How to Be Charming

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How To Be Charming In Any Conversation
Video: How To Be Charming In Any Conversation


Gracious is not just about not stumbling. Grace is not just your body posture, but also a way of controlling your actions and thoughts. The charming person often exudes a natural elegance without being distant. They are considerate of others and behave with respect. Even if you have a reputation for being clumsy, you can become graceful with a little practice.


Part 1 of 3: Charming Appearance

  1. Be comfortable with your body. Gracious people are in control of their body. They walked without stumbling, their hands and feet were not swinging, and they didn't break the vase or cup. They have a good appearance and are comfortable with themselves. To be graceful, you always need to know what your body is doing and where it's going. This sounds easy, but you know, people are often unintentional and unaware that they are invading someone else's space, or falling into a dilemma.
    • Even if you're not a bodybuilder, you can still control your body to feel comfortable with yourself. Whether it's running or hiking, exercise is still a way to feel your body.

  2. Keep a correct posture. To be graceful, you need to stand tall with pride and keep your back straight even while sitting. When you are tired or want to rest, it can be easy to fall into a slack position, but once you have developed the habit of keeping your back straight, after a while you will no longer find it difficult to hold the correct posture. . Even if the person you are talking to is loosing, you should not follow them. Practice stretching and looking forward rather than looking to the ground when you walk, you will immediately look graceful.
    • Correct posture also helps you express your body language with confidence. Graceful people are also often confident because they are proud of what they have. Slouching or cowering makes you look like you're hiding something, even if it's not.

  3. Take a deep, full breath. Doing this not only gives you a better look and feel, but also improves your cognitive function. Pay attention to the breath and feel the body as you inhale and exhale. If you feel pressured or claustrophobic, pay attention to take a deep breath until you calm down.
    • You may also know from yoga that breathing and focusing on your breath can help you feel your body and make you feel calmer and more confident. This is a must if you want to be gracious.

  4. Increased toughness. Flexibility is part of controlling the body. Take time each day to stretch your muscles so that you feel comfortable and not stiff throughout the day. This is especially important before a workout, or if you're sitting behind your desk all day and need to relax your back or neck a bit. Take the time to relax, even while watching TV, and you will be surprised how much more graceful you are.
    • Practicing yoga can significantly improve endurance. Take a beginner's class and see how you change after just a few hours each week.
  5. Dressedly. Clothes don't make you feel, but it adds elegance. Most importantly, your outfit should be clean, stylish, fit, and elegant and fit. Your clothes don't have to be expensive, they just need to be aesthetically pleasing, not too flashy, and have to be slim.
    • Do not wear clothing that will prevent you from moving naturally. For example, high heels look very attractive, but you shouldn't wear them for long. Oversized fluffy pants will make you look odd, and thus unobtrusive. Always wear clothes that make you confident and attractive, and wear hair accordingly.
    • Make sure your clothes are not wrinkled, and after you eat them check for stains.
    • You won't be graceful if you let the buttons pop out or the shirt in your pants pokes out in half. So remember to check out your outfit from time to time.
    • If you want to dress more elegantly, a simple black dress will come in handy. Elegant colors like brown, pale pink, or gray can make you look more elegant.
    • In terms of accessories, just a pearl necklace, beaded earrings, and silver bracelets can be great. If you want to look charming, don't flaunt it with bulky accessories and jewelry.
  6. Apply makeup if you feel it suits you. Not all women like makeup, and if you belong to that number, don't be pressured to change. If you wear makeup, make sure to make sure it's even and well-balanced, and not too heavy at times that aren't right. For example, you could use a bold eyeliner, but don't polish your eyes and brush mascara too thickly. With a little lipstick, blush and eye shadow, you will be beautiful to walk out.
    • Make sure the foundation matches your skin tone.
    • Remember that it's better to have a rough make-up than too bold.
    • If you are using a concealer or blush, be sure to spread it well.
  7. Walking with a determined posture. Keep your head up, eyes look ahead and walk with natural agility. The graceful person does not bend his shoulders or is slow. They know where they are going and are proud to be there. If you keep looking at the ground, you may look lost or not confident. Looking straight ahead also makes you able to make eye contact with others, making you even more confident and graceful.
    • Of course, if you are traveling with a person who is walking more slowly, slow down to follow that person.
  8. Sit gracefully. When sitting, do not slump into the chair. Pull out your chair and sit down gently. You don't have to be as majestic as a king sitting on a throne, but avoid stooping and stay upright. Do not sit back and spread your legs wide, but close your legs or cross your legs. When you sit down, remember to be careful, no matter how tired.
    • If sitting on a bus or train, try not to take up a lot of space. Getting around is not a pretty action.

