How to be independent

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dare to Be Independent | Camila Coutinho | TEDxPaloAltoCollege
Video: Dare to Be Independent | Camila Coutinho | TEDxPaloAltoCollege


Independence is an essential skill for people who want to truly take control of their lives and feel that they don't need others to achieve their goals. Being more independent will give you the freedom to do what you want to do without worrying about what others think and it will also guide you to find core solutions to your problems. Plus, studies show that the more independent a person becomes, the happier a person is. This is because we feel comfortable and happy in control of our own lives. Do you want to know how to be independent? Please follow the steps below.


Part 1 of 3: Independent Thinking

  1. Accept yourself. You cannot build strong, independent yourself if you cannot live with yourself. Accept who you are, your personality, your thoughts, your voice, your preferences, and your life. Don't say things against yourself. Anyone can be strong enough. Everyone has to endure something to prove themselves strong. Leave mistakes behind and learn from them. Make an effort to make yourself better and, most importantly, love yourself.
    • This is an important part of being independent because accepting who you are will keep you from trying to imitate others.

  2. Believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, who can trust you? We're all different and we all have something unique to show off. No one can say your words and not everyone will agree with what you say so keeping your stance is important because in the end you are all you have and if you believe That is decisive. Believing in yourself will make you believe in your decisions - even if they completely go against other people's expectations - or even society.
    • If you don't have confidence in yourself, you will always doubt yourself and ask others for help when you have to make a decision. Stay away from this.

  3. Accept the world. Independent people are not frivolous, but they also do not believe that the whole of humanity is cruel. Independent people are those who see the world with its good and bad sides, and soberly choose to live vigorously for themselves and others. You are not independent because you don't trust anyone. You are not independent because you are proud of yourself. Follow this tutorial: Learn to accept the world, and decide to be strong.
    • Accepting the world in all its complexity will also help you see that there are countless ways of living out there - you are not forced into one of them.

  4. Be emotionally independent. Chances are you use people as your emotional support. Be it parents, boyfriend, girlfriend, or best friend. While it is possible to continue to rely on these people for the rest of your life, it is best to realize that all the people you rely on sooner or later will be gone. Some people move, some stop talking to you, and all of them will eventually cease to exist in this world. The only person who is always with you is yourself. If you rely on yourself, you will never be disappointed.
    • It's okay to stick with some important people in your life, but you can't let them determine your happiness level. This is up to you.
  5. Let's have motivation. Others do not have and will never have the same motivation for your success as you are. Motivation and success come from habits. You have to get rid of the bad habit of procrastinating, and get into the habit of good planning instead. The most successful people in the world are not always the brightest, most beautiful people, but no matter what talent or gift they are endowed with, they always reinforce their values ​​with achievements. fair through small or noble tasks.Here's how to learn everything from school, gain confidence in dating and all the other things in life.
    • If you want to achieve your career goals, this is for the satisfaction of yourself, not your family. The same is true if you want great scores.
    • Don't be eager to lose weight, publish a book, or build a house just to impress people. Do it because you want to be successful. Do it for yourself.
  6. Be your own hero. A role model can inspire and show you how to live your life. It's not bad finding a friend who deeply admires and shares values. In the end, however, it is important to use myself as the role model to be able to do and say whatever you want. Be yourself, and be yourself perfectly. If you don't admire yourself, you cannot become independent.
    • Avoid idolizing any of your friends or acquaintances in your social circle. This will only make it easier for you to forget to do your own things.
  7. Accept that life is not fair. Our parents love us so much that they do everything they can to nurture us in a fair environment. The real world doesn't operate on that principle, and this is the problem with today's world. The laws of the world often protect the majority (which you may not be part of) or those with the money and power. You will be treated badly for a variety of injustices: skin color, intelligence, height, weight, how much money you have, your opinion, your gender, and everything that makes you yourself. . You must be happy in spite of all these injustices.
    • Don't let the injustice of the world stop you from doing what you want to do. You want to be a male nurse? A female soldier? The first person in his family to graduate from college? Do it instead of telling yourself it's not possible in today's world.
  8. Stop caring what other people think. This is the most important thing about being independent. If you have to rely on others to hear them comment on your music or not, the clothes you wear are cute, you won't be happy. As long as you like - nothing else matters. Stop worrying about other people's judgments about your life, whether that's what they think about your clothes, your career choices, or other important choices. They are all decisions you make, not anyone else's.
    • If you always have back and forth thoughts like “But what would people think if…” in your mind, you will always hesitate to do what you want.
  9. Don't just "think" you're the best; Please prove it to yourself. Your opinion is the most important thing in motivation, but you know when you are working hard to achieve. It's a lot easier if you start to deal with your responsibilities and know that with a strong belief in yourself you can handle what's coming because you've experienced it, not trying to achieve your goals. because you are impatient and messed up inside. Impatience and disobedience prevent you from getting much results, but also make you torment yourself.

