How to find happiness in yourself

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
You Don’t Find Happiness, You Create It | Katarina Blom | TEDxGöteborg
Video: You Don’t Find Happiness, You Create It | Katarina Blom | TEDxGöteborg


Many people do not consider themselves the source of happiness. It is entirely possible to find happiness in yourself. There are many ways you can approach this, and there are many methods you can use to increase your feelings of happiness. You don't need to look outside of yourself to discover the source of happiness. Just spend some time searching.


Method 1 of 3: Determine the Path to Happiness

  1. Rewrite what it means to be happy. Since this is your happiness, it is very important to determine the meaning of your happiness. There are many ways to rewrite your idea, just make sure you do this. By defining the exact meaning of happiness for you by visualizing your own happiness, you have come up with a clear goal.
    • Thought to quickly enumerate ideas.
    • Draw out sketches to build your mindset.
    • Write an essay to clarify your thoughts.

  2. Try to find out what is causing the positive or negative thought. Maybe rainy days often make you in a bad mood, or thinking about the test often makes you think of failure. When you recognize them, you are already in a position to fight them and try to change your mood. Instead of thinking about how badly rainy days make your mood, think positively like, "Today the plants in the garden will be adequately rainwatered."

  3. Set goals that are personally meaningful to you. Look at life carefully. Determine your values. Think about who you want to be. Use it to set goals that are meaningful to you. Research shows that people who set goals for themselves are often happy when pursuing these goals.
    • Be realistic. Recognize your circumstances and abilities as you plan.
    • Keep your goal in action. Don't just focus on things or things that you have or don't have. Focus on what you can do.
    • Set your goals under positive light. You can achieve your goal if you see it as something you need to work towards, not something you have to fight against.

  4. Visualize who you are the best of you.This helps to increase feelings of happiness and well-being. It involves visualizing “you of the future” looking back at your goal fulfillment and then choosing what you need to use / learn to get you there.
    • Choose a few goals and imagine you achieved them.
    • Make sure that goals have personal meaning, not just status symbols.
    • Rewrite every detail in your script. Visualize the points you need to succeed.
    • Consider what traits and skills you already have.

Method 2 of 3: Cultivating Happiness

  1. Form an optimistic outlook. Start by improving yourself in some areas of your life. Pessimism often stems from a feeling of powerlessness. Identify some aspects of your life you want to change, then work on them. This will restore confidence in your ability to make change.
    • See yourself as the cause, not the result. Optimists believe that any negative events or experiences can be overcome. For example, if you have a bad day, take it as a challenge. Don't let yourself feel defeated.
    • Start slow. Don't feel like you have to get everything done at once.
  2. Actively practice gratitude. This means creating things we are grateful for. Many studies claim that gratitude is good for you. It reduces anxiety and depression. Gratitude helps you to be positive and happy. It strengthens relationships with others and encourages compassion.
    • Some people are born with gratitude, but you can train yourself to develop gratitude.
    • Set aside time each day, like before dinner, to talk about things for which you are grateful.
    • Remember to thank store staff, deliverers, or colleagues more often.
  3. Forgive and forget. Studies show that forgiveness has many benefits for givers. Forgiveness produces a calmer feeling and has a great impact on your health. Managing stress by meditating on negative emotions will increase happiness in general. Don't just forgive others, remember to forgive yourself.
  4. Meditate. The purpose of meditation is concentration and tranquility. Surprisingly, you can meditate anywhere and anytime. There are many types of meditation like yoga, transcendental meditation, mindfulness meditation.
    • Try different types of meditation. Search online or talk to your meditation teacher to find out what kind of meditation is best for you.
    • Create a regular routine. Meditation works best when done every day at the same time, so make it an important part of your schedule.

Method 3 of 3: Coping with Negativity

  1. Fight with negative thoughts. Even though you've always thought negatively up until now, you can change your way of thinking. Whenever you have negative thoughts, especially when you think automatically, stop and see if the thoughts are correct or not.
    • When you feel like a failure, remind yourself of your past successes.
    • If you are angry with someone, try looking at the problem from their point of view.
    • When sad, watch comedies or tell an impromptu jokes.
  2. Be sympathetic to yourself. Abusing yourself makes you feel weak and unhappy. Indulging in negative thoughts or guilt does not drive improvement. It pulls you back. Show yourself the kindness and generosity that you show others.
    • Take care of yourself on bad days.
    • Doing things that distract you will help break your moodiness.
    • Rest and relax.
  3. Stop recalling. Recalling is the repetition of negative thoughts. Moments, thoughts, and things that other people say are so repetitive that they haunt you. Remembering these creates negative thoughts and feelings. The more you repeat it, the worse the situation will get. Excessive recall can lead to depression.
    • Try to solve the problems that you are obsessed with. Instead of thinking about it, take action. Change circumstances, or talk to someone who can.
    • Practice thinking positively about yourself. If you spend a lot of time thinking about your negative points, stop it by complimenting yourself. Tell yourself that you did well and that you did your best.
  4. Seek professional help if needed. There are many situations where an expert can help promote your own finding of happiness. Find the professional that suits you best. You may not need help or you may seek out more than one specialist.
    • Life mentors and spiritual mentors can help you in a strategy for your self-happiness.
    • Therapists and psychologists are qualified to assist with psychological problems.


  • Learn yourself, teach yourself and love yourself. And if you don't believe in yourself, most of these and the positive things will not be achieved!
  • If you feel depressed, take a deep breath through your nose and listen to your breath.
  • Do the things you love!