How to attract girls without having to talk to them

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Attract A Girl WITHOUT Talking To Her (ANYONE Could Do It!)
Video: How To Attract A Girl WITHOUT Talking To Her (ANYONE Could Do It!)


Attracting someone who loves to steal memory with beautiful poetic words is not easy. However, we are not all Shakespeare great poets. And interestingly, people often fall in love before whispering sweet words to each other. There are many ways to get the other person's attention without talking to her (at least initially). Please refer to the article on non-verbal communication tips below to "conquer" any girl you love.


Part 1 of 3: Creating the right look

  1. Shop a wardrobe with decent basic clothes. Remember: attraction does not come from a conscious decision, it can be generated by the right visual cues. Being mindful of certain aspects of your outfit can help you successfully attract a girl. Keep in mind the following,:
    • Focus on choosing elegant shirts and t-shirts in neutral colors (black, white, navy blue) and without patterns.
    • If this is the season of sweaters, choose for yourself a few round neck sweaters or V-necks with neutral colors such as navy blue, white or black.
    • Separate a "genuine" shoe for special occasions and add a sporty casual look for everyday use.
    • “Upgrade” the look with stylish dark jeans. With these "multi-function" pants, you can even wear them on dates.

  2. Pay attention to the fit of the outfit. This is really important; Because even if you have followed the steps above, if the clothes are too big or not the right size, you won't be noticed. So, ask a friend or a salesperson for help to get more options that best suit your body shape.
    • Wearing a shirt. The collar should not move when you turn your head. If the collar is moved, the shirt is too tight. The shoulder seam of the shirt should be right next to the shoulder blade. Remember: you won't want to wear a shirt that fits so close that you can see every detail of your upper body, but you shouldn't choose an oversized one for you.
    • T-shirt. Likewise, the shoulder seam of the T-shirt should be right next to the shoulder blade. Depending on your body shape, you can choose for yourself a tight or fit shirt.
    • Trousers. You don't have to choose tight-fitting pants for yourself, but stay away from pleated pants. They are a bit outdated and make your belly appear bigger.
    • Jeans. In general, wear skinny jeans (although you may hesitate at first) and avoid flared jeans.
    • Go to a few stores. If you are new to fashion, go to a few clothing stores. You will find out which is your favorite fashion trend.

  3. Wear clothes that reflect your personality. Struggling to show understanding of trendy trends can leave a lasting impression. After all, women often love fashion! However, you should avoid mixing multiple fashion trends together. Just make sure to refresh your outfit regularly while maintaining your personality. Note: the gradual transition will bring the best results.
    • Take a look at your wardrobe and choose an aspect or two that you're comfortable with instantly changing.
    • Combine things with your own style. Are you a huge fan of any team? Add some of their color schemes to your outfit to make the transition even easier (though not neutral).

  4. Start the transition. Changing your fashion style will make you quite nervous, even make it difficult for you because your way of dressing for a long time has become a part of your personality.But just keep in mind that change is fun too!
    • Please keep changing. Sometimes, we pay too much attention to our styles and our clothes that can slow down progress. Instead, schedule different conversion steps.
    • Seriously change your personal style. Talking about your decisions to others can have a powerful effect on yourself as well as motivating you.
    • Eliminate obstacles in changing outfits. Preparing clothes the night before will eliminate any reasons for the next morning, such as why: I don't have time to prepare for my appearance.

Part 2 of 3: Shaping body language

  1. Be conscious of body movement. In fact, the way your body moves will say a lot about your confidence or low self-esteem. You only need to pay attention to this to be able to attract the other person with your movements ..
    • Walk more slowly than usual and control your gestures. This shows that you are comfortable with yourself and with your surroundings.
    • Takes up a little space. Lean back and straighten your legs. Think as if you were marking your territory.
    • Sense of tone. Although technically tone belongs to speech, it's also an important part of body language. You should speak at a slow pace and maintain a steady volume level.
  2. Don't be afraid to show affection. Wait, this doesn't mean you should overdo it. However, not being afraid to show natural emotions can show your enthusiasm and comfort. After all, attraction is an emotional response.
    • Pat a friend on the back.
    • Hug or shake a friend's hand to greet them.
    • Don't be afraid to stand closer to others than usual.
  3. Pay attention to the body posture. Falling shoulders and head down are signs of lack of confidence. You should do the following to correct your posture:
    • While sitting, hold your chest forward and your shoulders back. Head held high.
    • Walk straight and keep your head up. Walk smoothly and shoulders back.
  4. Eye contact. Don't be afraid to look around the room. You might get into her eye, in which case, keep looking at her for a longer time so you can build a relationship.
    • Looking sideways while walking. You will become more approachable and sociable in the eyes of the other person.
    • Don't be afraid to show emotions through your eyes. Open your eyes in surprise or squint in doubts, indicating that you are genuinely interested and attentive.
    • Smile very brightly. If you feel more confident, you can try a smug smile.

Part 3 of 3: Pay attention

  1. Showing a relaxed and thoughtful look. If you are tired or have a night of staying awake, it will manifest the next day. Prepare to stay fresh and relaxed in advance, and make sure you're always neat and clean.
    • Make sure to have clear eyes. Use eye drops to treat red eyes. Your eyes will be clear and clear in seconds.
    • Take care of nails,. Your fingernails should always be kept short and clean.
    • If you have short hair, you probably don't have to do anything. However, for long hair, make sure it looks stylish and clean.
    • Be careful not to use too much perfume. Some women don't like fragrances at all, or they may be sensitive to scents that are too strong.
  2. Pay attention to environmental factors. Different locations will require different outfits. Especially if you have an eye on someone. The way you dress when you go to the club will be very different from when you go to the library. Let's take a look.
    • If you go to the club, stand out with casual clothing. The other boys will probably dress nicely. If you don't dress too fussy, you will feel more comfortable.
      • Note: Old gym pants are not recommended in this case. Think cool jeans and an elegant t-shirt.
    • If you go to the library, chances are all the guys there are will wear old gym pants. This is a great opportunity for you to wear beautiful outfits.
  3. There is a job available. The fact that you appear to be a focused guy can be a very tempting trait as it shows your seriousness. Besides, she will have a chance to observe your style from a safe distance.
    • If you are in a favorable position and can play an instrument, do it! Is there a girl who doesn't like a musician?
    • Are you planning to go to the coffee shop? Bring a lovely briefcase with your laptop and dress up in the popular office style. This shows you are there to deal with determination and concentration.
  4. Pay attention to those around you. Whatever your environment, be sure to proactively interact when chatting with people. This action not only shows politeness, but also shows your concern for the people in your life.
    • Nod to confirm that you are listening to what everyone in your group is saying.
    • Change your focus often by observing the others in your group.
    • Do not use your phone while other people are talking. This action shows indifference and impolite.