  10. Find information by yourself. Watch and read the news and make sure you have information from multiple sources. Follow up on a regular basis and aim to have two-way information on every story before coming to your opinion. You can also talk to people from different backgrounds to get more information on a relevant topic, but never let anyone tell you what to think. Aim to read as much as possible, whether you're reading literature or The New York Times. Being well informed will help you avoid following and develop more independent thinking.
    • You don't want to be a lemming rat and believe in something because the 50 best friends on Facebook tell you to.

Part 2 of 3: Independent Action

  1. Maintain lasting friendships. You don't have to drop your friends to become independent. In fact, your independence will be more solid with good friends. When your friend needs someone to talk to, be there with them. Be a trustworthy person. Don't cover or tell anyone about your friends' secrets or personal problems. Even when they never said anything about it. Be a strong person for your friends and loved ones. Not only does it show that you are a carefree person, but you will also soon learn how to handle any sudden situation that comes from your friends' experiences.

  2. Become financially independent. This is quite difficult because our parents' natural instinct is to provide for us. Politely decline when they offer financial help. While relying on others financially is tempting, before you can experience independence, you must be independent. Please secure your finances. Living independently really has to be based on financial freedom. Pay your bills, drive your car, sign your rent check.
    • If you don't have enough money for these expenses, save a lot. Not only will you have financial freedom with your savings, but the money you keep for yourself will give you a great sense of independence and motivation.
  3. Don't settle for anything, whether it's comfortable, easy, or “being a good person”. Please work hard on everything. Defend your opinion. And for girls, don't let men feel like they have to pet you. If you have the ability to do something good, do it. Provided it does not cause harmful consequences, you should do it. This doesn't mean doing everything, but you shouldn't assume that everyone has to do for you what you can do on your own.
    • Stay away from people who say, “He doesn't rely on anyone to do his job for him. How strong are they to be independent ”.
  4. Leave friends and family when possible. This is a difficult step on the journey to independence, but you have to start doing everything on your own. You don't have to drive someone to the restaurant with someone, because you can meet them there. Go shopping alone, spend at least one or two evenings every week alone. Do activities that allow you to lead without having to follow.
    • If you are accustomed to always traveling the long way or shopping, try to see how it feels to do it alone.
  5. Get rid of bad influences from your life. Don't break your friendship unless it can't be helped. Learn to keep a healthy distance. Even if those friends are "cool," they can keep you from making a breakthrough in your life. “Weeding your garden,” some make you shine, while others strangle your growth and drain your energy. If you have a friend who wants you to do things you feel uncomfortable with, whether it's a steal or just a more mean person, it's time to break up.
    • Stay away from people you love to team up with and someone who worship you. These people will want you to only do what they tell you to and will prevent you from becoming independent.
  6. Save money. Save as much as possible. This will help you create an emergency backup fund, because life can sometimes be unpredictable. You cannot anticipate unexpected events. Improve your quality of life by setting aside a set amount each month. There are problems like accidents, health, or even natural disasters, that can happen at the most unexpected times.
    • You might think you won't be able to save money, but doing the smallest things, like making your own coffee instead of running a daily shop, can save you more than $ 30 a week - that's more 1,500 dollars a year!
  7. Sign up for an account. Most banks offer current and savings accounts in one convenient package. Some companies, institutes, and organizations require you to have at least one current account (some only pay employees via wire transfer).Earnings don't go into your expenses so stay in a savings account until you're ready to become independent.
    • Having your own bank account you won't have to depend on others, and avoid unnecessary spending.
  8. Start your career path. Experiment with different jobs and find the one you love best. If money makes you happy, be an investment banker or run a small business. If you like kids, be a teacher. If you want to be an expert, be a lawyer, professor or consultant. If you enjoy chatting with people, be a salesman or service industry. If you're interested in figuring out how things work, try engineering, or psychology and sociology.
    • Most students work in jobs that are not related to their studies. Some people don't make it far from formal education and eventually become millionaires. Doing what you love is part of growing up.
  9. Identify your passions. Something wholehearted, whether it's sport, girlfriend / boyfriend, music, group, an art / dance form, religion. One thing you always take your time to do. Playing videos or Barbie all day is not the best values ​​of the world out there. (This includes wasting internet time).
    • Identifying your passions makes your life more meaningful and will make you feel like you know what you really want out of life.
  10. Plan the day mine. Most dependents allow their world to revolve around the needs of others. Plan your day on your own schedule — make a list of things you want to do, do and should do. If a friend asks you to do something, that's fine, but don't let that person interfere with your carefully crafted plans.
    • Think of time alone as a date with Brad Pitt. This means watch carefully and don't let anyone interfere with the time you spend with yourself.
  11. Thank you for your help. You don't have to be stubborn to be independent. If someone really helps you, thank the person with a sincere "thank you" line, write a card, or give the person a hug if you're a close friend. There's nothing wrong with when you need help from time to time, and admitting this won't make you any less independent.
  12. Avoid trends. Just because someone wants to pay 60 dollars for a shirt doesn't mean you have to. Dress as you want to wear, and say what you want to say. If you want to act crazy, do it! One thing to remember is that good taste and style don't have to cost money - it's because you are born or learned to be able to mix anything well with a little knowledge of the method.
  13. Spend time with people with differing views. Socializing with people like you will not inspire you to become more independent. Make an effort to make friends with people whose differing perspectives and careers will give you a sense of the world out there and to see that there is not only one right.
    • Dating with a lawyer can be refreshing if you are a yoga instructor, or spend time with the chef if you are a student. This can make you more open and willing to do something completely new on your own.

