Ways to Treat Acne

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
HOW TO TREAT ACNE AT HOME. Acne- All you need to know.
Video: HOW TO TREAT ACNE AT HOME. Acne- All you need to know.


Acne, blisters, pimples ... (whatever you call) are skin problems that most people encounter a few times in their life. Luckily there are many ways to treat those nasty acne spots, from a strict diet to new medications, cosmetics and home remedies. Finding out which method works for you can be a whole process of trial and error, but don't worry - this article has a solution for everyone!


Method 1 of 3: Using Home Methods

Herbal methods

  1. Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is one of the best natural remedies for acne. Extracted from the leaves of the plant tea tree Australia, tea tree oil has high antibacterial, fungal, and viral properties to help fight acne-causing bacteria on the skin. Simply put a drop or two of pure tea tree oil into a clean cotton swab and dab it directly on the raging spot. Do this twice a day and the blemishes will disappear quickly!
    • Tea tree oil is an essential oil and is therefore very concentrated. If you use too much or apply undiluted oil to acne-free areas, your skin may become dry and irritated, so use it in moderation and only when necessary.
    • One study showed that tea tree oil was as effective in treating acne as the powerful chemical benzoyl peroxide. Tea tree oil works more slowly but also has fewer side effects.

  2. Apply honey. Honey is a great natural remedy, because it has antibacterial, anti-infection and moisturizing properties, making it the perfect choice for acne, especially if you have sensitive skin. Manuka honey is the best for soothing angry acne spots, but raw honey does the same thing.
    • You can use honey as an acne dipping agent or you can also use it as a mask, applied over the entire face when the skin is clean and damp. Honey doesn't irritate the skin, so you can leave it on for as long as you like.
    • One point to note about honey is that like other home remedies, honey only helps clear pimples that have emerged (thanks to its natural antibacterial properties), but not much in preventing acne from returning in future (especially acne due to unbalanced hormones).

  3. Try lavender essential oil. Lavender essential oil, known primarily for its soothing and pleasing properties, is also used as an acne spot medicine like tea tree oil. Lavender oil is commonly used for burns because it contains wound-healing substances and thanks to it, it is also helpful in treating acne.In addition, lavender oil contains a powerful antibacterial factor that helps to clear pores and reduce the appearance of blemishes.
    • To use, dab undiluted oil directly on the pimple by adding a few drops to a cotton swab. Be careful not to get the oil on the surrounding skin as lavender oil can irritate the skin when left undiluted.
  4. Use aloe vera. Take a large piece of aloe vera. Scrub it over the acne skin. Massage the acne skin with aloe vera. Wait about half an hour. Then rinse with hot water. advertisement

Cold methods

  1. Use an ice cube. When pimples appear they often become red and swollen, so what better than soothing angry blemishes with ice cubes? Ice reduces inflammation and redness, significantly improves the appearance of blemishes. Simply wrap an ice cube in a few pieces of tissue or clean clothing and dab it gently on the affected area for a minute or two.
    • In addition, you can make ice cubes with thick green tea and apply them to acne areas. Research shows that in addition to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, green teas have antioxidants that also help reduce the production of oil on the skin.

Methods from the bathroom

  1. Use toothpaste. The concept of using toothpaste on acne-prone skin has been known for many years, and since it is not the best way to treat acne spots, it is used as an alternative. In toothpaste contains salts and hydrogen peroxide to help dry pimples dry and disappear faster.
    • Choose a white toothpaste that does not contain fluoride, and if possible be sure to apply it directly to the pimple and not the surrounding skin, as other ingredients in the toothpaste can cause irritation. irritation and even skin burns.
  2. Apply crushed aspirin. The professional name for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, closely related to the famous acne-fighting acid, salicylic acid. Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory that helps reduce the size and redness of acne when applied to the desired area. All you have to do is crush the aspirin tablets and mix with a drop or two of water to form a thick paste and apply directly to each pimple.
    • You can also use it as a mask instead by crushing five or six aspirin tablets and adding just enough water to create a thick paste. Apply to the entire face and let it sit for about ten to fifteen minutes and then wash off.

