How to Create good study habits for exams

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Build Good Study Habits Easily
Video: How To Build Good Study Habits Easily


Taking exams can lead to stress and anxiety if you don't study for the entire school year, because you'll have to cram for each test and study late into the night. By managing your time properly throughout the school year, you will reduce exam stress and maximize your performance and results.


  1. Buy an additional notebook for each subject at the beginning of the year. Every time you complete a chapter in class, you can take notes and summarize in that volume right away. The class activities will be new in mind so during the exam time, just bring your notebook home from school to review. Write down the key points you learned from each lesson on the flash card. This will help recall some important events of the day. Check your flash cards at the weekend. Ask a parent or close friend to ask you questions about the notes.

  2. Save notes to an IC recorder or other electronic device (you can also use your phone), listen to them in your spare time, or listen as if you are listening to an audio book, focus on words and try to record remember every time you listen. Researchers have also found that listening to the sound of notes while sleeping can enhance memory.

  3. Learn how to create mind maps, team maps, PowerPoint presentations, and some memory aids. Mind mapping is a method of using symbolic illustrations of a subject and a great memory aid, especially in exams. This tool is suitable for learning by flash-carding and memory-retrieving.

  4. As soon as you complete a topic, find a book from the library and read more information on that topic. Find answers to the question you are asking and try to remove the ambiguity that may arise while studying the topic. Notes for answers to previous questions or during test.
  5. Do not create a rough draft for the essay. You just need to directly create copies carefully. During the exam, you will not have time to write down a full draft, so practice writing down a copy right away. Make sure the copy is adequate, punctuation, and spelling correct, and that the information is logical and topic-focused.
  6. Schedule the test day by marking the date on the calendar so you can prepare well until the test day.
  7. Make a list of classes and topics covered in the class. When studying a topic, mark it up in a way that's easy for you to understand to remind yourself which topic has already been learned.
  8. Set aside time to study each day when you are not feeling too tired or too hungry. If studying for a long time, remember to take a break every 20 minutes or so.
  9. Create a study group. The study group can share notes, thoughts and ideas, or ways to solve or grasp a particular problem. Make sure you respect the class rule about what can or can't do in the group.
  10. Plan a test 'for yourself. All you need is to redo one of your past exams or oral exams in limited time. Set up a test mode by clearing the desk and leaving the exam paper, pen, and some other supplies needed for the test.
  11. Make a plan for academic success and do it with perseverance. As long as you are healthy, stick to your plan, whether you feel strong or weak, tired or energized, lazy or motivated, focused or distracted, discouraged or have spirit. Realize that you have control over every moment to be valuable, and don't let the feeling of deception make you lose your confidence.
  12. Sleep enough sleep at night. It's hard to concentrate when you slept less than 6 hours the night before. Aim for 8 to 10 hours of deep sleep to really feel clear and ready for anything in the morning.
  13. When choosing an individual subject, start with the subject that is least interesting or difficult. Master it, and you will come to love it. Or at least you won't have to worry about postponing the subject until it's too late just because you don't like it.
  14. Following a daily schedule, on that first day will be a challenge; on the second day it becomes an exercise; and on the third day it will become a habit. It is important to train yourself to be accustomed to a long-term work rule, which in turn makes it easy to achieve high results in a stressful learning environment. advertisement


  • Always emphasize the main point in the policy so you can see what's important in the entire chapter.
  • Keep your phone away as it will distract you. Check email or text messages only after school, during breaks.
  • Avoid visiting any social networking sites! You can do it after the exam.
  • While preparing for the exam, try taking a few tests from years past. Doing so before a real exam will give you some insight into what problems you will deal with and focus on any points that need reconsidering.
  • Try to complete all review notes at least two weeks before your exam. This will allow you plenty of time to revise your past exam, test it thoroughly, and reread everything that is a bit vague.
  • Find many associations or ways to connect with the new information your brain receives with information that has been around for a long time to strengthen the connections in the knowledge base.
  • Research shows that our concentration can last about 45 minutes. So, take about 20 minutes to take a nap or relax your mind by listening to classical music.
  • You will gain very little knowledge by studying because of the exam at the last minute. One way to do it is to start studying for the next exam as soon as you have the materials, don't wait until a week before the exam starts.
  • Study two to three months before exams and begin with small assignments. During the first week, start studying within an hour. Become accustomed to learning and gradually increase the amount of time you spend. During the next week, your study period should continue for longer. In addition, always carry school supplies, snacks and drinks with you.
  • Sleep early on exam days and get up early to review. Morning review is really effective.
  • Don't wait for the exam to start studying.
  • Always color your notes. Using color can remind you of the subject. This way, everything becomes easier to memorize notes.


  • Don't cheat. This is a real lie and a mistake, and you will get a zero on the exam. Furthermore, this will prevent you from LEARNING.
  • Learning too much has the same negative effects as learning less because the brain automatically stops working when too much information is crammed into it.
  • Failure to take an exam can be a very painful, embarrassing, and embarrassing experience even when you have another chance to take it again. Therefore, do your best to make sure that your understanding of the field of study is sufficient to help you pass the exam with pride.
  • If you don't prepare well for the test during preparation and before the exam, be prepared to deal with the consequences.
  • A blank mind is the scariest thing that can happen on an exam. They can happen in any subject, but you can get through this situation. The only way to overcome this is to relax, freeing your mind from agitation. In the exam room, close your eyes, inhale for about 5 seconds and automatically exhale through your mouth. Repeat this until you feel like you've recalled it.