How to Chat with People of the Underworld

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
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Are you eager to talk to a loved one who just passed away, or would you like to know more about your ancestors? Or perhaps you want to argue with the spirits that are wandering around in your house. For thousands of years, people have used many different methods to communicate with the "underworld". Read the article so you can communicate with spirits on your own or through outside help.


Part 1 of 3: Talking Directly with the Deceased

  1. Shift attention to improve sixth sense. If simply focusing on the image of your loved one is not enough to make the connection, you can try a more sophisticated method to shift attention to degree. higher.
    • Focus on realizing yourself in reality. Memorize your space, time, and feelings. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to return to reality later.
    • Step by step bring sensory perception into a state of "hollow center," or into a state where you lose awareness of the physical details around you.
    • As you lose awareness of the surrounding matter, focus on the energies that surround you. It should not be sought, but merely "opens the door" to the presence of a form of object other than yourself. If you feel any presence in the room with you, start asking questions. Remember that the responses you receive may not be expressed in words, but in terms of images or emotions.

  2. Try to talk through the power of your mind. Some psychic experts believe that the ability to talk to the underworld is not limited to the expert level, but anyone can do it if they can improve their own psychic abilities. It may take time and practice until you can connect with a loved one who has passed away, but according to this theory nothing is impossible.
    • Take time to be calm and clear your mind as you would prepare to meditate. Sit in a quiet place without distraction. Close your eyes and clear your mind from all your worries and thoughts.

    • Think of images of the deceased when you have completely cleared your mind from all thoughts. Choose an image that represents your relationship with that person. The more important images are to you, the easier a connection will be to establish a connection.

    • Ask the person who has died after thinking about their image for a few seconds. Focus on the image you think and wait for. Avoid answering the questions you ask yourself.Instead, wait patiently until you receive a reply that you are sure it did not come from.

  3. Ask the soul to respond with simple answers. This technique is not particularly useful for communicating with loved ones who have passed away, but it is a common method that psychic experts use when they try to talk to spirits in “affected” areas. haunted "or possibly haunted. Go to the room where most of the psychic activity occurs. Ask simple yes or no questions, and ask for a specific response method. Two commonly used answer methods are knocking on the door and flashing a flashlight.
    • To use the door knocking method, instruct the soul present in the room to knock once on the door for a yes or twice to no answer.

    • If using a flashlight, use a flashlight that can be switched on and off easily, for example the one with a top button. Turn on the flashlight and remove the front part of the flashlight until the light is dim only. Place the light on a flat surface and fix it so it cannot roll away. Gently press the power button and make sure the light is probably blinking. Instruct the soul in the room to press the button once for yes and twice to say no.


Part 2 of 3: Finding External Help

  1. Thanks to "fellow teacher". The fellow teacher is very adept at connecting with the souls of the dead. You can easily contact them through their online search results or through a phone book. If you want to get in touch with a loved one who has passed away, your partner will be able to ask to see you at your home or ask you to come home to see them.
    • If you want your fellow master to talk to the soul you think is around in your home, the fellow will have to come to your house. Not all fellow masters perform the rituals after they have been. Most of the bronze masters only help you get in touch with the underworld, not help you perform the rituals later.
    • Be wary in choosing a fellow teacher. Even those who truly believe in communicating with the underworld admit that not all spiritual masters are legal. As with any other profession, scammers can be everywhere. Do some research before deciding to make an appointment with a fellow mentor and try to verify that they are not scammers. When you make an appointment with them, notice if they often ask questions and ask you to give answers that they "say" they know all about.
  2. Use EVP and EMP equipment. The EVP, or Soul Recorder, reacts to recording a sound that cannot be heard by the human ear. The EMP meter, also known as the Electromagnetic Wave Meter, can only be recorded using the EMP meter. To use these devices, you should enter the room that is supposed to have the strongest psychic energy level and ask questions.
    • When using the EVP device, you can ask any question. This is a commonly used method to find out the name of the soul and other ambiguous details. Pose the questions you want to ask, then wait a bit between questions for the soul time to answer. Play back the recording and listen carefully to identify any whispering or unusual sounds that could be converted into an answer.

    • The EMP machine is to be used only with a limited yes or no. Commonly used EMP meters are devices that have a light that illuminates when the electromagnetic energy is high. Ask the soul questions and instruct the soul to light the meter once to answer yes and twice to answer no.

  3. Conduct a "seance" session. A séance session is the gathering of a group of people who want to communicate with the people of the underworld using their collective energy. To do a seance, you need at least three volunteers. This can be used to talk to loved ones who have passed away or to wandering spirits. Be careful though, as you run the risk of contacting an evil spirit.
    • Set the mood for the séance by turning on the dim electric lights and lighting more candles. Use three candles or more candles but divide them into groups of three. You can also burn incense.

