How to babysit a child from one to two years old

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 NANNY tips & tricks - 6 years experience & preschool certified teacher | Nicole Gillian
Video: 10 NANNY tips & tricks - 6 years experience & preschool certified teacher | Nicole Gillian


Nanny work with a child from 1 to 2 years old is different from caring for children of other ages. Get ready to receive a positive charge and fulfill all the needs of your baby.


Part 1 of 3: Babysitting Basics

  1. 1 Never leave them alone. Be on the lookout. Always keep an eye on what they are doing; you never know what they can try to do, what to open, what to dig, drop, etc. Don't leave the room for a second.You will be amazed at the chaos a child of this age can create while you go to the restroom.
  2. 2 Give them something to eat between feedings. Babies between the ages of 1 and 2 need to eat more often than adults. You can give them a sip of water, juice, or milk. Some people eat baby biscuits or dried fruit. Watch them while they eat. Learn to take food out of your children's mouth if they choke.
    • DO NOT USE ANYTHING that, in your opinion, may provoke an allergic reaction. Parents should advise you in advance about such products.
  3. 3 Check diapers regularly: change them in time. Odor is usually an excellent indicator. If your child has recently been potty trained, regularly ask him if he wants to potty, and watch for signs of desire. If you always wait for him to say that he needs to go, it may be too late and you will have to clean up after him.
  4. 4 Bring first aid equipment with you. Get your own kit and make sure you have everything you need. Buy colored patches or color them with your child. Give a funny name for the first aid kit, and if the child gets hurt, do not attach too much importance to it, but just say: “Oh, let's find your patch!” In this case, the baby will laugh and not be too upset.
  5. 5 Prepare for all sorts of contingencies. Save important phone numbers: parents, pediatrician, trauma center, etc. In different cases, they can be of enormous importance. Only call your parents if absolutely necessary. Don't make them worry or be distracted from important things.
  6. 6 Consider training opportunities. You can find specialized courses that teach you how to give first aid and how to deal with unforeseen circumstances. In addition, teach you how to deal effectively with children and make a good impression on parents looking for a nanny for their children.
  7. 7 Talk to your parents about the basic rules. Try to find out as much as possible about what rules parents themselves adhere to in raising their children. Do not break these rules, for example, regarding the timing of children's bedtime or the ban on food before bedtime. Not only does this harm the child, but you can also be caught in a violation if the child already knows how to talk. If a child tells you that his parents always allow him this and that, do not believe it. Children tend to test the strength of the boundaries of adults to see if they can get their way.
  8. 8 Punish children according to the rules of the parents. If a child needs to be punished, make sure you have information on how to do it. Different parents have different rules. If you think it is okay to spank your children, your parents may not share your opinion, and you should respect their opinion.
  9. 9 Be polite and respectful to your family. Don't rummage in the refrigerator. This is their food. They invited you to look after the child, not to have dinner. You also have to respect everything else in the house - never look into wardrobes, dressers, and closets. Also, who knows, maybe there are babysitting cameras installed in this house, so be careful!

Part 2 of 3: Keep your child entertained

  1. 1 Make a list of activities: keep your children busy. Children love to play. Make sure you have enough toys, bricks, age-appropriate art kits, rattles, books, and more. Get creative with it! Sometimes the oldest toys can be a delight. The toys seem old to you, but for the baby they are new.
    • Prepare to constantly swap one game for another. Children at this age cannot focus on one thing for a long time.
  2. 2 Go for a walk or exercise. Take the kids for a walk in the stroller. Pay their attention to different things along the way.Teach them in a playful way to cross the road correctly: “Look to the left, now to the right. There are no cars, you can cross!” In the end, the kids will repeat it after you! You can take a walk just holding hands if your toddler can already walk, but the walk shouldn't be long.
    • Another option is to just play with the kids, but this needs to be done strategically. If you indulge in bedtime pampering, in the end, you have to stack them ad infinitum. Even a little play before dreams overexcites the child. Long play makes children hyperactive, and they will indulge in until they collapse in complete exhaustion.
    • Revive the artist in you. Draw with pencils. Have the children draw their own family, pet, or favorite toy. They like to talk about what they love. You can give the children blocks or a construction set. Help them learn how to build different towers and break them, if the child gets upset that he can't, help a little.
  3. 3 Read a book to them. Young children, even the most active ones, usually love to be read to them. Sit on the floor or sofa with a book, blanket, and stuffed animal and read with them. Place the baby on your lap and read to him. Children love hugs!
    • Show pictures from a book of a farm and animals. Say: “You see the dog! Look, here is the dog! And where is the horse? Here is the horse!” Children like to show what they already know, and soon they will point fingers at familiar animals.
    • Describe the animal and depict the sounds it makes. For example, a horse, a cow or a pig. Don't be afraid to be a little silly. Always portray animals when watching a book about them with your child. Ask your child to repeat these sounds after you.
  4. 4 Sing the song. Tell a classic nursery rhyme or something they can remember. Perhaps they themselves will offer something! Children love songs, especially songs where you have to clap and move. Find a collection of songs that suits your needs and teach them with your children.
  5. 5 Play sorting games. If your toddler is older, you can teach him how to sort toys by type, size, color, and so on. Change the sorting rules each time.
  6. 6 Teach them colors. Place toys or objects of different colors in front of you, and when the kid takes something from them, name the color as if it were a game: "Red!", "Blue!", "Green!" Once they have memorized the colors, you can try the following options: "Put all the red ones together. Where is the red toy? Show me." In this way, they will learn to identify colors.
    • Name the colors when picking up objects, or when a child picks up an object, or when folding or playing with it.
  7. 7 Play games to score. Count toys to 5 or 6 if your child is interested in numbers. Encourage them to count, even when the toys are piled up. Pay no attention to mistakes. Give many examples for each number, adding 2 or 3 toys together.
  8. 8 Don't overwhelm them with the number of options. When playing with toys, offer them one at a time. The fact is that when there are too many toys, children play with the whole bunch at once and only for a short time, and then they get bored, and a mess forms in the house. Ask your toddler to help you remove the toys and make a game out of it.
    • If there is only one toy, they play with it until they get bored, then you can offer them the next one or 2-3, since sometimes children are interested in playing with several toys at once.

