How to flirt through text messages

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to flirt over text with Examples
Video: How to flirt over text with Examples


You don't want to send boring messages to a girl that is special to your life? With this article, you will learn how to flirt and impress others with text messages like a pro!


Part 1 of 2: Texting flirting skills

  1. Don't be boring and predictable. This is the worst flirting you can ever get. The content of the message must be interesting and engaging with the other person. If you can't think of something fun or interesting, don't text her.
    • For example, you shouldn't start a conversation with boring messages like "Hello :)" or "How was today?" because that's boring Maybe she gets that kind of text from every guy, so you should do something more unusual.
    • Try a unique texting that causes her to respond immediately, such as "you cheated last night. I want to back up."

  2. Private talk. Text messages are often goofy, so make them even more private if possible. This way creates harmony between the two.
    • Call her name in the message. Females often feel elated when they see their names in text messages because they feel more intimate.
    • Alternatively, you can use a nickname given to her. This makes both of them feel like participating in a funny story that only the insider can understand.
    • Use the pronoun "we" in the text. Then you will make her feel "you and me against the world" that every girl likes.

  3. Praise her. For example, you can compliment your partner "Wow, my hairstyle today is so beautiful, you look so charming." This is quite simple because girls often like to be praised, making them feel special and valued. So, if possible, add some compliments to your messages.
    • Try classics (but still effective) compliments like "I can't stop imagining you in a dark blue dress" or a more original one like "you have a strange sense of humor, but I like you. this."
    • Compliments must be genuine. Do not say things that only please her. Females can perceive your falsehoods.

  4. Show mystery. Becoming enigmatic through text is nothing serious. You want her to feel like you're chasing you, not the other way around, so be ambiguous or a bit distant sometimes, as long as it doesn't make her suspicious of your behavior. .
    • For example, if she asks about the day's activities, don't write long messages that cover all the boring details (see Step 1). Try texting something like "Strange today. Many people surprised me." Then she will be curious and texted asking for more detailed content.
    • Or, if she asks about your plans for the weekend, don't overdo it (unless it's really interesting). The answer is that you'll probably be working on the weekends that won't excite her. Instead, you could say you're going to kill a dragon or something weird. You don't have to be honest, as long as the content is interesting.
  5. Tease her. Teasing is a good flirting, as it creates intimacy between the two of you but doesn't take things too seriously.
    • As mentioned above, calling her by a cute nickname (nickname only you can use) is a good way to make fun of your partner, but not be offensive. Nicknames like "freckles" or "perfect girl" all work well.
    • Tease about what she said or did on the last date. For example, if she says she's holding a can of Coke, you could say "don't let the water splash on her nose like last time;)". This was a teasing way that evoked a moment when the two of them were having fun together, making her think positively about the relationship.
    • Make sure not to go beyond the limit that lowers or annoys the other party, otherwise texting conversations will stop immediately.
  6. Erotic texting. If you want to flirt through text, you can text a little erotic content to make things interesting.
    • You can use the classic way of asking what she's wearing, or telling her, "I like you wearing that dress, but you will feel more attractive with the outfit underneath".
    • Another effective method is to take a carefree comment from her and deliberately steer through the sensitive content. For example, if she says "I can't believe it is that long!" (referring to the movie or something harmless), you can reply "that's what she said".
    • If you are a bit nervous when it comes to sensitive content, you may unintentionally say that you just finished bathing. This makes her feel excited, if the other person replies pleasantly (eg "oh, I want to see it"), then you know that she is comfortable with it too.

Part 2 of 2: Flirting rules with messages

  1. The message should be short and sweet. Long messages are boring and can make you appear overly enthusiastic.
    • For this reason, keep texting short and sweet - no more than two to three sentences long.
    • Try making the text of the message humorous, sophisticated, or informal. Flirting messages shouldn't mention the weather.
  2. Send the corresponding number of messages. Every text-based conversation should have a balance. One should not send too many messages compared to the other.
    • Sending too many messages makes you seem overly enthusiastic and ready to text at any time. She will find you overheating and become scared or disinterested.
    • However, if you send too few messages, the other person will assume that you are not interested or are texting many people at the same time. Then she will stop texting you.
    • Therefore, you should maintain the balance by sending the same number of messages, if possible exceed her number of messages a little.
    • Also, you should pay attention to who started and ended a conversation. The two should be interchangeable if possible.
  3. Note spelling and grammar. You need to impress her with a text that is witty and intelligent, instead of texting severely misspelled. Minors may not be so important, but if you are over 18, you need to pay attention to spelling and grammar.
    • You do not need to look up the dictionary to be smart, just read the message again before sending to avoid misspelling.
    • Punctuation has a lot to do with the expression of a message. For example, if she submits a photo of her new outfit, "oh!" sounds more inspirational than the word "oh", while "I like it ..." seems flattering and more erotic than "I like it".
    • Don't overdo exclamation marks, question marks, smiley faces, winks, and other symbols. They work in the right context, but look very childish if you use it too much.
  4. Don't prolong the conversation indefinitely. One of the key skills when it comes to texting is the ability to end a conversation that is getting boring.
    • If you talk for too long, you will lack interesting topics and the conversation will be awkward and bland.
    • You can use the trick to stop the conversation before peaking to make her more eager.
    • End the conversation with witty and erotic sentences like I have to go, talk tomorrow. Without you beside me, be careful! or Time to go to bed, beautiful girl. Hope to see you in your dream!

  5. Don't use texting to flirt instead of flirting. Texting is just a way to fill the void between flirting in real life.
    • Texting is helpful (and sometimes you can say something difficult to express in person), but should not be a substitute for flirting in real life.
    • Use text to schedule an appointment or plan your next play. This serves the purpose of the content of the message and creates something to look forward to.
    • Bear in mind that actions like looking long in each other's eyes, a sincere smile, and a gentle touch are much more effective than clichés.


  • Make fun of her; Females love humor.
  • Do not hesitate to reply to the message! If not, she will think you don't like her and will ignore it.
  • If she doesn't respond to the text or respond in a courteous manner, don't continue flirting with the other person. For example, if she starts texting short or just texting back with a word or two, randomly end the conversation.
  • Grammatical messages can be offensive to others. So you should read the message again before sending it.
  • Don't text too much about yourself. Ask her about her everyday life and relate to what has happened, is going to happen, or is happening in your own.
  • Let her pursue you by actively ending the conversation and making her crave more. You can also do this when someone else is texting.