How to be adventurous

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to become more adventurous | Nick Costelloe | TEDxTCNJ
Video: How to become more adventurous | Nick Costelloe | TEDxTCNJ


The formula for adventure is actually quite simple: novelty + courage = adventure. An adventurous person can jump off a plane, be the first to voluntarily save someone, or even actively ask someone on a date. You might not be the kind of adventurous person. If you get motivated and create new habits for adventurous adventure, then you will be able to discover a new world in the blink of an eye.


Part 1 of 3: Finding Motivation

  1. Forget what is stopping you. Restraint is an emotion that makes you shy and unable to act freely and naturally. Perhaps you are ashamed, inexperienced or afraid. In order to forget the obstacles, you should feel safe with yourself, the environment and the people around you.
    • Wondering why you want to take the risk? What do you think that will bring you? Are you ready to take all the opportunities? If you think so, you are right.
    • Conquering a physical challenge also requires you to overcome the mental challenge. For example, if you practice and climb mountains this will challenge some of your physical abilities and help you realize how strong your body and mind are.
    • Do you think you have anything to prove? Are you hungry for attention? Why are you looking for joy? Do you think it will build self-esteem? Do you just want more fun?
    • Take a few minutes to answer these questions as it will help you build a plan for action.

  2. Face your fear. If at this point in your life you find yourself never taking a risk, then it is your fear that may be holding you back. Realizing your fear can be as simple or as simple as taking a little bit of inner self-reflection (a direct effort to penetrate internal processes). The feelings, thoughts, wishes, and dreams you may not realize, but they are real.
    • Fear may include fear of public speaking, fear of snakes, or heights. They may also be afraid of talking to strangers, fear of getting fired or failing class. They can be rooted in a deep fear of ignorance, being abandoned or losing a sense of security.
    • Conquering fear leads to building trust in yourself, thinking and acting. You will learn how to take care of yourself. For example, you may be too scared to leave your parents house because you think you can't do it. If you choose to take the risk and leave and realize you can, you conquer your fear.
    • Use visualization. Imagine yourself doing some kind of action that challenges yourself to be risky and out of it and still alive and well. These situations could be surfing, horse racing, musical discovery, or something smaller like asking for a photo with an athlete. Extreme adventure can be big or small.
    • You can avoid risky work out of a fear of uncertainty. You have to do something from being sure to uncertain to remove the mental block that prevents you from becoming risky. For example, if you dodge or hesitate to participate in some event because you don't know what will happen, then slowly go on with small stamina-building excursions.

  3. Gather your feelings of adventure. Dare to take risks leads to a spiritual sense of freedom, comfort and a willingness to experience life. Opening your heart by being kind to yourself will help you build personal strength.
    • If you need to feel safe before you feel comfortable doing something new, practice meditation or yoga to calm and relieve stress. When you develop a sense of security and calmness, you will be ready to take the risk. For example, you will travel to Portugal on your own even though you do not know the language Portuguese.
    • Give yourself the motivation to feel free. Better to say a few self-affirmations like, "Everything will be fine; I'm ready to start; or this change will be good for me!" Speaking out loud also helps. At that point, simply shouting out loud is very effective at dissipating energy and helping you move forward.
    • Use some safety measures. Taking risks does not mean you are doing unsafe things. Adventures that require physical health require a careful assessment of the dangers involved. For example, if you want to learn how to race, you should research the safety requirements. Should consult an expert.

Part 2 of 3: Creating a New Habit

  1. Explore your interests. There are times in your life that you are too busy thinking about what interests you. If you want to be more adventurous, you need to take the time to have fun and explore them. Perhaps you've always wanted to travel or spend a semester abroad. It is also possible that learning to design for theatrical plays will appeal to you.
    • If you want to be adventurous at work, try visiting an online questionnaire to help you realize your interests.
    • Talk to someone who is doing something that interests you. Ask them if they have any advice for you to join.
    • You might discover a new hobby that you didn't even know about. For example, there is a martial arts studio that you keep driving through every day. One day you decide to venture there. You watch the classroom and you like what you see, and so you subscribe.
  2. Choose a pattern. You probably know someone who does a lot of things you want to do. They can be someone who doesn't seem afraid and is always fulfilling what they set out to be. They spend vacations building houses for the poor, canoeing over rapids on rivers, and diving in the ocean. You admire the person and you want to learn from them to be adventurous.
    • Choose a mentor to help you. They can be friends, family members or someone you know at work. Talk to the person and ask, “I'm trying to be more adventurous in life and it sounds like you're doing pretty well. Can you give me any advice? Would you mind if I met you regularly to talk about this? ”
    • You can mimic the actions of an expert you don't know. For example, if you admire an oceanographer who has a TV show, you can watch the show and follow them on social media. You can ask them a few questions through several social media channels.
  3. Make plans to take risks. Draw some plans to go on the trip, change or try something new. Determine how often you want to do these things. Make a commitment to do something new once a day, once a week, or once a month. If you schedule events, make them a “to-do list,” you'll most likely do them.
    • Planning an adventure with friends can be fun. Discuss and agree to hold each person responsible for the task that needs to be completed. For example, one can check the price of an airline ticket online; Others determine what to do while you are at your destination.
    • Travel around the world. With the right plan, you will most likely travel around the world at a cost effective rate. Maybe cheaper than you think. Research the costs in advance to avoid them getting in the way of risking you.
  4. Take action. You may not be adventurous just sitting and doing nothing. Even the quest to be more adventurous is in fact an adventure. Like any other change in your life, you should take action for it to happen. Start with a few small steps and build the bigger one. Realize that each step is a movement toward your goal.
    • Set limits and boundaries. Taking risks will require doing a lot outside of your comfort zone. You are welcome to walk in nature, but you are not interested in skydiving. Know yourself and understand your limits. Don't be afraid to tell others that you have limits.
    • One way to act is to change habits. Avoid getting stuck in a rut just do the same thing in a similar way. Even doing something as simple as going grocery shopping in a new market will give you a new look. Taking risks can help prepare you for some new possibilities. For example, you go to a new market and meet someone they recommend a job to you, date you, or they know someone who grew up with you that you haven't seen in years. This is not going to happen when you take no risky action.

