Ways to Change for a Better Life

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 small changes that will improve your life.
Video: 10 small changes that will improve your life.


Changing your life for the better includes who you are, aspects of your life, your own environment, your goals and aspirations, and your motivation to live a healthy life. and happy. Life is a journey, and one way to change your life for the better is to accept that there are many things in life that are out of your control. The things you can control are your attitude, vision, resilience, mental health, and how you respond to situations life challenges you. Life changing is always a process, not just a simple adjustment.


Method 1 of 5: Self-awareness

  1. Obey your internal control point. The inner control point shows how you see yourself in relation to the events of your life and your attitudes toward what happens to you. A strong internal control point means that you take responsibility for everything in your life, you are courageous in your ability to solve problems, or problems that may arise in your path. To start changing your life for the better, raise your inner control point.
    • On the contrary, if you have an external control point, you feel like everything just happened to you, you are the victim of the situation, you don't feel competent to cope with difficult events .
    • As a simple example, imagine that you have just been in a car accident, no one is hurt, you and the other driver are both at fault. If you are an internal control point, you will accept the situation, believe that you can handle the consequences, and even though this is a difficult situation, you still think you can handle it. If your control point is outside, you will think like, “Why is this always happening to me? There is no such thing as what I want. I always do things broken. The whole world is against me, no matter what I do ".

  2. Determine where your control point is. There is a simple true - false test available online, you can try and score in about ten minutes to find out where your checkpoint is. Take a quiz to find out your score, from which you can begin to understand how you behave in life.
    • By understanding your beliefs and ability to handle adversity, you will be able to see where you must begin to change your attitudes towards life in a more positive and effective way.

  3. Know why you need a change. Feeling like you can't control yourself or your life can lead to feelings of stagnation, depression, helplessness, and despair. How can you change your life for the better if you feel that bogged down? Are you living your life or are you letting it go? Most people tend to think negatively about themselves when life doesn't work out as they imagined. This response is normal, but doesn't mean you can't change it.

  4. Start the change by logging. Once you know where your control point is and why you need a change, you can start moving toward a more powerful, inner life approach. Write down recent events that have caused you anger and frustration - such as school tests, performance at work, relationship self-esteem - and your successes and abilities. of adversity. Write down any worries, anxiety, anger, or distress you can think of. Next, you write down your natural response to these situations. Record as many real or imaginary examples as you can think of, both your reactions and your honesty and your honesty when life doesn't go as it should.
    • For example, people are often stressed out by performance at school or at work. Try writing: “If I fail this test, I am a failure and ignorant. The test is probably unfair and I don't have enough time to study. I can't do it ”. Those statements relieve your burden of responsibility for the actual results of the test. That will help you reach out and begin to change your feelings.
  5. Refine your thinking. Start with a stronger outlook on life with your journal lines. The power of words will help you to see your choices in how you see your life. Realizing that choice and using the energy you have to see your way of life will help you begin to change your life for the better. With the feelings recorded in your journal, begin to adjust your responses to prospective choices, to capacity, and to appreciation. Be in control of your decisions, own your timing and consequences, and be realistic about your role in the events of your life.
    • For example, you could write about a test like: “I should have studied more but I didn't because I was busy going to the movies, but it's okay. I did not do as well as expected, but next time it will be better. I know that because I know how to study and manage my time well. I'm just human, and sometimes make mistakes. There will be many more tests, and this is not the end of the world. I will talk to the professor to see what I can do to improve my grades ”.
  6. Turn the negative things in your life into positives. Let's start applying that promising and likely choice to the real world. Changing your life for the better begins with your attitudes about yourself and your life. Listen to your inner voice when you feel frustrated and frustrated. Make a note in your journal about the negative things that suddenly popped into your mind that day. Set an alarm in your phone so that the message "Speak positive to me today" appears every hour. Make small pieces of paper that say "Just say the positive to yourself" and place them in places like your bedside, on the office wall or in notebooks.
    • Take responsibility for how you treat yourself and interact with yourself. When you feel that you deserve to change for a better life, that feeling will bring about a positive change in your life.
    • For example, you drop a plate. Instead of thinking, "I'm a clumsy person!", Start changing that malicious type of thinking and write in your journal more positive corrected thoughts. You are not a clumsy person, you are just a person who occasionally drops plates. With that simple sentence, you are transforming the responsibility from being a clumsy person who always drops plates to someone who is not always perfect and sometimes makes mistakes. You are not as incompetent as you think you are.
  7. Realize your courage. Changing your life requires courage, and you are truly brave, even if you don't think so. Write in your diary all the times you felt brave, every time you faced a situation you couldn't seem to deal with, or situations that scared you but you really went beyond. through. Honor your courage, even if it's just living in this world.
    • For example, write down how you went to school to take a test even if you failed. Sometimes just being present takes courage. Courage is not an easy quality, and even if you are brave does not mean you are not afraid of anything. It just means that you have the power to cope with your fear and cope with life.
    • Try to be creative. Create collages to show how brave you are, write a poem about your courage or make a poster about all of your courageous things.
  8. Understand that this takes time and effort. Changing your life for the better doesn't mean that suddenly you have a better life when everything is in place, and you can enjoy and enjoy life freely. Changing your life requires courage. The transition from feeling bogged down, feeling helpless to overcome adversity to strong, optimistic and resilient attitudes and beliefs is essential to making a better change in your life. live your life.
    • You cannot change your life, you cannot predict your life, and the most well-organized plans can easily go bankrupt. However, you can change yourself and how you view life problems.

