How to effectively treat cystic acne

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to Treat Cystic Acne
Video: How to Treat Cystic Acne


What if you have problems with cystic acne and they make you feel achy, irritable, and depressed? People with this type of acne experience stress and lack of confidence in communication. However, today's medicine has the ability to intervene, making acne problems no longer a major problem, along with drugs that work to fade acne and reduce pain in acne spots that are common in current market. The following article introduces some effective and fast cystic acne treatments.


Method 1 of 5: Differentiate Regular Acne from Cystic Acne

  1. Cystic pimples are deeper in the skin than normal acne. Cystic cysts form in the tissues deep under the skin. A cyst is a purulent sac that develops when the sebaceous glands under the skin become infected. It is for this reason that cystic acne lurks deeper under the skin than regular acne.

  2. Cystic acne is more susceptible to infection. Doctors say, cystic acne is easy to scarring because acne-causing bacteria destroy the collagen layer under the skin. Scars of cystic acne are divided into 3 basic types:
    • Pitted scars, concave scars, translucent, can be eliminated.
    • Square foot concave scars, more difficult to treat.
    • Concave scars are pointed stone, usually small and deep.

  3. Do not break the purulent cover of the cyst. Although doctors and dermatologists advise patients not to squeeze acne, blackhead and whitehead acne can only be eliminated, although the risk of infection is quite high. On the other hand, cystic acne cannot be treated like the two types of acne, because the acne is deep in the skin.
    • "Cracking a pimple with a needle is a popular medical solution, yet do not attempt this remedy at home without the guidance of a specialist. "Picking a pimple the wrong way can leave scarring or increase the risk of infection.

  4. Medications and treatments that leave no scars make the cyst easier to handle. Cystic acne problems are not as serious and frustrating as they used to be. Nowadays, more and more patients are using drugs and other treatments to get rid of acne, although there are many side effects associated with medications. If you are also the victim of cystic acne, your problem will be eliminated with the right method.
  5. Make an appointment to discuss cystic acne with a dermatologist today. Cystic acne is more severe than common acne; Home remedies are often ineffective for them and sometimes counterproductive. There are a few methods you can try at home, but you should still do them under your doctor's guidance.
    • Your doctor will probably prescribe strong medications for you. Because of their strong potency, these drugs are not sold over the counter and in drugstores. Check with your doctor so that you can examine your acne and suggest some effective methods for your case, getting rid of cystic pimples as soon as possible.

Method 2 of 5: Medical Solutions

  1. Talk to your doctor about antibiotics. Antibiotics have been effective for cystic acne for a long time in the past. However, perhaps antibiotics have been used so much that today's acne-causing bacteria have developed the ability to neutralize antibiotics on their own. Antibiotics used the most are tetracyclines and erythromycins.
    • The most common antibiotics that appear in the prescription are:
      • Tetracycline
      • Doxycycline
      • Minocycline
    • Talk to your doctor about the side effects. Side effects of antibiotics include: photosensitivity, liver damage, many other complications if taken during pregnancy.
  2. Talk to your doctor about hormonal therapies (women only). The problem of cystic acne is closely related to the amount of hormones in your body. That's why doctors often prescribe birth control pills and anti-androgen pills to prevent acne from developing. Consult with your doctor about anti-androgen medications to ease acne.
    • Be aware of possible side effects. Side effects include: menstrual disturbances, fatigue, dizziness, chest pain.
  3. Talk to your doctor about retinoid topical. Retinoid topical helps unclog clogged pores, paving the way for other drugs to attack and destroy bacteria inside the pimple. Retinoid topical treatments treat even serious acne that other drugs cannot.
    • Retinoid topical medications include:
      • Adapalene.
      • Tazarotene. Recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.
      • Tretinoin. More effective when used at a low dose before and slowly increase the dose.
    • Retinoid topicals will make your acne worse before they heal. The most common is red swelling and dry peeling of the skin, and acne gets worse for a few weeks to a month before it progresses.
    • Common side effects include: photosensitivity, dry skin, redness, and flaking.
  4. Talk to your doctor about oral retinoids. Oral retinoids, such as Isotretinoin (often called Accutane), are "particularly effective" in treating cystic acne. Oral medication, usually used for 6 months to 1 year. Isotretinoin has the ability to quickly fade acne and reduce the pain caused by acne, in some cases shorten the life cycle of acne. Isotretinoin is also the first choice of many dermatologists in some situations.
    • However, Isotretinoin comes with a few very negative side effects. These include: stress, decreased conception rates, miscarriage, hearing loss, and birth defects, among other symptoms. Talk to your doctor about taking Isotretinoin; Only in particularly severe cases, or for patients who have had long-term treatment but have not healed the doctor will consider this drug.
  5. Consult with your doctor about laser therapy. This therapy can not only shrink acne scars but also eliminate the pimples, by first using the heat of the laser to dry the acne follicles and atrophy the sebaceous glands (the glands that produce oil). second is oxidizing acne-causing bacteria and destroying them.
    • However, this method can cause side effects and unwanted effects, which means it only works for some people. There have been some cases where the laser's cooling unit malfunctioned, resulting in burns.

