, then you need to find out everything you can about your hobbies, continue to acquire knowledge and understand that the learning process should never stop. Read all the books, articles and materials available to you, attend classes, study interviews, and do your best to understand in detail the successful realization of your passions.
    • Remember, the job will never be completed. There is always something else to read, study and do. If a person thinks that he already knows everything about his field of activity, then he risks becoming complacent.
    • Subscribe to thematic magazines and mailing lists to always receive the latest information about the subject of your hobby.
  2. 2 Learn from others in your industry. Reading materials or watching training videos is very useful, but it is even more important to get first-hand information from experts in your field. Not only an expert, but also a simple person who shares your hobbies, can always share with you advice, his thoughts and a fresh look at the subject. Never be sure that you know all the answers, and also always listen to others.
    • If you do not have acquaintances from the necessary field, then seek to meet through other people or contact your like-minded people via e-mail and ask about the possibility of a conversation. Most people will likely be happy to share with you their thoughts on a subject of great interest to them.
    • Connect with a wide variety of people to see as many views as possible on the issue and different ways to solve the problem. This is the only way to consider your hobby from different angles.
  3. 3 Set goals and implement them. A passionate and passionate person should always have a plan. Sometimes people see their hobbies as crazy ideas and designs that simply cannot be tamed, but if you are serious, then you need a plan to fulfill your dream and further develop. Formulate a series of small tasks that will lead you to your global goal to motivate yourself and achieve success.
    • A hobby plan will help you articulate your dreams and visualize what you need to do to make your dreams come true.
    • Writing down all of your small goals will give you an extra boost of motivation. It is difficult to implement an idea of ​​which you have only the most basic idea.
  4. 4 Create a daily routine that will help you pursue your passions. If you want to succeed, then it is advisable to follow a routine. Of course, you can hear the idea that enthusiastic people get up early, but many owls work great in the evenings, so you do not need to cut everyone with the same brush. Find a routine that's right for you so that you can use your time and energy efficiently. Always stick to your chosen routine.
    • Make a daily plan of action to be sure to follow your routine. So, if you want to become a writer, then take the time to read and write every day, no matter how busy you are with other things.
    • Of course, your day shouldn't be all about work. Also, make time for fun in your schedule. Taking breaks and the opportunity to relax will give you strength and fuel your desire to pursue your dreams and passions.
    • If you have like-minded friends among your friends, then you can plan to work together (in the event that your hobby does not imply independent efforts). This will make it easier to stay motivated and feel responsible for staying on schedule.
  5. 5 Take a position. If you are really passionate about a certain idea, then you do not need to keep everything to yourself. Acknowledge the existence of injustice in the world and start fighting this state of affairs to show the world why it matters. You can peacefully protest actions with which you disagree, or politely tell your boss why the new company policy is dangerous for the environment, boycott initiatives that go against your idea of ​​fairness. Always defend the views that you think are important.
    • Of course, it is not always easy to defend your views that contradict popular belief, but if you value your beliefs, you should not always follow only the path of least resistance.
    • Take pride that you don't go with the flow. Remember that ideas and deeds are often more important than the person himself, which is why it is so important not to give up and defend your opinion.
  6. 6 Share your hobbies. If you are passionate about something, you probably will not be able to remain silent about it. Of course, you should not always talk about the same thing, but feel free to tell others about your hobbies. If you are a teacher of the Russian language and are crazy about literature or you are a doctor who takes care of every patient, then there is nothing shameful in wanting to share your passionate ideas with the world or talk about how you love doing your business.
    • In addition, talking can help you see your hobby in a new light. You may learn to do certain things even better.
    • Share your enthusiasm with others to remind yourself how much you love your hobby. In case of silence, such a thing may seem lonely and ungrateful to you. Try to share with others to understand why this is so important.
  7. 7 Learn from your mistakes. Another important aspect of passion and passion is the ability to learn from your mistakes and develop in what you love. There is no need to repeat the same mistakes over and over again without trying to fix the situation. If you fail, ask yourself what could have been done differently and how the new experience will help you in the future.
    • But mistakes should be viewed as a waste of time. Learn lessons and experience. Any experience has value, and all the effort spent can be beneficial in the future.
    • Use constructive criticism wisely. Do not follow the lead of pride and assume that you have nowhere else to develop.
    • After a mistake, you should regroup, stop and think about what could have been done differently. If you continue your journey in the dark and do not try to figure out how to prevent a similar mistake in the future, then you will constantly get the same result.
  8. 8 Don't give up in case of rejections. If you are truly passionate about the business, then you will not let one or more rejections stop you.Enthusiasts and passionate people know that rejection is part of the game, so you need to learn to be persistent and stick to your goals. If you count on success after the first attempts, then it will be difficult for you to accept reality and get a sense of satisfaction from what you love.
    • You can cover your room with rejection letters as additional motivation, or just shrug your shoulders after rejection. The main thing is not to let them influence your decisions.