Method 2 of 5: Learn Yourself

  1. Evaluate your personal qualities. Developing a healthy quality is essential for changing your life for the better. Who are you? What kind of person do you want to be in this world? How do you see yourself? How do you think others see you? It is extremely important to discover and change how you look at yourself and how people see you. It can bring about a really big change in your behavior and give you the motivation to continue striving to change for a better life.
  2. Take Briggs, Meyers, & Jung personality tests. To learn more about yourself, take Briggs, Meyers, & Jung tests that include short multiple-choice questions that can help you recognize the key qualities of your personality. Use that result to discover what seems accurate about you. This will help you understand some of the basic functions of your personality through which you can change your life. Self-awareness and understanding are the starting point for positive changes in your life.
    • This test is available for free online.
  3. Focus on the point where you admire yourself. Write in your journal qualities that you admire to yourself. Are you a kind person? Are you talented at making people laugh? When you know that wisdom comes in many forms and not just education or credentials, do you feel intelligent? Are you curious? Start with the positive aspects of who you are and use your journal to faithfully list the things you truly love about yourself.
    • Do not limit yourself! Write comfortably about whatever you love about you, big or small. Do you like your hair? Your fingers? Do you like your voice or the way you talk? Do you like your style? You are a composite person from the many elements that you feel about yourself.
    • Surprise yourself by realizing how complex you are, and at the same time delve into the many aspects of yourself that you truly admire. Making positive changes in life means finding who you are and appreciating that person.
  4. Determine what you want to develop. Once you have a long list of the things you love, make a list of the qualities in your personality that you want to develop. Remember, change and growth require strenuousness that you cannot get right away. It's not just by writing in your journal that you hate losing your temper but waking up in the morning that you will have a sense of calm. You write it down to be aware of yourself. You cannot change or develop something you are not aware of.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself when it comes to journaling. Avoid using extreme or outrageous statements like "I'm stupid" or "I never do anything right." Focus on knowing that being human cannot be perfect and can make mistakes. Try to think about things like being less shy, more restrained, more organized, or becoming a better listener.
    • Everyone has flaws, and part of striving for a change for the better in life is seeing yourself and your personality as a work in progress.
  5. Set small and achievable goals. After you know what points you want to change, set small and workable goals to help you change every small part of your personality. Focus on one feature at each stage. For example, make a promise to yourself that today you will be using active listening in at least one conversation. Write down strategies that you can use to actively listen in everyday interactions and practice them.
    • At the end of the day, journal about your experience, how well you did it. Where is the time when you succeed? Where is the time when you do not hear as well as you can? Record your feelings about starting to change aspects of your personality.
    • Start slowly, because you probably don't want to immerse yourself by changing everything at once or demanding perfection. Be optimistic that will come. The more active you feel in creating a strong and satisfied ego, the more motivated you will be to continue changing your life for the better.
  6. Be thankful for being yourself. Take time each day to be grateful for being yourself. Part of transforming your life is getting to know yourself, accepting both your strengths and weaknesses, and feeling comfortable in yourself. Accepting yourself can help you feel more confident in yourself, in your life, and in the changes you want to make.
  7. Seek emotional support. If you find it difficult to change the way you think about yourself, find someone who can support you. It could be a family member, a friend or a colleague you trust. Educate yourself on methods to change negative thoughts about yourself.
    • If you feel like counseling can help, find a counselor with whom you feel comfortable talking. If you feel overwhelmed by learning more about yourself, your choices and your feelings, you may need to find a therapist. Changing your life at a high level is a challenging journey, and knowing when you need guidance and help is also a sign of strength.