Methods from the kitchen

  1. Use tomatoes. Tomatoes are a convenient acne treatment, as most people have a tomato or two somewhere in the kitchen. Tomatoes contain vitamins A and C as mentioned above, is one of the effective ingredients to treat acne. Tomato juice has a natural astringent that makes the surface of the pimple shrink and flatten.
    • You just need to cut fresh tomatoes and then take the juice of a tomato slice directly to the acne area. Use this twice a day and you should notice improvement in your skin.
  2. Apply fresh lemon juice. Applying fresh lemon juice to acne spots is one of the most popular home remedies. Lemons contain a large amount of vitamin C, along with citric acid, to help flake and dry blemishes. Lemon juice also contains bleaching ingredients that significantly reduce the redness of acne. Fresh lemon juice can be applied directly to acne spots before going to bed and left overnight.
    • Don't use lemon juice during the day, unless you're not planning to leave the house. Because lemon juice makes your skin sensitive to light and increases skin problems due to the harmful effects of the sun.
    • As with other home remedies, lemon juice should only be applied directly to the affected area and should not be applied to the surrounding area. The reason is that citric acid in lemons has the ability to burn skin.

Method 2 of 3: Take Care of Your Skin

  1. Wash your face twice a day. Keeping your face clean is very important in preventing acne. Facial wash helps to remove dirt, dirt, and excess oil that has accumulated on the skin's surface. Ideally you should wash your face three times a day, morning, afternoon and evening, with warm water and a mild cleanser. Use a clean, dry towel to pat your face dry.
    • Do not scrub your face with a rough washcloth, sponge rubber or dry loofah. Because doing so will only irritate the skin and make the pimple more swollen. Towels can also be a hiding place for bacteria that you don't want your face to touch.
    • While you may want to wash your face more than twice a day due to the discomfort of acne, know that doing so will not really improve your facial skin. Washing your face too much can dry and irritate your skin.
  2. Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer (that won't clog pores). Applying a good moisturizer is very important after washing your face as this will moisturize your skin and prevent dryness and irritation. However, if you are having trouble with acne you should choose a moisturizer that is right for your skin type. A thick, oily moisturizer can clog your pores and cause breakouts. Look for moisturizers that say "non-comedogenic" - meaning they won't make you break out.
    • In addition to choosing a moisturizer that won't clog pores, you should also be cautious in choosing products that are right for your skin. For example, if you have oily skin you should choose a mild gel moisturizer, but if you have dry, easily flaky skin you should use a concentrated cream.
    • Make sure you wash your hands right before applying moisturizer. Otherwise bacteria or germs on your hands will get on your face when you apply the moisturizer.
  3. Avoid touching your face or squeezing pimples. During the day your hands are more exposed to dirt and bacteria than other parts of the body, so you absolutely should not touch your face. In addition to spreading the bacteria and causing infection, touching blemishes and blemishes can also make them more prone to irritation and swelling, which in turn worsens the condition of the pimple as well. prolong the healing time of acne.
    • Squeezing pimples, while it makes you feel better, is one of the worst things you can do for your skin. Squeezing pimples will prolong the healing process and can also cause infection and scarring. Since it is difficult to treat acne scars, you should absolutely not squeeze acne.
    • Chances are you put your hand on your face without noticing what you're doing. Be careful not to rest your hands on your cheeks or chin while sitting near the desk or table, or rest your face on your hand while lying on the bed at night.
