How to be a good guy

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
5 Ways To Stop Being "The Nice Guy" ❤️| COCO Chanou
Video: 5 Ways To Stop Being "The Nice Guy" ❤️| COCO Chanou


It's not easy being a nice guy, even if you have a wonderful girlfriend. A good guy knows when to talk, when to listen, when to give advice, when to empathize, when to give the girl attention and when to let her go about her business. You need to become for a girl such a person whom she will trust, whom she will admire, for whom she wants to become even better. A good guy can adapt to the situation and knows that there is no limit to perfection in working on relationships!


Method 1 of 2: Express and Share Your Feelings

  1. 1 Be honest. Honesty in any relationship almost always the best policy. Being honest from the beginning of your relationship can help you avoid future problems.
    • Tell her everything she needs to know without overwhelming her with the truth. If you've had a serious relationship with someone before, you can tell her that, but don't go into detail about your ex.
    • Be kind in your honesty. This does not mean that your every answer should sound like a compliment. Just suggest some alternative. For example, if she asks if you like what she's trying on, tell her you don't mind, but you like the blue option better, as it accentuates her beautiful eyes.
    • In addition to being honest, you need to be able to accept the honesty of others. A good guy can accept the truth.
  2. 2 Trust her. Trust your girlfriend and make sure she trusts you too. Trust is the foundation of your relationship, because love is a combination of trust and commitment. Thanks to this, you will become more frank with each other, learn to understand the desires, feelings and needs of each other.
    • You can trust your girlfriend by telling her something about yourself that other people don't know.
    • To make her trust you, show that you are interested and worried if she tells you something personal and important to her.
  3. 3 There must be two people in the conversation. When you speak, try to maintain a 60-40 balance throughout the conversation. It is difficult when a partner is either constantly silent or chatting non-stop. If you are more silent, she will think that you are not interested in her. If you talk a lot, she will think you are narcissistic or just impolite.
    • When communicating, it is important not only to be able to speak, but also to be able to listen. This is also true for relationships. If the relationship is pulled by someone alone, then they are doomed.
    • Of course, there are times when you need to speak out (for example, when something exciting, important, or, conversely, something bad happened), but still try to maintain balance in the conversation.
  4. 4 Be a good listener. Remember, when she speaks, you don't have to wait your turn, you have to listen to her. Try to actually listen to her, not just pretend.
    • Remember, it's not so much about agreeing with what your girlfriend says - you don't have to agree. The point is to remember. If your girlfriend has told you something important, try to remember it.
    • If she has already said something to you twice, and you do not know what she is talking about, because you did not listen to her, she will understand this and will be upset.
    • Watch for non-verbal signs. So you can understand that the girl does not like something, even if she herself does not talk about it. What can her expression tell you? And the pose? And the fact that she constantly twists a strand of hair with her fingers, looking at you?
  5. 5 Learn to compromise. Compromise is an important part of a successful conversation. If you and your girlfriend can't come to an agreement without a fight, or simply because no one wants to give in, then you're in trouble. To be able to find a compromise, you need to learn to calmly talk about your needs and desires, while considering what your girlfriend wants, and not ignore her.
    • When you both expressed your opinion about a situation, you can together make a list of all the pros and cons, and then decide what is best for the two of you.
    • Sometimes you or your girlfriend will have to give in. It's okay to do it one at a time. If she has chosen a movie for the evening, you choose the place where you will have dinner.
    • As you learn to compromise, remember to learn to speak in a low, calm voice even when you disagree with something. Never raise your voice at her, and even more so under no circumstances raise your hand to her! Yes, even if you’re the devil. Just step back, calm down and listen to the voice of common sense, and then (and only then) come back.
  6. 6 Support her. Show your girlfriend that you can be relied on, that you are listening carefully and that you are interested in everything she has to say. As you spend time together, be sure to listen to her needs. By supporting her, you will strengthen your relationship. And if you support her dreams and goals, she, in turn, will support yours.
    • Be there when she prepares for an upcoming exam, applies for college or career guidance, or is worried about an event that might affect her future.
    • Be there and help her if she's having a busy week or month. For example, you can take care of dinner or drop her off at university. Little things like that will make her life much easier on these difficult days.
  7. 7 Be understanding. If something is important to her, it is important to you too. It doesn't matter that you would not even be interested in this if it were not for her. In a relationship, you need to share experiences and support each other. When she is upset, try to put yourself in her shoes and understand how she is feeling. Don't just ignore her feelings, because you think it's "trivial".
    • If suddenly it seems to you that you do not feel sincere sympathy, try to look at the situation from her point of view.
    • Sometimes she may want to cry and hear words of comfort.Don't try to solve her problems right away - wait until she calms down and then offer a solution.
    • If she is upset, you should ask, "Do you want to talk about this?" Show her that you are really going through. And if she's not ready to talk about it, don't insist.