Part 3 of 3: Adjusting the World More Independent

  1. Let's learn driver or commuting by public transport. You are never completely independent if you don't know how to drive or move around alone. How can you be called independent if you are always dependent on your boyfriend, best friend, or your parents driving a car? (Assuming you are old enough to drive here, of course.) If you live in the suburbs and need a car / motorbike to get around, face it up and get your driver's license, then work to own your own car.
    • If you live in a big city, don't depend on walking around if the weather is nice or waiting for a friend to hitchhike - learn to use the subway, bus, or train system.
    • Dependent on other people for your travels will make you more likely to stay at home or hang around waiting for someone else to decide your fate. You should be able to do whatever you want - whenever you want.
  2. Do your own research instead of always calling on others for help. Maybe you always call your dad for financial help, or call mom every five minutes when you're planning a big party or wedding. Maybe you have a friend who's an expert in every field and who you look for whenever you're having trouble at work, with your car, or when you're trying to fix your TV. Make it a habit to do your own research before calling these people if you want to become more independent.
    • Having people to go to is a great thing, but the next time you pick up the phone, ask yourself, can I find out this information myself? The answer will most likely be yes. Sure this will take more time, but think how much it feels worth.
  3. Learn to become proficient at housework. Are you tired of having to call a plumber, a repairman, a painter, or even a trusted friend every time a house goes down? Learn to become more proficient by watching videos, reading wikiHow, or reading Common Mechanical Repairs. If your friend is a carpenter, ask them to teach just a few lessons. Learning how to fix your space will save you a lot of money and feel like you don't have to wait around for others to make your life better.
    • And hey, learning how to open the toilet is much better than waiting for someone to come and fix it.
  4. Cook yourself. Do not depend on the chain of fast food restaurants or specialty restaurants on the street to cook for yourself. You don't have to be a chef to understand the basics of cooking: how to fry the basics, how to use the oven, and prepare simple items like pasta, potatoes, and salads. star. Knowing that you can go to a supermarket or farmer's market, pick up a few key ingredients, and blend into a delicious meal will make you feel like you can do anything on your own.
    • If you become a great cook, you can even invite others to enjoy the benefits of your cooking skills.
    • Learning how to cook for yourself not only makes you more independent, but also saves you a lot of money, which is also a key element of your independence.
  5. Learn how to balance a budget. Maybe a parent, spouse, or someone important is balancing your budget, or maybe you aren't paying attention to this and are spending a little too much. Either way, you should know how much each month or week you need to spend, and make a list of what to spend to get a better sense of where to cut costs.
    • Identifying ways to save will make you more independent because you will have more money to spend on the things you enjoy.
  6. Don't rely on GPS for navigation. Certainly turning on the GPS or the maps on your phone will get you moving from place to place. But what if your GPS suddenly goes down, your phone runs out of battery, or you're on a cliff? Do you follow their lead? I hope not. Before going anywhere, have a mental map of where you are going and where you can go if you can. But best of all know exactly where you go to feel less dependent on equipment.
    • If you are on a long trip, of course GPS can be useful. But make sure you feel firmly where you are going so you won't feel disoriented.
  7. Get used to doing everything on your own. If you are truly independent, you won't need a best friend to complete small tasks or fun activities. Don't wait until your friends are free to try a new restaurant in town or catch a new movie in theaters. Pamper yourself and go alone - if you go to the cinema, you'll be impressed by the number of people enjoying the movie alone.
    • It all lies in the attitude. If you look and find that you are really comfortable doing these things on your own, don't think over and over again.
  8. Take it easy. Rome wasn't built in a day, and no one is completely independent. This is not a solid guide you should follow. If you don't want to do something, don't do it. The above methods just show you how to be independent, if you want to be. advertisement