How to determine if you have herpes virus

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Herpes (oral & genital) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology
Video: Herpes (oral & genital) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology


Herpes Simplex Viruses (HSV-1 and HSV-2) are the viruses that cause herpes. Although it only causes a small skin rash and is extremely common (estimated 56% of adults have HSV-1, 16% have HSV-2), these viruses can make the patient depressed due to ignorance, stigma and old-fashioned thinking about sexual health. A doctor can help treat symptoms, relieve pain, and reduce the spread of the virus, but cannot cure the HSV virus. Instead, the virus goes into the resting cycle and can return at any time (with or without symptoms). Determine if you have herpes by assessing your high-risk behavior, recognizing your symptoms, and getting tested.


Part 1 of 3: Recognizing the symptoms of herpes virus

  1. Find out about the Herpes virus. There are 2 types of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) virus, HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both types are considered genital herpes because they can both spread to the genitals. However, the HSV-2 virus that causes genital herpes is much more common. HSV-1 is the most common virus strain on the lips and mouth, and can be transmitted through oral sex like HSV-2. There are many effective ways to treat the symptoms of both strains as they appear but there is no cure.
    • Treatment is an important part of managing the disease. If you don't get treatment for genital herpes, you can infect other people (including your baby if you are pregnant), get cystitis, rectal inflammation and, in extreme cases, meningitis.

  2. Watch for symptoms about 2 weeks after infection with Herpes virus. Symptoms in the first flare-up take a while to appear and are often worse than subsequent outbreaks. You may not know you are infected with the virus, so you should pay special attention to any new symptoms, including fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and fatigue. See your doctor if you suspect you have a herpes outbreak for the first time.
    • In some cases, it can be difficult for a person to recognize themselves exposed to the virus as it can take a long time for symptoms to appear. Or it can be passed on to people who don't have obvious symptoms.

  3. Watch for redness and itching. After having sex, watch for signs of redness or itching in the genitals or around the mouth. You may also feel a tingling and hot area of ​​the infected skin. A few days later, you may notice a herpes rash or flare-ups (herpes) on the skin. You should also be wary of several external factors that can contribute to a herpes outbreak, including:
    • Injury, stress or menstruation. These factors can cause secretion of cortisol, adrenaline and stress hormones or significantly alter hormone levels in the body. Any of the above changes decrease the body's ability to fight infections, giving the Herpes virus a chance of flare-ups.
    • Burning and itching before an outbreak (a symptom). Reducing the itching and burning when Herpes is about to flare up can speed up the outbreak. Scratching the itch during an outbreak can cause the illness to come back more often and spread the virus.
    • Sunlight and fever. Skin exposed to ultraviolet rays from the sun can further irritate and damage the underlying cells, creating a chance for herpes to flare. A fever or cold can weaken the immune system, preventing the body from suppressing the infection, leading to flare-ups.
  4. Watch for blisters on or around the genitals. You may notice small blisters (or blisters) appear 6 to 48 hours after other symptoms appear. If the blister bursts and becomes an ulcer, you will find it filled with a straw-like liquid. Also, watch for blisters on the lips, mouth, eyes, tongue, and other parts of the body. You may feel a tingling sensation where the blisters are about to appear. But there are also cases where blisters or other symptoms are not present.
    • In women, blisters can appear on the labia, vagina, anus, cervix, buttocks, and thighs. The sores usually heal after 7-14 days.
    • In men, blisters usually appear on the scrotum, penis, buttocks, and thighs.
  5. Watch for pain while urinating. During an outbreak, urinating can be very painful. If you have trouble urinating (some women report), seek medical attention. Women should also observe for vaginal discharge (an unusual or unusual discharge that has never appeared before). The discharge can be clear, white or light gray green, can have an odor and can vary from person to person.
    • Remember that vaginal discharge is not a diagnostic sign of herpes, but a symptom that can help diagnose the disease along with other symptoms.

