How to kill black mold

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Kill Black Mold Safely & Forever
Video: How to Kill Black Mold Safely & Forever


Black mold is a fungus that can grow indoors. Like all molds, black mold likes humid environments, so areas that are usually humid like basements, showers, baths, and places with leaks are prone to mold.Since certain types of black mold can cause allergic reactions, asthma attacks and breathing problems, it's important to get rid of black mold when you find them in your home. The secret to getting black mold is to get into where they appear and kill the roots and fungus on the surface, and take steps to ensure that black mold doesn't return.


Part 1 of 3: Take safety precautions

  1. Identify black mold. Black mold often grows in humid, often wet areas where water pipes are damaged or leaking. Common places to find mold include basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Here are a few of the hallmarks of black mold:
    • The mold is black in color
    • Mold grows in circles
    • Black mold-like patches are made up of dots
    • Looks slippery easily on wet surfaces
    • Mold resembles soot on a dry surface

  2. Cover the area with mold. To prevent mold spores from spreading through the air, you can cover the room. Keep plastic sheets on to cover doors and vents leading to other areas of the house. Use paper or construction tape to secure the plastic sheet and cover the room.
    • Be sure to cover the gable vents, fireplace vents, and air conditioning vents. Leave the air intake vents open.
    • Covering the moldy area will help prevent the spores from spreading to other areas of the home.
    • Covering a moldy area will not prevent it from growing elsewhere in your home. Mold spores are always in the air and mold can grow anywhere there is moisture.

  3. Open the window. The mold itself and the cleaning products used to kill it can irritate the eyes, skin, and lungs, so make sure you create as much fresh air as possible. In the place where you're going to kill the mold, keep as many windows open as possible.
    • In winter when it's cold outside, keep at least 1-2 windows open to get some fresh air.

  4. Open the vents and turn on the fan. To get the mold spores out of the room and out of your home, you'll need to turn on the exhaust fan in the room you plan to clean. Fan can be placed in front of open windows and outwards. This also helps to suck the mold spores out of the room and push them out.
    • To avoid blowing mold spores throughout the room, don't turn on the fan if the fan is not located in front of a window and is not blowing air out.
  5. Wear personal protective equipment. Mold exposure can cause upper respiratory problems; The cleaning products you use to kill mold can also be harmful and corrosive. To protect yourself while cleaning, you should consider wearing protective equipment, including:
    • Goggles
    • Non-porous gloves
    • A respirator or respirator
  6. Do not mix cleaning solutions. You must choose a cleaning solution to kill mold and only use one. Mixing different cleaning products can be dangerous and can cause unexpected chemical reactions.
    • Never mix ammonia or bleach together or with any other household cleaning product.
  7. Consider replacing absorbent material. Removing mold from absorbent materials can be very difficult. Instead, most experts recommend the removal and replacement of these materials as it is unlikely to remove the mold without causing damage to the material or causing additional problems.
    • Absorbent materials that should be replaced include dry walls (without plastering), ceiling tiles, furniture and carpets.

Part 2 of 3: Clean up the mold area

  1. Rub the moldy area with soapy water. Fill the bucket with warm water and add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of dish soap. Stir dish detergent in water to create lather. Dip a bristle brush in soapy water and scrub the moldy surface. Re-immerse the brush in water as often as possible and rub until the moldy area is covered with foam. Rinse well with water.
    • Scrubbing the mold first can help break the surface so you can get deeper into the fungus with a cleaning product and destroy them.
  2. Mix the cleaning solution. There are many cleaning solutions and products you can use to kill mold. The most effective products are a specially formulated antibacterial or anti-microbial cleanser that kills mold. Other cleaning solutions you can try with proven effectiveness include:
    • Ammonia mixed with water in the ratio of 1: 1
    • 1 cup (250 ml) of bleach mixed with 3.8 liters of water
    • Pure distilled vinegar
    • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) tea tree oil and 1 cup (235 ml water)
    • Baking soda in a 1: 1 ratio, mix in a bowl to make a paste
    • Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with water in the ratio of 1: 2
    • 1 cup (400 g) of borax powder dissolves in 3.8 liters of water
    • 1/4 cup (100) borax dissolved in 1/2 cup (120 ml) vinegar and 4 cups (940 ml) warm water.
  3. Rub the cleaning product over the mold and let it absorb. For the liquid solution, you can spray a lot of cleaning product on the surface of the mildew that has been rubbed. For the mixture, you can use an old knife, brush or toothbrush to apply the mixture to the moldy surface.
    • Let the cleaner soak for about 15 minutes. During this time, the product can penetrate the mold, destroy the roots and prevent them from coming back.
  4. Scrub the porous material. After the cleaner has soaked in, use a bristle brush to scrub the surface. This will remove the mold and increase the cleaning product's effectiveness.
    • A non-abrasive scrubbing pad can be used to scrub the surface.
  5. Drain and allow to dry. Use clean water to rinse it to remove any residue mold and cleaning product. Then, use a towel or a rubber broom to dry the area. This will remove excess moisture and prevent the mold from coming back.
    • Mold can begin to grow on a damp surface within 24 hours so it's important to keep the area dry after cleaning.
  6. Know when to call a specialist. Mold can be difficult to clean, especially in hard to reach places and on certain materials, such as dry walls and other porous materials. The best times to call a mold exterminator include:
    • Cleaning efforts were ineffective
    • The affected area is larger than 3 square meters
    • You suspect there is mold in the heating, cooling or ventilation system
    • You have health concerns caused by mold
    • Mold is caused by polluted water or wastewater

Part 3 of 3: Preventing black mold

  1. Removes damp surface. As long as there is a source of moisture, there will be mold. After you've dealt with the mold, you need to remove the source of the moisture that caused it to grow in the first place. Depending on the area in the home where mold was present, humidity problems could be:
    • Leakage
    • Drown
    • Pour water
    • Moisture from cooking or bathing
    • Lack of a moisture barrier in the basement
  2. Lower humidity. Mold thrives in humid environments where the humidity is 50% higher. To prevent mold, it's a good idea to install a hygrometer and monitor humidity in your home. When the humidity gets too high, you should lower it by:
    • Turn on the dehumidifier
    • Turn on the air conditioner
    • Open the window
    • Increase air circulation
    • Open the windows and open the vents when cooking
  3. Dry the shower after bathing. Showers and tubs are places where mold often grows because it's wet all the time. To prevent this, you should put a rubber broom in the bathroom and ask all family members (and visitors to the house) to clean the tub walls after bathing.
    • Should open windows or turn on the fan in the bathroom every time someone uses the bathroom.
  4. Treat leaks immediately. Leaks are the source of many indoor humidity problems, and excess moisture creates an environment that is extremely conducive to mold growth. You can still prevent mold even if a leak is present, but act quickly to treat and keep the area dry. Leakage locations to look out for include:
    • Broken water pipe
    • Leaking pipes
    • Leaks on the roof
    • Leaks in basements and foundations
  5. Clean up immediately after flooding. Flooding can cause mold because large amounts of water enter your home at the same time and it may not always be possible to clean up immediately. After flooding, steps that you need to take as soon as possible to clean include:
    • Remove excess water
    • Use a dehumidifier to remove moisture
    • Replace damaged carpets, floors and dry walls
    • Use antifungal cleaning products


  • Get the help of a medical professional and call a specialist to get rid of the mold if you suspect that mold is causing a health problem.