How to quickly clean a room

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Clean Your Room FAST!
Video: How to Clean Your Room FAST!


Cleaning your room may seem like a boring task, but there are ways to speed up the process. The first thing to do is to use an organized approach: pick up the trash, put everything back in place, and clean up the room - make the bed, dust off, use a vacuum cleaner. You can also resort to tricks - listening to energetic music and cleaning in a game format. Time flies by when a person is interested and fun.


Part 1 of 3: How to Deal with the Task

  1. 1 Turn on music (YouTube, Deezer or Yandex.Music are good options for listening to music online)... Such a distraction in the process of work will speed up the passage of time. It is important that the music makes you want to sing along and dance.
  2. 2 Open the curtains and let the light into the room. Light energizes and allows you to better distinguish everything around. Take five minutes to make your bed. You will be amazed at how quickly your room will transform.
  3. 3 Start by picking up the trash. Place all rubbish in a basket or heap, which should then be removed. Garbage is easy to distinguish from other things, and after such cleaning the room will immediately become much cleaner.
  4. 4 Transfer things. Move all things that are out of place to the center of the room. This gives you more room to clean up, and piles of books and heaps of toys can be taken apart and put into place. Sort items by category to put them in different rooms and different closets later.
  5. 5 Take away the dirty dishes. If you like to eat in a room, dirty dishes can quickly make a fairly clean bedroom look unkempt. Remove all glasses and plates to the kitchen where they can be washed or placed in the dishwasher.
  6. 6 Organize your clothes. Separate dirty from clean items. Put dirty clothes directly in the washing machine or in the laundry basket, and put clean clothes in the closet. If you store them in a dresser, fold each item neatly to save space. This will quickly empty the room and give your bedroom a neat look. It also doesn't hurt to use a vacuum cleaner to clean the floor.
    • Set your shoes aside to avoid tripping. Take the shoes to the shoe rack or neatly under the dresser (or on the bottom shelf of the wardrobe).
    • Don't forget belts, handbags, and ties. Hang them on a hanger in the closet. If you have special drawers or shelves for such things, then arrange all accessories in places to bring order to the closets.
  7. 7 Get rid of the clutter. It is not enough just to remove things from the floor, collect trash and lay out clothes. It is also necessary to tidy up all other surfaces. Arrange items neatly in drawers, on a dresser, bedside table, and other shelves. Don't forget to look under the bed as well.
    • Throw away or donate unwanted items to charity.If you have clothes, books, or toys that are no longer appropriate for your age, put them in boxes and ask your parents to deal with them or give them to younger siblings. Free up space for the things you really need to make it easier for yourself to clean and organize. Take a look in the closet and put aside all the things that have become small for you or you no longer like, as they can be donated to younger relatives, friends, or to charity.
    • Waste paper should be recycled and the rest of the documents sorted. All partially covered paper can be used for notes to take care of nature.
    • For schoolchildren and students, all separate sheets of paper with notes and notebooks can be folded into a box or special folder. This will make it easier for you to understand them and discard unnecessary ones. This box can be stored near the bedroom door to find items in front of the school.
    • Smaller items can be stored in bags and large boxes. They can be stowed away in a pantry, beautifully arranged in a room, or hidden under a bed.
    • Try to put similar things together for easy searching. This way you don't have to turn the entire room upside down.
  8. 8 Make the bed. Even a clean room looks unkempt if the bed is not made. Remove all duvets and bedspreads, and then fold back neatly on the bed. You can also remove the sheets and turn the mattress over (for even wear). Wash bedding promptly. Starting from a made bed will help you motivate yourself more easily.
    • If you want to surprise your parents even more, you can wrap the sheet under the mattress and give the bed an even more neat look.
    • Making your bed first gives you extra space to fold your clothes, papers, and other things.
  9. 9 Take items from other rooms to their place. Put all the extraneous things in a box or basket and take them to the appropriate rooms! For example, take her stuffed toys and a construction set to your sister's bedroom, and put the books in a closet in the common room.
  10. 10 If you are in a real rush, you can set a timer or alarm. Focus on the key aspects of cleaning and stop when the time is up. Usually, dirty linen (which can be taken to the basket in the bathroom), spread bedding and rubbish all over the room spoil the look of the bedroom most.

