Ways to gain muscle fast

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Proven Ways to Build Muscle (5x Faster)
Video: 5 Proven Ways to Build Muscle (5x Faster)


Getting thumping muscles is difficult but the road ahead is only one. You can gain muscle "quickly", however, there are some trade-offs, such as increasing fat with muscle mass, and giving up some other activities like running. so that your body can focus on building muscle. You need to eat more, use the right training strategy, and use exercises aimed at making your muscles bigger.


Part 1 of 3: Workout to Increase Muscle

  1. Start with basic strength exercises. Most exercises for the main parts of your body should start with the basics, strength exercises using multi-joint allows you to lift more total weight, such as using a chest exercise chair, exercise machine Delta muscles, barbells for the back and squatting exercises for the legs. This allows you to lift the heavier weights during these exercises, while you are still strong and have enough energy to stimulate better muscle growth.

  2. Please practice as much as you can. High intensity training is the key to building muscle. Light, even stretching exercises are not enough to create the right state for your muscles to break down and rebuild. Plan to exercise 30-45 minutes once, 3-4 times a week (every other day). It sounds like a surprising and manageable plan, but keep in mind that in every training session, you must train at the highest intensity possible. Your muscles will definitely feel sore at first, but things will get easier once exercise becomes a habit.
    • During each training session, lift the heaviest weight you can and get the correct movements. Test your limits to find out what weight you should lift by lifting weights with different weights. You need to be able to do 3-4 sets of 8-12 weight lifts without dropping weights. If you can't do it, lower the dumbbells. In general, about 6-12 weight lifts will stimulate muscle growth, while fewer weight lifts will increase strength rather than muscle size.
    • If you can lift 10 or more weights without feeling your muscles heat up, add more weight. You will not be able to become more muscular unless you test your best.

  3. Explosive lifting of weights. This means lifting weights at a high speed, but lowering them slowly.
  4. Practice correct postures. To develop the correct skills, perform all of the weights with the correct poses. Beginners, try to keep your weight lifting goal within your strength range. Practice the right habits for all exercises. Don't practice the wrong way when you're just getting started.
    • You need to be able to complete all of the movements in the exercise without having to lean back or change positions. If you can't, then you need to lift lighter weights.
    • In most cases, you'll start with stretching your arms or legs.
    • Train with your trainer in several sessions so you can learn the right moves from the different exercises before doing it on your own.

  5. Alternate muscle groups. You won't want to work out the same muscle group with all the exercises, or you'll end up hurting your muscles. Alternate muscle groups so that each workout, you work out each hour with high intensity for different muscle groups. If you work out three times a week, try the following:
    • First exercise: work out your chest, biceps, and triceps.
    • Exercise two: focus on your feet.
    • Exercise three: work out the abs and chest muscles again.
  6. Avoid constant repetition. If you do one thing per exercise over and over, you won't improve. You need to add more weight, and as you become familiar with new weights, switch between exercises. Be aware of the training you're doing and watch out for when your muscles don't seem to have changed for a while; That could be a sign that you should change dumbbells.
  7. Rest between workouts. For those with a fast metabolism, the resting period is just as important as the exercise. Your body needs time to build muscle without burning a lot of energy to do other activities. Jogging and other cardio can actually hinder muscle growth. Instead, relax between workouts. Get a good night's sleep to refresh your body for your next workout.
  8. Develop the mind-muscle connection. Research confirms that modifying the mind-muscle connection can optimize the outcome of your workout. Instead of focusing on your routine, or the blonde by your side, try to get into the mindset of muscle training to help increase your results. Here's how to do it:
    • Imagine the goal of muscle growth as you complete all of the lifting weights.
    • If you are lifting weights with one hand, place your other hand on the muscle area you hope will develop. Doing this can help you feel exactly where your muscles are being exercised, and help you refocus your efforts.
    • Remember, it's not the weight on the bar; it's the effect of that weight on your muscles, leading to the increase in size and strength you pursue. This has a lot to do with the way you think and what you focus on.

