How to quickly cure acne with folk remedies

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 13 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Your Acne Disappear Overnight | 4 Home Remedies For Pimples
Video: How To Make Your Acne Disappear Overnight | 4 Home Remedies For Pimples


If you suffer from acne, you are not alone. Acne, or acne, occurs when the hair follicles on the skin become clogged by secretions from the sebaceous glands and dead skin cells. Acne usually occurs on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders. Acne is caused by a variety of reasons. Heredity, hormonal disorders and an increase in sebum production, combined with a pronounced tendency to retain scales and lipids in the hair follicle, play a role. It is impossible to get rid of acne in one day, but there are procedures that will help you quickly improve the condition of your skin without harming it. Use home remedies, make the necessary changes to your diet, and your skin will begin to look healthy.


Part 1 of 4: Taking good care of your skin

  1. 1 Determine the type of acne. There are different treatments for acne depending on the severity of your condition. Acne is often classified as mild, moderate, and severe. In most cases, doctors diagnose the mild form, but it is not uncommon to see a severe acne rash that causes nodules - painful, pus-filled cysts that leave scars. If this is your case, be sure to seek medical attention. Types of acne:
    • Whiteheads (closed comedones) occur when the pores of the skin are blocked by dust, dirt, or sebum. They resemble hard white bumps under the skin.
    • Blackheads or (open comedones) are characterized by the appearance of blackheads on the surface of the skin, which is the result of clogged pores with accumulations of dirt and sebum. Acne begins to darken after oxygen acts on melanin (skin pigment).
    • Pustules occur due to the ingress of pyogenic bacteria into the skin lesions, which cause the process of inflammation, irritation, swelling and redness. Pus is a viscous, yellowish or greenish fluid that forms at the site of infection. The composition of pus includes dead blood leukocytes, living and dead bacteria, as well as fragments of dead tissue.
    • The nodules are large, hard, painful papules with no pus inside.
    • Cysts are deep, pus-filled skin lesions that can cause pain and scarring.
  2. 2 Quit smoking. Smoking can cause a condition called smoker's acne, which is not as easily treatable as regular acne. Smokers are four times more likely to develop acne after adolescence, especially in women between the ages of 25 and 50. Cigarette smoke can also irritate the skin of people with sensitive skin.
    • Smoking is known to cause other skin conditions such as wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. Smoking destroys the collagen fibers in the skin and increases the activity of free radicals.
  3. 3 Don't touch your face. Dirt and bacteria on your hands can clog your pores and make your skin worse if you constantly touch your face with your hands. If you have inflamed skin, use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt and soothe your skin.
    • Don't pop pimples. Otherwise, scars may remain. It can also lead to further inflammation.
  4. 4 Find the right cleanser. Use a mild face wash without sodium laureth sulfate. Sodium laureth sulfate may cause skin irritation. Use a cleanser with natural ingredients only. Typically, these products are sold in pharmacies.
    • Chemical cleansers can irritate the skin and contribute to more acne.
  5. 5 Wash your face regularly. Wash your skin with your fingertips, in the morning and before bed.Remember to rinse your face with warm water after washing your face. Wash your face twice a day and after you sweat.
    • Sweat can irritate the skin. Wash your face as soon as you sweat.
  6. 6 Use suitable skin care products. Apply an oil-free moisturizer if you have dry skin or itching. Astringent, pore-tightening products are only recommended for oily skin, and even then they should only be applied to oily areas. If you would like to use an exfoliating product, check with your beautician about the type of product that is right for you.
    • If your acne is not inflamed (whiteheads, blackheads), you can use mild exfoliators available at most beauty stores. Dry and sensitive skin can be exfoliated no more than 1-2 times a week, while for oily and dense skin this procedure can be performed daily.

