How to treat musty smell

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid Of Musty Odors or Smell - Is It Mold?
Video: How To Get Rid Of Musty Odors or Smell - Is It Mold?


The musty smell will make your room feel unclean. Get rid of the musty smell in damp places by draining the air inside and letting in fresh outside air. Treat musty odors on clothes and household items with white vinegar, baking soda, or bleach. Sprinkle baking soda over other objects that smell musty to absorb the odors and moisture that may be in it. You can also use vanilla essential oil, scent bags or coffee grounds to deodorize and make the room smell better.


Method 1 of 5: Get rid of the musty smell on fabrics

  1. Wash fabric items in a washing machine with white vinegar. Fabric items like clothes, bed linens and linens can be washed in the washing machine. Pour 1 cup of white vinegar (240 ml) for medium batch and soak for about 30 minutes. Turn on normal washing mode and let fragrance softener soften fabric during rinse cycle. Add scented paper to the dryer when drying your clothes. Repeat this process as needed.
    • The smell of the vinegar will dissolve after it dries.
    • You may have added too much laundry detergent or fabric softener when washing the clothes. This causes soap to remain on the clothes, reducing absorbency and causing musty odors.

  2. Wash fabrics with baking soda in the washing machine. Other fabric items such as clothes, bed linens, and towels can be washed with baking soda to remove the musty smell. Add 1 cup baking soda to a medium load and soak for about 30 minutes. Then let the machine run in normal washing mode.

  3. Wash or soak the white cloth in bleach. Put white items in the washing machine, remember not to overfill. Add detergent to the machine and set the water wash to "warm". When the washing machine is full of water, add 1 cup (240 ml) of bleach to the washing bucket (reduce the amount of bleach if washing a little). Complete the washing cycle as usual.
    • Bleach can remove both stains and musty odors. However, check the labels on your clothes to see if they can be removed, as chlorine bleach will discolor the fabric.
    • Bleach can discolor or damage clothes or textiles. Natural fabrics such as silk, wool, or animal-derived fibers are almost impossible to withstand the effects of bleach. Check the clothing label for the warning "do not use chlorine bleach" (do not use chlorine bleach).
    • Do not wash clothes with bleach too much, as bleach can damage fabrics like linen, cotton and rayon over time. However, sometimes using bleach does not damage the fabric.

  4. Hang clothes outside after washing. Exposure to sunlight and fresh air can naturally remove the musty smell. Make sure all cloth items are right completely dry before taking it into the house. Humidity is the main cause of mold.
    • Pay attention to the weather and bring all the linen inside if it is wet or rainy. Do not leave it outside overnight, if possible. Leaving the fabric outside in humid weather for too long can help mold growth.

Method 2 of 5: Treat musty smells on household appliances

  1. Wash household items with a white vinegar solution. Dissolve 1 liter of warm water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda (15 ml). Wipe all household items with a baking soda and water mixture. Wipe the inner surfaces of the item with this mixture. Pack old newspaper into the item and let it sit for 24 hours or until dry. Take out newspaper and rinse with water, then let dry completely.
    • Remove all food from the refrigerator and defrost the freezer before cleaning.
  2. Place an open can of baking soda in the refrigerator. If you are using the refrigerator, the odor should be absorbed within a few days. Change the baking soda from time to time according to package directions.
  3. Place a small dish of vanilla essential oil in the refrigerator. Place a few spoons of vanilla on a plate and keep in the refrigerator where it won't easily spill. Leave on for about 3 weeks to remove any odors or musty odors.
    • The freezing temperature causes the vanilla essential oil to evaporate and lose its deodorizing effect.
  4. Eliminate oven odors with dish soap, baking soda, vinegar and vanilla. Commercial oven cleaning products can be toxic and leave an unpleasant odor. You can remove smoke odors or unpleasant odors with just the simple ingredients in the kitchen. Please do as follows:
    • Mix ½ cup dish soap (120 ml), 1.5 cup baking soda (360 ml), cup white vinegar (60 ml), and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essential oil (5 ml) in a glass bowl.
    • Add more water to make it a paste, but not too loose. Spread on the inside of oven and leave overnight (6-8 hours).
    • You should make the mixture "foamy" to increase the effectiveness of removing stains on the oven surface. Use brush and water to clean. Repeat as needed.
    • Alternatively, fill the spray bottle with white vinegar halfway, filling it with water. Spray inside oven and wipe off with a damp sponge. This can get rid of odors, but won't remove grease and burns.
    • Sprinkle salt on the burned food stains in the oven. Wait for the oven to cool and wipe it off with a damp rag.
  5. Eliminate musty smells in your washing machine with bleach and vinegar. Mold can form in your washing machine (especially front load machines) and cause a musty smell, even on clothes that have just been washed. Remove all laundry from the washing machine and place in the drum 1 cup of bleach or vinegar (240 ml). Set the washing mode to "hot" and run the machine to run the normal quick wash cycle. Wait for the washing machine to drain.
    • Open the lid or door from time to time when not in use to prevent mold from forming.
    • Wipe the inner and outer surfaces of the washing machine with a dilute bleach solution (2 teaspoons bleach and 4 liters cold water) or vinegar solution (2 tablespoons white vinegar mixed with 4 liters cold water). Wet with paper towels soaked in water and wipe off any surfaces. Wait about 12 hours or until washing machine is completely dry before using.