    • Have the participants sit around a table to form a circle. Do a chant to summon the soul.

    • As an alternative, you can also summon the soul by using the "toilet table" (Ouija).

    • Wait for an answer, reread the prayer if necessary.

    • Once you make the connection, stay calm and start asking questions.

    • End the seance by breaking the circle and blowing out the candles.

Part 3 of 3: Using Prayer and Other Methods

  1. Read the Bible and pray. Not all faiths have methods for praying for the dead, but some religions have methods for praying. The nature of these prayers often has the meaning of "pray for" and often takes two forms.
    • In the first form, you pray that your loved one finds rest and joy in the afterlife, not praying directly to their soul, but their soul can will recognize and hear your prayers.
    • In the second form, you pray directly to your loved one. You are not asking for salvation from the soul of the deceased, but you ask them to transfer your prayers or ask them to pray for you from the afterlife. Many believe that, in the spiritual realm, the soul while alive has a strong faith that will be able to help you effectively convey your petition to the deity in the afterlife.
  2. Staring in the mirror. Staring in a mirror is a way some people try to talk to a loved one. This is similar to trying to make a mental contact, but in this method you use mirrors to make a clearer connection.
    • Stop thinking. Enter a quiet room where you can be alone and stand in front of a mirror. Close your eyes and eliminate any anxiety, intense emotions, or miscellaneous thoughts.
    • Focus on thinking about the person you want to talk to. Make an image of the person in mind. Try to make the image as clear as possible until you can see them as they are.
    • Slowly open your eyes and look in the mirror. Imagine that an image in your mind will appear in the mirror. Even if the image is quite blurry and mixed in with your reflection, you can see the deceased in the mirror.
    • Ask the questions you want to ask. Do not force them to answer, but be open to the answers if any. And keep in mind that responses can be expressed in terms of images or emotions rather than words.
  3. Communicate with the deceased through an object. Many people report that objects that the deceased possessed can still connect with their souls. The widgets will empower you to call the soul of the deceased to your side and make it possible for you to contact them. If you want to talk to the deceased, look for items such as clothes, a book, or some other personal item that the deceased used. Take things to where the deceased once lived. Hold the object in hand and start a conversation.
  4. Talk without asking for a response. If you are hesitant or suspicious of communicating with the deceased using supernatural or supernatural means, you can always talk to the person who died without asking for a response. For those who believe in the existence of a soul, the widespread belief is that the deceased are always watching their loved ones alive. You can talk to the deceased anywhere, or you can choose a place of special significance, such as at a cemetery or where you and the deceased used to share happy memories. sad. Tell them what you think.You can ask questions, but since you're not looking for answers, you don't have to limit yourself to asking questions. advertisement


  • You have to extremely Be careful when trying to get in touch with someone who has passed away, especially during times of grief because you are in a situation where bad spirits can easily "infiltrate" you. Wicked and sly souls do exist, if you believe in talking to the dead then you should believe this too. These spirits can possess you in such a way that for a short time you may not even realize you have. Believe in this ... be careful and don't just sit around and remember to carry a weapon of self-defense to keep yourself safe!
  • Balance between the level of skepticism and openness. For these remedies to work, you need to openly accept them. And at the same time, don't go too far and make up the answers yourself if you are in a desperate situation wanting these measures to work.
  • Talk to the person who died while sleeping. Ask them the questions you ask before bed. If you really want an answer, they will come to you while you are sleeping and give you the answer you are looking for. However, this approach is not always effective.
  • Ask yourself why you want to talk to the person who died. If the answer is because of temporary curiosity, think again. You should not think of this as a joke and only try to do it when you really want to establish a connection with them.
  • Ask yourself if you are allowed to speak to a deceased person. Many religions prohibit communication with the deceased, and they have their own reasons. Ask yourself if your beliefs, yourself or your religious organizations allowed you to contact the deceased.
  • If you are holding an item of the soul you are trying to reach, or something someone else gave you at the deceased's funeral, keep it in hand as you try to speak to the soul of the deceased.
  • You may not be able to contact the deceased in the ways that this article suggests, but it doesn't mean they won't follow you. The fellow teachers have to go through many years of practice; So don't be disappointed if the results are not what you waited the first time.


  • Be extremely careful if you decide to try to talk to a deceased person. Of all the methods that require you to call upon the soul, you run the risk of "calling" to an evil and dangerous soul. People who believe in communicating with the deceased also believe evil spirits can bond with someone, haunt them, and even possess them.

What you need

  • Flashlight
  • Candle
  • Mirror