How to Become Famous on Tumblr

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Tumblr is a great tool to get you popular on the internet, especially when you know how to attract followers. But how to "gain" reputation on Tumblr "is what many people want? Refer to the following article to learn for yourself the experiences of becoming a celebrity on Tumblr.


Part 1 of 2: Tumblr Basics

  1. Choose a catchy username. You want to choose a name that people will remember, don't use numbers (like because people won't remember nor be attracted.
    • If possible, choose a clever or weird name that will keep the reader curious, or choose a name related to the subject of tumblr (if it's a blog for fans of the Teen Wolf movie, you can use something related to fan community) or if you are interested in mythology, choose a mythical name (especially something less known because it minimizes the likelihood of someone already Get that name.

  2. Choose a theme for Tumblr. This is a double step because you need to choose a theme specific to Tumblr, in terms of appearance and content.
    • You can create your own Tumblr theme if you want to be extravagant, but you need to understand html code. Try to create a theme that is consistent with the overall Tumblr content. If it's nice and fun, people will probably want to use it. You can let people use the theme you create yourself if you want.
    • As for the content of the blog, recall the username. Are you interested in fan community, art, fashion, social justice? It's okay to create a personal blog, but you cannot attract as many followers as Tumblr followers of a particular content.

  3. Understand the difference between reblogging (sharing) and reposting. Repost is often considered stealing because you post content that belongs to someone, while the reblog still sees the source, directly linking the blog of that post.
    • Reposting is not a good thing, so you should only post your own content. Especially when it becomes popular on Tumblr, that post is likely to reach the author again.
    • Do not republish articles on weheartit because most of the content on it is stolen from another author, nor will it make you more popular.

  4. Learn how to tag. Post tags are a great way to drive likes and shares, and people will notice what you post on Tumblr. If you tag your post, followers of that tag will see your post. If it interests them, they will like and share your post, if your blog has many similar posts they will probably start following you.
    • You can add multiple tags and they work in the following way: if you post similar content on Tumblr, you can create a separate tag to use for those types of posts (for example if you post multiple posts for Star Trek: The Original Series, you can choose a special card to attach to these articles). When the festival approaches, people will have cards like Halloween, Christmas.
    • Remember to be careful when using the card. If you are interested in a certain "boat" (a romantic relationship between the two characters) and exist a rival "boat" (pairing a character on your "boat" with another one), don't post hate on the couple and then tag them as a reference. You cannot make friends or attract followers that way.
  5. Learn to follow other people. Subscribe is understood as subscribing to another Tumblr. You can follow someone bilaterally, that is, the two of you follow each other, or you follow someone but they are not watching you. (Famous blogs -,
    • People with a lot of followers usually don't immediately follow you back when you subscribe to their Tumblr. This is completely normal. If you understand them, interact with them, and talk to them it is likely that they will follow you.
    • Follow blogs with similar content to you, or people in your chosen area. You are more likely to join that group and start to recognize the big names in it.