Method 3 of 5: Building a Routine

  1. Wash your face gently 2 times a day with dissolving washers. It is recommended to use drugs with milder detergent than the ones with stronger detergents, no matter how effective they are.
  2. Moisturize after washing your face. Your skin needs to be moisturized after the oil and water that moisturizes it is wiped dry. A non-acne moisturizer won't clog your pores, so choose mild moisturizers (especially ones that come in gel form).
  3. Exfoliate at least once a week, using an exfoliator with the main ingredient Salicylic Acid. Salicylic acid is a chemical used to exfoliate the skin on the epidermis, and provide a protective barrier to the skin's inner layers.
  4. Do not peel acne or skin cysts. Both regular acne and cystic acne are susceptible to infection when touching, causing your skin to become irritated and red, and increase the risk of scarring when the collagen layer under the skin is continuously attacked by many waves of bacteria. . Although it is difficult, try to refrain from touching your face or touching the pimple. You will have healthy skin and less acne.
  5. Maintain a simple daily routine. After going to the clinic and consulting your doctor about your skincare regimen, keep them simple. Follow your doctor's instructions, wash your face daily, and don't trust any other acne gimmicks. Getting rid of pimples takes time and patience, and blemishes can only be eliminated when you enable medication and daily routine to be effective. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Changing Living Habits, Improving Acne

  1. Pay attention to your diet. For a long time in the past, doctors and experts were reluctant to accept the link between acne and diet. But many doctors and scientists have begun to discover evidence. And now, there are many studies supporting the hypothesis of the effect of diet on the number and condition of acne, even though diet is not the main culprit.
    • Try to maintain a "low-sugar diet". That means you should prioritize whole grains, legumes, and vegetables over foods like white bread, pasta, and sugar. Low-sugar foods take longer for your body to absorb, but are in your favor. Numerous studies have shown that people on a low-sugar diet are less likely to experience acne problems. A low-sugar diet not only protects your skin health, but also helps you lose weight.
    • Abstain from "dairy products". Research suggests that the amount of dairy you consume "has" effects on acne. It is absurd to think that to completely treat acne is to completely remove milk and yogurt from the diet, however, according to scientific evidence, dairy products can make acne worse. Bad, possibly due to the amount of hormones in the milk.
  2. Give up stimulants like alcohol and tobacco. Many theories from all over the world recognize the link between acne and toxins in tobacco and alcohol. And without a doubt: smoking and drinking alcohol are really bad for your health. If you are suffering from cystic acne and regularly smoke and drink alcohol, consider limiting these habits if you really want to reduce the current acne condition and improve overall health.
  3. Reduce stress and anxiety. Scientists haven't found the exact cause yet, but they do know that anxiety and stress can aggravate acne. Especially for men, acne progresses worse as the pressure volume gets heavier. It is clear that stress and anxiety can be difficult to control, but knowing that worrying has a negative effect on acne will help you learn how to stop and relax when something bad happens.
    • Try to take some time to exercise. Scientists believe that regular exercise helps to regulate hormones, replenish oxygen to cells and strengthen the immune system, as well as reduce stress, thus limiting acne. If you can't do anything else, walking 30 minutes a day is enough.
  4. Get enough sleep. Stress and anxiety are relieved when you get enough sleep.For every hour you don't sleep at night, your pressure increases by 15%. And as we all know, the more pressure, the worse the acne. A Korean study of acne patients found that lack of sleep was closely linked to the worsening of acne.
  5. Drink a lot of water. Another way to reduce your sugar intake is to limit sugary drinks (such as: sports drinks, cola, sweet tea, and fruit juices), and instead consume more liquid H2O. Drinking plenty of water helps blood in the body to circulate easily and helps to eliminate harmful waste from metabolism. advertisement

Method 5 of 5: Prevent Post-Acne Scars

  1. Apply cortisone pills to reduce inflammation and apply scarring creams to fade acne scars. Cystic acne scars can be completely blurred with cortisone medications and scarring creams.
    • When your skin becomes swollen and red, use cortisone. Cortisone is a common drug for all skin irritation, absorbed right on the skin.
    • Stay away from hydroquinone. Hydroquinone is a matte cream used to fade pigmentation spots on the skin, however, has recently been discontinued due to its potentially carcinogenic properties. Instead, choose a different emollient like kojic acid, arbutin, or ascorbic acid.
  2. Talk to your doctor about medications that cause stronger exfoliation. Acid-based exfoliating medications can shed one or more layers of the skin, thereby blurring the scar. Strong peeling agents should be used under the direction of your doctor and / or instructions for use.
  3. Ask your doctor about skin abrasion methods. Skin abrasion methods include the removal of the outermost layer of skin with a continuous rotating brush. This can help remove keloids and minimize pitting scars, but this will change pigmentation on darker areas.
    • Learn about digital super abrasion. This solution is softer than the upper skin abrasion method, digital leather abrasion uses a small crystal fragment to abrasion the outer skin layer, the skin debris and dead skin cells are then sucked away. Since this method only affects the outer skin layer, the result will not be as obvious as the manual abrasion method.
  4. Laser treatments. The laser dries out the outermost layer of skin (the epidermis) and heats the skin underneath. The effect of this method is to heal, fade scars. sometimes a combination of laser methods is needed to fade a scar; Applying this method many times will reduce the effectiveness.
  5. For large and deep scars or lesions, talk to your doctor about applying minor surgery for removal. The skin surgery will remove the scar skin and then sew it back or rejoin by skin tissue transplantation. advertisement


  • Always look to the future with a positive attitude. There are powerful remedies for all types of acne cysts, there is always a way to completely get rid of your acne problems.
  • Try to go to the dermatology clinic, which is the best way to reassure you. Your dermatologist will provide you with the necessary instructions.


  • Try not to squeeze the pimple, squeeze the pimple, pick it up, or poke the cyst, as it can take longer to flatten and cause scarring.