Part 2 of 3: How to do a professional cleaning

  1. 1 Wipe down bedroom surfaces and furniture. Get rid of dust to please parents with a clean room in a short time. Take a damp cloth or paper towel along with a suitable cleaning agent and remove all dust and other traces of dirt.
  2. 2 Shake out small rugs. If the room has a small rug, shake it out outside and hang it up for a while (if it's not raining) to ventilate. A vacuum cleaner will not always completely clean carpet surfaces, so it is best to shake out or knock out the rugs to improve their appearance and smell.
    • Perform this step before sweeping or vacuuming the room.
  3. 3 Use a vacuum cleaner! Be sure to clean the corners and baseboards along the walls, and look under the bed. This will make the room look even better, as a dirty carpet or floor makes a clean room look unkempt.
    • It is best to sweep and mop wood floors rather than vacuuming to get rid of all the dirt.
  4. 4 Freshen up the smell in the room. First, open all windows and doors to let fresh air into the room. Use an air freshener after airing. A pleasant smell will improve the overall atmosphere in the room.
    • Before doing this, it is necessary to remove all dirty things into the wash, as they are often the main cause of unpleasant odors.
  5. 5 Make sure there is room for everything. Otherwise, get rid of all unnecessary: ​​if there is no room for some things, then you have too many things for the current room.Reduce the number of such things! If all things have their place, then it will be much easier for you to clean next time.
    • Mark up boxes and drawers so you can easily find the items you want.
    • If you have a lot of small items like jewelry, then leave the organizing procedure for last: they need to be folded very neatly, and this is time-consuming.
    • Buy new items based on your needs and available space in the room.
  6. 6 Make room for clean items. Organize your closet and drawers - fold and hang all your clothes neatly. When stored neatly and efficiently, you will have more room for clothes and other items like boxes, collections, blankets and other items that don't have room yet.
  7. 7 Keep your room tidy. Store items in their places and clean up immediately after use to shorten the time for each next cleaning. It will also surely make an impression on the parents and cheer them up. A clean room is a very powerful argument when discussing privileges and pocket money.

Part 3 of 3: How to stay motivated

  1. 1 Play your favorite songs. Cleaning will be more fun with cheerful, inspiring music. While you listen to the songs, the cleaning time will fly by. Make a list of rhythmic songs and tidy up with music!
    • If you have other means of playing music, do not use the phone (turn off all notifications so as not to be distracted by SMS and messages from social networks) and the computer, as they can distract from work. This will help yourself a lot, even if you think otherwise!
    • Always check with your parents to see if you can turn on music, and also keep an eye on the volume.
  2. 2 Rearrange things and change the interior. Such actions inspire cleaning the room. So, from time to time, change the usual arrangement and use new decorations in order to give it a fresh look in addition to the cleanliness in the room and feel deeper satisfaction with your work.
    • Our articles from different categories will give you a lot of new ideas!
  3. 3 Schedule room activities after cleaning. If you don't have the motivation to clean the room, think about how your bedroom will be transformed. Schedule activities like a movie marathon and meeting friends to inspire your work.
  4. 4 Start with the hardest things. Many people start cleaning and do not finish what they started, as they leave the most hated tasks for last. Start with the tasks you least want to do, and then move on to simpler tasks. This will make it easier for you to finish cleaning.
    • Reward yourself after completing the first task to motivate you for new achievements!
    • You can also start with the activities that transform the room the most. This is a good choice when you are on a tight schedule. For example, you can make the bed first, even if you don't plan on sorting other things on the bed. This will give you an instant reward - the room will immediately become tidier.
  5. 5 Make cleaning a game. This will help you stay motivated until the very end and will convince you to clean more often! There are many ways to turn cleaning into a game, but first, consider a couple of the following ideas:
    • Divide the room into sections using ropes. Number all areas and roll numbered dice. Start cleaning the area with the dropped number. If you do it in 4 minutes, you get a reward! Roll the dice until you're done cleaning.
    • Write down all the parts of the room that need to be cleaned (bed, under the bed, dresser, desk, shelves, bookcase, nightstand) on separate sheets of paper and put them in a basket or hat, and then take them out in turn.
    • If you have a swivel office chair, sit in it and unwind to a full stop. Remove the part of the room in front of which you find yourself. You can also twirl the bottle.
    • Have a competition.If you live in different rooms with your brother or sister, then clean your rooms at speed! Invite parents to choose awards for the winners.
    • Many popular songs are 3-4 minutes long. If you listen to music, then pay attention to what you can do in one song.
    • Try playing traffic light in a cleaning context.
    • Time yourself. Try it faster next time, but don't skip tasks.
  6. 6 Clean up with a friend. Ask a friend to help you clean. Parents need to know that you are definitely busy, otherwise your friend may be sent home. It is best to choose a person who is neat by nature. He will teach you how to effectively clean the room and fold things. Remember to help your friend when it's their turn to clean their room.
    • If you are not alone in a room, then fairly share the cleaning responsibilities.
    • Don't let siblings or friends be present if they get in your way.
  7. 7 Try not to be discouraged by the scale of the work ahead. It's easy to get upset and quit when the room is very dirty. There are a number of tricks that can help you fix this problem.
    • Clean in small portions, such as cleaning and stacking 5 items at a time, or work in 5 minute chunks throughout the day until the room is clean. This is not the fastest way, but you will not get tired and in the end you will achieve the desired result.
    • Clean more often so it takes less time. Put things in their places every night before going to bed, so that on the day of cleaning you can only dust and wash the pier.


