How to be attractive

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy
Video: How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy


Being attractive isn't just about the looks - it's your mood. Not only do you need to appear confident, sexy, and curious, you also need to know that you look beautiful, and act like that. Whether you're walking down the road or stopping for a bit of a chat, if you get it right, people in your range will soon think you're attractive. If you want to learn how to be cool, check out step 1 to get started.


Part 1 of 2: Having the right look

  1. Make sure you are "cool" instead of "cute". Being "attractive" means becoming an adult that others are immediately attracted to. This is the exact opposite of "cute". Usually, when someone is seen as cute, they attract in a youthful and less sexual way. So if you want to be the attractive woman, you need to emphasize your curves. If you want to be an attractive man, you need to try to be George Clooney instead of Justin Bieber.
    • People often have the misconception that "attractive" means "sexy", but they are not the same. "Sexy" is attractive in a more mature, mature way (when you don't need to have a sharpness). You can think about the difference between Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie is mature and aristocratic (this is the source of her sexiness), while Megan Fox is defiant, daring, and charming (which is what makes her "attractive").

  2. Sharpen your sharpness. To look appealing, you need to arouse curiosity and mystery a bit. When other people see you, you'll want them to say "oh" instead of "oh". You can do this by not letting people know all about you right away, not being present often, and just taking more time to open up. This method will make others constantly question and guess about you.
    • You need to be a little sharp. Think about the difference between rock superstars and typical teachers. If they are both pretty, you would think the rock superstar is attractive, and the teacher is cute. Both are good, but if you want to be seen as attractive, subtly flirting or possessing a rebellious nature will help.

  3. Satisfied with the body. To be sexy, you need to be comfortable with yourself and know how to emphasize your best traits. This doesn't mean you need to "show off your skin", but a little Sexy won't harm anyone. If you feel comfortable, show people what part of your body you like best about yourself - or just enough to engage them. Whether you're showing off your muscular arms or a little cleavage, you're on your way to being attractive.

  4. Possessing good posture. Stand up straight and always be proud and happy of being yourself and possessing your current appearance. Straighten shoulders, head straight ahead, and put hands on his sides. Avoid slouching or, otherwise, you may appear insecure. Attractive people are in good shape because they pride themselves in having what they have - and they love to show it off. If you are a woman, walk like a singer and smile often seductively.
  5. Keep fit. Many attractive people do not possess a good physique, and many attractive ones are not attractive. However, if you want to draw more attention from everyone around you, try to lose weight if you are overweight, or do muscle-building exercises if you are underweight or quite thin.You should visit your local gym to determine which exercise / exercise machine suits you best.
    • Exercise will also make you feel more confident in yourself and happier to be yourself. It will also make you look and feel appealing.
  6. Maintain hygiene. This means brushing and flossing at least twice a day, washing your face to get rid of blackheads or acne, washing your hair at the right schedule, and taking overall care of your body. You can also use deodorants, nail trimmers, and always smell good. If you want, you can try a pleasant fragrance, or spend a day with yourself at the spa room.
    • No matter how much exercise you do, if you show up with a scent like you haven't washed it in days, people won't think you are attractive.
  7. Possesses a mature appearance. Make sure you look sharp in what you wear by choosing flattering clothes. Remember that appeal is in the eye of the beholder, but take the time to shop for clothes with colors and styles that complement you. Here are a few factors to keep in mind when trying to be more attractive:
    • Trying out new fashion trends can make you more attractive.
    • Use jewelry. Look for earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings or bracelets.
    • Don't wear gym clothes, running shoes, or a round neck t-shirt. You should save them for exercise time.
    • You can dress as you normally would as long as you look like you've put in some time.
  8. Maintain a beautiful hairstyle. Some nice hairstyles include straight hair, curly hair, frizz, buns, wavy hair, ponytail, ponytail, or bun. Attractive person is very active. They often change and get others to notice them. You can think about J-Law changing her hairstyle short - she looks even more attractive!
    • For men, if you find that a certain hairstyle works for you, you can keep it for a while. If you are bald, don't underestimate how attractive a shiny head can be. And a few gray hairs are also very attractive.
  9. Consider applying makeup, if you are a woman. The key factor here is to keep it to a minimum. Eye color, mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss or lip balm are everything you need, unless you have acne or skin problems, in which case concealer and foundation are your choice. choose the best one. Makeup can tell men that you like their attention (which may sound impractical, "sexy" things can send the message that you're begging for attention, so be careful. be careful not to over-makeup).
    • You can definitely try makeup if you are a man and are willing to do it. Eyeliner is especially attractive for both genders, or you can choose to use concealer to conceal your imperfections.
  10. Looks outrageous a little bit. If you are a man, you can skip this step. Clothing, tank tops, shorts, layered tops, yoga tights, and jeans are a few options. If you're pretty young, you can wear everything (as long as other people don't tease you when you wear them). You can think about Beyonce's outfit or The Saturdays in the music video "What About Us". Remember: Thin clothing doesn't make you more attractive. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Behave in an attractive manner

