Ways to Understand Women

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ways to understand women’s
Video: Ways to understand women’s


If you're having trouble understanding the women in your life, don't worry - it's not as complicated as you might think. The key to understanding women is to let go of your guesswork and take the time to get to know each individual. Whether she is an acquaintance, a relative, or a lover, if you take the time to talk to them and really listen to what they have to say, you will soon get to know them better and what they care about. You will also realize the benefits of being familiar with women's issues and knowing how to identify and question some of the sex-related norms.


Method 1 of 2: Find out a certain woman

  1. Avoid making guesswork about her. It will be difficult to understand other people by assuming you know everything (or something) about them. When getting to know a woman, you should start with undoing any guesswork about her thoughts or feelings. Don't rush to conclude that you know her ultimate life, hobbies, or beliefs.
    • For example, if she's single, don't assume she's lonely and looking for a relationship. Not all women want a couple.
    • You may have difficulty identifying your guess. If you have any thoughts about the woman in your life, stop and ask yourself, “Why do I think that? Is there any good reason for me to believe that? "

  2. See her as an independent individual. Remember that every woman is an individual with unique characteristics and so are you. She has her own life stories, circumstances, and experiences - things that have a personal touch. When you begin to learn, you need to see her as an individual before you let the gender factor in or impose a subjective perception of how a woman "should" be.
    • That doesn't mean you have to ignore the gender factor - on top of that, it's still an important part of the identity of many people. However, be aware that gender does not completely determine who she is.

  3. Ask questions about her feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. One of the best ways to get to know someone and understand someone is to talk to them. If you want to know more about women, ask questions. However, do not ask too personal or scrutiny questions, especially if you are not close with her. For example, a few things you can ask are as follows:
    • "What do you usually do in your spare time?"
    • "How do you feel about this problem?"
    • "Why did you choose to pursue that field?"
    • "What do you want to achieve in the near future?"

  4. Listen to what she says. Asking questions and talking will only help you to understand the woman if you are genuinely interested in what she says. When she shares, you need to try to listen and understand the content. Don't just take the time to think about how you will respond during the conversation. Instead, listen first and then think about how to answer.
    • If you don't understand something, try repeating your own words or asking questions for clarification.
    • For example, you could say “That sounds like you don't want to choose to use this brand because they haven't come up with a solution to the environmental problem, right?
  5. Pay attention to body language hers. Listening to someone's words is not the only way to understand them. It is also important to pay attention to non-verbal gestures, such as facial expressions and posture. When you are with a woman or talking to her, observe how she expresses emotions through her face and body.
    • For example, if she looks at you, smiles and loosens her arms on either side of her body, she might be feeling comfortable and relaxed.
    • If she looks down at the floor and crosses her arms across her chest, she might be nervous, shy, or worried.
  6. Spend time with her when you can. Taking the time to meet someone can help you get to know them better. If you are able to meet her, you will have a chance to observe how she behaves in different situations and with many others. Depending on how intimate you are and how comfortable she is with you, try making an appointment with her in person or asking her to go out with the group.
    • Make specific invitations. For example, instead of asking an obscure question like, “Would you like to go somewhere with me every now and then?” You could say “I and a few friends are going to attend an event on Friday. Do you want to come with me? "
    • For a private meeting, try inviting her into something less stressful to give her time to talk to and understand. For example, you could invite her to have a coffee or lunch.
  7. Talk to her acquaintances for another perspective. If you find someone's behavior confusing, it can sometimes help to talk to a friend or acquaintance. These people can help you better understand her actions, thoughts, or words.
    • For example, try saying, “You have known Lan for a long time. Do you know why she gets annoyed when it comes to parrots? "
  8. Try putting yourself in her shoes. Deep empathy is an important part of understanding someone. Imagine yourself in her situation and ask yourself how you would think and feel in a similar situation.
    • For example, try thinking “Sometimes Mai often forgets, but she has to work two shifts and take care of her baby at home. She must often feel tired and exhausted. "
  9. Find out for yourself the problems women face. Even when you live in a place that is legally and socially gender equality, men and women face their own problems and challenges. To understand a woman, you need to look at the whole picture and understand the stresses and prejudices they face that you don't.
    • For example, you can read articles, books, or views on issues such as differences in health-care workers' treatment of men and women or the challenges women face in places. work.
    • If she complains about the challenges and dissatisfaction of the weaker sex, try to refrain from being objectionable or appear indifferent. Open up and try to see things from her perspective.

Method 2 of 2: Become understanding in a romantic relationship

  1. Give all of your attention to your partner when you are together. Even if you are in a romantic relationship with a girl, it will still be difficult to understand her without paying attention to her. You don't have to focus entirely on her 24/7, but pay attention to her when you are spending time together. Put your phone and distractions aside and focus on listening to what she says.
    • When you are talking, try to understand what she is saying before you respond. Ask questions to get a better understanding of what she shares.
    • She'll do the same thing if she realizes that you're really paying attention and trying to understand her.

    Chloe Carmichael, PhD
    Clinical psychologist

    Try out different romantic gestures based on what she likes. The trick here is to find out what the person feels so romantic. Some girls like the fact that lovers send flowers to the office on Valentine's Day because it makes them feel noticed and special. On the contrary, others believe that such things are cheesy or invade their private space.

  2. Be proactive about what she likes. You will get to know your partner better and build a better relationship if you care (even if just a little) about the things that are important to her. Ask her what activities she likes, what her goals and dreams are, and which goals and beliefs make the most sense for her. From there, you can arrange to do some of her hobbies together.
    • This can be as simple as watching her favorite TV show together or joining her favorite video game from time to time.
    • Ask questions about the things she is concerned about. For example, "What do you like best about this book?" or "What interests you about mountain climbing?"
    • Finding out what she cares about not only helps you get closer, but it also helps you get to know her better.
  3. Avoid making accusations or rushing conclusions while arguing. If the person does something that you cannot understand or agree with, do not rush to complain or accuse. This will cause her to protest and you will have a hard time understanding her point of view and coming up with ways to deal with the situation. Instead, let her know how you feel and express a desire to hear her calmly and respectfully explain her actions.
    • For example, you could say “I feel hurt and confused when you comment on my brother like that. Why did you say that? "
    • Avoid using accusing or guesswork language.For example, don't say "I'm always trying to put you and your family down to feel better about yourself!"
  4. Check with her. If you're not sure how the person feels or is thinking, the best way to find out is to ask. Make sure you really care about her answers and ask more questions when you don't understand.
    • You can ask open-ended questions like, "How are you feeling?" or more specific questions like, "Are you pissed off over our earlier argument?"
    • If she gives an elusive response or says she doesn't want to talk about it, don't push or be upset either. Instead, you can say “I get it. If you want to talk, I will always be ready to listen.
  5. Engage with your thoughts and feelings. This may sound strange, but knowing more about yourself can make it easier for you to understand the person. If you don't know what's going on in your head and in your heart, it will be difficult to connect with her thoughts and feelings. Take time every day to observe your body's emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
    • Don't try to judge or analyze your thoughts and feelings. You just need to observe and name them. For example, you might think to yourself, “When arguing with Lan, I feel scared. I'm afraid I will lose her. My shoulder feels tense and my heart beats fast. "

    Do you know yet? Research shows that mindfulness meditators are more likely to empathize and sympathize with others.