Part 3 of 3: Behave Properly

  1. 1 Be kind. Don't be too strict or angry. Do not be sarcastic, as this will only confuse the child if he already understands the meaning of the words. You can playfully "pretend to be angry", as if you were offended, or pretend to be surprised, and so on. Be artistic, but don't be too stupid or too serious, and don't pretend to be a teacher.
    • At the same time, you can show that the child's actions or words have made you upset.Keep in mind that even if they chatter, they usually do not attach importance to it and immediately forget. Just pretend to be shocked, giggle at their "cleverness" or funny deeds, then they will be more inclined to cooperate (this is much better than constantly pulling them down and waging a character war).
    • Always explain what you mean with joy and in a gentle tone, but do not be surprised that they play, touching different things, looking at you in anticipation of your reaction, just say no, no. Try to offer them alternative activities.
  2. 2 Watch your words carefully! Never use harsh words or names for your child. Kids can easily remember what they hear, so you can never predict what they will repeat to their parents!
  3. 3 Comfort them while they sleep. If the baby wakes up and starts crying and calling for mom and dad, just sit next to him and say softly, "shh, it's okay, I'm there." If they say they want Mom to come, tell them that when they wake up, Mom will come and hug and kiss. They need to know that soon everything will be all right.
    • But don't say that if you know your parents won't come. This will only upset the child even more.
    • You can try singing lullabies to your baby.


  • If your child cannot sleep, bring books and read stories before bed. Make sure they are age-appropriate.
  • Be kid friendly and treat them like friends, then they will want you to come back.
  • Always grab the attention of children, otherwise they will turn the house into chaos.
  • If your toddler is learning to potty, offer it to him as often as possible, otherwise he will get his pants dirty.
  • Never leave your child alone!
  • Babies at this age require frequent diaper changes. Keep track of how many diapers are left. If your parents have no idea about this, watch the diapers yourself.
  • Always bring a first aid kit, extra toys, your own toothbrush, and everything you need. If parents return late, brushing their teeth with the little ones will be a rewarding experience for them.
  • Bring age-appropriate safe toys with you.
  • Talk to them about everything in the world - they like it when you just talk to them.
  • Show unconditional kindness! Try to create an atmosphere of calmness, control yourself, and show understanding for them.
  • Many different activities are needed to keep them interested.
  • If your toddler begins to miss his parents, distract him with an interesting activity.
  • When you ALWAYS NEED to leave the premises, place your child in a chair, jumpers, walker, chair or playpen. Listen to them, no matter how safe you think they are.
  • Before bed, don't let them get overexcited. This is not the time for wrestling, tickling and similar games. Tell them a story you made up, but NOT SCARY. Anything about a kitten or a little boy - anything.
  • If your baby does not calm down and cries all the time when you put him to bed, put him in bed and leave the room. Eventually he will get tired and fall asleep on his own. If the crying lasts longer than 15 minutes, something is wrong. In this case, it is better to check it.


  • It is important for babies at this age to know that someone is in control and taking care of them. If the baby is crying, take him in your arms and say something like, "It's okay" or "It's okay." They need to know that someone is nearby. And remember that the age phase between one year and two is one of the most active.
  • Avoid giving babies round foods like grapes or sausages. If you give, give the food a non-circular shape, since children at this age still chew food rather poorly. Avoid nuts, hard meats, and chips.
  • Never give small toys to babies. Learn to provide first aid if your child chokes.
  • Make sure that the baby does not bump against the edges of tables or any sharp corners.
  • If the baby is crying, change his diaper, feed him or hug him. If he doesn't calm down, start singing, that should help! If he starts screaming, take a walk with him or just walk around the apartment, the movement is soothing.
  • If you just turn on the TV all the time, the child will get bored. Try to diversify your activities - listening to music, snacking, playing with your pet, going for a walk, or playing games like Okay.
  • Learn to take objects out of your child's mouth in case they choke.
  • Do not feed them anything that could trigger allergies.
  • Toddlers love to color, so bring along crayons and pictures that they like: princesses, cars, trains, or funny cartoon characters.
  • If you are a young girl, NEVER bring a boyfriend with you. It may be permissible to bring a friend with you, ask your parents for permission.
  • If the baby cries for 2-2.5 hours and nothing helps, call the parents.

What do you need

  • Toys, books, blocks, maybe a music player with songs you sing to the children.
  • Instructions from parents
  • Help desk phone numbers and parents' contacts, parent location information, first aid kit, etc.
  • Diapers
  • Wet wipes
  • Sippy
  • Parent-Allowed Snacks