How to Show Love

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom
Video: How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom


Showing our love for those who deserve an art and, like any kind of art, they require the artist to constantly practice. For one thing, each person reacts to love in a different way. Some want to hear what is said, some need to see loving behavior, and others prefer to show it through gestures. Whether it's a friend, family member, spouse, or partner, convey words to show them that you care.


Method 1 of 3: Verbal Expression of Love

  1. Praise. Sometimes it is easy to think that those around us know we care about and appreciate them, when in reality they do not know this. To show appreciation, praise others. Is your friend always helping you? Let them know. Does your husband / wife look good today? You can praise them. Does she have a friend like no one else? Please confess to her. Then the other half will feel very proud of themselves.
    • Start with simple statements. "I really appreciate you" or "I'm very happy to have you in my life" are two safety compliments.
    • Both women and men love to be praised for their looks and personal qualities. "You are so pretty / handsome / cute / cute" can be quite effective. "You are very kind / smart / kind" also works well.
    • However, you need to be honest at all times. Don't be reluctant to give compliments just to please someone. If you don't like your spouse's food, don't lie (but appreciate his or her time and effort). Compliments won't mean much if they don't come out of sincerity because it's not hard to see.

  2. Exhortation. Part of that love is hoping that friends and loved ones thrive, and cheering them on. You could say that you want to go to graduate school and mention it to your best friend. She immediately dismisses the idea, telling you that it will take too much time and money. Do you feel loved? No. of course. Keep this in mind until the right time to show love. Encourage those around them to thrive and pursue what makes them happy.
    • Here is another example. For example, your boyfriend reveals that he has always wanted to be a criminal police officer. He is thinking about changing his career to law enforcement. How should you react? He's always been reliable. Would you encourage him to follow his dream or make fun of him? What is the most effective expression of love?
    • Compliments in the above ways can be very encouraging.Try to strengthen your loved one's self-esteem by pointing out their strengths - she's always hardworking, kind, and talented.
    • You can also encourage loved ones through solidarity. "I believe in you" or "Remember that I'm here for you" will give them more motivation.

  3. Asking for advice. Whether it's your mother, a neighbor, a friend, or a lover, asking for advice from someone shows that you value and trust their opinion. This makes them feel inspired, strengthens a sense of worth, and makes your relationship better. There is no loss in consulting. There is something you can understand from this conversation.
    • Your question does not have to have to do with something big. Ask them if they like any new restaurants, or go get a car repair. Advice is often sought when in a life crisis, but you should not cause any additional problems.

  4. Thanks generously. Loving a friend or partner as the relationship lasted for many years will be more difficult than it did at first. Imagine you have a relationship that spans many years. Naturally, you share chores at home; wash dishes while the other person takes out the trash. These are just the things you should do, but the reality of the matter is that your partner probably doesn't like taking out the trash very much. Your ex will appreciate you by saying "thank you" and will be more than happy to know that your efforts have caught the attention of others.
    • Thank you specifically: for example, "I appreciate you doing the dishes for me" or "Thank you for doing everything for me".
    • Take some time to think about your partner. They did a lot of work for you but you didn't notice it. Did he buy more food in the house? Wash your towels? Wait for you in the parking lot? They are showing you that they love you - in return you should thank them!
  5. Always be honest. An effective way to show others that you value someone is to open up your heart and share your feelings. This is more than just revelation. Being open to a friend or partner shows that you trust them and want to rely on them. This makes the other person feel as though they are the bonding person between the two of you. Of course you should only let others lean on you if you feel comfortable. There are other ways to show love if you're not ready to do this!
    • The relationship needs to be really strong before you reveal your deepest, darkest secrets. Make sure you truly trust the person. Do not give secrets to new acquaintances or friends across the street.

