How to remove blood stains from jeans

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Remove Blood Stains from Jeans
Video: How to Remove Blood Stains from Jeans


  • Never use lukewarm or hot water during the entire cleaning process. Hot or warm water will make the blood stains stick even more.
  • Soak jeans in cold water. Fill a basin or sink with cold water. Remove the inner liner and soak the jeans in cold water. Soak for about 10-30 minutes.
  • Squeeze the pants to dry. After 10-30 minutes, remove the pants. Wring out the pants by hand or put them in the washing machine and run the spin cycle.

  • Spread damp jeans on the flat surface. Place the wet pants on a flat surface. Put a new towel inside the jeans, just below the stain. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 4: Clean blood stains with cold water, soap, and salt

    1. Clean fresh blood stains with cold water. Soak cold water in the stain. Use your finger or a brush to brush off the blood stains. Continue to scrub the stain until no more blood is absorbed from the cloth. Rinse jeans with clean water.

    2. Remove blood stains with soap. Pour 1 teaspoon of dish soap onto the stain. Rub on the stain until the soap lather. Rinse off with cold water. Add more soap and repeat the procedure if necessary.
      • Use your fingers or a small brush - toothbrushes are great for this!
    3. Remove blood stains with soap and salt. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of table salt over the stain. Use your finger or a small brush to rub salt into the blood stain. Pour a little soap or shampoo and rub the soap into the stain. When the soap starts to foam, add another tablespoon of salt and rub it into the blood stain. advertisement

    Method 3 of 4: Remove dried blood stains

    1. Remove dried blood stains with meat tenderizer. Measure out 1 teaspoon of flavorless meat tenderizer and place it in a small bowl. Slowly add more water and stir until a dough is formed. Use your finger or a small brush to rub the mixture over the stain. Leave the paste on the stain for about 30 minutes.
      • In the blood there is protein, and the meat tenderizer is capable of breaking down proteins. As a result, meat tenderizer is also an effective blood stain remover.
    2. Clean dry blood stains with baking soda. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of baking soda directly over the stain. Use your finger or a small brush to rub baking soda over the blood stain in small circles. Wait for the baking soda to seep into the stain for about 15-30 minutes.
    3. Remove dry blood stains with hydrogen peroxide. Pre-test the hydrogen peroxide on a small, hidden part of the pants. Do not use this product if you notice discoloration or discoloration of the fabric. Pour hydrogen peroxide directly onto the blood stain. Cover the stain with food wrap and cover with a towel. Wait 5-10 minutes for the hydrogen peroxide to soak into the fabric. Use a clean rag to blot the blood stains.
      • This method is great for bleaching white jeans, but you should exercise caution when bleaching jeans that are blue or of a different color.
    4. Rinse off the pants. Turn on cold water. Rinse the jeans under cold running water until the cleaning product or pastes mixture on the stain have been removed.
    5. Wash pants. Wash the jeans in cold water. In addition to detergent, you can add a teaspoon of oxygen bleach to the washing machine. Do not add any items to the load.
    6. Check for dirt. After you complete your washing cycle, look for any traces of blood left over. If the blood stain is still present, do not put your pants in the dryer. Instead, try another method to remove the blood stain or wash it again. advertisement


    • If you are using commercial cleaning products to remove blood stains, be sure to use products specifically designed for protein removal.
    • Safe guard soap makes it easy to remove dry blood stains from jeans, underwear and shorts.


    • Do not put jeans in the dryer if you are not sure the stain is clean. The heat in the dryer will make the stain stick to your jeans.
    • Do not use heat to remove blood stains. The high temperature will ripen the protein in the blood and the stain will stick more tightly.
    • When removing blood stains that are not yours, gloves should be used to make sure they are not infected with blood-borne diseases.
    • Never mix ammonia with chlorine bleach, as this will create a toxic vapor.