Part 2 of 2: Becoming Famous

  1. Find the right place. Although some individual Tumblr may also be famous, they are mostly famous people from before, such as writers, actors, and comic book artists. Some fanfic authors even become famous based on the works they write and maintain their own blog with a sizable following (although they only share and post about the plus). fellow fans).
    • Think about your hobbies: you can post about things like dancing, photography, art, social justice, fan community (books, movies, TV shows). The content on Tumblr is extremely diverse, you need to choose what you pursue if you want to become famous.
    • A few examples of the hugely popular Tumblr:,,,,, You will find that these Tumblr posts usually only post on a certain topic and create their own content for their blog (letting others share that post).
  2. Pay attention to popular Tumblr. Observe the members in the appropriate section and determine who has the most followers and whose posts are shared the most. Check what their Tumblr theme is? How do they interact with followers?
    • Check out their post. Is there a lot of articles (about social justice, or developments on tv, or poetry)? Do they share about themselves? Are they funny (a sense of humor is what makes you famous)? Are the articles long and rambling, or short, concise? This is entirely up to the region you choose to know what type of posts are most "sought after".
    • Do they make and post a lot of animations? Image quality like? Did they post a scene on TV with a famous quote?
    • See if they combine photos with other things. Check out their image quality, aesthetics that match their Tumblr. Do they post a lot of pictures of themselves, or don't they post anything?
    • Pay attention to your post that interests people, the post that gets the most likes and shares. You can create a lot of content like that and will definitely attract more followers.
  3. Talk to celebrities on Tumblr. You especially want to find celebrities in your chosen area. Don't just ask them to introduce you to their followers, ask questions and befriend them. Many celebrities on Tumblr post surveys with things like their favorite fantasy characters, their first kisses, and the foods they eat most often. This is a great way to get to know them more and to get them to know you.
    • Check out their FAQ page first to see what attitude is appropriate. Maybe they don't like the other person asking to promote (and never make others feel that that's the only reason you're talking to them) and what kind of questions they don't want to hear.
    • Once you get to know them, you can ask if they want to take a look at your blog and recommend it to their followers. This is especially good if you have unique ideas in mind (like writing fanfics, writing poetry, or trying a new fashion sense). If you're polite and sincere, they won't be afraid to help you.
  4. Performing promotion. It's hard to do well right now as it can get you more followers, recognized, but can also piss people off so be careful. Usually, promoting means you get someone recommend your Tumblr on their blog, and you can do a bilateral promotion, etc. What you really want is to have a local celebrity promote your blog.
    • Promote (p4p) means you recommend someone's blog on your blog and vice versa. The interesting thing about this approach is that your followers see only one blog, not a long promotional list. Of course, if the person promoting you doesn't have a lot of followers, you won't have great success with this plan.
    • Dual promotions are like regular promotions, with only two people playing. If you follow both of these people means you have a good chance of both promoting the blog, this is a great opportunity to attract more followers.
    • Personal promotion is a place where you can get to alone.This can happen if you are friends with a Tumblr celebrity who recommend your blog on their site, asking people to visit your blog.
  5. Post the original. One of the keys to becoming famous on Tumblr is that your blog has to post things you create. It sounds cliché, but this is the truth. Posts are your Tumblr promotion tool, so they should be something unique that no blog has, be it your words, or the artwork that people want to share. You need to think about the post yourself, they can be anything as long as the topic of your choice.
    • You can write your own articles. This means writing about what is happening on a TV show or book, or analyzing literature. You need to put personal opinion in the article. This may seem a bit intimidating, but even if people disagree with your point of view they will still follow the article, maybe others will see it and be interested in it. (This doesn't mean you should write about sensitive issues like racism or sexuality, etc. comment and end with "but this is just my opinion", please out of courtesy).
    • Learn how to animate instead of just sharing someone else's post, especially if you're part of a community of fans. People will enjoy and share your work. In fact, people may even ask you how to animate if you are proficient.
    • Post your artwork regardless of genre: painting, photography, creative writing (fanfic counts also). This will both help bring your work to the public, while making sure your Tumblr contains lots of "original" content.
  6. Need to be consistent when blogging. Consistency is also a key to becoming a celebrity on Tumblr. Even when the ancient celebrities didn't have blogs, they still needed some preparation, meaning the blog continued to post new content even when the moderator was not here.
    • Make sure to respond to people, the more people you talk to, the more likely you are to become famous and attract more followers.
  7. Please be patient. There is no way to become famous overnight, except by accident (someone whose article is known as quickly as the spread of the fire or lightning fast). Get along with people and you will find yourself gaining more followers.
    • Bear in mind that many Tumblr celebrities have been using the social network for a long time, they spend a lot of time accumulating followers and getting used to all the activities.


  • Try to be active or schedule your posts regularly. This way, Tumblr will continue to be updated.
  • Post / share to express yourself! You don't need to post sure things to match!
  • You can admire other Tumblr users and use them as an inspiration to get started, but don't be blatant about copying someone. Live true to yourself if you want to be popular on Tumblr!
  • Limit your promotions because followers may be bored with such things.
  • Do not rush. Most of the celebrities on Tumblr have been using it for many years!
  • Don't expect to be famous within a day or even a month. For many people, gaining popularity on Tumblr takes a lot of time –– you need to focus on Tumblr if you really want to be famous.
  • Find a blog with the same topic as yours, follow them and their followers, and they can follow back and like your photos.
  • You can always make friends on Tumblr! People are usually happy to receive messages from others. They are also not afraid to recommend your blog. This can help you get more followers!


  • When you become famous, you'll inevitably get teasing or hateful messages (no matter how nice you behave). The best way to deal with this type of texting is a sense of humor. Publicize their messages with funny animations and bizarre comments. If they insult you, report them.
  • Many times what you do to become famous takes up your time, your principles, and your energy –– ask yourself if it's really worth the effort.