  1. Be mature. You can't be "attractive" if you remind others of how young you are by constantly complaining, causing problems with others, or acting immature. You should maintain modesty in your attitude, express yourself with confidence, and be polite to everyone you meet. Treat everyone with respect, avoid whining, and take responsibility for your actions. If you behave in a mature way, people will find that you are someone that is worth learning about, and someone they should not look down on.
    • You don't want people to lose interest in thinking you are a squiggle or a whistleblower. Remember to build a non-childish image of yourself.
  2. Get cold. Ironically, being attractive means being cool. Take Brad Pitt as an example. He is considered attractive by many women (but not every woman) because he has a cool demeanor, is very handsome, and doesn't usually smile or talk (doesn't mean you can't smile or chat with other people).
    • Attractive people only say what's essential, funny, or what others want to hear.
    • During a frightening situation, the person is attractive to impress people by not panicking, telling them it's okay or that everything will be fine, and sometimes, they'll cope with it.
    • The attractive person is often not agitated, or anxious.
  3. Show confidence. Attractive people know that they are attractive and possess the confidence to support it. You should be proud and happy with yourself, walk with your head held high, and talk about the positive and the happy things. If you walk like you are looking for attention or you don't know yourself well, you won't be attractive. Instead, smile when you enter the room, be friendly with everyone, and accept that everything others say and do is right because you can't prove them wrong the first time you meet them, instead. Suspect people who are not on your social circle right away.
    • If you want to be confident, meet with someone who makes you feel good about yourself.
    • Of course, you can be suspicious of yourself. You don't have to pretend having fun all the time. When you have doubts, talk to your best friend instead of letting the people around you know you are feeling insecure.
  4. Don't be too sensitive. Of course, you can become really happy or sad, but overall, the attractive person is pretty stable. They don't cry for joy, scream when they meet their friends, or get angry at their teachers. Instead, they know quite well when they need to express happiness or sadness, but they never overdo it. They don't use their feelings to get attention. People pay attention to them because they are great, not because they are in a row.
    • If you are talking to a friend and feel yourself getting angry, take a minute to breathe and return to a calm state.
  5. Treat everyone with kindness. People often say that attractive people are only kind to other attractive people and ignore people "inferior" than them. If you are truly attractive, you need to be able to see beyond the surface and know who is worth exploring. Don't just hang out with people who are attractive and make you look good; Instead, spend time with the person you respect and love most. You need to look around and wonder about the friendship you have; Are they the kind, kind people you want to be?
    • If you are kind to people, you will impress them even more, because they will think, "It's great that she / he is friendly to people even though he / she is very attractive. He / He really didn't let that thought get into his mind. "
    • This also applies to strangers or people you have just met. Don't enter a new conversation with suspicion; Try replacing it with excitement or curiosity.
    • Should not be a runner. Don't just walk past the girl in your history class and look away just because you think saying hello to people isn't cool.
  6. Avoid bragging too much. Just because you think you're attractive doesn't mean you are allowed to chatter non-stop about the weights you've lifted at the gym, how great you look in your new outfit, or how much power you can get. of other people on the weekend. If you are really attractive, people will notice and they will do it for you.People don't feel that you are really attractive if you try to show them off on a regular basis. The next time you are about to brag, stop and praise the other person.
    • Being humble and humble will be of great help in making you look and feel attractive. If you show off regularly, people will not like you because they think you are arrogant.
  7. Maintain openness in your preferences. Attractive people will not be obsessed with someone they like, or spend 100% of their time with a boyfriend / girlfriend. Instead, they date many people. If they find someone they like, they will just be with that person, but in general, attractive people often don't take things seriously and enjoy exploring their preferences. If you're at a party or pub, don't just aim at a single person you like as if you were a laser: chat with different people instead, and you could end up by loving someone you didn't expect.
    • The attractive person also doesn't feel disappointed when he has to accept the rejection. Of course, rejection is pretty bad, but don't spend too much time pitying yourself - it's not worth it.
  8. Do not see yourself in public. If you are an attractive person, you will know this well. Don't look at yourself in the street window, and don't grab the mirror and start adjusting your makeup in front of everyone. Your charm should look elegant and effortless. If you want to check your looks, you should do this in the bathroom, not on the street. If not, you will be seen as feeling insecure.
  9. A kind person. Attractive people must be kind and happy about what they have. They should not be harsh losers, angry at small things, or be rude to the waiter, the teacher, or the stranger. Kind people treat everyone with kindness, help others, and realize their luck in being alive. Avoid acting as though you deserve to be treated like a queen when the other person is just a coward; This kind of behavior is very wicked and people won't like it.
    • Good people know they need to work to get what they want and don't think they "deserve" the best. If you really want to be attractive, you need to be kind and grateful for this.
  10. Kind to your friends. There's a stereotype about who often treats his friends as decorative accessories (like: Regina George in The Guessing Girl) because they are just so attractive that they can do whatever they want. Break this trend or not is up to you. You should not treat your friends like they do not have a voice, an assistant, or a servant who is ready to submit to you immediately. Instead, treat them equally, and give them the right to speak out before your actions. Ask them what they are like, take the time to do kind things for them, and make sure your friendship makes sense.
    • You also shouldn't be someone who likes to slander your friends as soon as they turn their backs. You will quickly gain a reputation as an imposter.
  11. Be attractive around people you have your eyes on. If you want to be attractive, you need to be able to flirt a bit when talking to someone you like. However, this doesn't mean you need to put in your best effort and attack too hard. Find a balance between staying calm and at the same time giving the other person a little bit of information to learn; That way, you'll be seen as interesting, but people still want to know about you. If people think you are an ice queen or just love yourself, you won't have a lot of people to date, no matter how attractive you are.
    • And if someone you don't like approaching you, be as kind as possible. Just because you don't think the person is attractive or cool doesn't mean you shouldn't treat them like a person.
    • Don't act like you are the queen and the person needs to beg for a moment. Always remember to be equal with the person you are talking to.


