Ways to Increase Glutathione Levels Naturally

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Glutathione Rich foods : Increase Your Glutathione Levels Naturally [The Principal Antioxidant]
Video: Glutathione Rich foods : Increase Your Glutathione Levels Naturally [The Principal Antioxidant]


Glutathione is an important antioxidant that functions to protect organs and cells. Unlike many other antioxidants, glutathione is made in the body. The amount of glutathione the body produces is influenced by factors such as environment, health conditions and age.Luckily, you can actually increase your glutathione levels naturally by providing your body with the necessary building blocks, while reducing stress to help your body maintain its levels of glutathione.


Method 1 of 4: Use diet to increase glutathione levels

  1. Eat more beef and animal offal. Beef and animal offal contain sulfur and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). These two substances help regenerate damaged glutathione and enhance new glutathione synthesis. You should eat 1-2 servings per day to help your body synthesize glutathione naturally.
    • Other sources of ALA include broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, peas, and tomatoes.
    • Brewer's yeast is also a rich ALA-rich condiment that you can add to your dishes to boost your glutathione levels.

  2. Add 1 serving of whole grains to each meal. Whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat pasta and bread contain sulfur and selenium - a glutathione cofactor that the body needs to produce more glutathione. Selenium-rich foods will provide the body with the building blocks needed to naturally produce more glutathione. You should eat one serving of whole grains with each meal.

  3. Incorporate more eggs and dairy products into your diet. Eggs and milk contain sulfur and protein beta-casein, which plays a role in helping the body to synthesize glutathione naturally. You should eat 2-3 servings of eggs and milk per day to provide your body with the building blocks needed for the production of extra glutathione.
    • Dairy products include milk, cheese and yogurt.

    Note:If you have lactose intolerance, you don't need to use dairy products. You can get beta-casein from many other food sources!

  4. Include cruciferous vegetables in your meals. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale are rich in antioxidants and sulfur compounds, both of which help boost glutathione levels. You should add 1 serving of cruciferous vegetables to at least 1 daily meal to supplement sulfur in your diet.
    • Other cruciferous vegetables include watercress, mustard greens, cabbage, turnips and arugula.
  5. Get more vitamin C from fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, has a role in protecting cells by attacking free radicals, helping to prevent glutathione from being damaged, thereby increasing the amount of glutathione present in the body. Vitamin C is found in many fruits, so include 1-2 servings of natural sources of vitamin C with each meal.
    • Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, cantaloupe, bell peppers, broccoli and cauliflower.
    • Snacks with fruits and vegetables for a boost of vitamin C.
  6. Avoid alcoholic beverages to maintain glutathione levels. Alcohol causes liver tissue to oxidize, leading to a decrease in the amount of glutathione in the body. If you want to increase your glutathione levels, avoid alcohol in order not to decrease your body's natural glutathione levels. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Exercise and recovery to increase glutathione levels

  1. Use cardio exercises to stimulate glutathione production. Cardiovascular exercise is great for general health and helps to increase the levels of antioxidants, especially glutathione. Regular and regular exercise is key to reducing oxidative stress, thereby increasing glutathione levels in the body. You should stick to an exercise schedule with at least 3 sessions per week, 30 minutes each session to help increase glutathione levels naturally in response to oxidative stress.
    • Try running, swimming, or cycling like effective cardio exercises.
    • Sign up for gym classes in the gym that you can regularly take to form a routine.
    • Practice with a friend to keep you excited and motivated.

    Exercise tips:For no equipment-demanding high-intensity cardio workouts, try 15-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT)! This is an exercise that puts all of your energy in order for the body to function at its maximum for a while, followed by a short break. You can practice these exercises almost anywhere.

  2. Drink whey protein (whey protein) after your workout. Cysteine ​​is an amino acid that your body uses to produce glutathione. Whey protein is rich in cysteine ​​and can be easily mixed with water or milk to drink. You should take whey protein immediately after training to help restore and build muscle, while increasing glutathione levels.
    • Drink at least 1 cup per day to help your body synthesize more glutathione.
    • You can also look for whey protein bars if you don't want to drink.
    • Whey protein is available at health food stores, department stores and online.
  3. Rest after exercise to keep glutathione levels at a steady level. Rest is an important factor to help your body recover from exercise and increase glutathione levels. If you don't get enough sleep after exercise, your body will produce less glutathione. Get 7-8 hours of good sleep each night so your body can repair itself and make more glutathione.
    • Avoid exercising while your muscles are still sore.

Method 3 of 4: Take supplements to increase glutathione levels

  1. Take 420 mg of milk thistle to combat oxidative damage. Milk thistle extract protects cells from oxidative damage and increases glutathione levels in the body. Take a daily milk thistle supplement as directed on the pill to increase the amount of glutathione present in your body.
    • If you have any negative reactions to the milk thistle supplement, such as hives or difficulty breathing, stop taking it immediately and contact your doctor.
    • You can find milk thistle supplements at health food stores and order them online.
  2. Take turmeric supplements to reduce oxidative stress in the liver. Turmeric is a popular herb and spice in Indian cuisine, but has pharmacological effects such as protecting the liver from oxidative stress, which in turn helps increase glutathione production. Take 1,000 mg of turmeric supplements per day to improve liver health and increase glutathione levels.
    • Turmeric supplements are usually safe, but if any of these adverse reactions occur, stop taking them immediately.
    • You can find turmeric supplements at health and health food stores, department stores, and online.
  3. Take vitamin C supplements to increase glutathione levels. Vitamin C helps fight free radicals and increases glutathione levels in the body. Taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C supplements is an easy way to help your body maintain the amount of glutathione it produces and increase glutathione levels in general.
    • Use the correct dosage on the package to make sure not to drink too much; otherwise, you may experience side effects such as upset stomach or diarrhea.
    • Buy vitamin C in pill or powder form to mix with water at health and health food stores, department stores, or online.

    Warning: Although fortified foods like milk thistle, turmeric and vitamin C offer many health benefits and can boost glutathione levels, they can also cause negative reactions with each other and with any medications. that you are using. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements to be safe.


Method 4 of 4: Know when to seek medical assistance

  1. See your doctor for a blood test to check your glutathione levels. If you suspect that you have low glutathione levels, it's best to see your doctor before self-treating. You may also have a simple blood test to check if glutathione levels are low. Next, your doctor will help you determine the most effective way to increase your glutathione levels. Make an appointment with your doctor if you are concerned about glutathione levels.
    • Blood tests are also simple and painless. Usually, the doctor will perform in the clinic, although they may have to send the sample to a lab for analysis.
    • Your doctor will also discuss your diet and lifestyle to determine if that's the cause of your low glutathione c levels.
  2. Check with your doctor before taking any supplements. Supplements may not be suitable for everyone, especially if you are taking medication. Before you start taking a supplement, tell your doctor why you want to take a certain supplement and talk to your doctor about all the medications you are taking. They will help you determine if the medicine is safe for you.
    • Your doctor may suggest that you try lifestyle changes first.
    • Glutathione supplements may interact with some medications.
  3. Work with your doctor if you are taking glutathione to treat you. Glutathione therapy can be used to treat a number of diseases.Usually, you will be given an intravenous glutathione 1-3 times a week and use other supportive treatments such as vitamin supplements. See your doctor if you want to take glutathione to treat the following conditions:
    • Anemia
    • Parkinson disease
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Diabetes
    • Cancer
    • AIDS
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome
    • Fibromyalgia


  • Consult with your doctor before taking any supplements to be sure it is safe and does not react badly to any medications you are taking.
  • If you recently had organ transplant surgery, do not use glutathione therapy of any kind to prevent rejection.