Ways to Determine Your Skin Type

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Find Your Skin Type | Skin Care 101
Video: How To Find Your Skin Type | Skin Care 101


There are many types of skin, not only dry skin, oily skin (oily) but also a combination of the two above. Main skin types include dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, normal skin, acne skin, and sensitive skin. You may be wondering, there are so many skin types how to distinguish? Here are ways to help you recognize your skin type to take proper care, choose the right product and have the perfect skin.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the skin

  1. Cleansing. Use make-up remover to clean all the makeup while removing dirt and sebum from your face.

  2. Wash your face. Wet your face with lukewarm water, then place a gentle cleanser in your palms. Gently massage your face with your fingertips so that the soap and water are evenly spread over your face. Then, rinse your face with cold or warm water and pat dry with a clean towel or washcloth.
    • Don't over-wash your face or your skin will dry out.

  3. Wait a few minutes. Do not use any product (whether moisturizer or acne cream) on your face during this time and avoid touching your face with your hands. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Facial Skin Exam

  1. Feel your skin. Immediately after washing, if your face feels tight, it is dry skin, and if you feel cleaner, it's oily skin. If it is combination skin, after washing the face, the T-zone should feel clean and the cheeks will feel tight. Sensitive skin reacts easily to certain detergents, leading to itching and a rash.
    • If your face starts to become red, itchy, or a rash after using certain facial products, your skin is sensitive.
    • If your face feels greasy often, then your skin is oily.
    • If your skin does not fall into any of these situations and the facial areas are fine then congratulations, you have normal skin and not too much care!
    • In particular, if you are oily skin type, you can easily get pimples or acne at any age.

  2. Mirror. If red or flaky patches appear all over your face, your skin is likely dry and / or sensitive. If you find your face a bit shiny, your skin is oily, and if most of these are on your face, then you are combination skin.
  3. Look at pore size. With normal skin, pores are visible but not too large. Take a few steps back from the mirror. If you still see pores on your face, your skin is oily, and if you can't see it, it's dry skin.
    • Combination skin is skin with uneven pores, which results in both dry, oily, and normal skin.
  4. Pinch try. Oily skin is usually quite smooth. If your skin is easily wrinkled after the impact, then you have dry or combination skin.
  5. Dab your face with a paper towel. After washing your face, wait a few hours, then dab the T-zone with a tissue (including forehead and nose). Look to see if the tissue has oil soaked on it. If so, you may have oily or combination skin types.
  6. Consult a dermatologist. If you are still unsure about your skin type, a dermatologist can answer the questions surrounding this issue. If you do everything and your skin still does not improve, they can prescribe you some over-the-counter medications or do some treatments for dry, oily, sensitive, or combination skin. and acne skin. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Skin care

  1. Use a moisturizer on dry skin. Apply an unscented moisturizer to rough areas. Take a warm bath (not too hot) and don't overdo it with soap.
    • Dry skin is prone to inflammation. In this case, apply Hydrocortisone ointment to the inflamed area.
  2. Wash face twice morning and night for oily skin. Wash your face for 30 seconds to one minute with a gentle cleanser and warm water. Use facial products containing benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid or salicylic acid on problem areas. For a spot product or patch, you should buy a small one to try first to see what works best for your face.
    • You can also use oil blotting paper to remove excess oil from your face. Apply the paper to the oily skin for about 15 seconds to absorb the oil and make your face look less shiny.
    • Boldly use a moisturizer. Even oily skin needs to be moisturized, however, it is recommended to use an oil-free moisturizer.
  3. Find a balancing treatment for combination skin. You should use a mild, unscented cleanser, and stay away from soaps that contain harmful chemicals. Add fish oil or eat a variety of foods high in fatty acids such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts. This will help the skin to be moisturized, not greasy.
  4. For sensitive or acne skin, use soap-free cleansers. Choose to buy a mild, fragrance-free, and chemical-free cleanser to prevent skin irritation. Moisturizing to prevent potential stretch marks. Test the product before use by testing a small amount on the skin behind the ear, then the skin on the side of the eye, to see overnight skin reaction.
  5. Provide enough water. Drink enough water if you want healthy skin. When your body is dehydrated, the skin releases a lot of sebum (oil) to balance moisture. Drink enough water to have beautiful skin. advertisement


  • Exfoliate your skin 1-2 times a week to remove dead cells, unclog and tighten pores.
  • Your skin can be affected by the environment, beauty products, stress, diet, and so on.These factors will cause your skin to change erratically, so pay attention!
  • During puberty and menopause, the amount of hormones can affect the skin.
  • One of the most important things you can do is maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet for beautiful skin.


  • Do not over wash your face as you can wash away the natural oily layer of the skin, making it dry. Wash your face no more than 3 times a day and always use moisturizer on dry skin.