Ways to Drink Whiskey

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
The Best Way to Drink Whiskey
Video: The Best Way to Drink Whiskey


Whiskey is an alcoholic beverage made with fermented cereals. The wine is then aged in wooden barrels until sold to the market. The aging time and grain type create the flavor of high quality whiskey that resembles fine wine. No matter how much you like alcohol, you can find out for yourself how to fully enjoy Whiskey.


Method 1 of 3: Drink Pure Whiskey

  1. Pour two-finger whiskey into a classic whiskey or tulip cup. Classic whiskey mugs are short, round beakers with volumes from 350 to 400 ml. The tulip cup has a wide bottom and narrow mouth to capture the scent that emanates from the nose and is used to enjoy premium whiskey. You can use just about any type of mug, but here are two common types of mugs used to drink whiskey.
    • Two fingers means that you pour the whiskey as full as two fingers are at the bottom of the glass.

  2. Guess the age of the whiskey through the color. Whiskey color formed when in contact with the wooden barrel used to brew wine. In general, the darker the color, the longer the whiskey is aged. Whiskey has a burgundy color when brewed in a brown or red wooden barrel, creating a mild fruity flavor.
    • Some whiskeys are aged in bourbon barrels that have been used 2-3 times, thus remaining pale regardless of how long they are aged. This is a characteristic color in bourbon.
    • Some low-priced, short-aged whiskeys like Jack Daniels are added with a light brown color to create the "top" whiskey shades. This is why cheap whiskey is still bold in color.

  3. Raise the cup to your nose to smell the scent. Do not put your nose in the cup, as the smell of alcohol can be overwhelming, making you unable to recognize the taste. Instead, slowly bring the cup to your nose until you smell the alcohol. What do you notice? What flavor of wine? Scent is a key indicator of the taste of whiskey, and professional bartenders use their noses instead of their tongues to blend whiskey. Some of the flavors include:
    • Vanilla, winch sugar, and butter are classic "whiskey flavors," and are a byproduct of the barrel aging.
    • Smell Flowers and citrus is growing in popularity in whiskey, especially blends.
    • Smell Wood likes Common in many American whiskeys, especially Tennessee Whiskey such as Jack Daniels.
    • Smoky smell Usually found in Scotch whiskey, especially in the Islay region. The smoky smell of using peat fire to dry whiskey.

  4. Add filtered water to the whiskey. This way not only dilutes the whiskey to control the taste for beginners, but also enhances the taste. If possible, use purified or bottled water to preserve the taste of the whiskey. This is because whiskey with a high concentration of alcohol can make your tongue hot, leaving you unable to taste a variety of flavors.
    • If you are not using water, you are asking for "pure" whiskey without water or ice.
    • You can add as much water as you want, but start with a full cap. Add water if needed. Many people like to take a sip of pure wine first to compare the flavors with each other, then add a few drops of water to enjoy the rest of the wine.
  5. Enjoy the whiskey and compare it to its taste. Take a sip of whiskey and feel the taste of the wine filling your tongue, holding it in your palate for a while before swallowing. Do not gulp. The best way to drink whiskey is to take a sip, enjoy it slowly. You may wonder many things after tasting, but the first and foremost thing is "Do you like it?". There are also a few things you can consider:
    • "Is the taste in the mouth strong or light?"
    • "Does the taste change or evolve while taking it in your mouth and swallowing?"
    • "Does the taste melt quickly or do it stay in your mouth?"
  6. Limit adding ice. Whiskey loses its taste when cold, so true whiskey drinkers usually don't add ice or just one extra pill.Ice not only cools the wine, but also adds more water than required, making it much thinner. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Blending Whiskey drinks