Method 2 of 3: Expressing Love with Daily Behavior

  1. Become a good listener. Listening can also be an act of love. Whether your friend or loved one is boastful or not, show love without words, but eyes and body. Put down your phone, face the other person, and listen to them. The last time you got so much attention from other people that you realized it? It's a rather rare and wonderful feeling.
    • While the other person is speaking, make an effort to listen. Pay attention to focus on them. Put all the objects in your hand down like a phone or book, listen to what they're saying, and respond. If you don't know what to say, give the other person a close hug.
    • Try to be a sympathetic listener, even if there isn't a special occasion. When your friends come in, ask them. Your partner needs your full attention as if they were looking through a list of items. That's when they don't expect your attention the most.
  2. Always show affection toward the other person. People like to be close. We need this to grow. We need to feel like a social creature and as if other people care to take care of us and keep us safe. This is completely natural and innate. What's more, research has also shown that subconsciously we like people who are always closer to us than others. This not only helps you to show love through close contact, but also strengthens your relationship.
    • Be clear that the concept of "intimacy" is not just about cuddling or having sex. Shoulder shack, hand bang, back pat - all of these actions have the same effect. Closeness breaks all physical barriers, showing the other person that you acknowledge their presence, care for them, and feel a sense of belonging.
    • Give the person you love a long, tight hug. Like other types of exposure, hugging is the best act of showing love and building strong bonds. You can hug the other person tightly for 7 seconds. Scientists don't know why, but seven seconds is the time it takes to form real bonds.
    • This is not a compassionate hug or a relief. This is an impromptu hug for no reason. There is no motivation for this action, no guilt, or no sense of responsibility. It is love because your sole purpose is to show the other person that you care.
    • If both are comfortable, a stroke of the hand, a shoulder, a squeeze, or a kiss are also affectionate actions.
  3. Create space in life. The relationship develops for the better when everything is shared, whether it's important or simply a good friend. What can you share in life? A wardrobe? Drink specials for that person when they visit your home? School things? Make the person a part of your life. This way, those you love will realize how much you care for them.
    • One way to see someone you love become a part of your life is to introduce them to other friends and family. Everyone wants to be a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, or even a proud sibling. Make them feel important; It is crucial to mention the person to other loved ones.
    • As stated before, asking for advice, compliments, and thanks are all actions that let your loved one know that you are thinking about them.
  4. Make fun or create memorable moments. The relationship consists of the little moments the two spend together that no one really can understand. To prove that these moments mean a lot to you, you can save them. How? Be creative. Burn a compilation CD of all your favorite songs. Print the photo you took while going to the beach on top of a glass of water. Give your loved one something to remember your good times. This will also help the other person see how much you love them.
    • This gesture doesn't have to be too big. It's only for your friend or partner to see that you are paying attention to them.
    • Did they mention wanting a pair of Splenda socks? You can give them a couple of pairs. Have you ever joked about cheese donuts? Then let's make this dish yourself. This moment will then be twice as memorable.
  5. Dress up to impress. If you are in a romantic relationship, try dressing up in her favorite outfit or wearing an accessory she likes. Will your girlfriend enjoy when you wear a tie? You might surprise her on a date night. Does she like you to wear pilot sunglasses and fedora hats? Then please bring those accessories. You don't have to say anything about it; Just rest assured that she will know this is for her.
    • This principle applies to perfumes, foods, and other items. Does your husband like a certain kind of wine? You can buy a bottle on the way home.
    • Your girlfriend secretly loves anchovy pizza? Let her enjoy it once. She will imitate your actions, and you will both be happier.

Method 3 of 3: Expressing Love with a Special Gesture

  1. Give a gift. Some people feel loved the most when they receive a gift.For these people, gifts are not as important as the act of giving, because this is an expression of love. That is really effective behavior. You can give gifts on a holiday, birthday, or anniversary. It is even possible to give surprise gifts from time to time.
    • Gifts can be flowers and chocolate. Or, it could be a handmade card.
    • Often the most memorable gifts are those we never expected. If you hear a loved one mention a book they like, but can't afford, they will remember it if you buy it for your loved one.
    • Big or small, the gift means "I'm thinking of you." The person realizes that this is an affirmation and an expression of love. However, you should make sure that your gestures always follow your actions. Imagine that you have given your mother a huge bouquet of flowers but then don't call for months. Neglect reduces the value of the gift.
  2. Do good work. Imagine being trapped in an airport all night like this. Now, what if it takes two hours from your friend's house to the airport and he offers to pick you up? What if a loved one lends you without interest when you have financial problems? These are all gestures of love, of giving without requiring in return. Showing love is sometimes an show of selflessness.
    • Cover the bill next time you and your partner go out for a meal or coffee.
    • Offer to help him out on difficult tasks, like moving or cleaning the garage.
    • Sometimes the most thoughtful gifts, which really show others that we love them, are gifts that include sacrifices in them. That is why we call it "good deeds." If a friend needs to go to the airport at 5:00 a.m., you can still offer to drive them away while you normally do a deep sleep during that hour. Efforts to show that you value your friends more than this inconvenience.
  3. Plan some time together. Unlike accepting gifts, some people feel like spending time with friends, family, and spouse. It is important during this time that people interact, not just be close to each other. You should pay much attention to the person you love. Plan experiences together, be it taking classes in dance, opera, skating, or shooting marbles. These are all great bonds, and getting ahead of schedule creates a quality time together.
    • Time spent together may include going to the movies, or drinking coffee. You can also play chess or even travel here.
    • Spending time with someone you love shows you want them to be an integral part of your life. You can do these things on your own, but you choose to work with them instead. Those people are of certain importance to you.
  4. Cooking. There is a maxim like this: "The way to a man's heart is through the stomach". Many people show their love for food - not just for men. Treating and preparing others for food is one way to form deep bonds and show affection. You can invite your best friend over to her home to enjoy her favorite foods, along with drinks, desserts, and appetizers. She will realize how much you care about her.
    • If you are not a good chef, then nothing too serious. Another way you can use it is to arrange for someone you love to participate in an activity or to give away something that that person likes. Your spouse likes horses? Plan your horseback ride. Does he like chrysanthemums? Then you can put as many chrysanthemum vases in your room as possible. It is important to convey that you love him and are thinking about him.
  5. You need to keep in mind that: each recognizes and expresses love in different ways. You may think that you are always showing love to your partner or friend, but they may not be able to grasp it if you do not respond to their needs. For example, some people express their love with physical intimacy, while others express love through gestures or quality time spent. You need to fine-tune your approach to match the needs and expectations of the person you love.
    • Showing love in different ways can also be a good idea, just include additional basic actions. Apply gestures, words, intimacy, gifts, and quality time. If you want to make your loved ones feel truly valued, you can let them know through words and actions to show your level of concern. Do small things as well as big things. Express it in a quiet or grandiose way. After that, you can rest assured that your love was shown so that the other person can recognize it.


  • You should express your love in your own way instead of imitating clichés. The more difference you make, the more realistic and effective you will make your actions.
  • A very important skill for showing love is listening. When you listen to what the other person tells you, such as hobbies, dreams, etc., you can then use this information to surprise you with a special gift you can for them. Ideas can be tailored to your personality or to the recipient.