Part 2 of 4: Changing your diet

  1. 1 Eat a healthy diet. Avoid meat that contains hormones and other similar substances that can lead to hormonal imbalances, which in turn lead to acne. Eat more fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits instead. Foods rich in vitamins A, C, E and zinc can help reduce acne due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Here are some good sources of these substances:
    • sweet red pepper;
    • kale;
    • spinach;
    • amaranth leaves;
    • turnip tops;
    • sweet potatoes (yam);
    • pumpkin;
    • butternut squash;
    • mango;
    • grapefruit;
    • melon cantaloupe.
  2. 2 Take zinc. Research shows that consuming zinc can reduce acne. Zinc is an essential trace mineral with antioxidant properties. This element helps to protect the cells of the body from damage caused by bacteria and viruses. Zinc levels are slightly low in many people, but taking a multivitamin and a healthy diet should provide you with enough zinc. While you can take zinc supplements, it can be obtained from the following foods:
    • oysters, shrimps, crabs, shellfish;
    • red meat;
    • poultry meat;
    • cheese;
    • beans;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • pumpkin;
    • tofu;
    • miso;
    • mushrooms;
    • heat-treated greens.
    • Forms of zinc available for assimilation: zinc picolinate, zinc citrate, zinc acetate, zinc glycerate, zinc gluconate and monomethionine. If zinc sulfate irritates your stomach, you can try another form, such as zinc citrate.
  3. 3 Take vitamin A. Some research suggests that vitamin A deficiency can contribute to acne. Vitamin A is an anti-inflammatory agent that balances hormones and reduces sebum production. You can increase your vitamin A intake by following a healthy diet and avoiding unhealthy fats like margarine, hydrogenated oils, and processed foods.
    • Vitamin A is found in carrots, green leafy vegetables, and yellow or orange fruits. If you will be taking vitamin A supplements, the recommended daily intake should be 10,000–25,000 IU. High doses of vitamin A can have side effects, including fetal abnormalities, so monitor dosage carefully.
  4. 4 Consume vitamin C. Vitamin C improves the healing rate of acne. For the synthesis of collagen and ensuring the normal functioning of its fibers, it is necessary to enter the body of some vitamins, including vitamin C. Collagen is essential for the restoration of skin tissues, cartilage, blood vessels and wound healing. Take 500 mg of vitamin C per day, dividing this amount into 2-3 doses. You can also add vitamin C-rich foods to your daily diet. Here are some good natural sources of vitamin C:
    • sweet red and green peppers;
    • citrus fruits such as oranges, pomelo, grapefruit, limes, and natural citrus juices;
    • spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts;
    • strawberries and raspberries;
    • tomatoes.
  5. 5 Drink green tea. Green tea is not directly linked to acne prevention, but it contains many antioxidants that protect the skin. This makes the skin look healthy and youthful. To make green tea, steep 2-3 g of green tea leaves in a cup of hot water (80-85 ° C) for 3-5 minutes. Drink green tea 2-3 times a day.
    • Green tea may also have anti-inflammatory effects that may reduce the risk of cancer. Some studies show that green tea protects against harmful UV radiation and helps improve skin health.

Part 3 of 4: Using Herbal Remedies

  1. 1 Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is often used to treat acne, wounds, infections, and skin lesions. For acne treatment, use 5-15% tea tree oil. Apply 2-3 drops of oil to a cotton pad and dab it over the pimple.
    • Never take tea tree oil by mouth. Also, do not leave it uncorked for a long time, as it will oxidize in air. Oxidized tea tree oil is more likely to cause allergic reactions than fresh tea.
  2. 2 Use jojoba oil. Apply 5-6 drops of jojoba oil to a cotton pad and apply to the pimple. Jojoba oil is an extract from the seeds of the jojoba tree that has many beneficial properties. It is similar to natural sebum, but does not clog pores or make skin oily.
    • Jojoba oil moisturizes the skin well. As a rule, it does not cause irritation, but if you have sensitive skin, consult your beautician.
  3. 3 Use juniper oil. Juniper oil is a good astringent that has antiseptic properties. You can use it as a facial cleanser to clear clogged pores and treat acne, dermatitis, and eczema. Apply 1–2 drops of oil to a cotton pad and wipe it over your face after washing your face.
    • Don't use too much juniper oil. This can cause irritation and make the problem worse.
  4. 4 Use aloe vera gel. Use aloe vera gel daily for skin care. You can purchase this product at a beauty or health supply store. Aloe vera is a succulent plant with antibacterial properties. It is very effective in treating acne and reducing inflammation. Plus, aloe vera speeds up the healing process of acne.
    • Some people are allergic to aloe. If you develop a rash, stop using this remedy and talk to your doctor.
  5. 5 Use sea salt. Get a sea salt lotion or cream that contains less than 1% sodium chloride. Apply it up to six times a day for 5 minutes. Research shows that sea salt has anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and protective properties. Sea salt protects the skin from harmful UV radiation. You can also use sea salt as a face mask. Purchase sea salt or sea salt from a pharmacy or beauty supply store.
    • People with mild acne can safely use sea salt and products based on it. People with dry, sensitive skin or severe acne should talk to a dermatologist before starting treatment, as sea salt can cause dryness and irritation.