Method 2 of 2: Be gentle and loving

  1. 1 Show your affection. Show your girlfriend that you love her. Minor touches, hugs, a kiss, and maybe a little public expression of your feelings are just a few ways to show your affection.
    • Don't overdo it - you don't want her to feel uncomfortable. Try to read her mind. If she's not in the mood, don't kiss her.
    • Often, even a light touch will not go unnoticed. If your girlfriend is a romantic, then you can do this: having met for the first time in a few days, lovingly hug her (you can by the waist) and tell her how much you miss her.
    • Depending on the girl's preference, you can kiss her lips / cheek / forehead / neck to show that you are happy with her presence. Or just take her hand, bring it to your lips and kiss.
    • If you are unsure of how your girlfriend perceives public displays of affection, be careful. Believe it or not, not every girl enjoys holding hands.
  2. 2 Appreciate her beauty. Don't skimp on compliments when she makes the extra effort to look her best. However, it is equally important to let the girl know that she can relax and be herself next to you. Don't give her any reason to think that she should look 11 on a 10-point scale 24 hours a day. Let her know that she is beautiful for you even after an hour in front of the mirror, and immediately after waking up.
    • If she has a new hairstyle or clothes, let her know that you have noticed and that you like it.
    • Appreciating looks is not frivolous at all! You really care about a person, he will always be beautiful for you. And if you caught yourself thinking that this is exactly what you think about your girlfriend - tell her about it!
  3. 3 Compliment her from the heart. Compliment your girlfriend as often as possible. Compliment her appearance and her personality. So she will know that you are interested not only in her appearance, but and what's inside. It will be much easier for her to be confident if your compliments give her such a reason.
    • Don't use banal phrases. For example, don't just say, "You look good." Instead, say, "It makes your eyes look beautiful" or "This hairstyle fits the shape of your face nicely." The more specific your compliment is, the more unique and valuable it is.
    • Even simple and even rustic compliments can mean a lot. Phrases like “You have such beautiful handwriting” or “You're in a parallel parking lot - a real ace” will equally well raise a girl's self-esteem (if said sincerely). It also shows that you are paying attention to the girl again.
  4. 4 Give gifts on special occasions and more. Of course, healthy relationships cannot be built on gifts alone, even if they are expensive and beautiful. However, thoughtful gifts will show your attention, care, and concern.
    • Make gifts for birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas, anniversary and other special occasions. The gift does not have to be expensive, the main thing is that it should be thoughtful! Just keep in mind what she likes and what she doesn't.
    • Think about special effects. For example, you can engrave her name on a chain, or give a girl a snowflake pendant if she enjoys skiing, or a music notebook if she is a musician - in general, think.
    • When you're together, pay attention to her interests. Perhaps she will mention something she liked about the shop window, or something she would like to do. Maybe she wants to go horseback riding or try some extreme sport.It is not necessary to give only material things; emotional gifts can be much better.
    • Give her gifts just like that. Buy something from time to time out of the blue and give it to her simply because you "thought of her." These kinds of gifts are of great importance because they are unexpected and pleasant.
  5. 5 Diversify your relationship with spontaneity. Yes, of course, habit and consistency are some of the most enjoyable aspects of a relationship. However, it would be a big mistake to focus on the same activities! Chances are, you enjoy spending time with each other, so try not to be the only thing that you spend time with.
    • We repeat, add variety to your relationship! Don't do the same thing all the time. Instead, try visiting new places, doing a new activity. Even if these new activities do not meet your expectations, at least you will spend this time together and get to know each other even better.
    • Thanks to new experiences, your relationship will always be in good shape. Plus, you will always have something to remember.
    • From time to time, surprise her with something original. For example, take her somewhere she hasn't been, dance without music, or bring her a Lego set and ask her to build something to symbolize the two of you.
    • Take an unexpected trip. You can choose a place ahead of time and then just tell her to pack without telling her where you are going. Don't forget about her tastes, of course! Perhaps she will be delighted with such mystery, and perhaps not.
    • If she said that she had never been to any city park or unusual town that is not far from where you live, take her there without telling her where you are going. She will love this surprise, as well as the fact that you listen to what she has to say.
  6. 6 Take care of yourself! Let your girlfriend know that you need her, that she helps, that she is appreciated - but don't put too much on her fragile shoulders. Maintain good hygiene, try to look neat, set goals, and work hard. You can't be a good guy to your girlfriend if you can't take responsibility for yourself!
    • Take pride in your looks and the way you pose and present yourself. Look good and dignified (both in terms of appearance and in terms of behavior) - then your girl will look good. Just trust - she will appreciate it.
    • If she constantly has to remind you to do this or that, she is unlikely to like your relationship. She wants to take care of you, that's a fact, but she doesn't want to become your second mother!
  7. 7 Give her (and yourself) some space. Yes, your girlfriend is your soul mate, but that doesn't mean she is yours own. Give her freedom of action: you go about your business, and let her do hers. You don't need to keep her on a leash, otherwise your relationship will only worsen. If you allow her to pursue her interests, as well as meet with friends, and at the same time do not call her every 5 seconds, she will like you much more.
    • You need to make sure you both have time to be alone, time for your friends, and time for each other.
    • After spending time with your friends, you will begin to appreciate each other even more when you meet again.
    • If you spend time with your friends, you will then have something to discuss and tell each other.
    • Maintain your interests. Do not give up hobbies, sports and all other interests that you had before you met. Show interest in something, but don't do what you don't like. While it is great to play the same sport or hobby together, don't force her to watch a soccer game if she doesn't want to, and you shouldn't go to yoga if you don't like it.
    • Maintaining your own interests will help you maintain a sense of individuality and develop separately so that you can develop together.


