How to be sexy

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Be Sexy. #1 Tip Most People Miss in the Art of Seduction
Video: How To Be Sexy. #1 Tip Most People Miss in the Art of Seduction


It's hard to define an exact norm of attractiveness - being attractive is the art of letting your image be engraved in the mind of others in the first few seconds of meeting. Although it is difficult to understand, but elaborate for yourself will be very easy for you. Nowadays, there are more and more tips and instructions on how to become attractive, but just having confidence and flirting can kill a lot of men. Read on for the first steps to becoming someone with the sexy confidence and flair of your own personality.


Method 1 of 4: Flirting

  1. Flirting daring. There are so many beautiful people in the world, but it is extremely rare to find someone who believes in yourself. Make yourself special by being proactive: flirting proactively, talking clearly, confidently, and showing them that you enjoy getting to know them. You don't have to be a "tilt-to-the-side" beauty, nor do you need ultimate intelligence to become a flirting master. It's all about: confidence, a little daring and dexterity, you will become extremely seductive.

  2. Familiar. Always the scariest part of every flirting. How can you be confident when your palms are sweaty and you have not found any great words to start? Actually getting acquainted is not as difficult as you think. Be mentally prepared, use body language to show openness; a friendly look will create a sense of security for the person. The next step is to step up, opening with common questions or observations to open up a conversation.
    • Try to observe your partner's expressions of humor and his attitude before making the next move. If you see someone glancing at the drunk "hooking the fishing rod" owner, your chance is here, come up and cooing to that person: "The party is over, but I'm going Do you have an escape, join me? " And so the two of you know each other.
    • Don't think too much about how to start off big. Introducing yourself and asking for the person's name is a great way to get acquainted. You can also use general questions like "What wind brought you here?" or "How was your evening?" for you are not Shakespeare.
    • Avoid starting with jokes. Look back, boys. Using a humorous flirting short story makes others feel less serious, childish, and stupid. Never use a bland joke to prove sexy, because it certainly isn't glamorous at all.

  3. Eye contact. When you're trying to flirt with someone, don't look down at the ground, or into the space next to them or somewhere on the ceiling. Make eye contact with him. Eyes will accurately convey your feelings of intimacy and confidence, and is also the easiest thing you can potentially do to become a flirting expert.

  4. Be clear. When you are flirting, adjust the volume of your speech so that the other person can easily hear your voice, pronounce and use the word correctly. Speak slowly and carefully. Don't say everything you want to say. Surely you will be a lot more attractive.
    • If you feel it is necessary, give yourself some time to take a breather and think about what to say next. During that time, keep eye contact and smile at all times. If the worst case scenario comes up, that confident and charming person keeps looking at you and smiling and not knowing what else to say, let him know that he really made you happy.
  5. Don't forget to listen. To "fall" someone, you need to coordinate two things well: building an image of an interesting and attractive person, making others desire to explore; You should also consider whether the other person is worth your research. Turning yourself into a listener and understanding, caring and always interested in getting to know the people around is a way to enhance your attractiveness. Practice your listening skills attentively and give deep responses.
    • This is not a contest. It's ungainly that a long story or even a joke about how he caught a bat in the house is answered with a superficial attitude accompanied by a story about how hundreds of bats were caught by you. when you were a kid. A bat really isn't a big deal. But this isn't a contest, so don't show off.
  6. Find a "way out" in each sentence to keep the conversation going. If you don't know what to add to prolong the conversation, use as many questions as possible and try to find a new topic in his response. It's like being trapped in a large hall and your job is to find the door to other small rooms.
    • If someone brags "I just graduated!" According to inertia we often immediately ask "what major do you study?" However, that question would lead the story to a dead end if he only responded with a similar question: "Experimental Molecular Physics and Latin." Instead, ask more open questions like: "Do you like that school?" or "Do you plan to do something suitable for your major?" To be able to understand them on a deeper level.
    • Asking many questions can take stories too far. Make sure to pay special attention to the person's reactions and body language so that you can correct them if your question upsets them. Do not disturb others. If the person turns away as if he is eluding an answer, or giving a curt reply, quickly end the conversation and leave. Trying to stay when you are not welcome is not the act of a sexy girl.
  7. Focus on simple things. When you want to get to know someone, try to refrain from talking about your own life, not complaining, and avoid talking about mysterious or confusing ideas or concepts.
    • If you want to talk about yourself, do it in a witty way. Your everyday little details won't be as engaging or interesting as other conversation topics. Think about what is different about yourself and introduce them in a subtle and concise manner ..
    • Guys: stop explaining. It's not at all tempting to assume that other people are stupid and explain everything, like you are explaining to a child. The girl you're "patiently" explaining about Tesla may be a history doctor, and now she's silently praying for you to leave quickly.
  8. Please approach carefully. Appropriate touch, a light and friendly touch of contact pushes flirting a step further, and it is also a powerful weapon to attract others. Doing it incorrectly will make others think that you are abusing them. Carefully consider and avoid touching "sensitive" areas such as the arms, hands and shoulders.
    • In general, a man should not touch the person you are flirting with. Such action is often equated with an aggressive and hasty nature. Touching is more suitable for women when they playfully play with their boy's shoulder or touch the arm.
  9. Limit chat duration. Humans tend to like the rare and novel things that are unique to novels, and you know when you don't have enough, he wants more. If you want the person to be unable to stop thinking about you, then leave to stimulate their curiosity and intention to win over you. The longer a conversation lasts, the less the topic of chat you will run out and you will end up with nothing. So, leave quickly, before that, ask for the person's phone number and see you sometime. How charming that is!
    • Simplify the conversation by being honest. You don't need a cliche apology for leaving, just say to the person, “Hey, I have to go back to the buddies over there, but maybe your gaze will haunt me all night. lost. Can I give you your phone number? I'd be happy if we went out to dinner once in a while. "

