How to Avoid Blushing During Inappropriate Times

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Avoid Blushing at Inappropriate Times
Video: Avoid Blushing at Inappropriate Times


Blushing often occurs when you're feeling shy or stressed, causing the sympathetic nervous system to expand blood vessels in your face. When the blood flow increases, your face will be red, leading to a blush. We feel more embarrassed every time we blush. Luckily, there are many ways you can stop blushing.


Method 1 of 3: Avoid blushing

  1. Ready. Blushing can happen at the most inappropriate times, such as when you're giving a presentation or having an important conversation. If you feel confident and ready, there is a lesser chance that you may not speak fluently and lead to blushing. Make sure you are ready for the big event and that you are prepared to face any possible situation.
    • For example, when preparing for an important presentation, there are many things you can use to make sure things are done. The key to success lies in how you organize things. You need to prepare sufficient supporting materials (notes, audio-visual media, etc.). Besides, don't forget that - there is a day in iron grinding. Practice giving the presentation as many times as possible to make you feel comfortable with the presentation. You can practice in front of a certain audience and don't forget to show a confident gesture!

  2. Reinforce confidence. Key moments don't just happen at work; In everyday life there are times when you blush! If you feel more confident in a normal social setting, your embarrassing moments will also decrease. Make sure you always feel good about how you look before you leave the house and don't forget to wind yourself up. If you believe that you are awesome, others will see it. When you are confident, you will easily avoid awkward situations.
    • Dating is a good example of a casual social situation that can cause you to blush. To avoid the worst, relax before starting your appointment. You can call a friend for emotional support, play some good songs, prepare some interesting topics about what you want to say in case the conversation becomes boring.

  3. Relax. Managing your stress level can reduce blushing. Your face will turn red when you are worried. So it's best to try to relax, especially if you're in a situation where you need to avoid blushing. For example, when you meet your boss to ask for a raise, you'll want to be as confident as you can be. Usually that means avoiding blushing.
    • There are many ways you can take it to relax your mind and body. Try to take deep breaths, meditate, or simply think about the positives. All of these can help you feel calm and confident. It is important that you practice to get the most out of your relaxation techniques.

  4. Cooling body. Body temperature has been linked to blushing. When you feel too hot, your face will usually turn red. So, before you start the somewhat tense event, take a minute to cool down. You can take a few sips of cold water or even stand in front of the fan for a while.
  5. Adjust your thoughts. Blushing often occurs when you are nervous. Usually this feeling comes from thinking about blushing. You can try self-hypnosis to change your mind about blushing. When you begin to feel relaxed, visualize your blushing and accept the image. You need to practice this technique until it is easy to accept the occasional blush. Gradually, you will find blushing less common!
    • If you have a yoga habit or meditate regularly, this is a good time to try self-hypnosis.
  6. Avoid irritants. When you blush, be mindful of the situation and its surroundings. Are you feeling stressed? Or are you just too hot? You need to understand your own triggers and learn to avoid them. For many people, stress is the top trigger. For others, the trigger can be the sun or the food - especially spicy foods.
  7. Receive the blush. Instead of trying to avoid blushing, you can view this as a positive thing. Many people feel fond of ordinary people blushing! Others believe that the blushing person will be more trustworthy. Some people will not confront someone who is blushing. Blushing can really help you avoid an obnoxious argument! advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Dealing with blushing

  1. Make up. This is a good reason to go right to the nearest shopping mall. Using cosmetics is one of the easiest ways to cover up the blush. Try using a primer to make sure you have smooth makeup. Next, choose a foundation that matches your skin tone. Avoid using products that are too thick or you will look unnatural. Instead, choose products that are thin, but with a nice color. This way, you will have the desired coverage.
    • This is a good time to ask for help. Head to the local shopping mall and browse the cosmetics stalls. Don't be afraid to ask the salesperson to help you try a variety of options until you find the right foundation or concealer.
  2. Talk to your doctor about treatment options. If your blush is related to communication anxiety, your doctor may be able to help. Some medications can help alleviate the feeling of mild anxiety and result in less blushing. Usually these are beta blockers or an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). Consult with your doctor to find out if this option is right for you.
  3. Consider psychotherapy. Seeing a psychotherapist is an appropriate way to help reverse anxiety problems. If you realize that stress is the cause of your blushing, consider psychotherapy to learn how to get over it. A psychotherapist can help you identify your triggers and guide you in ways to avoid or cope with more confidence.
    • Medicines only relieve symptoms, not cure the root. So seeing a therapist will help you find the root of the problem.
  4. Be kind to yourself. Blushing can take a long time to treat. Therefore, it's important to remember that you shouldn't put pressure on yourself. Remember that blushing is not uncommon. You are not alone in handling this situation. When you no longer worry, you will blush less often.
  5. Understand surgical options. Surgery is the last resort option and is only available in severe cases. This is an effective way to help many people reduce the tendency to blush. Usually, this surgery is called endoscopic chest sympathectomy. The doctor will cut off the nerves that cause the blood vessels in the face to expand, which is the cause of the blush. Every surgical method has risks; Therefore, you need to talk to your doctor about any possible outcomes. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Understand the cause

  1. Learn to cope with unwanted attention. Understanding the cause of your blush can help you use the most effective coping strategy.For many people, the most common reason they blush is when they become the center of attention. Even the most confident person may blush when suddenly become the center of attention.
  2. Avoid worrying about blushing. The more we worry about this issue, the redder our face will become. This is one of the most common causes of blushing. Try to focus on something - anything - rather than the fear of blushing. Blushing is less common when you are not paying attention to it.
  3. Coping with anxiety. Anxiety is often the main cause of blushing for many people. Anxiety can cause both physical and mental negative reactions, and blushing is one of the most common. Blushing can also be a symptom of a bigger problem such as a generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, or an unreasonable fear of blushing. Therefore, psychological treatment of these root causes is of utmost importance.
  4. Understand how to treat a medical condition. Blushing can be caused by a medical condition not related to anxiety. One of the most common examples is rosacea. Blushing is a disorder that leads to a flushed, inflamed face. Your doctor will recommend a specific treatment for your blush. Another common cause of blushing is menopause.
  5. Understand that blushing is normal. While investigating the cause of your blush, keep in mind that you are not alone. Most of the people blushed! In addition, almost everyone experiences shame at some point in their life. Others will not judge when you have problems that are not yours. advertisement


  • Remember that blushing is completely natural.
  • Drink water when you feel yourself blushing. Drinking water can help regulate your body temperature.
  • Try to stay calm when you blush. You can bow your head or close your eyes and take a deep breath. Turn your attention to something else instead of embarrassment. In addition, be aware of the fact that blushing is a subconscious response to stress. In fact, our mind and our sense of uncertainty about the outcome of our current situation can be the trigger for this response.


  • See your doctor when your blush is accompanied by fainting, pain, or other symptoms.