  1. Add 3-4 ice cubes to the whiskey. When you are ready to drink pure alcohol, you should try it with ice. Fill a glass with ice and pour in whiskey. Enjoy while still cold. The taste of whiskey can change when you drink it cold rather than at room temperature, and many people believe that whiskey is easier to drink when cold, although the taste will not taste good.
    • Most whiskey drinkers only drink mixed wine, not single malt, and ice cubes, as ice can take away the strong flavor of single malt.
  2. Try classic Old Fashioned. This is one of the most famous whiskey cocktails. Depending on your preference, you can choose from a variety of whiskeys, from sweet bourbon whiskey (popular choice) to delicate and spicy rye whiskey. To make Old Fashioned, stir the following ingredients together with ice:
    • 60 ml of whiskey
    • 15 ml of syrup or 1 sugar tablet
    • A little bitter wine
    • Orange peel is 3 cm long or little orange
    • 1 optional cherry jam
    • Mixed stone for one part
  3. Make a cold Mint Julep. Classic Kentucky cocktails made from sweet corn whiskey. The higher the quality of bourbon, the better the drink will be. You should always use fresh mint, and you should mash the bottom of the cup gently with a sugar ball before adding bourbon. To prepare, simply mix 60 ml of bourbon with a sugar ball and crushed ice and crushed mint.
  4. Manhattan concoction. For some Manhattan people it tastes a bit sweet, but others prefer the combination of bitter and sweet. Like Old Fashioned, you can choose whiskey to make attractive cocktails. Rye whiskey for pungency, bourbon for sweetness. To prepare Manhattan, use a shaker to mix the following ingredients with ice.
    • 60 ml of whiskey
    • 30 ml of strong wine
    • Some bitter wine, such as Angostura
    • Small pieces of orange peel.
      • Technically, using Scotch whiskey like Rob Roy will taste sweeter. You can use bourbon but it will make some people feel too sweet.
  5. Try sour whiskey. This drink is not difficult to concoct, but you can add more brandy to make it easier to enjoy. To prepare, use a shaker to mix the following ingredients with lots of ice:
    • 60 ml of whiskey
    • 30 ml of fresh lemon juice or a sachet of sour water
    • 1 teaspoon sugar
    • Boston Bitter adds 1 egg whites to create sparkling bubbles and a rich flavor.
  6. Warm up with the classic Hot Toddy. Hot Toddy, basically like making tea with whiskey instead of tea leaves, is also a great drink on cold rainy days. Usually this drink is mixed with Irish whiskey. To make Hot Toddy, pour whiskey into a cup, then heat the following ingredients and add to whiskey while boiling.
    • 60 ml of water
    • 3 cloves
    • Cinnamon stick
    • Ginger slice 1.5 cm long, peeled and sliced ​​(optional)
    • 1 grated lemon peel
    • 60 ml of whiskey
    • 2 small teaspoons of honey (adjust as desired)
    • 1 to 2 small teaspoons of lemon juice
    • Some nutmeg powder

Method 3 of 3: Buy Whiskey

  1. Compare a variety of whiskeys. Chemically, whiskey is a fermented grain alcohol that is brewed in a wooden barrel. The grain is ground, drained, and the method of brewing, the type of grain, and the additive determines the scent and type of whiskey. When buying alcohol, you can choose from several different types:
    • Bourbon Sweet whiskey distilled in the United States. This is usually light and easy to drink, especially compared to traditional whiskey. They are similar to "Tennessee Whiskey," with a slightly sweet taste.
    • Rye Whiskey is made from a mixture of grains that includes at least 51% rye. Hence this wine often has a strong aroma like bread. In Canada, the percentage of rye in whiskey is not constant.
    • Scotch Single malt with strong flavor (only one winery). They often have a smoky smell.
      • Depending on the country of origin you spell the name of wine in one of two ways. Scottish and Canadian wines don't have the letter "e," while American and Irish wines end with "-ey".
  2. Find out the difference between a blend and a single malt. There are many jargon for whiskey, but it is important to understand whether whiskey is blended or malt. There is no better quality than any other, the only difference is the method of distillation.
    • Whiskey mixed, accounting for 80% of the market, is a mixture of grains and malt from many different wineries. They usually have a mild taste and are easy to drink.
    • Single malt whiskey, Made from malt in a winery. They have a stronger flavor than blended spirits, and are often referred to as "malt" or "Scotch whiskey".
    • Single Cask that is, single malt whiskey is blended and brewed in one barrel. This is the rarest and most expensive whiskey.
  3. Find out the phrases on the labels. One of the frightening things about whiskey is that every bottle of wine often exaggerates a new technique of distillation. Without knowing the meaning of the label content, it will be difficult to identify your favorite wine:
    • (Not) Chill Filtered. Cold whiskey can be dull, making many people feel unattractive. To remedy this, some distillers cool the whiskey and then remove the opaque particles that form. However, this approach greatly affects the taste of whiskey.
    • Barrel Proof / Natural Cask Strength. Most whiskey is diluted after taking it out of the barrel for a milder taste. However, some brands offer whiskey that comes directly from the barrel, giving it a very strong concentration.
    • Age: Alcohol age is a general criterion for quality, and expensive whiskey is usually aged longer. If whiskey is mixed, they are of the shortest age. The age of alcohol only calculates the time of brewing in the barrel, not including the time of bottling or storing on the shelf.
    • Finishing: Whiskey is put in wooden barrels for a short time to create flavor. Some whiskeys are aged in a barrel of rum or wine for a distinctive flavor. This is a simple way that manufacturers use to quickly release the "new" whiskey.


  • Combine food with whiskey. Light sweet whiskey such as Dalwhinnie or Glenkinchie suitable for sushi and tuna, as well as goat cheese or cream cheese. Medium strength whiskey like Bruichiladd is suitable for smoked fish or duck meat and wild meat. Whiskey is as heavy as The Macallan can be served with roast pork and desserts like chocolate and gingerbread.
  • For the best whiskey, choose a single malt that is at least 15 years old.
  • Never call "scotch" in Scotland, and do not call for rock whiskey in a dignified bar or whiskey venue as these are considered indecent acts and "spoil" drinks.


  • Don't drink while driving, and drink in moderation.

What you need

  • Coctail cup
  • Sour solution
  • Vermouth
  • Amaretto
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