Method 2 of 4: Build Confidence

  1. Make yourself feel sexy. Whether you go down the street tonight, go on a date with your lover, or go to school, if you want to look sexy, make yourself feel comfortable and confident first. For some it is comfortable to put on a new pair of ground shoes and a tight-fitting dress, while for others feel confident in a fluffy shirt and shorts. No matter what fashion you're wearing, if you find yourself attractive, you will be sexy.
    • Dress appropriately between the comfort of your sneakers-and-soft shoes and the "hot" look of a 10-cm-tall Louboutains. To feel comfortable and wonderful, you don't need to dress like you're going to be on a runway, but you need to make sure your clothes fit, fit, clean, and you are in good shape yourself.
  2. Take care of yourself. Spend a little time each day on improving your appearance, giving your body a worthy care and care. Hair styling, makeup, oral hygiene, and so on ... those little actions can do wonders for your confidence. How can you find yourself sexy, as well as being sexy when you're worried about your body odor. Be confident that you did everything needed to make you the best.
    • You do not have to have a body with perfect three rounds and long legs to gain confidence and pride in your looks. But if you feel uncomfortable with your stomach, or any part of your body, take care of it. You should exercise to look balanced, which will help you feel more confident. Even losing just a few pounds can drastically affect your confidence and sexy appearance.
    • Start slowly. Many people have abandoned the idea of ​​losing weight because weight loss plans are too complicated and the exercises are too complicated. It's really not as hard as you think. Practice walking for long distances instead of taking public transport, or while watching TV you can get up and sit down or do 5-10 push-ups. This method works quickly and your body will quickly fit in. You might even like it.
  3. Use open-minded gestures. Adjust your posture, stretch your shoulders back, and push your chin forward to show that you are easy to talk to and interact with. Stand upright and appear comfortable, confident in the world you live in. Even when you're on the train, exhausted from a tiring day of work, stand upright. You will never know that you have caught someone's eye.
    • Use self-contained gestures including slouching or crossed your arms and lowering your face to your mobile phone when you want to appear cold and difficult to approach. Close up and everyone will understand what you mean.
  4. Decide with confidence. Believe in your ability to gather information and make decisions, and choose what works best for you. You also have the ability to make wise decisions like everyone else.
    • Not at all glamorous when “ah… um” for 20 minutes in front of the menu while everyone has finished their selection. Make a decision, that's all. If you're going out with your friends tonight, don't spend too much time thinking about which club to go to. Once the gun is on, just shoot and trust your choice. People will be attracted to it.
  5. Happy to leave. When the person is no longer interested in you, leave quietly. Like water over a potato leaf. Never mind trivial disputes with them, keep yourself a mystery, and leave when the person has changed feelings. Plus, others will be impressed with that apparent confidence, which has always been so charming.
    • Attraction is complex, there are millions of reasons for them to be like this and not that. Instead of feeling angry and hurt, remain calm and friendly. This person turned you down, but maybe someone noticed your unwavering confidence.
  6. Smile. There is nothing easier and clearer to do than a cheerful, confident, engaging smile. Is there anything more glamorous than a genuine smile? To be a sexy person, maintain a witty, half-smile no matter what you're doing, especially while chatting with an likable guy / girl. You need to show that you don't want anywhere else but be with the person.
    • A smile directs her attention to your lips, tempting him to kiss you. So, the more you smile, the more opportunities you will have with the love lock screens.
    • On the billboards and on the catwalk, the model always poses with a frown, frown expression. Models are a symbol of seduction, but the charm they show is difficult to be close to and "distant". It's a manufacturer's way of making you desire to own their product, it's a kind of relationship you should avoid when you chat with strangers or meet single people.

