How to destroy water fleas

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Great Live Fish Food! - How to Easily Culture Daphnia / Water Fleas and What to Avoid
Video: Great Live Fish Food! - How to Easily Culture Daphnia / Water Fleas and What to Avoid


Water flea is a general term for bugs like brown cockroaches or aphids that live around a water source. They are often attracted to food and water, so the best way to stop them is to make sure that food and water are not left out. Let's explore how to get rid of these water bugs.


Part 1 of 5: Cleaning the area

  1. Look for areas around your home with standing water or food spills.
    • Pack up pet food if possible. Cockroaches and other bugs can lurk in pet food. If possible, set up a meal time so that your dog or cat will eat all the food on the spot and you can pick up the dishes.

  2. Store food in the refrigerator when possible. If foods cannot be refrigerated, keep them in sealed containers.
  3. Use a garbage can with a tight lid. Garbage bins and exposed compost will attract, attract, and multiply more bugs. Get rid of trash every day when it is invaded by cockroaches.

  4. Collect trash around your yard and home. Water fleas often take refuge in places where they are rarely cleaned and moved.
    • Recycle newspaper and food containers every week. Make sure the lid fits tightly and fits into your recycled food container.
    • Remove old cardboard boxes. This is a common refuge for bugs.

  5. Look for areas with standing water inside and out. Pet bowls, tar cloths, plant saucers, bird baths and rainwater can all be ideal places for water beetle eggs to breed.
    • Install the cap for the water tank. Change bird tanks, flower pots and other containers during the rainy season.
  6. Clean the kitchen with disinfectant. Make sure you keep an eye on kitchen items like toasters, multi-function food grinders, juicer, grills, and surrounding areas where food scraps get stuck. advertisement

Part 2 of 5: Changing lifestyle habits

  1. Eat and drink only in a single room. Do not encourage children to snack in private rooms or in front of television.
  2. Regularly vacuum in the dining room. This will limit the amount of food scattered around the house.
    • Clean carpets with soap and water at least once a year.

Part 3 of 5: Repairing household items

  1. Fix leaky faucets from the inside out. This should be on the immediate to-do list. Cockroaches can survive for a long time if they have a constant water supply.
  2. Inspect doors or windows for signs of mismatch with the house. Replace with others that fit better so that the bugs cannot get in.
  3. Seal holes in concrete to reduce water build-up.
  4. Put out holes in the insulation or the wall. This will leave the water beetles no way in to nest.
  5. Install screens on windows and doors. Open doors to increase air circulation in humid places. Water fleas love to live in humid places, so make sure the house is always dry and well ventilated. advertisement

Part 4 of 5: Try organic pesticides

  1. Locate the bug's nest. This way you can get rid of water bugs problems quickly and accurately.
  2. Pour 2 to 4 cups (0.4 to 0.9 l) of distilled white vinegar into drains. Do the same with dishwashers, baths and toilets, and sinks.
  3. Pour a few tablespoons of liquid detergent into the pool when you notice signs of penetration. Turn off the pump immediately.
    • Let them die and float in the water when trapped. A few hours later, the dead body was collected with a pool filter. Turn on the pump again afterwards.
  4. Mix a mixture of half sugar flour and half baking soda. Sprinkle a thin layer around the area with traces of water bug infestation. Wait for them to die and clean up. advertisement

Part 5 of 5: Try chemical bug killers

  1. Use borax to sprinkle around cockroaches. Boric acid will seep into the feet and cause them to die.
    • Water fleas will stay away from large borax pieces, so create a very thin film.
  2. Use a cockroach trap. Traps usually contain a concentrated poison inside the box. Water fleas are often attracted to and die inside the box, making it safer to clean.
  3. Call the sprayer. If your home is being attacked by water bugs, you will need to use higher dose chemistry. In this case, you will have to get out of the house, clean the kitchen and other surfaces before proceeding. advertisement

What you need

  • Discreet container
  • Trash with lid
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Carpet cleaning machine
  • Purdah
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda powder
  • Powdered sugar
  • Liquid detergent
  • Cockroach traps
  • borax
  • Spraying staff
  • Welder