  4. Use an exfoliant and mask once a week. Exfoliants and masks are both useful and beneficial for the skin, but don't overdo them. An exfoliator helps to remove dead skin cells effectively cleans the skin, but will also cause dry and irritated skin if used regularly, especially for acne skin.
    • The mask helps to clean away dirt, soothe the skin and even make your normal skincare routine feel like a spa treatment. But just like the one above, you should only use the mask once a week, as they may contain strong bleaching ingredients that are not suitable for everyday use.
  5. Avoid applying too much product on your face. Too many lotions, lotions and gels can damage your pores and lead to acne breakouts, so make sure you don't overdo your facial products and use the recommended amount. On the packaging. Likewise, use as little makeup as possible and thoroughly remove makeup at the end of each day.
    • Hair products with strong scents and strong chemicals can also clog pores if your hair comes into contact with your face, so use them as little as possible. Use non-irritating shampoos and conditioners when you shower.
    • You should also limit the risk of your skin falling into the accumulation of oil and bacteria by changing the pillowcase at least once a week and cleaning your makeup equipment regularly.
  6. Protect skin from the sun. Although it used to be thought that sun-drying acne-prone skin would help dry out pimples, today experts argue the contrary. The sun's UV rays can actually make acne more red and swollen than before.
    • Therefore, you should focus on protecting your skin from the sun by wearing a hat and sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
    • Remember that some sunscreens are quite oily and can clog pores so choose one that says "non-comedogenic" on the package.
  7. Eat sensibly. Although it has been shown that chocolate and other junk food are not really the “cause” of acne, staying away from oils and greasy foods is better for your skin. Acne is caused by excess oil in your pores, so reducing your oil intake in the first place is the right step. At the same time, if your inside is healthy, the outside will reflect the same thing.
    • Stay away from foods like potato chips, chocolate, pizza, and fried foods. These are foods that contain a lot of fats, sugars and starches, meaning they are not beneficial for your skin or health. You don't have to get rid of them completely, just try to limit your intake of them.
    • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Water in vegetables and fruits helps to moisturize the skin while vitamins and minerals increase the body's ability to fight acne. In particular, eat fruits and vegetables high in vitamin A (such as broccoli, spinach, and carrots) that help balance acne-causing protein in the body, and with high levels of vitamins E and C ( orange, tomato, sweet potato, avocado) has antioxidant properties and is soothing to the skin.
  8. Drink a lot of water. Drinking water has many benefits for your skin as well as your whole body. Water helps the body retain moisture and makes the skin plump. It also helps balance and prevent the increase in harmful toxin in the body while reducing the cause of skin problems. In addition, water also helps ensure the skin's metabolism to help the skin regenerate itself. You should drink 5 to 8 glasses of water a day for a healthier body.
    • But don't drink too much water and don't force yourself to always drink. Drinking too much water will thin the blood, can be harmful to your health and lead to serious consequences. Make sure to drink only about 8 glasses of water a day and you'll be fine.
    • You should also avoid consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol affects the balance of hormones, and unbalanced hormones like testosterone and estrogen are one of the main causes of acne. In addition, drinking alcohol is also harmful to the liver, one of the main organs for healthy skin, because it is a place to help balance hormones and blood sugar levels as well as filter out toxins.