Part 2 of 3: Graceful Gestures

  1. Keep calm. The charming person usually doesn't get angry with people, doesn't throw things through the window or say things that he later regret. They are calm and do not let others attack them. They know when to take deep breaths when they feel they are about to get angry. Nor do they boast, get angry and throw insults at others. They stay calm and are a solid fortress when others need them.
    • However, the charming person is not perfect. When you get angry with someone, you must sincerely apologize.
  2. Speak gracefully. Graceful people often speak fluently, the volume is moderate, neither too fast nor too slow. They speak clearly and frankly, with rich words and easy-to-understand expressions. They also don't swear and avoid using a lot of slang. The graceful person may pause his speech to seek ideas, but often do not stutter and "hum" or use meaningless accompaniment to accompany each sentence. They control what they say and believe what they say.
    • In part, speaking fluently is through thinking before you speak.Having things in mind in mind will help you articulate and avoid repetition.
    • To speak well, you should also understand the rules of using words. For example, when referring to a teacher, you should use the word "teacher", or "she", not say "he" or "she".
  3. Take an acting class. Graceful people are usually poise and confident, both in words and in gestures. Learn some beautiful gestures and apply them. You learn acting not to become a famous actor, but to have a self-controlled and cute posture. Acting learning also helps you build confidence and public speaking, which is an ability that makes charming people stand out from others.
    • You will also learn how to interact with as many different types of people in society as the graceful person knows.
    • If you're not interested in acting, you might want to try taking a dance or ballet class. Dancing will help you keep your balance, coordinate well with body movements, and get calm as well.
  4. Be polite. A charming person is a polite person. They do not say inappropriate things, do not offend others, do not make vulgar comments, especially in front of those who are not very close. They pay attention to asking about others, inviting people to sit, or simply avoiding rude or excessive behavior. They are considerate of others and do not ask questions that are too personal or make others uncomfortable.
    • Good manners are also an important part of courtesy. You should not open your mouth when chewing gum, keep the door open for people to pass, get up when introduced to a newcomer, make eye contact with others when talking, stand in the right place while in line, generally hold Be polite if you want to be gracious.
  5. Avoid bragging. You won't be lovable if you just show off how cool, stylish, or successful you are. In fact, the charming person is very humble. They take pride in themselves without feeling bragged about their accomplishments. You can talk about things you like to do but don't sound like you're the best at it, you can talk about your hobbies or hobbies without mentioning world medals, awards or records gender. Graceful people don't seek recognition from others and don't need to brag just to feel happy and content.
    • If you're bragging, people may not like to hang out with you. You should feel lucky because you have advantages in life instead of boasting about everything you can achieve. Yes, maybe you have done a lot, but you don't need to show it off if you want to show your grace and luck and accomplishments.
  6. Keep a balance. Graceful people have good balance. They have a dignified appearance and straighten body, not awkwardly stumbling, showing confidence and determination. Graceful people often don't get angry, argue with others, or lose their ability to concentrate. If you want to be a charming person, you need to have a balance both physically and mentally. It is a balance in all aspects.
    • A person who knows balance also has the ability to maintain balance in difficult situations. They don't get confused and do not brawl with rude, grumpy or petty people.