Part 2 of 3: Getting medical care and herpes control

  1. See your doctor or clinic for tests. Be aware that regular sexually transmitted infection tests don't diagnose herpes, so you will need to request specialized testing. If an outbreak is in progress, your doctor may perform a smear test, where a sterile gauze is dabbed gently on the ulcer and taken to a laboratory. Your doctor will use an implant to test for the Herpes virus. Initial testing may include lab tests and imaging tests. If symptoms have not appeared, you will need blood tests. However, blood tests are best done 3-4 months after exposure to the virus as it is used to check for antibodies (the response to an infection of the body).
    • Usually, the diagnosis is done through a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based smear test. A synthetic gauze is rubbed vigorously against the abnormal skin, then placed in a solution to send to the lab. Next, using specialized laboratory technology, the sample is amplified several times to see if the patient has herpes virus or not.
    • In some cases, your doctor may perform an antibody test to determine the type of Herpes virus. This test uses antibodies to specifically target and determine if the infection is an HSV-1 or HSV-2 virus. About 50% of patients usually give a positive result within 3 weeks of being infected with the virus. If you have been infected for more than 16 weeks, the test will most likely show a positive result.
    • Your doctor may consider using a PCR gauze pad to check for damage. A sterile gauze pad will be used to vigorously rub the central area of ​​the lesion - press hard enough to reach the epithelial cells without causing bleeding - and collect a purulent fluid. The swab is then sent to the laboratory for diagnosis.
  2. Treat your symptoms with antiviral Herpes. If the test is positive, your doctor will prescribe drugs that help inhibit the virus and the symptoms it causes. It also reduces the chance of spreading the HSV virus to others. Start treatment as soon as possible or as soon as possible and take your medication as directed by your doctor. Herpes antiviral drugs include:
    • Acyclovir. This is the top medicine for treating genital damage or frequent lesions on the labia due to Herpes. It can also be used topically to treat eye infections caused by herpes. Acyclovir is considered relatively safe for pregnant and lactating women and it can be used in children.
    • Penciclovir. This is the first topical cream that is used to treat oral lesions.
    • Valacyclovir. This is the leading drug used to treat genital herpes for the first time and recurrence.
    • Foscarnet. This is the second most effective drug in the case of Acyclovir resistance. Acyclovir resistance can occur in patients with weakened immune systems due to systemic Herpes infection.
  3. Take control of the Herpes virus by learning about the disease. You should look for information and research on Herpes virus and herpes virus research. Knowing more about what's going on in your body will help you better cope and cope during outbreaks. Herpes disease information is well documented and well studied. There are other ongoing studies that may help find new treatments.
    • Your doctor can have many recommendations and can give you the latest information on the latest medications available.
  4. Avoid spreading the virus. Take the time to explain the situation to someone who has sex with you before engaging in behaviors that can transmit herpes. Conversation can be combined with conversation about sexual health. Take preventive measures to avoid spreading the virus, including making lifestyle changes. For example, you should learn to recognize early symptoms of the disease and explore forms of sex unrelated to the area of ​​the virus. Use a condom during an outbreak.
    • If you touch herpes sores, especially when you are first diagnosed, wash your hands with soap and water. Your body has not carried antibodies for a few months, and you may accidentally spread the virus to your eyes and mouth. If you have mouth sores, don't kiss anyone.

Part 3 of 3: Recognizing behaviors that increase your risk of infection

  1. Know your risk factors. Be aware that many people with genital herpes do not have symptoms for a long time. Therefore, it's a good idea to rely on your high risk factors to determine if you need testing for early treatment. Factors that may increase your risk of getting herpes virus include:
    • Immunodeficiency states. A weakened immune system does not cause herpes, but it will be difficult for your body to defend itself and fight off an outbreak. Illness, stress, AIDS, cancer, diabetes and even age can all be factors that make you susceptible to HSV-1 / HSV-2.
    • Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis) in young children. Eczema is a common itchy skin disorder that can lead to serious skin problems.
    • Exposure in the work environment. Certain occupations exposed to viruses are at higher risk of herpes infection. For example, dentists are at high risk of contracting HSV-1 which causes a very painful infection of the hand.
  2. Consider sexual behavior. Condoms help reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of infection. Sexual activities have the highest risk of infection with HSV-2 and HSV-1 viruses. Preventive sex can also spread herpes, especially during an outbreak, or even when there are no symptoms. Herpes virus spreads through the moist mucous membranes of the skin, so open areas of the mouth, anus, penis, and vagina are most at risk of infection. It can spread when the infected person's infected area comes into contact with the mucous membrane of an uninfected person.
    • Types of contact that can easily spread the herpes virus include: kissing, oral sex, anal and vaginal sex (or having sex in combination that causes mucous membranes membranes are in contact with each other).
  3. Determine the number of people who have had sex with you in recent times. Since the Herpes virus can be spread by mouth and through sex, the risk of infection increases if you have sex with more and more people.
    • However, herpes virus infection does not mean that the patient has sex with many people. You can get the virus from one person, at a time. In addition, many people can get HSV-1 by mouth during primary school or by kissing a loved one (even as a child).
  4. Understand the risk factors for women. Women are more likely to get the virus because it spreads more easily from men to women than from women to men. For example, the prevalence rate of HSV-2 virus is 20.3% in females, while it is 10.6% for men.
    • According to the US Center for Disease Control, in the US, from 14-49 expulsion, 1 out of 6 people will have genital herpes.