Method 3 of 3: Use of Creams, Medicines, and Treatments

  1. Use over-the-counter creams (special creams that do not require consultation with your doctor). If you are having trouble with stubborn acne spots, in addition to keeping your face clean and eating properly you should also use other methods. Fortunately, there are many over-the-counter (OTC) creams that are great at treating acne and preventing more breakouts. These creams are usually applied directly to the pimple and in some cases can help improve the skin's condition in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. The most common effective ingredients found in these creams are:
    • Benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria on the skin's surface while helping to slow down the production and accumulation of oil in the pores. It also acts as a peeling agent to help the skin regenerate itself. Benzoyl peroxide can dry out and irritate the skin, so you should start with the lowest available concentration.
    • Salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is another ingredient that helps kill acne caused by bacteria. It also helps treat blackheads and whiteheads, which can develop into pimples when infected. In addition, salicylic acid helps to remove dead skin layers that prevent clogged pores and help new skin cells form.
    • Sulfur. Sulfur contains antibacterial properties and helps treat whiteheads and blackheads, preventing them from becoming infected and forming pimples.
    • Retin-A. Retin-A contains the acidic form of vitamin A, known as all-trans retinoic acid, which acts as a chemical peeling, exfoliating, and clearing pores.
    • Azelaic acid. Azelaic acid makes acne smaller by preventing oil buildup, reducing inflammation and bacterial growth. It is especially beneficial for people with darker skin.
  2. Ask your dermatologist for a stronger prescription cream. For some people the OTC cream is not strong enough to fight stubborn acne spots. In this case, ask your doctor to prescribe a stronger but similarly capable treatment.
    • Most prescription creams that contain the active ingredient are derived from vitamin A. For example, products like tretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene. These creams help to speed up cell renewal and prevent hair follicles from becoming clogged.
    • There are many prescription anti-bacterial creams that kill bacteria on the skin's surface.
  3. Think of antibiotics. In the case of moderate to severe acne, your doctor will prescribe a combination of topical cream and oral antibiotic. This helps to reduce inflammation and bacterial growth. Treatment with antibiotics usually lasts 4 to 6 months although you should notice an improvement in your skin as early as about 6 weeks.
    • Unfortunately, antibiotics don't work for quite a lot of people these days so this is not the best solution.
    • Some antibiotics (such as tetracyclines) can impair the function of birth control pills so women should use other methods of contraception while on antibiotics.
  4. In the case of severe acne, consider isotretinoin-containing medications. If none of the other options work and the persistent severe acne persists, your dermatologist will recommend isotretinoin. Isotretinoin is closely related to vitamin A and works to reduce oil production and shrink oil production glands. A course of treatment with isotretinoin usually lasts about 20 weeks, during which time the patient must be closely monitored because the drug is likely to have high side effects.
    • When isotretinoin is taken, acne may get worse before it gets better. This flare-up will only last a few weeks but can sometimes be during the treatment period.
    • Some of the side effects associated with isotretinoin include dry skin and eyes, dry and cracked lips, sensitivity to sunlight, and others less common, such as headaches, hair loss, and mood swings. and feel depressed
    • This method can cause unpredictable consequences for the fetus, so this drug should not be prescribed to women who are pregnant or want to become pregnant. So women will usually be asked to have a pregnancy test before being prescribed this drug.
  5. If you are female, consider using birth control pills. Since acne problems are often associated with hormonal imbalances, taking oral contraceptives will help correct hormone production and reduce acne in women - especially those that do. related to the menstrual cycle. Birth control pills that contain both norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol are often the most effective.
    • Birth control pills often cause rare side effects such as blood clots, high blood pressure and an increased likelihood of heart disease, so be sure to consult your doctor carefully about this method before using it.
  6. Learn about professional treatment. There are many treatments available at spas and skin clinics, and are used in conjunction with some of the methods listed above to help improve the condition of acne skin. The cost may be more expensive than other methods, but will also provide longer lasting results and help prevent and reduce scarring. Including methods such as:
    • Laser therapy. Laser therapy works by penetrating deeply into the skin and attacking the oil-producing glands that cause acne.
    • What about therapy with light. Light therapy attacks acne-caused spots on the skin's surface, helping to reduce inflammation and improve skin texture.
    • By chemicals. The chemical layer burns the skin's surface within a certain limit, allowing the top layer of skin to flake off and reveal the freshness of the underlying skin. This treatment is great for treating bruises and scars after acne heals on its own.
    • Facial scrub method (Microdermabrasion). The facial scrub uses a circular brush to remove the top layer of skin, revealing new, smooth skin underneath. But it can cause irritation, redness and premature skin condition for several days until the skin heals.


  • Please be patient. It may take weeks or months to see a difference in your skin after starting new skin care treatments or regimens. However, if the symptoms have not improved for many months, try other methods.
  • The professional method really works! It can be expensive but well worth the money. In addition to the above benefits, it also helps to remove dark spots, fade freckles and make the skin brighter.
  • A steam bath helps relieve itching and redness.


  • Stop using any medicine that causes skin irritation. That's it all and enjoy blemish-free skin.
  • Most home remedies are not scientifically validated and may not work for everyone. Using natural methods can take a whole lot of trial and error to figure out how it works.