Method 3 of 5: Deodorize musty in humid places

  1. Ventilate wall cabinets, closed rooms and cabinets. Mold prefers cool, humid, and dark places. Reduce the humidity in the air by using a fan, dehumidifier, or opening windows. Ideally, indoor humidity should be kept below 40%.
    • Hire a professional to remove mold-contaminated ceilings, rugs, floor liners or plaster walls. These materials cannot be cleaned and pose a potential health hazard.
  2. Scrub hard surfaces with soap. Use soap and warm water to scrub smooth surfaces, including walls, inside drawers, laminate floors, concrete and tile floors.
  3. Cover the musty smell with homemade fragrance. Add a cinnamon stick, orange peel and a few cloves to the water and simmer over the heat. Remove it when the water starts to boil, place it on the pot mat and keep in the room that smells musty until it cools down.
    • You can also put herbs or fragrant flowers in your leather socks, tie them up and place them next to the heat vent of the active heater.
  4. Use cat litter to absorb moisture. Pour cat litter into a box or tray and place it in a place where unused clothing, such as a closet or attic, is stored to absorb moisture and remove odors.
    • Spray products like "Oust" to temporarily remove the musty smell.
  5. Hang volcanic rock net bags in wet places. You can buy these bags at most home appliance stores and have a natural deodorizing effect in basements, wardrobes and warehouses, and even deodorizing shoes.
    • Read the instructions on the product packaging for the size and number of bags to use per square meter of deodorizing area.
  6. Wipe windows and doors with a mixture of 1 part water and 1 part vinegar. Then apply a thin layer of coconut oil to the windowsill or the edges of the windows and doors. This will prevent the mold re-infection for several months.
    • To disinfect objects and kill mold, mix ¾ cup of bleach (180 ml) with warm water. Put on rubber gloves and wipe the surfaces with the sponge. Wait 5 minutes before rinsing with water. Let dry naturally.
    • Regularly check windows, doors and walls for stains or musty smells coming back. Disinfect if necessary.

Method 4 of 5: Remove musty smells on furniture and carpets

  1. Kill fungal spores with chlorine dioxide. This chemical is often used on boats to control musty odors and in libraries to control mold outbreaks. You can buy this chemical in small quantities from many sources sold to users who want to kill mold on boats and in cabinets. Use this paste in moldy areas and let dry.
    • If you cannot buy chlorine dioxide at home stores, you can order it online.
  2. Treat mold stains on carpeting with hydrogen peroxide. Make the mixture by adding 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (15 ml) to 5 teaspoons of water (25 ml). Use a paint brush to paint over the moldy areas.
    • Try applying the solution to a dark spot on the carpet first, as hydrogen peroxide can discolor the carpet.
  3. Clean the carpet with baking soda. Cover the dry carpet with baking soda, and use a damp mop to push the baking soda deep into the carpet fibers. Leave until completely dry, then vacuum up baking soda with a vacuum cleaner.
    • You may need to vacuum the carpet twice, next time move the vacuum cleaner in the opposite direction.
    • You can also hire a professional carpet cleaning service, or rent a carpet cleaning tool from the store.
    • Wash small rugs and rugs in the washing machine. Check the cleaning instructions label attached to the carpet in advance.
  4. Clean kitchen cabinets and chests with baking soda. Place an open can of baking soda in a kitchen cabinet or drawer to remove musty odors and absorb moisture. Let it sit for 2-3 days before taking it out.
    • You can also clean your kitchen cabinets, drawers or drawers with equal parts baking soda and water.
    • A freshly made open coffee grounds container can also help deodorize in small spaces. You should leave it for 2-3 days before discarding or replacing another container.
    • Alternatively, you can take everything out of the cabinet and sprinkle a thin layer of coffee grounds or baking soda on the cabinet floor or the cabinet surface. Leave for 2-3 days and vacuum clean with a vacuum or wipe with a damp cloth. Open the door to dry.