Part 3 of 3: Gracious Behavior

  1. Be a caring person. The charming person cares about everyone. They try to listen and care for people and put themselves and others in their place to understand and sympathize. They often think about other people's feelings and try to make people feel more comfortable. They give seats to the tired, pay attention to friends who are in difficulty. They do not commute loud or disruptive, and do not disturb people in public. If you want to be graceful, thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness are key.
    • To be a caring person, you need to practice understanding and really thinking about what people are thinking and going through. For example, if a girl has just broken up with her boyfriend for a long time, she might not be happy to hear you talk about your wonderful new guy.
  2. Please respect. Graceful people are also loved because they respect those around them and are always considerate in their actions. They don't comment with offensive words, don't interfere with other people's affairs and respect everyone's privacy. They recognize the contributions and abilities of others. They don't interrupt or offend others, either in front or behind. They are attentive to treating everyone with the respect they need and deserve.
    • The respectful person does not interrupt others. They did not talk on the phone while standing at the checkout counter, nor did they occupy their own four-seater table at the coffee shop.
  3. Be skillful. Graceful people show thoughtfulness in everyday communication. They understand that it is necessary to be careful in timing and words. They also know that it's better to release important news with a kind and sympathetic attitude than it is to vent out insults. They know when to keep a secret, when to talk to it. They know that they should not make thoughtless comments without knowing who the audience is. Being tactful is the key to being graceful.
    • The delicate person does not make comments that would embarrass others in front of everyone. For example, if a friend has just broken up with his girlfriend, don't comment on it in front of many people.
  4. Helping people. As a charming person, you can't always put yourself first. The graceful person is altruistic and feels happy helping others, from helping her friends complete an essay to volunteering to help charity kitchen on Sundays. You should not think that your time is so precious that you cannot spend a few hours a week listening, sharing material and time with others, or just contribute a little energy to make the world a good place. than.
    • Your act of helping others should come from your heart, not because you want to exchange something.
  5. Don't be stubborn. The charming person does not take time to torment or sink in bitterness and resentment. They learn to forgive others and move forward, not being dominated by anger. While you shouldn't let others step on you, accept that human mistakes are human, and you should forgive them if they sincerely apologize. The graceful person sympathizes with others and does not take time to find deep leaves. Furthermore, persistence will turn you into a miserable and unhappy person.
    • As well as being not stubborn, you shouldn't talk about the people you don't like. Spreading a cloudy atmosphere is unwise, and when it comes to the main character's ears there is a chance it will cause more trouble.
  6. Be tolerant of criticism. Facing criticism is a great challenge for being graceful. Whether your boss tells you to improve your negotiation skills, or when a friend tells you to not delay everything, you should learn to accept criticism and rely on that to do better if the words that criticism is really constructive. Don't behave like a bitter loser, and understand that it's not always the case that everyone compliments you. It's important to learn to accept the bad that comes with the good, and keep being graceful nonetheless.
    • Of course when people criticize you for their petty nature, you should ignore it. But when people really want to help, you should absorb and improve yourself.


  • Wear clean clothes. You don't need designer clothes; Just a little taste, good clothes and hair are enough.
  • One trick that makes you look graceful is smooth motion. Your movements should be decisive and careful, but not too slow or too hasty. This takes practice.
  • Keep it clean by bathing regularly every day and keeping your body fresh. (Can be used in gentle, discreet perfumes)
  • Grace does not mean simplicity or perfectionism.
  • When going down stairs or downstairs, always stay in the same posture as when you went up.Open your shoulders and raise your head, eyes straight. Unfortunately, if you stumble, smile and gently regain your balance. That way people will not laugh but respect you.
  • Note what you eat. We're not talking about weight loss here (grace is not weight-related, it all depends on how you keep your posture). Eat vegetables and avoid carbohydrates (bread, potatoes). Drink plenty of fluids and avoid stimulants (caffeine and nicotine).
  • Being physically charming also means not looking too bad - if you have a lot of pimples, buy a face cream. Acnes will remove dirt and dispel the feeling of not washing your face.
  • You can swing gently, but don't curl or fidget.
  • If you are a bit oversized, wear clothes that fit but not too tight. That way you will look better.
  • Always be aware of where and what each part of your body is doing. You take this "tool" and control it, don't let it control you.
  • If you read the series "Twilight", think about Alice Cullen. She always has graceful movements.