Get a guy to ask you out

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Get A Guy To Ask You Out
Video: How To Get A Guy To Ask You Out


To get a guy to ask you out, subtly show him that you want to get to know him. Give him hints to make him realize you're ready to go on a date with him. There are a number of things you can do to help him understand that you want him to ask you out. This can vary from positive body language to telling you about your daily schedule. If you want to know how to quickly get a guy to ask you out, follow these simple steps.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Let him know you're interested

  1. Working with your body. Your body language will show him that you want to be more than just friends. Here are a few tricks that can help you show him that you want to be asked out. You can do this:
    • Maintain eye contact. Look into his eyes long enough to make him laugh, then look away. Make it clear that he has your attention.
    • Play with your hair every now and then. Make sure it looks sexy and he finds out that you like him. Don't fidget.
    • Whether you are sitting or standing, you have to turn your body slightly towards him. Keep your arms next to your body or use them to gesticulate. Show him that your body is "open" to communication.
    • Take a look at the floor every now and then. This will make you look cute and modest.
  2. Flirt. Flirting is a great way to take your relationship to the next level and let him know that you want to be asked out. You can flirt subtly and give him hints that you want to go on a date, without putting too much on it.
    • Talk softly. This will make you look more attractive. Also, the boy will come closer to you to talk to you.
    • Find a subtle way to compliment him. Let him know that he is handsome or that he looks nice. Don't be too blatant.
    • Be sexy. Show a little cleavage, or wear something that emphasizes your best features. Keep it classy, ​​but try to get his attention.
    • Keep it light. Flirting is all about subtlety.
  3. Get to know him. If you want to let him know that you want to go on a date, you have to show that you are interested in him as a person. You don't need to cross-examine to show him that you care about who he is and what he likes to do. You can do this:
    • Ask him about his interests. This is not too direct, and guys enjoy talking about their interests.
    • Guys enjoy talking about sports. With anyone. If you like sports too, or you have read into his favorite sport, ask him who is going to be champion this year. Expand the conversation by asking him if he also sports.
    • Show him that his opinion matters. Ask him what he thinks about a new controversial film or a current political problem. Don't try to choose something so controversial that you could argue.

Part 2 of 3: Giving hints

  1. Use your common interests to your advantage. If you have interests in common, then you have even more reason to want to go on a date. If you get to know the boy and know that you share passions, you can use them to take your friendship to the next level.
    • Music is the perfect shared interest. If you both like the same bands then you can talk about the band. Maybe you can let him know they'll be performing nearby soon. See if he asks you out.
    • Check if he has a favorite sports team. If you are a fan of the same football team, talk about that team and casually ask him if he has been to a game recently.
    • Take food as a topic of conversation. If you both happen to like Greek food, you can ask him if he has already been to the new Greek restaurant in your town.
  2. Let your friends give you some hints. Your friends can also help make sure he asks you out. If your friend makes a comment at the right time, it may convince him to ask you out. Here's how your friends can help you get it:
    • One of your friends can subtly tease him a bit by asking him when he's got the courage to ask you out. Just make sure it doesn't look like you instructed your friend to do this.
    • If you always hang out with the guy, have a friend say, "Oh, here's my favorite couple again." This will be a bit uncomfortable, but it will let him know that people see you as a couple.
    • Suddenly drop a friend your name to see how he reacts. If he responds positively, your friend may say that you should get to know each other better.
  3. Talk about your plans. If you find a way to casually talk about your plans - whether it's about a concert you're going to, or whether you're going to have coffee in between hours - that he could easily participate in. If you mention something that seems interesting to him, it will lead to a chill session with no pressure involved. This could lead to a date.
    • If you're going to a fun party this weekend, let him know. Maybe he wants to come along, especially if your mutual friends are also coming along.
    • If you happen to meet him, you can tell him you're going for a walk or getting a snack. Maybe he wants to come with you.
    • Subtly tell him you are hungry or need caffeine. Who knows, he might ask you for something to eat or drink quickly.
    • Tell him if you are going to do something fun in a few weeks. If you have big plans to visit a new bar, a concert, or a movie, he might want to come with you when the time comes.
  4. Let him know your schedule. Getting him to know your schedule is different from talking about your plans. If he knows what your schedule looks like, he's more likely to ask you out. He will then know when you are free together. Try not to appear too busy. He may start to think you don't have time to go on a date. On the other hand, try not to seem like you have nothing to do - that's how you come across as desperate.
    • If he knows you have a few hours in between, he can ask you to go for lunch.
    • If you walk past your favorite bar, you can say that you go there every Wednesday. This is a subtle way of telling him he could come along.
    • If you have the weekend off, let him know. Say something like, "I've been so busy these past weekends - I'm really looking forward to doing something fun this weekend."
    • If you have a favorite coffee place, say you love going there to do your homework. Lure him in by saying they have the best coffee, or make a recommendation for one of their specialties.

Part 3 of 3: Knowing what not to do

  1. Avoid the "friend zone". Make sure the guy doesn't have you in the friend zone, and don't make him think you have him in your friend zone. There are a number of things you can do to clarify the line between "just friends" and "friends who want a little more".
    • If he tries to treat you like one of the guys, don't allow this. Make it clear that you're not there to be his buddy. If he asks you to hang out with a group of guys, dress nicely. As if you were going on a date.
    • Pay attention to how he asks you for advice. If he keeps asking you how he should get along with some girl, he might see you as a friend. Try to change the subject and show him you're cut from the girlfriends.
  2. Don't let him know how much you want him to take you out. There is a difference between giving hints and putting it too thick on top. If you are too clear, you will leave nothing to the imagination. Then you don't come across as desirable.
    • Don't call him, text him, wave like an idiot, or flood him with attention. He will be overwhelming. Better to stay cool.
    • Don't ask him to hang out with you all the time. If he doesn't respond, he probably doesn't feel like it.
    • Don't tell him how free you are on the weekend or how flexible your schedule is. Instead, talk about the fun things you have in store. He should feel like he might just fit into your busy schedule. Not like you're waiting for him to do something fun.
  3. Do not wait to long. If you really want him to ask you out, and you feel like you've already given him thousands of hints, there are two things you can do.
    • Look further. If you've made it clear and he just doesn't give in, he might not be that interested in you. Find someone more worthy of your affection.
    • Ask him out. He may be very shy, but you feel like he wants to get to know you better. Be bold and ask him out. If you're nervous about this, ask him to do something with a large group first.


  • If, when asked, he says he doesn't know which girls he likes, it could mean he likes you. He may not be sure how to make this clear.
  • Maybe he doesn't like you. If so, don't force him to go out with you. There are many more other men. Moreover, you never know when your paths will cross again.
  • Don't obsessively call or text him. If you do this, you run the risk of pushing him further away from you.