How to chat on the phone with a girl

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips to propose girl on Chat | WhatsApp chats with crush girl | 2020 best trick
Video: Tips to propose girl on Chat | WhatsApp chats with crush girl | 2020 best trick


Talking on the phone with a girl can be stressful, especially if you're watching her. However, don't worry - it's the same as chatting with friends. You will need to be a little prepared to know why to call her and talk to her at the right time, but if you want to make an appointment with her or just to find out, staying calm is key to having a call. call successfully.


Part 1 of 4: Overcoming the stress of phone calls

  1. Have a reason to call ready. Before you make the call, make sure you know why you call her. If you call a girl you know, it might be to ask her out. If it's the girl you're looking for, say why you want to continue the conversation. It's important to have a specific reason for not rambling.
    • If you're not ready to make a private appointment with her, call to schedule her to go out with a group of friends.
    • If you're not ready for a date and just want to find out about her, think about a face-to-face conversation and find a topic to keep on the phone. For example, if she recommends a book, you might call to tell her how she feels about the book.

  2. Choose the right time to call. When you're talking to her, make sure she's not busy and turn off the phone in a hurry. Try to call when she has free time, such as after school, at work, or during lunch break.
    • If you've just met a girl, don't wait a long time before calling her. Make sure she still has your impression of you in mind, so it's best to call within a day or two of her number.

  3. Send the message in advance. If you're not sure when is the right time to call her, texting is a great solution. Try asking her if she has free time at the end of the day, or let her know you'll call after a few minutes to prepare her.
    • When she texts you for whatever reason and you're on the phone when the message arrives, take the opportunity. Reply to her text and say you'll call back in a few minutes.

  4. Deep breath. If you really like her and want the conversation to go well, it's okay to feel nervous before calling her. To avoid gossiping on your phone, do deep breathing exercises.This will calm you down to make the best impression. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Talking

  1. Greet her warmly. If you want to make a good first impression, it's important to be prepared to say hello confidently. If you already know a little about each other, just say hello and say the name is enough. If the two of you have just met, you will say hello, introduce your name, and repeat where you met.
    • For example, if you're close to her, just say “Hi Mai, I'm Nam. How are you these days? "
    • If you just got to know her, you will say “Hi Mai, I'm Nam. We met in the library yesterday. ”
  2. Talk about topics she's interested in. Talking about common topics like the real weather wouldn't be that impressive. Shift the conversation to her interests or interests to get her excited. In addition, she will find that you are really paying attention to what she is saying.
    • For example, you could say to her, “I remember you saying I admire football. So how did you feel about last night's game? "
    • You can also ask about her life. Example: “Did you have a test yesterday? How do you feel about your homework? "
  3. Ask open-ended questions. You need to keep the conversation going as smoothly as possible; Therefore, please avoid yes or no questions. These questions often take the conversation to a dead end, while open-ended questions will help the two of you go further.
    • For example, instead of asking "Do you like the movie?", You would say "What made you like this movie?"
  4. Listen. You want to make the impression of speaking during the phone call, but that's a mistake. Give her a chance to speak and you will listen attentively. This helps her realize that you really care about her thoughts and opinions.
    • When she tells her story, make sure she knows you're really interested. When she pauses, you say, "Is that so?" Let her know you're still watching.
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions while she's speaking. That is her way to let her know that you are paying attention.
  5. Right to the point. While it's okay to talk about her concerns and the events going on in her life, don't let the conversation wander aimlessly. After a few happy opening sentences, you will explain why you called her. Usually, she will appreciate your frankness.
    • For example, you could say “I call to ask if you want to go out tomorrow night”.
    • You can also say, "I call to see if I can learn the secret to cooking delicious pho that we said no."

Part 3 of 4: Flirting with her over the phone

  1. Lower your voice. If you want to flirt with her over the phone, you need to speak with confidence and know what you are doing. Slightly lowering your voice can really help because it doesn't feel jarring or shy. However, you need to speak loud enough for her to hear.
  2. Speak clearly and slowly. When you are nervous, you often have a habit of speaking quickly. However, if you want to show your will, you will have to speak slowly and clearly. This helps you show your confidence in words, which is an important part of flirting.
  3. Give a compliment. When trying to flirt with a girl, it's an advantage for her to feel good about herself. Compliment her on something you like about her, but be sincere and don't feel so cheesy.
    • For example, you could say "I should have said it the other day ... you looked so pretty in that blue dress".
    • Don't just focus on her physical features when you praise her. If you are impressed with her sense of humor, intelligence, kindness, or other qualities, be sure to tell her that.
  4. Choose gentle topics. When you want to flirt, it's best to avoid topics that make you feel burdened like a friend who is seriously ill or getting fired at work. Instead, stick to pleasant, relaxed topics like your new cat or a recent trip. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Ending a call

  1. Expressing joy when chatting with her. When you are about to end the call, be sure to appreciate her spending time talking to you. Let her know that you enjoy the conversation and want to keep talking with her.
    • For example, you could say “It's really fun to chat with me. I'll continue talking another day. "
    • You could also say, “The conversation was really cool. Maybe we should continue tomorrow at lunch break? ”

  2. Finalize the plans. If you call her for a specific reason, be sure to summarize before ending the conversation. For example, if she accepts your date out, make sure you both know where you're going and where you'll meet.
    • Even if you don't plan on making an appointment or planning anything yet, it's still a good idea to mention when to see her again before ending the call. For example, you could say “I'm sure I'll see you at Nam's birthday party this weekend. I will say more when I see you ”.

  3. Goodbye sincerely. At the end of the conversation, you will of course say a greeting. Depending on the time of day, you will end the call by saying "Have a good night" or "Have a good day". You can also comfortably say, "See you later" or "Stay healthy". Be sincere to let her know you are honest with what you say. advertisement


  • She will think you're not serious if you promise to call, but forgets.
  • When you're talking to her over the phone, it's best to ask questions to let her know that you care. However, don't ask her a bunch of questions to make her feel like she's in a job interview or being questioned.
  • She might take your call, but be prepared to leave a message. Think about what you will say before you press call so you don't stutter.
  • When you meet a girl you intend to learn about, you will schedule a time to call when she gives you her phone number. For example, you could say "I'll call you on Sunday afternoon".