Method 3 of 5: Setting Short-Term Goals

  1. Evaluate your life. After getting to know yourself, your qualities, and your personality better, you can begin to look at the real and changes you want to make. Journal a list of short-term goals that you can change in the near future, and long-term goals that may take more time and effort to work on.
    • Only you know what you want your life to be like, and only you will have the power to make decisions that change for a better life.
  2. Improve physical health. One of the ways you can change for the better is to take care of your physical health. When the body is healthy, the mind is also clear. The goal is to keep fit. Start planning activities like running, walking or some sort of physical activity three to five times a week.Add in strength training to help you stay supple. You should also eat better for your overall health.
    • If you smoke, try to quit. Tobacco is harmful to your health and to those around you. Use forms to help you quit smoking like nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, e-cigarettes, or support groups.
  3. Express yourself through appearance. If you are not satisfied with your style or your figure, plan to change it. Dress up in a new style or change your hairstyle to better suit your personality and the way you feel yourself. Start by wearing clothes that make you happy and comfortable with yourself. Wear fun accessories to add a bit of personality to your everyday look.
    • These can be small, gradual choices if you are not ready to change all at once. Do what feels right for you.
  4. Improve your living conditions. Your living environment can easily be improved with a little effort. If you're messy in nature, try cleaning the space of your room or house more often. A healthy place to live will help you feel more comfortable and in control of your life. Try to have a daily cleaning routine, because maintaining a cleaner and more organized living space can make you feel comfortable and your life will be better. If you are bored with the old design of the room or house, try redecorating it with a style that you find more interesting. Adding a few new pillows, changing the color of the paint on the wall or replacing your furniture will also make your living space more lovely.
    • Your surroundings really have an impact on your happiness and are a creative way of expressing the change you feel in your life.
    • Try living a more eco-friendly life or less of your "carbon footprint". Reduce electricity consumption by turning off lights, saving water when bathing, or try to avoid wastage in your living space. Start keeping your recycling cart in your home or carpooling to work. These are also easy ways to improve your living conditions.
  5. Join the community. Feeling connected to others can help you get in touch with others and with yourself. It is also a useful tool in understanding your life and how you want to change yourself for the better. Volunteer in the charity kitchens, at the homeless homes, at animal rescue or distribute food to cooperatives. Most of them will only require very little time, usually an hour a week or when you have time.
    • Volunteering for a cause you believe in is a great way to boost your self-esteem and strengthen your feelings of competence, as you are actively involved in helping others.
  6. Cultivate new hobbies. If you want to make your life better, start cultivating new hobbies or doing things you enjoy. Take a dance class, learn music or enroll in a bird class. Read more books or go to a place you've always wanted to explore. It doesn't matter what you like, as long as it's what you want to do.
    • Nurturing your sense of self will help you develop your motivation to continue to strive for a change in your life for the better.