Part 2 of 3: Acquire the qualities of a passionate person

  1. 1 Be enthusiastic. If you want to be a passionate and passionate person, then learn to approach any business with enthusiasm. Feel free to talk about how much you enjoy this activity, be sentimental, strive for the unknown and be responsible for your actions. You must be more passionate about the business than the average person.
    • When people ask you questions, don't play down your hobbies. Don't hide your interest and enthusiasm. If it's more important to you to make a certain impression, and not at all to share your hobbies, then you can never become a truly passionate person.
    • It can be helpful to spend time with people who share your passions or who like to do other things and talk about them. This will teach you how to share your feelings.
  2. 2 Maintain a positive attitude. Passionate people are often optimistic by nature. They believe they can make anything come true if they put in the right amount of effort. We all sometimes face setbacks, but it is important not to succumb to negative thoughts and remember all the good things that lie ahead. There is no need to become limp or complain. In this case, it is better to talk about the things that awaken your enthusiasm. It is important to smile regularly, radiate positivity and focus on your achievements so as not to think about different failures.
    • Try to outweigh every negative thought or comment you make with two positive ideas. You can always remember what brings you joy!
    • Spend time with positive people to maintain a positive outlook on life. Surrounded by whiners and pessimists, anyone can be discouraged.
    • Maintain a gratitude list. Write down all the people and things you are grateful for. This will make it easier for you to remember the positive aspects of your life.
  3. 3 Act boldly. Brave people not only fight enemies and dodge bullets. They are ready to take risks and defend their views, step into uncharted territory and not know where this will lead. It is important to take risks even if you are in doubt about success. Don't be afraid to go on stage and criticize yourself, even when you realize that your feelings will be hurt. Ardent people are known for their bravery and daring.
    • Courage is the willingness to challenge the status quo and declare that you doubt the correctness of the routine. Don't let someone else's authority put pressure on you and defend your beliefs.
    • Courage is also a willingness to make a mistake. As the saying goes, those who do not take risks do not drink champagne. Sometimes it's enough to go to an interview to get an interesting job that is outside your comfort zone.

    Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC

    Career Coach Adrian Clafaack is a career coach and founder of A Path That Fits, a career and personal coaching company based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Accredited as a professional coach (CPCC). Uses her knowledge from the Institute for Coaching Education, Hakomi Somatic Psychology and Family Systems Theory (IFS) therapy to help thousands of people build successful careers and lead more meaningful lives.

    Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC
    Career coach

    It's okay to be afraid... Adrian Klafaak, Founder of A Path That Fits, says: “Knowing what you are passionate about will not remove your fear, but will allow you to develop the confidence that comes with knowing your talents. Taking a step into the unknown is always scary, regardless of the scale of the change. People are always worried about their own financial situation, someone else's opinion or compliance with the requirements put forward. You need to deal with your fears and doubts in order to keep moving forward.».

  4. 4 Maintain concentration. Enthusiastic people are rarely distracted by side matters that have nothing to do with priority goals. They usually aim with laser accuracy and are extremely selective in their actions, so as not to be sprayed and not waste energy or time that can be spent on the work of their whole life. They block out the hatred, noise, doubt, and questions that get in the way of moving forward.
    • Of course, they also know how to have fun and relax, but at the same time they clearly control the time and do not move away from the planned goals. For example, if you value volunteering, you may not be persuaded to go to the beach with friends when your help is needed at an animal shelter.
    • Ardent people understand how much effort it takes to accomplish a goal, so they do not waste time and do not forget to keep the whole situation in mind. If they do get distracted, they don't get hung up on the problem situation and quickly bounce back.
  5. 5 Keep motivatedto develop. Enthusiasts know that a person always has something to strive for. They make efforts to gain new knowledge, gain experience and constantly improve themselves. This takes time, so they are ready to admit their shortcomings and work on themselves. They are aware of their own imperfection and see opportunities for development.
    • Smug people are satisfied with what they have now. Passionate people always strive to understand how and in what they can become better.
    • Passionate people calmly admit their mistakes. They understand that no one is perfect.
  6. 6 Be curious. If a person is enthusiastic in a certain business or even in everyday life, then he studies the world around him with curiosity. He asks many questions in order to acquire knowledge, and is also willing to admit that he does not know the answer to a certain question. He tries new things, considers situations from several angles, and also conducts his own research to find out more.
    • Enthusiastic people are faithful to the rule - live and learn. They continue to study the world around them, although I understand that they will never know all the answers.
    • Ardent people recognize the value of connecting with diverse personalities, which allows a wide variety of opinions to be heard. For them, just one answer is usually not enough.