Method 3 of 4: Seduce women

  1. Decisive. Research has shown that women want their future partners to be able to quickly make effective and confident decisions in their own choices. Don't be shy, master every situation, from deciding where to eat dinner to agreeing to manage a long-term project. Act bold even with everyday small things that will make you seductive.
    • That doesn't mean you have to be a controlling rude — assertiveness isn't the same as aggression and arrogance. Power becomes most powerful when you put it in silence and restraint.
    • There are many opportunities for you to show assertiveness on a date.For example, if you invite her out to eat but she doesn't know where to go for a meal, don't mess with her — decide on a place for yourself, and that's it.
  2. There are many hobbies and interests. Women are attracted to multi-talented, multi-talented men. Attractive people are always interesting, and interesting people have a lot of passions. Take the time to pursue something you enjoy.
    • Hobby helps you release stress and relaxes so that you can maintain a calm and happy way of interacting with others. In addition, they also give you an interesting story to tell with your ex (stories unrelated to school and work). Do you play the traditional banjo hook for the band? Interesting.
    • You don't have any passion? Find some for yourself! Take part in a sport you admire, practice some arts like painting and singing, or assembling models — anything, as long as you like, but don't start without a clear category destination. Learn and follow your passion to become an attractive person. You will feel more complete about yourself, which means you will be more confident and attractive.
  3. Mature. Women don't like the stupid childish pranks of teenage boys. If you want to conquer her, prove you are intelligent, confident and above all mature. Things like appearance, ambition, intelligence, are things that fascinate women; so don't be afraid to dress properly, discuss serious subjects and tell her your lifelong dreams. They are not "pipe dreams", they are charming, and they unite the two of you.
    • Be luxurious once in a while. Foreign movies? French wine? Know how to dance? Women love this, really! Show her hidden artist Sinatra and invite her to dine at a luxury restaurant. That shows you are a mature and charming person.
    • Be smart, but don't boast. Talking about the essay about Milton you worked in college was not very interesting to her (unless it had to do with the subject of your story). Surprise her with your own unique ideas, funny pictures, and witty arguments, not the ones you find on wikipedia.
  4. Thoughtful. Women love to receive compliments for their looks, personality and sense of humor, not because they love the vanity themselves, but because they value your generosity and your kindness. Forget the love gifts and mementos, say what you think about her instead. That is the charm.
  5. Fun and humorous. A sense of humor is one of the most attractive traits for being beautiful, especially when a sense of humor is accompanied by confidence in asserting yourself. If you have a sense of humor and you have confidence in being funny, show it. Women want a guy who's adventurous and give them a great time, not freaks that hang out at home Friday nights playing video games. Show off your adventure and fun skillfully.
    • Do not play around like a child, boys. This is not a party place. There's a huge difference between proposing an interesting idea like exploring every single mobile food stall and Japanese-style gardens every weekend, and the idea of ​​going to a bar near your home for some fun. flashy. No idea like any other, so come up with a good idea.