Method 5 of 5: Get rid of musty odors on other objects

  1. Deodorize shoes with baking soda. Pour a few teaspoons of baking soda into your shoes and place your shoes in a plastic zippered bag and close it. Put your shoes in the freezer overnight. The next morning take out shoes and pour baking soda into the trash.
    • You can also sprinkle Odor Eaters powder on shoes.
    • Pack wet shoes (especially sneakers and soccer boots) with old newspapers. Replace the newspaper with a wet newspaper. This will make the shoe drier faster and prevent mold or odors.
  2. Ventilate the air inside suitcases and backpacks. Leave items out in the sun for a few days. Heat and light will help kill mold and bacteria.
    • You can also wipe suitcases and backpacks with an antibacterial wet washcloth, especially suitcases made from plastic or other hard materials.
    • Place a few pieces of cloth drying scent paper or cat litter bags containing baking soda in your suitcase or backpack.
    • Keep suitcases and backpacks fragrant when not in use by placing an unpeeled bar of soap in it. Put soap in the main compartment and sub-compartments as well.
  3. Ventilate the air in the tent. Set up a tent in the yard on a sunny day. You may never get rid of mold stains, but you can still get rid of the musty smell by cleaning it thoroughly (read the tent manufacturer's instructions for choosing the right product) and sun drying for a few days.
    • After your camp comes home, make sure the tent is completely dry before curled up and stored.
  4. Purify the air in the car with baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda or a carpet cleaning product on the seats and floor of the car, then vacuum it up with a vacuum cleaner. You can also hang the deodorant bag on your rearview mirror.
    • Put an open coffee grounds container or cat litter box in the trunk overnight to absorb odors.
    • Spray the diluted bleach solution (1/2 cup bleach to 4 liters hot water) onto rubber rugs and rinse with running water. Do this on a sunny day so the carpet can be dried outside.
  5. Treat musty smells in books with crumbling volcanic rock. Remove unpleasant musty odors from your books with crumbled volcanic rock (available in mesh bags at the hardware store).
    • Place a net bag of crumbling volcanic rock at the bottom of a clean plastic container with a lid.
    • Place a crate on top of the volcanic rock and erect the books.
    • Cover the plastic container and let it sit for several days before removing the book.


  • Do not use bleach or ammonia to clean household items, as these chemicals can damage the lining and release dangerous toxic gases.
  • If you don't have a washing machine, you can soak clothes in a sink or bath with warm water for about 30 minutes as well.
  • Most room sprays usually only smother musty smells and don't really get rid of odors, but there are some products (like "Oust") that can temporarily deceive your olfactory receptors, making you feel like got rid of the musty smell. These products can help until the problem is really resolved.
  • Make sure clothes are thoroughly rinsed and dry before storing them in a drawer or drawer.
  • Make sure the towels are dry before you throw them in the laundry basket and other clothes.
  • Throw out mold-contaminated carpets and mattresses.
  • The musty smell will persist or return if you do not identify and address the underlying cause, such as moisture or bacteria.
  • Avoid storing items in a dark, cold, and humid place, as this is a condition for mold to grow.
  • Consider cleaning the washer or closet if the musty smell persists, as that could be where the mold was coming from, not from your clothes.
  • Prevent mold growth by fixing water leaks, plumbing, wall or roof problems.


  • Chlorine dioxide is an irritant chemical. If you are using chlorine dioxide, you need to ventilate the room before using it, or close the door if deodorizing is in the refrigerator.
  • Moldy spread in basements, attics, low spaces and vents can be toxic. If you notice this, wear a mask, avoid inhaling mold spores, wear gloves, and wash your hands thoroughly after handling.
  • Contact the county community service to get them referrals for mold treatment companies. Check out the many competing sites before signing the contract to ensure re-treatment if mold re-contamination. Don't try to handle it yourself.
  • Mixing chemicals together, especially bleach, can produce very strong volatiles. When mixing home cleaning solutions, use a clean glass bowl or measuring cup. Do not reuse aerosol. Buy an empty spray from the store and put a label on them.
  • When using commercial cleaning products or bleach, make sure the workspace is well ventilated.
  • Make sure all surfaces (hard surfaces, carpets, upholstery) are completely dry before sprinkling baking soda. The available moisture will make the baking soda harden, making it ineffective in absorbing odors and difficult to clean.