How to be suave

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Suave | Hitch Bar Scene
Video: How To Be Suave | Hitch Bar Scene


Being a suave guy can give you the privilege of receiving attention from the opposite sex and impress the people around you. In order to become courteous, you first need to practice your appearance, behavior, and communication in the best traditions of courtesy and suaveness at the highest level. Over time, these skills will become familiar, and you can confidently call yourself a suave gentleman. Continue reading to learn about the habits you need to develop.


Part 1 of 3: Courteous Appearance

  1. 1 Impressive costume. An essential part of a suave look is appearance. As a general rule, you should wear the best clothes you can find, and they should fit you perfectly.
    • If you're not sure what kind of dress will look courteous, ask for advice. You can seek advice from a friend who dresses stylishly and knows fashion, but an even better option is to ask a woman for advice. A woman will know for sure what a courteous man must look like in order to be successful with a female.
      • If you don't have a girl around you to whom you could ask this, search online for the information you need. On many sites, women share secrets about men. One such example is the Style Girlfriend blog (
  2. 2 Wear the right clothes for the right occasion. If you want to look courteous, then you need to understand when to show your style and when to omit it. Sometimes, being too formal and formal can backfire on you.
    • The suit is not suitable for going to the grocery store, but it will be very useful at an evening meeting in an expensive restaurant.
    • Even when T-shirt and jeans are the most appropriate clothing for the occasion, make sure the garments are clean and free of holes or streaks. Well-fitting clothes can look very appropriate, even if they are not as formal as a suit and tie.
  3. 3 Find a style icon. If you're not sure what kind of clothing looks courteous, take a look at the professionals. Think about the gentleman you want to inherit and remember how he dresses.
    • Choosing a modern style icon will help you navigate today's men's fashion trends. If you can't figure it out on your own, then look at sites or blogs, for example, GQ Style ( D'Marge (http: //www.dmarge .com /), or Inventory (
    • You can also turn to the past and look for characteristics and images of "courtesy" there. Even though people in the current era may be in vogue, not all men's styles are considered "suave". From 1940 to 1950, many male style icons were considered very suave. You can borrow from these icons not only the external image, but also the manner of courteous behavior.
  4. 4 Be the master of your style. As you look at others, you will need to learn to create your own style. This will give you a lot more confidence than inheriting from others.
  5. 5 Follow the details. Many guys may think that accessories are for women only, but a suave man knows what accessories to choose to create the courteous look he needs. These small details can complement and enhance your style in a beneficial way.
    • In particular, you can use ties, hats, men's scarves, jackets or brightly colored jackets, shoes.
    • If you're feeling a little bolder, you can use old-fashioned accessories like a pocket watch or a handkerchief.
  6. 6 Be clean. You won't come across as suave if your scent tells you that you haven't bathed for weeks and haven't brushed your teeth for months. Good hygiene is the foundation of an image that makes it radiant.
    • Maintain a neat look. The hair on the head and facial hair should be neat. If you don't shave smoothly, use a trimmer regularly to keep your stubble in good condition. Otherwise, you will look sloppy, despite the fact that you will be clean.
    • Wear cologne. This is an optional condition, everything is decided by the situation and the place where you go. For example, splashing some cologne is appropriate before a date. But make sure that the smell is not overwhelming, use a very small amount.