Part 3 of 3: Explore Your World

  1. Find someone else to share your interests with. People often attract people to share common interests and have fun together. Enthusiasm for life is very easy to convey. If you find a group that shares a shared adventure, you will almost never feel lonely.
    • Identify groups online and sift through for compatibility. For example, if you like to design graphic software on your computer, maybe you can find a local cinema convention and volunteer there. You will meet many people who share their interests in graphic design animation, but you will also learn the process of implementing a movie festival.
    • Observe the bulletin board at the school or public area. There will be a number of groups where you can meet and always find new members. Take the chance. Opportunities can change your life.
    • Join events and ask questions. For example, you attend a motor show show and ask one of the people in charge, “This show is amazing. How do people get involved in building such a great program? " Most people will chat with you and guide you through some interesting things.
  2. Train inquisitiveness and curiosity. An inquisitive mind always asks questions. You can maintain your enthusiasm for taking risks by constantly asking questions. How are these things done? What can be done to get there? Why should we always do it that way? When can we change for the better? Curiosity is a source of adventure.
    • Creating a situation for yourself will push you out of your comfort zone. Embarrassment is the first step in learning something new.
    • Read a few books about something you don't know, then point it out to talk to others about it.
    • Chat with people doing work you never did.
    • Watch how people play, work, or relax with friends and family. Notice what they do to see what they are similar and different from how you do them.
  3. Change job. If you feel overwhelmed by work, then take a few steps to find a new job that you enjoy. Financial support is an important factor to find a new job. You want to make sure you have the financial resources to support you throughout your adventure.
    • Tap into your resume and test out some of the skills you have and see how they apply in your new job.
    • You may need to take some extra classes to complete a certificate or degree in order to enter a field of interest. This may take a while, but the rewards will pay off as long as you see it as a great adventure that makes you happy.
  4. Consider moving to a new town, city or country. Sometimes just a change in the landscape is what you need. With the right plan, you can do anything to change as long as you are determined to go through and make some smart choices.
  5. Make a to-do list. The to-do list contains everything you want to do before you die. Fill in everything you ever wanted to do. This could include going to a baseball stadium in America, swimming across a wide river, snowboarding in the Swiss Alps or meeting a sports figure. Each item on the guaranteed list needs to be accompanied by risky jobs.
  6. Make up for the previous disappointment. It's never too late to do something new. Whether you're too shy to audition in a play, or you've crashed the ball in a baseball final, you may find something a little bit worth paying for.
    • Make a list of all the things in life that make you feel bad, or make you scared and lack the will to take risks. Then, let's recreate them one by one according to the situation and deal with them properly. If you miss the ball in the match, join a soccer team and practice diligently, then soon you will be the main batter. It's important that you admit the effort even when you're not a star.
  7. Always push yourself. Once you feel the benefits of taking risks, you will find that it takes a lot of work. Good results promise motivation, and you need to keep pushing yourself toward new adventures. Being adventurous is energizing and you can use it as a tool to enhance your life.
    • If you feel like you're in a slump, motivate yourself to take on a new adventure. Let the thought of a reward pop your mood.
    • Praise yourself for your efforts to be risky. Motivate yourself by saying, “You take the risk because you are moving towards your fullest life. Congratulation".


  • Ask a friend to remind you that you're trying to be risky.
  • Continue doing some of the things that you have been doing for a while. Cook a weird meal. Wear something different from your personality. Ask yourself, "How can I be different?"
  • Fear and anxiety can hold you back in life. Seek professional help if you are having trouble.
  • New people have the ability to teach you something new that can bring your life to many adventures.
  • Chat with people. Their stories of adventure make you feel as great as you are experiencing it.
  • Always look for something new to do. Shoot a documentary. Take a dance class. Study meditation with Buddhist monks.
  • Every adventure you take is the result of an interesting story to tell. Everyone loves to hear a great story.
  • Find a vantage point on top of a hill or ocean that has great views. It will remind you that there is a big world out there that is full of adventure.
  • Keep healthy. Many adventures require physical effort.
  • Try something new that you've never done before and have fun doing it.


  • Has precision tools. Be quick and bring the tools you need for the adventure. This could be a life-related problem. Always carry drinking water for hiking, and fully charge the battery to turn on the global positioning system (or GPS).
  • What you define as risky can be seen as harassing, overbearing, or dangerous behavior. Don't do anything beyond the limits.
  • Understand your limits. You are not invincible.
  • There's a thin line between being someone people want to hang out with because you look great, and someone people don't want to play with because you've always liked to fight.
  • Exercise caution if participating in life-threatening adventures. If you have suicidal thoughts, get professional help, and don't put others in danger.
  • Do you lose control of your emotions and need high levels of the hormone adrenaline to feel something? Scary emotions can be a sign of depression. Get expert help.