  • Smile with eyes. People are often attracted to other people's smiles, especially when it's completely sincere.
  • The main factor in being "attractive" is being satisfied with yourself and with your own feelings; if you look happy with your body; others will easily think that they will too!
  • Remember to smile and be happy.
  • If you can master the ability to be innocent and engaging at the same time, this is the biggest combination. A mysterious, rebellious side accompanied by an innocent and gentle appearance.
  • Don't try too hard to look "attractive" if it doesn't fit, or doesn't make you comfortable. People can be attracted in many different ways. Cute, or handsome, etc, there's nothing wrong with it. For example, you can imagine Audrey Hepburn trying to be as "cool" as Marilyn Monroe - it will never work!
  • Remember that if you want to be charismatic, you must dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable. If it means "exposing" more or less current, do it. However, you need to make sure it matches the event you are participating in.
  • Possessing the ability to let the person you care about know you want them, but at the same time being uneasy, is seductive, and will keep the person waiting, wanting, be attracted, and excited.
  • The search for superstars is seen as "intriguing" in what they do; you can learn from and imitate their actions to attract attention and look sexy.
  • For many reasons, a long-sleeved black turtleneck can make a person mysterious and attractive.
  • Looking attractive can mean emphasizing the curves of a woman, and for men, it is a muscular body. For men, just one suit to work is enough. For women, just knee-high boots and dark lipstick. However, you don't have to try to look sexy, and simple, sexy and sophisticated looks are key.
  • Be yourself!


  • Trying too hard to look attractive can make you appear arrogant and proud. How you present yourself is more important than how you look, so don't spend too much time looking in the mirror.
  • For women, walking with your chest lifted and your shoulders back is seen as if you are trying too hard, and remember that no one likes a desperate girl.

What you need

  • Trapping
  • Elegant but trendy outfit
  • Luxury accessories
  • Nice pair of shoes
  • Hairspray
  • Confidence