Part 3 of 3: Putting the Extra Effort

  1. 1 Become a mentor. One way to go beyond your hobbies is to mentor your budding like-minded people. If you think you already have some experience to share, then take newcomers under your wing, be it your siblings, junior employees, or strangers who ask you questions online. Try to become a leader and share your joy with others to explore new dimensions of your hobbies.
    • If you feel confident in a particular activity, you will be very pleased to help others to succeed. Imagine sharing your love for the activity.
    • Don't become one of those people who are obsessed with their hobby and do not want to help others, because they think that there are already too many actors, writers or bloggers in the world.
    • If you have familiar newcomers, then try even to offer them your help.
  2. 2 Share your enthusiasm on social media. Another way to go beyond the usual is to communicate with a wider audience on social media.As long as your posts aren't annoying or repetitive, sharing your interests, posting essays, blogs, videos, other information, and writing posts can be helpful in attracting new people to the cause.
    • Just accept ahead of time that not everyone will show interest or agree with your idea. This is one aspect of passion, isn't it?
    • Make sure people perceive your posts as positive ideas and intentions, and not self-promotion or an effort to easily attract attention.
  3. 3 Prepare to make sacrifices. If you have strong enthusiasm and want to devote yourself to a cause, then on the way to your goal you will not do without some sacrifices. Of course, you do not need to become a victim of monomania (like Ahab and his whale) and part with everything that you have, but still be ready to sacrifice some things that are valuable to you in order to realize your ideas and hobbies. Consider these examples:
    • Public life. If you really want to succeed, sometimes you have to give up meeting with family, friends, or your significant other.
    • Dream. Many people who are passionate about it usually get little sleep at night.
    • Free time. You will have to give up idleness, watching TV, walking the dog, or reading magazines, even if you enjoy these activities.
  4. 4 Strive to find a middle ground. The willingness to make sacrifices is very important, but it is equally important to find a middle ground that will allow you to live without unnecessary stress and headaches. If you're serious but have other commitments like work, friends, family, or health issues, then look for ways to make time for your hobby without giving up on other important things.
    • Sometimes it is helpful to have a schedule to evenly divide the available time among all the important aspects. This will help you switch between activities more smoothly.
    • Of course, you can give up everything and devote time only to your main hobby. But at the same time, there is a high probability that from time to time you will need a break or a change of scenery, otherwise you risk getting tired and losing strength for the most important thing.
  5. 5 Try to live in the present. For a passionate and passionate person, it is very important to live in the present moment and enjoy what they are doing. Surely you have a lot of goals and ideas about the desired future, but enthusiasm requires immersion in the present and enjoying the efforts in real time.
    • For example, if you are writing a novel, then your main goal may be to finish your work and send the text to an agent for a chance to get a contract and find a publisher. At the same time, you do not need to worry too much about your next steps, otherwise you simply will not be able to enjoy the process of work.
    • In addition, if you focus on the future, you will not be able to do the job as well as if you were fully focused on the class.
  6. 6 Take pride in your enthusiasm. Ultimately, it's important that you take pride in the work you've done, whether it's an Oscar for Best Actress or your willingness to work tirelessly to come to all open castings. Many people do not have passionate interests, but you were able to find an activity that means a lot to you (fighting for rights and views, art or any kind of activity that fills your life with meaning).
    • Trying is more than half the road to success. Even if you're not a top-selling novelist, a president, or a successful activist, it’s important to be proud that you don’t give up when faced with obstacles. Many people stop trying after a couple of failures, but you persist and stay on track.


  • Listen to energetic music!
  • Don't worry about other people's words and opinions: you have a goal to go towards.
  • Show courtesies to others (such as making a coffee or a simple breakfast), even if they are mere trifles: Light up your life with a flame of enthusiasm.
  • Watch inspirational movies and read motivational books or articles.
  • Never give up on people who support you, especially during difficult times.
  • Give up your computer, TV, mobile phone for at least an hour and take a walk in the park or forest. The brain needs to rest and recover so that your enthusiasm is fueled by nature, not the computer! Quiet places and landscapes inspire new achievements.
  • Lead an active lifestyle: the more energy you have, the stronger the passion.


  • Do not be annoyed when you are not understood - express your thoughts in a discreet, clear voice and take the necessary measures (show your determination!).
  • Do not be afraid to take a break from people sometimes - this is good for your independence and reserve of strength!

What do you need

  • Strong faith and self-confidence.
  • A new beginning (even at sunset - enthusiasm and determination can come hand in hand at any time).
  • Friends and people you enjoy being around.
  • A positive attitude, otherwise it will be difficult for you to find motivation (important for a reboot).
  • Trust your intuition and doubt less. Learn to believe in yourself reasonably.