Method 4 of 5: Setting Long-Term Goals

  1. Change of career. There are goals that are further away from the others. If you are dissatisfied with your career, think about ways to improve your situation. Consider any other realistic career goals that come to mind and work towards that goal. If you love your career but don't like your current specific situation, think about ways to aim for a promotion or change of job.
    • If you want to do something different, research what you really want to do and take steps in the direction you want to go.
    • This takes time, so go slowly, make solid decisions, and consider your finances wisely. Don't forget that using short-term goals when striving for change can help loosen the time for long-term change.
  2. Go back to school. No matter your age, you can learn new things and change your career and life. If there is a subject that makes you always tired of studying, find out what classes are useful for you. If you need a degree to find a new job, look for a degree program that you can handle in your current situation.
    • Trust yourself and your aspirations. Make informed decisions, learn about your future well, and know how you need to learn more to reach those goals.
  3. Improved relationships. Think about the people in your life, all of your social relationships, your family, and those close to you, and reflect on whether you are comfortable with them. Changing your life for the better also means being among those who share their dreams of striving for a better, more vibrant, and fulfilling life. Take time to listen to your feelings when you are with people you close to. Make decisions that make you feel safe, positive, and mentally comfortable. Ask the people around you to help change your life and see how they react. This can help you determine which relationships are healthy and beneficial for your life.
    • Don't make hasty decisions about the people in your life. Examine each of your decisions and how you feel about each relationship. If you are trying to change your life, you need support and support to help you become the person you want to be. Focus on nurturing such relationships.
  4. Consider where you live. Think if you are happy where you are. Is there any other place where you would picture yourself living? Relocation can change your life and outlook, but moving to another place requires planning, financial conditions and determination. This can be a good thing, but it can also upset your balance in life and change things you didn't expect.
    • Gather as much information as possible about cost of living, job opportunities, consequences for the life of you or your family, and the pressure to move to a new place before making a final decision. .

Method 5 of 5: Take care of yourself

  1. Know how you feel. Changing your life for the better can be challenging. It is important to take care of yourself and make sure you don't drain all your energy and give up as you embark on a life-changing journey. Praise yourself for being brave by simply cultivating the idea of ​​change, especially when it's not easy. Getting to know yourself and realizing your potential for courage, responsibility, and competence can be daunting. Honestly seeing your qualities - not just how you feel about yourself, but the way you think people perceive you - can be tiring. Making choices about what you want to change to make your life better can be intimidating, and the change itself can be exhausting.
    • Be proud, even just because you make an effort to change your life. Life is not easy, and proactively expressing yourself and finding your own abilities always requires strength.
  2. Reduce stress in your life. If you feel overwhelmed by the changes you are making, pause and rest. Watch a movie or a TV show, read a good book with you to play a game. Go out at night with friends to relax. Chat with a funny friend. Soak in a bath or hot shower to relieve stress.
    • If you want, you can talk to your friends about the changes you're feeling and get their advice or support.
  3. Keep calm. There are times when you get tired of the mountains of work.At such times, remember to practice breathing exercises. Take 10 minutes a day, sit with your hands on your stomach and breathe to dispel the stress. Remember that changing your life doesn't mean being perfect. Every day is a journey, and even days that make you feel bogged down and discouraged are part of the journey toward a better life.
  4. Self-awarded. As you strive for changes in your life, take time to reward yourself. Eat your favorite sweets, go out to play or cook yourself a delicious meal, buy a new shirt, a new video game, or any other reward that catches your eye. Try to remember that you are on a journey, and that you are marvelous at continuing on that path. Reward yourself for stepping on the ship and embark on a life-changing journey for the better.
    • If you are stressed, treat yourself to a massage or have someone you love give you a massage.