How to become famous without self-esteem

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Celebrities on SELF-ESTEEM | How to overcome insecurities
Video: Celebrities on SELF-ESTEEM | How to overcome insecurities


Low self-esteem can make life difficult. When you feel inferior, you will have more problems communicating and getting along with others. Fortunately, there are many ways you can be admired and loved by others, even if you lack confidence in yourself.


Method 1 of 3: Strengthen your self-esteem

  1. List a list of achievements. When your self-esteem is low, you often forget about your accomplishments. Prepare the paper and set a timer for 20 minutes. Write down all of your accomplishments, big or small.
    • For example, passing an exam, completing a study project, being recognized as an excellent student, or holding the No. 1 position in a band are all valuable achievements.
    • You can do this every time you feel bad about yourself.

  2. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. The more negative things you hear about yourself, the more you will believe them. These thoughts are often wrong. Make a list of all the negative thoughts you have about yourself and make a positive statement to refute any negative thoughts.
    • If you think, "I am a failure," you should replace it with, "I am successful in many areas." If you write, "Nobody cares about you," replace it with, "Still a lot of people care about me."
    • Read the positive affirmations aloud. Keep the list at the head of your bed. You may need to read through the daily list.

  3. Stop comparing yourself to others. It is easy to look up at others and begin to feel as unimportant, attractive, or as successful as them. However, you cannot know what someone else's private life is like or what they have to go through to become that. The only person you are fighting for is yourself.
    • List your strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses are things that you will try to improve on. For example, one of the downsides might be that you're often late. Then you can overcome it by practicing punctuality.
    • When you focus on yourself, you won't have time to pay attention to others.

  4. Realistic special goals. The target level should be as low and within your reach. Don't set high expectations that could lead to failure. Achieving your goal takes process, and sometimes you will falter or not complete your goal as quickly as planned. Just keep trying and never give up.
    • If you've never been to a gym and your goal is to run a marathon for a month, you will definitely fail. Instead, set a more realistic goal of running 5 kilometers for three months and stick to a consistent running schedule.
    • Use the SMART approach as a basis for setting realistic goals for yourself.
  5. Take care of your physical health. Exercising, getting enough sleep, and eating healthy can help you feel better about yourself. Exercise helps produce mood-enhancing endorphins. If you don't get enough sleep, you can make negative thoughts worse. A well-balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, can also improve mood.
    • Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
    • Ultimately we need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. If you are a teenager, you need 8 to 10 hours more sleep each night.
  6. Do activities you enjoy. Do at least one of your favorite activities every day. You can walk, watch TV, read magazines, listen to music, or meet friends. When you spend time with others, you should interact with people who help you to have a better view of yourself.
    • You can also do good things to others (eg giving cards, smiling, volunteering). You will feel positive about yourself when you do good things for others.
    • Taking part in a favorite activity is a way to take care of yourself.

Method 2 of 3: Increase admiration

  1. Become sociable. If people are happy with you, comfortable, and possibly themselves, they will spend a lot of time meeting you. You should have a positive attitude when communicating with others. Do not defame others, as well as gossip, complain, and repeat your own problems.
    • Being active doesn't mean you ignore problems. Instead, you look at the positive side of each situation.
    • Even if it has gone through a bad day, think about the good things that have happened. If anyone asks, you can reply, "Not very well today, but I read the funny article. Would you like to hear it?" Today may not be going well, but you can still talk about something good.
    • Always praise and encourage those around you.
  2. Become a good listener. People will enjoy being with you when you care about what they say. When someone is talking, don't interrupt or think about what you should say next. Focus on the other person and look them in the eye.
    • When someone is talking, focus on the reason they want you to talk to and the message they convey.
    • Give the other person a chance to express an opinion. Nod, say "yes," or "I understand" to let them know that you are really listening to what they have to say.
    • If someone is talking about a topic beyond your knowledge, ask questions to fuel the conversation and help you understand the content more. You can also say, "Oh that's interesting. Where did you hear this?"
    • Asking questions and directing the conversation about the other person can be helpful if you are not confident today and don't want to talk about yourself.
  3. Possessing a sense of humor. Everyone likes people with a sense of humor who make others laugh and don't take it too seriously. This doesn't mean you always have to go and tell jokes to others.
    • Instead of getting frustrated, find the humor behind your daily activities. For example, if you fall down a staircase, make a joke that you are a bit clumsy or that the floor is moving instead of feeling uncomfortable from embarrassment.
    • Watch movies and comedy shows, interact with happy people, or read funny books to improve your sense of humor.
  4. Be yourself. Do not change your nature to let people like you. You are the only individual in the world. Changing yourself can put pressure on and dislike the person you are. You should show your true self.
    • Others can tell if you are being honest and may feel uncomfortable about it.
    • What makes you special (for example, your sense of humor, your own style, your unique laughter, etc.) are often the things that draw others to you.
  5. Not too focused on popularity. When you want to become famous, you are completely devoted to it. Then you will start doing things to make others happy and impressed. This may work at first, but in the long run it won't work.
    • Use strategies that work for you.
    • If your self-esteem is tied to how others view you, you will feel lonely and worse about yourself.

Method 3 of 3: Become a person of society

  1. Learn how to start a conversation. Celebrities can easily converse with a variety of people. This can be frightening or frustrating. Smile, make eye contact, and start a conversation that is appropriate for the situation.
    • You can offer compliments. Apply the saying, "I like your ____, where did you buy it?"
    • You can introduce yourself, "Hi, my name is ___."
    • If you're in a museum or exhibition, "This picture is so beautiful. Do you know who the author is?" or "I like this type of work. Do you know of any place where such genre is displayed?"
    • Preparing questions to initiate a conversation will make you less nervous about getting to know new people.

  2. Make eye contact when talking to others. Eye maintenance takes practice and can be a challenge if you have low self-esteem. Start with 5 seconds, and then gradually increase the time. To stop eye contact, you can look to other parts of the face (never under the chin, and above the shoulder), then continue looking into the other person's eyes.
    • Maintain eye contact to show that you care about them and make connections between you and the other person.
    • Make more eye contact when you are listening instead of talking.

  3. Smile at everyone. Make eye contact and smile when you see them. This makes you more attractive and makes others feel comfortable. Laughing can even improve your mood. You will find that when you smile at others, they will return your smile because smiling is contagious.
    • A sincere smile attracts the opposite person and helps you make new friends.
    • A smile signals others that you are a cheerful, positive person; This is the type of person everyone wants to interact with.


  • Remember that self-esteem building is a process. The only way to improve your confidence is to act; Start with small, positive changes in which you feel comfortable, and focus on perfecting yourself and your life.
  • High self-esteem makes life easier.
  • Keep a personal identity journal and always listen to yourself.
  • Avoid people who want to drag you down, make you anxious, and lower your confidence in yourself.