Part 2 of 3: Eating to Increase Muscle

  1. Eat foods high in calories. You should get energy from nutritious foods, which will give your body the right fuel for rapid muscle growth. Foods high in sugar, white powder, trans fats and additives are high in calories but low in nutrients, they will increase fat instead of muscle. If you want muscles to grow and look solid, you need to follow a list of foods from all the different food groups.
    • Eat energy-rich protein dishes like steak and roast beef, roast chicken (with dark skin and meat), salmon, eggs, and pork. Protein is very important when you are exercising to build muscle. Avoid bacon, sausage and other salted meats, which contain additives and are not good for you when you eat a lot.
    • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. They provide you with fiber and essential nutrients and keep your body hydrated.
    • Eat whole grains such as oatmeal, wheat, barley and quinoa instead of white bread, cookies, pies, pancakes, waffles and similar foods.
    • Eat legumes and nuts like black beans, large red beans, avocado beans, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, and almonds.
  2. Eat more than you think you need. Do you eat when you feel hungry, and stop when you feel full? This may sound normal, but when you aim to gain muscle fast, you need to eat more than usual. Add one serving to each meal, and more, if you can. Your body needs fuel to build muscle: that is it.
    • A good muscle-building breakfast should include a bowl of oatmeal, 4 eggs, 2 or more grilled ham, an apple, an orange and a banana.
    • For lunch, you can eat chicken sandwiches with breads made from flour, a handful of seeds, 2 avocados, and a large salad of kale and tomatoes.
    • For dinner, eat a large steak or other protein, potatoes, and vegetables, and a second serving of all of the above.
  3. Eat at least 5 meals a day. Don't wait until your stomach growls again; You need to constantly recharge your body while you are in the training phase to gain muscle. This won't last forever, so try to enjoy it! Eat two more meals in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  4. Take supplements but don't rely on them. You cannot rely on protein-boosting protein creams to do the work of your workout. To build muscle, you need to get the majority of your energy from energy-rich foods. However, you can speed the process up by taking a number of supplements that have been shown to be harmless to the body.
    • The muscle protein metabolism supplement (creatine) is a protein supplement that has been shown to make muscles bigger. This substance is in powder form, mix it with water and drink it several times a day.
    • Protein creams like Ensure are a good supplement to use when you are having trouble getting enough energy between meals.
  5. Drink enough water. Hard workouts, which you must exercise in order to gain muscle, can dehydrate you quickly. Fix this by carrying a bottle of water with you wherever you go, and drinking it whenever you feel thirsty. Under ideal conditions, you should drink about 3 liters of water a day. Drink more water before and after exercise.
    • Give up sugar or carbonated drinks. They won't help your overall fitness, and they actually hinder your progress in strength training.
    • Alcohol is also not helpful. They dehydrate you and feel energized.
  6. Get to know your body better. What's working, and what's not? As you change yourself, pay attention to what's going on with your muscles. Everyone is different, a food that may not be helpful to one person, but very useful to others. If you don't see improvement within a week, change it and try something else next week. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Focusing on Building Muscle

  1. Sleep more than usual. Sleep is very important in giving muscles a chance to grow. Sleep at least 7 hours a night is the minimum, ideally 8-9 hours of sleep.
  2. Concentrate heavily on weight training. You may enjoy cardio activities (sports, running, etc.) but these will put additional pressure on your body (muscles, joints) and use them. runs out of energy that could otherwise be used to build muscle. Generally, cardio activities should be included in overall health exercises, but if you are temporarily focusing on muscle-building exercises, then the focus should be on weight training. Several months will help you achieve your goal. advertisement


  • Always ask a friend to watch over you during difficult lifting weights, like lying on your back to push weights. This pose is highly risky, and in addition, is always helpful when someone provides support to achieve a few more push-ups.
  • Stay motivated. Find a workout buddy with you, join a weight training forum, or write a journal about your training progress. Do whatever motivates you.
  • If you don't have weights right now, and have never gone through any weight training, start with push-ups and barbells. These exercises are the right difficulty for you to do in the beginning.
  • Inhale with only the downward movement: start at the top of the push-up and slowly lower yourself. Perform as low as possible without touching the floor with your chest and stomach. Then get up and start over. This is a good choice when you are not well enough to do the push-ups fully.


  • Exercising too much can be harmful to your health. Be aware of your condition and limit your efforts to avoid injury.
  • Avoid taking too many muscle protein-converting supplements (creatine) as it breaks down in your kidneys into harmful molecules. Even so, if you don't use it too much it won't do any harm.