Part 2 of 3: Be Courteous

  1. 1 Learn to smile kindly. A timely smile can work wonders these days. Make your smile as pleasant and natural as possible and use it on occasion to express your position in the company.
    • Smiling is very important when you want to impress a woman. It is usually said that a man has more physical strength than the average woman. If women see you as a potential threat and signatory power, they will try to stay away from you. Smiling will show that you are friendly and not a threat.
    • Make sure you smile and don't look askance. All you need is a grateful smile and a sparkle in your eyes.If your gaze is permeated with greed, and your smile is forced, then you will seem more creepy than courteous.
  2. 2 Use open, inviting body language. Some embarrassment and aloofness may not seem suave. If you want to appear to be a courteous man, then use open gestures and body language that will help make those around you feel comfortable.
    • An example of a closed gesture is crossing arms. Thus, you isolate yourself from the person with whom you communicate. Likewise, by turning your head and body in a different direction from the other person, you let him know that your attention is occupied by something else.
    • People turn to closed body language because it makes them feel more secure. A courteous person will always behave openly with people, inviting them to free communication.
  3. 3 Make eye contact. Eye contact will make it clear to your interlocutor that you are listening to him and paying attention to him. Plus, focusing on your gaze will prevent you from being distracted by other things.
    • Direct eye contact can help you be more interesting in the eyes of a woman. It is a physiological response that helps keep the brain interested, making you appear more interesting to the woman.
    • However, too many of the right things can also play the opposite role. If you look a woman in the eye without blinking or being distracted for a second, you can scare her.
    • A woman's reaction to your opinion can give you an answer about how she feels about you. If she maintains eye contact, then this is a very good sign. If she lowers her eyes flirtatiously and smiles, sometimes glancing at you, then that's just as good. It is a bad sign if a woman keeps her gaze on something distant and does not look you in the eye.
  4. 4 Nod your head. It takes some time to learn to nod your head politely, because it can look insecure at first. A quick and confident nod can add elegance to your words.
    • The nod is one of the subtle forms of body language. If you like the flow of the conversation, you can nod from time to time. If you don't like the conversation, you can just stop nodding. Most people, especially women, will take this as a polite non-verbal hint.
    • You may find that many people, especially women, are more willing to engage in conversation when you start nodding. It lets them know that something they are talking about is interesting to you, and it is the subtlety of this movement that makes him so courteous.
  5. 5 Get a little closer. When talking to someone, if you want to appear courteous, you can get a little closer to the person to make a stronger impression. This small part of your attention can give your communication more energy.
    • If you are standing, come a step or two closer. If you are sitting, lean a little closer. If you are uncomfortable doing this or that, then you can simply tilt your head a little towards the interlocutor.
  6. 6 Understand the power of touch. A light, friendly touch can be a good way to show self-confidence, and warm demeanor speaks of courtesy.
    • Most people in society try to be indifferent to unfamiliar people. It turns out that we use very little small touches. Lightly touching a part of the body, such as a shoulder or an arm, can bend a person, especially a woman.
    • Pay attention to body language. If, touching a girl, she tenses or backs away from you, then she feels uncomfortable with you. If she relaxes and leans towards you, you are taking the right steps.
  7. 7 Demonstrate confidence in yourself. When all else fails, just keep in mind that you need to be confident to appear courteous. Your body language and behavior should exude confidence. But be careful not to appear narcissistic.
    • Along with many of the tips already mentioned, maintain an even, confident posture. In other words, don't slouch. Keep your back straight and your shoulders straight.
  8. 8 Be a gentleman. Another key point is knowing how to be a gentleman. Never push or climb into someone else's personal space, treat others with respect. Nothing looks more polite than someone who knows how to deal with people politely.

Part 3 of 3: Use courteous slang

  1. 1 Enhance your vocabulary. If you want to improve your level, learn new words, practice your speaking skills. Increased vocabulary can be an indicator of wit and awareness, which are extremely attractive qualities.
    • The natural way to increase your vocabulary is to read more. As a bonus to the expanded vocabulary, you will acquire new knowledge.
    • Frequent use of slang is not recommended in conversation. Slang words are specific, and good-natured, courteous conversation shouldn't be too specific.
  2. 2 Speak naturally. While mastering an advanced vocabulary can be a good trait, never try to show it on purpose. It will be obvious if you try to use abstruse words that are unusual for you. Instead, opt for a sophisticated form of communication that feels more natural to you.
    • Generally, if you are new to a word and have heard it once or twice, you should avoid using it when speaking.
  3. 3 Be careful with pet names. Affectionate words can be very sweet, but to many they can come across as rude and condescending. Wait until your relationship with a man, especially a woman, becomes more personal and intimate. Only then can sweet words be appropriate.
    • Even after you get to know the girl well, you should be careful about using affectionate words. Try it once. If the person responds positively, you can continue to use petting words, and you can also petting the person's name. If the reaction is negative, then the person should refer to this only by name in the future.
  4. 4 Maintain the conversation. Being a good conversationalist means being smart and confident in your conversation. A guy who knows how to keep up a conversation in a smooth manner can seem quite intriguing than others.


  • Be mindful of how people react to your suave behavior. No matter how hard you try and do everything right, there is always a person who will not like your behavior. Do not despair and take such an assessment to heart.