  • Don't forget that she is chatting with her friends. If you don't know what kind of gift she wants, ask them. Perhaps they know what kind of date she is dreaming of, her favorite sport, favorite bands, and what she hates. However, you do not need to ask her friends what is wrong with her if you had a fight with her before, because they will always be on her side and will tell her everything. Treat her friends well because if they don't like you, they may tell her to dump you (especially if you find fault with them or forbid her to spend time with them).
  • If your girlfriend is sad or annoyed about something, don't let her go to bed like this. Talk to her about it to understand what is the reason. It is at this moment that she will understand that you are worried about her.
  • Don't rush your relationship.
  • Be confident in yourself. This will give her confidence too. Plus, some girls like a little cheeky guys. But don't overdo it.
  • Tell her how you feel. If you are upset, angry, happy, tell her about it. Girls love to cheer up guys when they feel bad.
  • Don't give her any reason to doubt you.
  • Be yourself! That's why you became a couple, remember?
  • Communicate with your girlfriend - write to her, call, make it clear that you are not indifferent to her!
  • Don't be intrusive to the point of being annoying. If you kiss or hug her all the time, she might get angry! Give her some privacy.
  • If you don't see your girlfriend as your female best friend, just tell her about it and add that there is nothing to worry about - you will be faithful to her.


  • If your girlfriend is angry, don't yell back at her. Calm her down, try to solve the problem in a civilized manner. So you can keep everything under control and not break the wood in the process.
  • You don't have to tell your girlfriend what you were going to do for her, and then for some reason you didn't. For example: "I was going to give you this, but then changed my mind" or "I wanted to take a day off and spend it with you, but then I thought it was a bad idea." She will not think you have been thinking about it. She will think that you have decided that she is not worthy of this.
  • Her family's attitude towards you should never affect your attitude towards her. Her loved ones can do and say what they want. You can tell her that you are worried about someone saying or doing something, but never mind.
  • Don't be too intrusive. She wants to have her own personal space just like you. If she wants to meet up with friends or do something instead of being with you, let her do it.
  • Don't embarrass her. Many people feel embarrassed if they are told in public about underwear, hygiene, making love, and so on. You may enjoy doing this, but your girlfriend may not want to talk about it in public. Also, don't tell funny stories about her without her consent, especially if she's trying to stop you (just don't continue, for heaven's sake). This hurts her feelings, as she will think that it is more important for you to impress your friends and make them laugh, rather than respect her feelings.
  • Don't do or say what you want. If you feel that you are about to explode and say something that will be very unpleasant for your girlfriend to hear, then it is better to just leave her alone with herself. After a couple of hours, when everyone is cool, you can send her an SMS or call her.
  • If she sees that you are doing something that can be misunderstood, do not say: "This is not what you think" or "This is not really so." Take her hand (she will probably try to remove her hand), look into her eyes and tell her that you love her, that you have one, and then explain that what she saw, she did not understand.