  • Place items of the same type one at a time. For example, start with school supplies.
  • Stack your clothes in a pile on the floor, and then quickly stash them in a closet or laundry basket.
  • Tackle large objects on the floor first. Put them back in place, then move on to medium-sized items. Leave small items for last. Arrange all things neatly and correctly, so that later you can only maintain order. After that, pay your attention to cleanliness - collect dust, vacuum, sweep and wash the floors.
  • If you don't like chemical detergents, then use natural products.
  • To focus and finish cleaning quickly, do not be distracted by the Internet and TV.
  • If you are timing, take breaks to balance your strength.
  • Get in the habit of folding 20 items into place every day, or spending 5 minutes cleaning to keep your room tidy. Large-scale cleaning can be done once a month.
  • Don't overexert yourself to stay motivated.
  • If you share a room with relatives, then clean up together too.
  • To make cleaning a joyful and positive experience, visualize how nice and clean the room will be after you finish. You will be proud of yourself, and the smell in the room will be fresh and pleasant. A clean bedroom can be decorated and invited to visit friends.
  • Take breaks in times of frustration. Sit down and pull yourself together, then continue cleaning.
  • Make a step-by-step plan:
    • Fold up dirty clothes to be washed.
    • Collect trash in a trash can or bag.
    • Remove dirty dishes in the kitchen.
  • Set a timer for a reasonable amount of time and see how much you get done!
  • It is not necessary to lay things out and clean up in one day.


  • Strive to balance speed and efficiency. There is no need to rush or you will have to redo the work.
  • If rodents or insects are in your bedroom, ask your parents for help.
  • Be careful with shards of glass and remnants of vegetation (thorns, burdock balls). They can show up in the most unexpected places.
  • Be careful not to overturn or break anything during cleaning.
  • Most spiders NOT pose dangers. In case of problems, contact your parents.
  • Do not play your music too loudly so as not to disturb others.

What do you need

  • Radio, smartphone, tablet or computer for listening to music (optional)
  • Garbage bags (if the trash can is far from home)
  • Air freshener or perfume (optional)
  • Wood floor broom and carpet vacuum cleaner
  • Dust cleaning cloth
  • Glass and furniture cleaner
  • Hangers
  • Mop, rag and dustpan
  • Delicious (optional; remove crumbs and packaging immediately)
  • Bottle of water
  • Storage box