Part 4 of 4: When to Seek Medical Help

  1. 1 See your beautician or dermatologist if home remedies for acne aren't working. After a few weeks of home remedies for acne, you should see improvement. However, these measures are not enough for some forms of acne. If the rash persists, see your doctor.
    • Tell the specialist what you have tried to treat acne with.
    • You may notice improvements in just a week, especially if your problem is just a few acne. However, it usually takes 4-8 weeks to treat acne with home remedies.
  2. 2 See a dermatologist for severe acne. Your doctor will determine the cause of your acne and recommend appropriate treatment. For example, it can be caused by hormones, inflammation, or bacteria in the deep layers of the skin. Your dermatologist may recommend a stronger cream, oral medication, or beauty treatment.
    • The doctor may recommend not just a cosmetic, but a drug, including those that are dispensed with a prescription.
  3. 3 Ask your doctor to prescribe the medication you need. A dermatologist can help you choose a topical or oral medication. Perhaps you need a cream that works at a deeper level, or pills that can help heal the cause from the inside out. Everything will depend on what is causing your acne.
    • You may be prescribed a cream containing benoyl peroxide, retinoid, antibiotic, or salicylic acid.
    • If your acne is caused by bacteria or inflammation, your doctor may prescribe an oral antibiotic.
    • If all else fails, isotretinoin is sometimes prescribed as a last resort. This is only done in very severe cases where acne interferes with a normal life as it has serious side effects.
  4. 4 Go for hormone therapy if your acne is caused by hormones. High levels of androgens (hormones), primarily in women, can lead to excess sebum production, leading to acne. Sebum contains fatty acids that promote the growth of bacteria that cause acne. Your doctor may prescribe a hormonal birth control drug to help restore hormonal balance and relieve acne.
    • Hormonal changes are a normal part of our life. They can be associated with puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and certain medications.
    • The best way to determine if your acne is caused by hormonal changes is by consulting a dermatologist.
  5. 5 Consider a chemical peel to remove the top layer of your skin. This procedure is carried out in most beauty salons. It removes the top layer of the skin, which improves its appearance and helps to get rid of acne, as well as reduce the scars left by previous breakouts.
    • The cosmetologist will instruct you on how to care for your skin before and after the procedure. Most likely, immediately after the peel, you will not be able to do makeup, and also hide your face from the sun during healing.
  6. 6 Find out if light therapy is right for you. Laser and phototherapy are popular alternative treatments for acne. They are used for severe acne, including the formation of cysts and nodules. These methods kill the bacteria that cause acne and help clear your skin.
    • Research shows that light therapy has been effective in many patients. Talk to a dermatologist and discuss the use of light therapy in your case.
  7. 7 Talk to your doctor about how to remove acne if it persists. In some cases, the healing process can be accelerated with drainage, freezing (cryotherapy), or medication injections. This will help cleanse your skin faster and prevent scarring. However, this intervention is not suitable for everyone.
    • If other remedies don't work, your doctor may recommend one of these treatments.
  8. 8 Seek emergency medical attention if you have an allergic reaction to acne treatment products. Both over-the-counter and prescription drugs often cause mild redness, irritation, and itching. This is normal, but watch out for other signs of allergies. The following symptoms may indicate that you have developed an allergic reaction:
    • swelling of the eyelids, lips, tongue, or face;
    • labored breathing;
    • feeling of a lump in the throat;
    • weakness, light-headedness.


  • Dermatologists recommend washing your hair as often as possible if you have an oily hair type. Oily hair in contact with the face can trigger acne.
  • Do not apply makeup immediately after washing your face, as cosmetics can clog your pores. Use oil-free cosmetics for skin and hair.
  • Do not wash your face with too hot or too cold water, as this can dry out your skin. Use warm water and do not scrub your face with an abrasive washcloth.
  • Be careful when applying cream around the eyes. In this area, the skin is very delicate.
  • Taking vitamin E and zinc, you must not forget about vitamin A. The recommended dose of vitamin E when taken with vitamin A is 400-800 IU.
  • Long-term use of zinc can lower blood copper levels, so doctors recommend consuming at least 2 mg of copper daily along with zinc supplements.
  • The daily dose of zinc is 30 mg three times a day. This dosage is recommended for patients who suffer from acne. Once you manage to fix the problem, the dose should be 10 to 30 mg once a day.


  • If you do not notice any improvement in your skin condition after 8 weeks of treatment, consult a dermatologist.
  • Do not use iodized sea salt or products containing iodine, as this substance can cause irritation, only exacerbating the problem.
  • You should not take high doses of zinc for a long time. Talk to your doctor before taking zinc supplements.