Method 4 of 4: Seduce the strong man

  1. Wearing red. Some studies show that men are instinctively attracted to red, so red - you guessed it - arouses passions and desires in men. And, not only humans have that instinct, some birds and primates also use red in their mating ritual.
    • Just like humans blush when shy, hot, and when stimulated, baboons show fertility by causing their breasts and reproductive organs to become red. That is physiological characteristics!
  2. Let's create highlights in the eyes. The man is not as dry as everyone thinks. Studies have revealed that men are attracted to a woman's eyes first, not her bust as we think. If you want to be a guy "to the hell" for you, accentuate your eyes by applying makeup to highlight the radiant natural beauty.
    • Dressing up with makeup to highlight your eye color]] will make your eyebrow "tilt". And you will win him!
  3. Empathy and sympathy. Men thought that agreement was very attractive and attractive. When it comes to deciding what to do, where to go, how to approach a problem, most men tend to prefer the simplest of solutions, rather than the "best" or complicated ways. . As a result, they feel that approval and willingness to act are a seductive element in a prospective partner.
    • If the guy invites you to have pizza with him, and he's really excited about his idea, spoiling his idea, even if you're not very interested, it will make you charming in his eyes. Are you still full after lunch? It's okay, just eat a little with him.
    • It doesn't mean you have to listen to him all the time, you need to distinguish when you need to raise your opinion and your decisions, and when you come across a problem that is best not to argue. The boys don't want to talk about what to eat for dinner more than 5 minutes, they like to talk.
  4. Moderate anxiety. Many studies show that men dislike women who are too calm and cold and those who are too stressed. On the contrary, the women who put their worries in the right thing were voted by men as the sexiest. So what exactly is "moderate"?
    • In order to attract men, you should put anxiety on serious matters, and not overly preoccupy with the small things. If it is a problem with your career, family, or health, you should take it seriously and take care of it. Something as simple as finding a place for lunch, let's just skip it.
    • Don't bring up weird issues to make you feel charismatic, be honest and avoid sharing your overly personal feelings with him. You may be concerned about your dog getting a skin infection, but that should definitely not be discussed with that person.
  5. Maintain mystery. Let people guess about you! Don't be in a hurry to reveal too much of your own information. Everyone loves puzzle games, and they are still enjoying you and your every action until they know everything clearly. In order to save some good stories for later, some private stories should be kept private until the right time. You will be more attractive as you slowly "reveal" each one.
    • If he is forcing you, you can sly reply like this classic "if you tell me, I'll have to kill you", or you can try something like "I beg error, it's a military secret "or" It's must-know information ". To make it more interesting, wink as you say the sentence.
  6. Keep busy. Don't just take the time to look sexy or worry about what the public thinks of you — make your life fun and eventful. Communicate, pursue hobbies, and experience new things. You will have more confidence, and as a result, people will always be attracted to you.
    • If your life is quite calm, you can still keep your life busy. If someone invites you out, make a plan to make you look perfect. Make them crave friends. Getting the guy to wait a few days for the date so you can anticipate things can make him or her feel attractive.


  • Glamor! Show off easy touch and amorous, but define your own limits. Everyone loves to be teased a little bit.
  • Don't pretend to be interested in someone.Others will feel offended, abandoned, and they will become angry or sad. Learn to open up to everyone who comes to you, but also learn to skillfully refuse when you feel that person is not right for you. Respect people but also yourself, and be sure to leave them politely.
  • Confidence and sophistication. When you see someone glancing in your direction, walk over to talk. The best way to start is "Hello, my name is (pronounce your name clearly and confidently). How are you?" Don't wait for the person to open up.
  • Don't be too straightforward with the person. If something doesn't feel right, you can politely and confidently ask the person to correct it.
  • Doing small actions that make you feel more confident in yourself, like spraying a few drops of perfume to freshen your body, or getting rid of the hairs on your legs can also help you rid of your muscular worries. body and fear when someone touches your feet. A tiny worry can also make you feel anxious and unable to feel confident, so eliminate those little concerns to make you the best!
  • When a guy invites you to go out, don't be late, men and boys are both impatient.
  • Don't be too easy for others to touch and overly seductive, it makes people feel spoiled / scary. Whether you are male or female, people love to touch and flirt only when they feel you are special.