How to Overcome a Unrequited Love

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Cure for Unrequited Love
Video: The Cure for Unrequited Love


Dealing with a broken relationship is always difficult, and after experiencing a one-sided relationship, you will feel as if nothing is going your way. Many people have exhausted their energies because of their unrequited love as well as overwhelming disappointment, but they really have not lost everything. As human beings, we all have the ability to restore, renew our spirit and help ourselves get out of this miserable situation. Learning how to get past your ex's shadow and move on will help you feel stronger and more independent, and be ready to meet someone else who can make you happy.


Method 1 of 2: Relationship overcoming

  1. Admit the problem. Many people often lie to themselves when they are in an unhealthy relationship or after experiencing it. They convince themselves that all is generally fine, the person really cares about them, and they may wonder if they made a mistake at the end of the relationship. However, you certainly have a reason to end your relationship. While part of that relationship gives you comfort and joy, it does not excuse or justify bad moments.
    • Whenever you find yourself wondering if ending the relationship was the right thing, think about the things that upset you. Deep down in your heart you will probably find that you really can't stand such unpleasant traits, such as lack of emotion or lack of encouragement or support.

  2. Allow yourself to be upset. It's okay to feel miserable after ending a relationship, especially if you're not being cared for or respected in the relationship. You may feel bored or lonely, or experience more intense emotions such as feeling worthless, lacking self-confidence, and distrust of yourself. These feelings are also completely normal after ending a relationship, mourning a broken relationship is a healthy response, but it's important not to believe any of your inferiority complexions Is going through.
    • Remember that it is not your fault that you were mistreated or taken lightly. You have the right to feel frustrated by the bad experiences you have been through, you don't have to believe that you are also partly responsible for those experiences.
    • Holding back the grief of losing a relationship can lead to worse emotional conditions, including depression and anxiety. Don't overwhelm your emotions, find healthy ways to release them.

  3. Remember that all injuries are temporary. When any relationship ends, it's easy to feel that we will mourn them forever. But the reality is simply not so. Your feelings for ending a relationship are temporary, and the low self-esteem you may experience is completely unfounded.
    • All emotions of skepticism and negativity stem from a lack of confidence, sadness, and fear. They do not come from your actual experience, nor do they accurately reflect who you are or what you deserve.

  4. Find things that nourish your health. After a bad relationship, you may experience a series of bad feelings or self-doubts. During this time, it's most important to do things that make you happy and feel good about yourself.
    • Try to be more physically active and spend more time outdoors naturally replenishing the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine.
  5. Focus on today. You can't overcome all your emotional trauma overnight, and you can't find a perfect relationship overnight. All you can do is be patient every day. Focus on feeling better today, and little by little you will do it. Don't worry about moving forward or looking for a new relationship until you've completely gotten through the tough and painful times.
    • Do small things for yourself every day to feel better about yourself and confident in your values.
    • Don't try to fast forward any of the phases. All you can do is take the time to improve yourself today, and believe that you will be ready for the next relationship at the right time.
  6. Don't lose hope. When a relationship is over, you may hope that you can still fix things - that the person you care about will recognize your mistakes, and will learn to love and respect you. . In the end, you realize that that person will not change. But when that happens, it's important not to completely lose hope. You simply need to convert that hope into hope for the future. You will find that you want to move on, and at some point you will hope that you can live a happier and more fulfilling life when the other person is gone.
    • Remember, your relationship does not define who you are. You can and will get through that relationship, it just takes time.

Method 2 of 2: Keep living

  1. Looking to the future. While it may be difficult to see right now, you are preparing to experience greater happiness and fulfillment in future relationships by ending an unhealthy relationship. You realize that the previous relationship was neither healthy nor complete, you have made the right decision to leave it. Once you've overcome your hurts, you'll feel happier and stronger, and you'll also open up for the better relationships you deserve.
  2. Decide what you want. Up to this point, you've excelled at pointing out what you don't want in your relationship. But it's just as important to recognize what you want. This will help you avoid a similar unrequited relationship.
    • Remember that people often act in pattern, whether consciously or subconsciously. If you have a history of unrequited love, stop to find out why you choose such relationships, and what makes you unwilling or unable to break this pattern.
    • Make a list of the ideal traits and qualities you want in a relationship. Then, make another list of the things you disliked about your past one-sided relationship. Compare the above two lists and see if anything on the wish list is related to or is the cause of something on the unwanted list.
  3. Remember that you deserve happiness. If you are recovering from a relationship in which you were not loved or respected, you may have come across a lot of pain arising out of that relationship. Perhaps you even doubt the fact that you deserve to be happy. But you exactly deserve to be happy - so does everyone. And you also deserve someone who makes you feel good about yourself.
    • The other person's disapproval of loving you and the way they treat you shows their flaws, not yours.
  4. Look for energetic and cheerful people. Everyone should have people who are energetic and joyful in life, and that's especially important when you have just come out of an unloving relationship. Keep with the people you always support and get you excited about, and stay away from people who don't respond to your feelings or friendships.
    • When you're ready to build a new relationship, look for someone who makes you feel energized and excited as well. Such support and affirmation are extremely important, but these shouldn't be taken lightly when you're overcoming a previously unhealthy relationship.


  • Remember that getting through a relationship takes time, and a bad or loveless relationship takes even longer. Be patient, focus on happiness, and work hard day by day.


  • Try to avoid going to places you know the person hangs out of.