How to Grow Litmus Plants

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
What’s in a Lichen? How Scientists Got It Wrong for 150 Years | Short Film Showcase
Video: What’s in a Lichen? How Scientists Got It Wrong for 150 Years | Short Film Showcase


The mallow tree is usually thought to have a lifespan of 2 years. The tree develops leaves in the first year, blooms, produces seeds and dies in the second year. However, depending on the growing conditions and stamina of the plant, they will live longer than 2 years. In some climates, the moth may only live for a shorter time. If you have mallow plants indoors or if you live in an area with a long growing season, you may see flowers in bloom during the first year.


  1. Buy litmus seeds with your choice of color and variety. The marshmallow tree flowers with many colors such as white, yellow, pink, dark red and red with the height of about 1.8-2.7m.
    • The mallow plant will produce seeds for the next planting season. You can also harvest seeds from trees in the fall.

  2. Increase your chances of blooming in the first year. Start sowing moth seeds indoors in the fall. Let the seeds germinate in October or November and let the plant grow through the winter. This will stimulate the flowers to bloom when spring comes.
  3. Sow the seeds in a nursery tray filled with sandy soil. Litmus seeds are large, have a high germination rate and only have a few seeds in the seed package, so it's best to plant them individually. Place each seed 0.5-1cm apart in the soil.
    • Place the incubator tray near a window where it can get light.
    • Water the soil as needed to retain moisture. Litmus seeds usually germinate in about 1 to 2 weeks.

  4. Move the juveniles to a pot 10cm to 15cm in diameter if you are sowing in the fall. Place pots in the sun and let the mallow plant grow indoors throughout the fall and winter.
  5. Plant marshmallow outdoors in the spring after the fog has cleared and the soil temperature is at least 10 ° C. Another way is that you can plant the mallow seeds directly in the soil at this time if you have not planted the mallow seed indoors before.

  6. Choose the right location. Although marshmallow can be grown in many climates and environments, it will do well if you can provide the necessary conditions for it.
    • Choose a place where you can receive adequate light. Some of the shade tolerant moth trees only need to be exposed to the sun for at least 6 hours a day, but the flowers are smaller and the color will not be fresh.
    • Find a sheltered location for the tree. Since the mallow trees often grow very tall, they rise higher than the other flowering plants in the garden, so they are very fragile from wind and rain. You should plant the plant near a wall, placed in the corner of the fence or place near flowering plants of the same height for best results.
  7. Apply organic fertilizers if needed. Litmus plants do best when grown in moist soil.
  8. Place the litmus plants 30cm to 60cm apart.
  9. Fill the soil around the tree with organic matter about 5cm to 8cm high. Soil filling helps keep the soil moist, prevents weeds and provides an environment for seeds to bury in the soil during the fall and sprout in the spring.
  10. Regularly water the mallow plant. Water daily while the plant is growing, then water twice a week during the growing season when there is not enough rain.
  11. Attach stakes to flowers or flower stakes with twine if the top of the plant is heavy or the stalk is unstable. Do not tie up too tightly for air circulation.
  12. Continue to water the plants after they have bloomed. The mallow fruit on the stalk still needs to be nourished and developed into seeds for the next flowering season.
  13. Harvest the marshmallow fruits when they turn brown and dry completely. Pick the fruit and separate the seeds from the dry, thin outer skin. Or leave the pods on the tree and they will dry and then open as the seeds fall to continue growing.
  14. Plant or preserve the marshmallow seeds. You have 3 options:
    • Plant the seeds in the same spot if your mallow is growing well there or let the seed fall to the ground. Falling seeds will be kept through winter and germinate in the spring.
    • Sow the seeds in the nursery tray right away for indoors if you want to start a new moth season so that the plants can flower in time for spring.
    • You can also store the seeds in the refrigerator for outdoor planting next year.
  15. Cut the stalks down close to the ground and cover with organic ingredients for winter protection. Some florists prefer to leave a short stem and cover the base with coal ash. The ash will absorb moisture from the trunk and prevent snails and slugs from interest. advertisement


  • Litmus plants often have fungal diseases of the leaves such as mildew and rust. You should water the stump and avoid watering the leaves. Spray the plants with sulfur or copper according to the manufacturer's recommendations if you notice signs of discoloration or deformation on leaves or buds.